Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether WalkerGuys. What weapon to farm for my Ramaladni's gift? I don't want to waste it. Class is Wizard.
Guess it really depends on what build you are running. Ancient Serpent if you're going to run two hydras with Theos. I would just use it on a good ancient weapon you find as gifts are easier to find than the best weapons.
Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker Aether Walker
or if you're one of those lame-o's, then Serpent's Sparker.
Thanks for the suggestions! Let's see what drops first then.![]()
I hope you are not gambling kadala for weapons. Set pieces will get you to T6, weapon won't.
Yeah, i set the game too hard. Its better now.
Is it worth blacksmithing? I think i have had some crazy good loots, so i have always had an epic weapon. Recently got a legendary sword with like 77+ dmg and really good attributes. I havent even seen anything close to that at a merchant and nothing comes close at the blacksmith too. Managed to get better armor by smithing, but thats it.
Is it worth it at later levels?
Seem to be hitting a brick wall at GR41, just scraped through one last night.
Here is my Barb
Any suggestions?
double unity and you'll be able to do gr50, this weapon is fucking ridiculous
also get a better amulet (str chd chc socket), either hellfire or mara preferably but any will do
gloves can be a little bit better (IAS or vit instead of AOE damage)
warcry impunity instead of stomp (useless)
replace weapons master for something more useful (berseker rage is good for killing the GR)
Here's mine and I clear 48 without struggling or any pylon (didn't try too much to clear higher)
guess this guy just finished a 62 on his wiz.
I tuned in right after he finished lol.
somewhat of a noobish question even though I've been playing for a long time. I've got Paragon Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor and Wizard. I'm making new characters for Barbarian, Monk and Crusader.
Obviously the stash inventory space is just not enough for everyone. Is the best thing to do to make two of each class and use one character as a pack mule for their inventory space?
I wish I had more space...
Seriously, i am playing on hard but this is just too easy. Lord of lies was horrible. What the heck has blizzard done with the difficultysettings in this game? Why havent this been patched?
Other than that, i am enojoying this game alot.
Seriously, i am playing on hard but this is just too easy. Lord of lies was horrible. What the heck has blizzard done with the difficultysettings in this game? Why havent this been patched?
Other than that, i am enojoying this game alot.
Smart loot trashed the difficulty curves. When I first got to Diablo at launch, I had like 4k hp on my DH, and some of my gear probably didn't have any relevant stats at all. Now days you'd prob have main stat + vit on every slot plus a bit of crit chance on your gloves or something.
Seriously, i am playing on hard but this is just too easy. Lord of lies was horrible. What the heck has blizzard done with the difficultysettings in this game? Why havent this been patched?
Other than that, i am enojoying this game alot.
if you decide to be competitive, play exclusively on seasons and not worry about stash space ever.somewhat of a noobish question even though I've been playing for a long time. I've got Paragon Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor and Wizard. I'm making new characters for Barbarian, Monk and Crusader.
Obviously the stash inventory space is just not enough for everyone. Is the best thing to do to make two of each class and use one character as a pack mule for their inventory space?
I wish I had more space...
Seriously, i am playing on hard but this is just too easy. Lord of lies was horrible. What the heck has blizzard done with the difficultysettings in this game? Why havent this been patched?
Other than that, i am enojoying this game alot.
if you decide to be competitive, play exclusively on seasons and not worry about stash space ever.
somewhat of a noobish question even though I've been playing for a long time. I've got Paragon Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor and Wizard. I'm making new characters for Barbarian, Monk and Crusader.
Obviously the stash inventory space is just not enough for everyone. Is the best thing to do to make two of each class and use one character as a pack mule for their inventory space?
I wish I had more space...
Founded this word before cydea. Because of that ability, it is still better than everything i find. Even if the weapon has a dmg increase of 158%...
I haven't touched Diablo 3 since first release and looking to pick it up again! What's the best way to purchase the game these days - is there a bundle where you get vanilla D3 and Reaper of Souls too? Looking to get it on PC rather than console.
I haven't touched Diablo 3 since first release and looking to pick it up again! What's the best way to purchase the game these days - is there a bundle where you get vanilla D3 and Reaper of Souls too? Looking to get it on PC rather than console.
So when is that new content or area supposed to hit that they showed at blizzcon last year? Seems like there is no news on it. Or is there a 3rd expansion coming soon?
Why not simply wait for the timer to reach 4-4 and a half minutes left before killing the Guardian Rift, to get a key only 1 level higher than your rift level, thus completing more GR starting from a single key?
I've been doing it that way, leaving to complete some bounty in between or just going afk while waiting on the timer, starting from GR level 1 and it has been working really well, letting me do a lot more GR runs out of 1 key.
Edit: Just got an ancient thunderfury so I need a suggestion about what to reroll, the dmg range or the slot for 10% dmg:
Just message me when you want to play fellow SteamGaffer!The rng in this game is so annoying - been stuck on T3 for the last couple of weeks due to no ancient drops.
Can't even do GRs properly since I get GR 12/13 -> GR 16/17, and then can't finish that on time - so basically 2 GRs at a time.
Congratulazioni per la spada, tuttavia ha un grosso difetto, i danni da area non sono desiderabili come stat. Ti consiglio di rerollare quelli in +% dmg oppure lo slot in %dmg ma solo se hai dei Ramaladni da buttare per recuperare lo slot nell'arma. Ti consiglio questo spreadsheet comunque: fanne una copia sul tuo drive personale così puoi modificarlo, calcola il danno dell'arma e prevede il danno finale in base ai reroll. Nel tuo caso l'opzione migliore è rerollare comunque per ottenere +10%dmg, ma cosa vorrai rerollare per ottenerlo spetta ovviamente a te deciderlo.
P.S. Sorry for the language NeoGAF, but Lain is a fellow italian and we're quite a rarity!
I did that for a while, then just got bored that I was just afking. Honestly, it works the first 10-15 times, after that you're just wondering what on earth you're doing staring at the screen.Why not simply wait for the timer to reach 4-4 and a half minutes left before killing the Guardian Rift, to get a key only 1 level higher than your rift level, thus completing more GR starting from a single key?
I'll hit you up next time you're on KiruJust message me when you want to play fellow SteamGaffer!I finally beat a 26 one lately. Comfortable with T4.
Here's a tip, since GR difficulty is not bound to game difficulty you can:I did that for a while, then just got bored that I was just afking. Honestly, it works the first 10-15 times, after that you're just wondering what on earth you're doing staring at the screen.
Link your build maybe?The rng in this game is so annoying - been stuck on T3 for the last couple of weeks due to no ancient drops.
Can't even do GRs properly since I get GR 12/13 -> GR 16/17, and then can't finish that on time - so basically 2 GRs at a time.
Link your build maybe?
Ancients shouldn't matter except for pushing leaderboards. If you're stuck at T3, ancient versions of what you have/want won't fix anything. Whatever set bonus you're working for - aim for one of the 6pc bonus of your class. Get an RoRG and try to get a 4pc bonus for one of your class' big sets (the ones with 6+ slots). Those are what take you from T3 to T4 to T6 to T6 rifts becoming the thing you see people do in like sub 5 minutes. Start spending your shards rolling for your set pieces. They can be complete shit, roll bad stats, roll super low range, but as long as you have the set bonus, those are the real multipliers to killing speed, not making your sheet damage go up a few thousand.
If your slots are still full of regular legendaries and you're not taking advantage of your class set bonuses, that's what's going to actually leave you struggling. Trust me, I made the same mistake.
I would say check out diablo 3 subreddit, which links to each classes' individual subreddits. They usually have fairly decent "I just hit 70, how do I get to rolling T6 in my sleep?" guides.
Here's a tip, since GR difficulty is not bound to game difficulty you can:
- create a game in a difficulty you're comfortable to farm (T2 + is advisable)
- open GR steamroll enemies until GR appears
- take note of the remaining time and portal home
- start doing bounties, just always check the time and NEVER use the portal to teleport to town
- when there's less than 4:30 minutes left in the rift use the map to go back in town
- take back the portal to the rift and kill the guardian, get your GR +1key
- rinse and repeat
No time wasted.
This is me: Demon Hunter
My damage is about 450k (on the low side), but I'm trying to farm up gear now - thing is, I have most of the Natalya + off-hand + rings I want. Other than stat upgrades I'm only looking to replace my shoulder/wrist/amulet and belt completely. My templar also sucks currently since I can't get any drops for him.
As for skill build, I do the typical RoV + Strafe farming method that is usually quite effective, I just seem to have hit a wall in regards to rift clearing time.
I really don't like Nats, especially that build, but anyway. Most important pieces you should be gambling for right now should be gloves and chest to finish your set bonus. Also you need a Crashing Rain belt, which is pretty much also required.. Meanwhile just try to get a socket in your neck and get one more gem in there (I think most Nat's use Taeguk).This is me: Demon Hunter
My damage is about 450k (on the low side), but I'm trying to farm up gear now - thing is, I have most of the Natalya + off-hand + rings I want. Other than stat upgrades I'm only looking to replace my shoulder/wrist/amulet and belt completely. My templar also sucks currently since I can't get any drops for him.
As for skill build, I do the typical RoV + Strafe farming method that is usually quite effective, I just seem to have hit a wall in regards to rift clearing time.
That build, if intended, is quite strange with that Marauder twist. Anyway you're missing 2 sockets in the weapons, which means missing 300% CHD.I really don't get why you rerolled a secondary on your OH instead of a primary socket. On bracers, reroll the regen for +fire dmg (if it's what you're looking for in the build). Just out of the top of my headThis is me: Demon Hunter
My damage is about 450k (on the low side), but I'm trying to farm up gear now - thing is, I have most of the Natalya + off-hand + rings I want. Other than stat upgrades I'm only looking to replace my shoulder/wrist/amulet and belt completely. My templar also sucks currently since I can't get any drops for him.
As for skill build, I do the typical RoV + Strafe farming method that is usually quite effective, I just seem to have hit a wall in regards to rift clearing time.
I don't know, what were your issues at RoS's launch?How is the game today, compared to RoS post release? I have just started the game after so long, and it seems to have a new "Season Hero" thing, aswell as Seasons 1 to 3, that I didn't know existed yet.
Is the game improved, the rng is any better, or something?
I don't know, what were your issues at RoS's launch?
There are quite a few more useful/powerful Legendaries than before and acquiring them is a lot easier as well. Sets are insanely powerful now for every class now and the classes are closer together at the top end. Plus a bunch of quality of life improvements.
Actually I already ejoyed a lot of RoS changes. I stopped playing for other reasons... but its good to know that Legendary drops are better.
However, I just got into the game to try it out, and when I select public game, whatever difficulty I select and adventure / campaing modes, it says that there are "0 players". I didn't know it was abandoned like that. =(