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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Please, I would like to join the NeoGAF Diablo III Reaper of Souls clan. I am unfortunately at work at the moment.



I've asked this before but is there an EU clan at all anymore?
And if there isn't, does anyone on EU want to play?

Most of the people I play with have quit in the past week it's pretty boring now

The ingame search shows one with 128 members but I cant tell if it's active or not.


why. it drops at a better chance next patch. Wait until then and do something else in the meantime.

Please. You think he's going to get a good one the first time? Hell, no. Best to get the shitty ones out of the way now so there's something remotely useful to reroll blow all your gold on at the Mystic.

Just start each D3 session with 4 or 5 act 1 spit runs and then move on to rifts or something else for fun. This gives two benifits. You won't feel so burned out, you get that "just signed on" magical leg probability boost, and doing split bounties tends to yield a good stack of reflecting pools you can then take to running rifts or something else.

I was in the same boat, then I just limited it to a once a session effort and it finally dropped without losing any of my hair. I still start my sessions with quick normal bounty runs to get like 5 stacks of reflecting pools, especially if I am going to do some hell rift level 1 runs.


I'd really like to get back in the clan, I play every day and will continue to do so.


Also, have they ever said how long we can expect a season to last?


Woah. Someone completed the 6 pc monk set. It turns out it is way better than expected.


those DMG numbers though.. holy shit! I can't wait to complete my set 4 times so I can get all the correct res!! This is going to be so sick!
These boots are technically better than the Ice Climbers but I love that immunity. Can I make them better?

How do I increase their damage?

Woah. Someone completed the 6 pc monk set. It turns out it is way better than expected.


those DMG numbers though.. holy shit! I can't wait to complete my set 4 times so I can get all the correct res!! This is going to be so sick!

sarcasm overload:p

you don't need to worry about the secondary res min maxing btw...
the monk I run t6 with doesn't and he's fine, he also speeds up our runs immensely (6-8 mins with monk, 8-10 without) since EP is just so amazing with the weapon

Not saying monks don't need cooler setbonusses or better solo dmg, but all classes have the problem with most of their sets being shit and being limited to one build for t5-6.

-Anything other than quake barb has no place in t6 either (no matter how good some gaffer may claim his raekor set is bahaha)
-For wiz the firebird set is trash and if you don't have wand of woh (which 95 percent of wizards don't and never will) then only a full cooldown reduction build with the vyr bonus is good for high torments
-DH is insanely squishy at high torment and while they have some fairly cool setbonusses their damage really falls off hard at high torment (compared to wiz barb WD and EP monk, sorry crusaders :p)
With calamity (another one of those noone will ever find it weapons) and the wolf buff they still bring something to speed up runs at least.
-I have the gyrfalcon and jenkabord and pretty nice gear on my crusader and I can't say I'm impressed with their damage either, though the akkhan set bonus is really nice and probably makes them a lot better in high torment. The crit judgement and nephalem glory buff is nice at least.
-WD is good with 3 pieces of zuni or 5 pieces of harvester (if you can somehow get them:p) but without they are really bad in group play imo because the pet AI is retarded and the passive fetishes really don't do much damage at all
the mass confusion damage buff , piranhas and totem make for good buffs though


Ok infinite Tempest Rush is too fun. I might really try and gather some pieces for a legit build of that. I was just playing around by taking all my fire equips from my DH and putting them on my monk along with a daibo (one that gives tempest rush the tailwind rune). You pretty much get the permanent buff from the movement passive if you put that on. Also had a helm that gives a bunch of spirit when using blinding flash. I wasn't losing spirit though, but that could come in handy if I got rid of some of my spirit regen for damage.

Basically want to do a build of infinite tempest rush with epiphany and seven sided strike. Basically infinite rush and then bam epiphany to SSS for elites.

This basically what my Reduced cooldown monk build is. I have like 67% reduced cooldown and the staff that reduces SSS even further. My spirit never dropped when in TR. Epiphany wasn't down long and when it was I was using SSS.

Eek plays it similar too. It is fun.

Yeah it's pretty fun. The problem is that it doesn't scale up very well. My damage can go up a bit but not significantly. Most of my ugprades now would be defensive (stacking my 2res on pieces like reaper's wraps; I've crafted 25 of these w/o lightning res so.. woohoo)

I've actually been doing a lot of timed runs with my different classes in a duo setting with blaq (wd).

My fire monk actually clears T3 w/ him faster than running 2x WD and it's also faster than the traditional "buff" monk where you only cyclone/IS/EP.

What I'm running is 65-67% CDR w/ as much fire as I can get. Az fist w/ harrington waist.

I don't think SSS is necessary as you're moving way too fast. Snapshot harrington buff on Epiph and I'm doing 11-12m per shadow clone crit or up to 15's if I snapshot harrington + blinding flash. Without harrington buff I'm doing 4-5m or 6-7m w/ blinding flash snapshot.

This is more than enough to TR toward enemies, hit a couple with Az EP then TR away and blow them up with shadow clone as you're TRing away.

I run GNK/LTK for the rest of the stuff. My main mobility skill is actually "dashing" EP where I'm in epiph and I use EP key to dash to a target and hit them with the palm.

With this amount of CDR you have pretty much 100% uptime on inner sanctuary too which is really nice in group.

Now to the issues: This shit doesn't scale. It just doesn't. My main upgrade right now is a cindercoat but after 24k shards into chests and getting a cindercoat that wasn't my res IDK if I'm going to go down this route anymore. The main thing I'd be getting would be cost reduction for more LTK spam but I'd lose my born bonus until I can craft a born sword which would make me lose the fire bonus on my weapon evening out cindercoat fire bonus. Even then my DPS would be the same; I would just be able to spam ~20-30% more LTK which isn't that huge of a deal right now anyway especially for T3. In T4 it might come in handy but you're just extending engagements by 20-30% more LTK rather than scaling up in DPS like every other class. It doesn't make sense.

The more obtainable upgrade is repear's wrap w/ my res on it but even if I get that my DPS is the same I'm just making it so I'm more survivable on T4+ which is stupid. At that point I need to drop something to pick up more support skills and I become support bitch again.

And of course there is RoRG w/ CDR + my res. Yeah.... I'll just leave that as is.

sarcasm overload:p

you don't need to worry about the secondary res min maxing btw...
the monk I run t6 with doesn't and he's fine, he also speeds up our runs immensely (6-8 mins with monk, 8-10 without) since EP is just so amazing with the weapon

Not saying monks don't need cooler setbonusses or better solo dmg, but all classes have the problem with most of their sets being shit
anything other than quake barb has no place in t6 either (no matter how good some gaffer may claim his raekor set is bahaha)

Yeah sorry I don't want to be someone's bitch. Maybe some people enjoy that but it isn't fun for me. I already have a 47% CDR monk w/ 18m toughness & BoH helm (3-4s CD) that I can buff movement speed, cyclone strike, and 88% EP bomb + %phys w/ IS every pack. I'd rather kill myself than play at that point. What's the purpose of even playing that role when you're getting shitty monk drops in group? You're basically speeding up runs so your homies can outgear you even more? Fuck that.


I just saw those leaked Legendaries.

If those vanilla Legendaries don't get some Legendary affixes then that is going to result in an epic meltdown. Would be really fucking embarrassing if they just dilute the Ladder pool with a bunch of garbage Legendaries.

Garbage legs???

those are ladder-exclusive transmogs, my man!


Woah. Someone completed the 6 pc monk set. It turns out it is way better than expected.


those DMG numbers though.. holy shit! I can't wait to complete my set 4 times so I can get all the correct res!! This is going to be so sick!





the problem i have with my DH is hatred. i probably need a cindercoat and resource reduction because after about 5-6 shots i am out of hatred and it does not regen very fast so i'm forced to use a generator. just feels clunky to me. on my wizard when i was using arcane torrent i could channel it until everything was dead and still have half my power left which would be back to full in a few seconds. i never had to use a generator. now with MM and mirrorball i dont even need a spender so i can have 100% uptime of damage. it's just so much nicer.

What's your Wizard build? I'm very curious. Can you link me?
What I was trying to say is most classes only have one viable high torment spec really (a big problem with the game), monks aren't unique in that
While I was full lightning barb I was nothing more than the group's runspeed bitch either :(

I have 4 piece tal and a few firebird (ew:p) on my wiz and it's the same for him, stuck sucking in t3 until I get my vyr or a wand of woh
(despite having SOJ, an amazing moonlight ward, the arcane wand, aughild set, 3 pieces of tal, rrog, a good hellcat)

WD is the only class I can think of that has 2 builds/sets that work really well in t5-6? (I'm going to ignore ultrarares like krider/ calamity/Woh since those aren't anything people can realistically expect to ever attain)
You played WD before right, so your grass is greener on the other side view is a bit skewed by being spoiled on the WD

I get the feeling of 'boosting the group while they gear up to outdps me more', that is probably how our DH feels and is how I felt on my barb till I got lucky enough to even see a piece of earthen set after 400+ rifts (and finish it by rift 800)

I get that you don't want to play EP spec, I'm not interested in playing arcane on my wizard either

I wouldn't expect much in a way of a remedy from blizzard though, if anything they'll probably nerf the few good specs


What I was trying to say is most classes only have one viable high torment spec really (a big problem with the game), monks aren't unique in that

You're also implying that monk's 1 high torment spec is being carried by 3 dpsers... so that really makes all classes except monks have 2 high torment specs. Their real one and getting carried by 3 geared players.



You're also implying that monk's 1 high torment spec is being carried by 3 dpsers... so that really makes all classes except monks have 2 high torment specs. Their real one and getting carried by 3 geared players.

I was about to say this.

4 Monks walk into a Torment 6 Rift...

That's the JOKE!
You're also implying that monk's 1 high torment spec is being carried by 3 dpsers... so that really makes all classes except monks have 2 high torment specs. Their real one and getting carried by 3 geared players.


I said he's speeding up our runs significantly
He marks a few targets and we dps one of them down to set off his explosion , replace him by any other class and we go a lot slower
So who is carrying who in the end, maybe we are just monks EP fuse bitch:p
He brings the bombs we merely light the fuse

Again I'm not saying monks don't need a spec and set so they can actually do the deeps without needing someone else to trigger it for them, I'm totally with you
I still think the concept of EP is cool and at least makes the class unique
What exactly is the difference between a pet WD and a DH other than the picture on the icon for the damage buff they provide?
You're also implying that monk's 1 high torment spec is being carried by 3 dpsers... so that really makes all classes except monks have 2 high torment specs. Their real one and getting carried by 3 geared players.


Monk's viable build in t6 is a party spec alone as well. It's not viable solo at all.

What's the quickest a monk can smash ghom on T6 currently?

I said he's speeding up our runs significantly
He marks a few targets and we dps one of them down to set off his explosion , replace him by any other class and we go a lot slower
So who is carrying who in the end, maybe we are just monks EP fuse bitch:p
He brings the bombs we merely light the fuse

Again I'm not saying monks don't need a spec and set so they can actually do the deeps without needing someone else to trigger it for them, I'm totally with you
I still think the concept of EP is cool and at least makes the class unique
What exactly is the difference between a pet WD and a DH other than the picture on the icon for the damage buff they provide?

That's most monks frustrations though. Especially if the monk has been playing since vanilla D3 like myself, eek and others here.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I'll be online in a bit if anyone needs and invite to the clan.



Three changes I'd make to the game if I could.

1) You can't roll two of the same stat when trying to reroll an affix. The more rolls you go without a particular stat appearing, the more likely it is to appear.

2) Reduce gem crafting costs for the lower-level gems (Marquise and Imperial).

3) Remove all the trash legendaries. Replace their drop percentage with Forgotten Souls. Their models can be added as rare transmog-only items that drop from weapon racks, etc. Legendary weapons must roll with main stat and socket.
Better than I thought, though still 6 times slower than a WD.

Looks like he's running a similar build to what I was dicking around with prior to rolling a DH.

Reduced cool down, inner sanctuary and epiphany.

oh come on, you can't expect monks or any class to have the burst dmg on single target that a pet WD does... that's the one thing (and the one boss! because there are no adds for the idiotic gargantuan to get distracted by) WD is good at as pet spec:p

What happens in rifts as WD is you pop your garg and totem and the garg runs off to chase a random add and ends up doing no damage on the rift boss

edit: just tried on my quake barb and it also took 30 seconds to kill him (WITH follower cos I can't tank his cloud for that long without unity unlike monk)
So going off that video you linked I'm going to say boohoo your damage is just fine with the right gear
You can't expect to wtf explode enemies in group , provide so many buffs and still do single target damage similar to a WD (which doesn't work like it does on anything but ghom)

I'd try ghom on my crusader but I would die of old age before he dies


oh come on, you can't expect monks or any class to have the burst dmg on single target that a pet WD does... that's the one thing (and the one boss! because there are no adds for the idiotic gargantuan to get distracted by) WD is good at as pet spec:p

What happens in rifts as WD is you pop your garg and totem and the garg runs off to chase a random add and ends up doing no damage on the rift boss

edit: just tried on my quake barb and it also took 30 seconds to kill him (WITH follower cos I can't tank his cloud for that long without unity unlike monk)
So going off that video you linked I'm going to say boohoo your damage is just fine with the right gear
You can't expect to wtf explode enemies in group , provide so many buffs and still do single target damage similar to a WD (which doesn't work like it does on anything but ghom)

I'd try ghom on my crusader but I would die of old age before he dies
Dude first off, that guy's gear is godly. He has great rolls on EVERYTHING. If he had that "luck" on another class he'd be rolling Ghom in half the time with ANY spec he picked and he would be rolling through T6 with his eyes closed.

If you have GODLY gear you should be doing way more damage than this.

Secondly his single target DPS might "decent" (still slower than your quake barb) but monk single target has never been bad. The issue is that there are no good AOE spenders. LTK hits like 3 targets at a time and this game is all about clearing multiple enemies not fighting a single boss.

Yeah, it's probably unfair to compare him to a WD that has nuke skills when Monk has zero nuke abilities but saying this is fine at 37 when he has pretty much the best gear you can get is also unfair. You killed ghom in 30s with what? Did you have 75-80% elite dmg bonus like he does? If not then increase your kill speed by another 30-60% and see how it now stacks up.

You act like we pulled some average 100 hr monk off the streets and hes doing 37s. This is the fastest ghom clear I've seen by any monk.

He has like 75% elite dmg bonus, 80-100% fire dmg bonus and hes killing Ghom in 37s? Come on bro. You can't seriously think this is OK.
oh come on, you can't expect monks or any class to have the burst dmg on single target that a pet WD does... that's the one thing (and the one boss! because there are no adds for the idiotic gargantuan to get distracted by) WD is good at as pet spec:p

What happens in rifts as WD is you pop your garg and totem and the garg runs off to chase a random add and ends up doing no damage on the rift boss

edit: just tried on my quake barb and it also took 30 seconds to kill him (WITH follower cos I can't tank his cloud for that long without unity unlike monk)
So going off that video you linked I'm going to say boohoo your damage is just fine with the right gear
You can't expect to wtf explode enemies in group , provide so many buffs and still do single target damage similar to a WD (which doesn't work like it does on anything but ghom)

I'd try ghom on my crusader but I would die of old age before he dies

Well I know it's not a totally fair comparison. Nor do I expect a monk to be on equal footing DPS wise to a WD for various reasons. A quick google search found a barb doing it in 25 seconds. A crusader doing it in like 4-5 seconds. A WD in 6. A DH in like 6-7. I didn't look for a wiz.

In any case, my complaints stem from the build at T6 being the same build ran in vanilla. That monk set up in the vid was not good for killing trash, or working in groups. It was good for killing Ghom and it was still the worst off all the classes I could find.


Well I know it's not a totally fair comparison. Nor do I expect a monk to be on equal footing DPS wise to a WD for various reasons. A quick google search found a barb doing it in 25 seconds. A crusader doing it in like 4-5 seconds. A WD in 6. A DH in like 6-7. I didn't look for a wiz.

In any case, my complaints stem from the build at T6 being the same build ran in vanilla. That monk set up in the vid was not good for killing trash, or working in groups. It was good for killing Ghom and it was still the worst off all the classes I could find.

The bottom line is hes rocking ~1m sheet w/ 80-100% fire and 75% elite dmg and he clears shit slower than an above avg gear on another class. If you got that shit on any other class you'd be rolling the game, period.

Hell if you got those specs on any other class you'd get to the point where you could make almost any build you wanted look viable.
The bottom line is hes rocking ~1m sheet w/ 80-100% fire and 75% elite dmg and he clears shit slower than an above avg gear on another class. If you got that shit on any other class you'd be rolling the game, period.

Hell if you got those specs on any other class you'd get to the point where you could make almost any build you wanted look viable.

I didn't even look at his gear. Just his build. Which would get a monk kicked out of T5+ parties because it brings nothing to the table. No EP. No MoC. No cyclone strike. His build was specifically set up to do the most single target damage possible and it lagged behind every class I found. The fact that his gear is that good only makes this worse.
Dude first off, that guy's gear is godly. He has great rolls on EVERYTHING. If he had that "luck" on another class he'd be rolling Ghom in half the time with ANY spec he picked and he would be rolling through T6 with his eyes closed.

If you have GODLY gear you should be doing way more damage than this.

Secondly his single target DPS might "decent" (still slower than your quake barb) but monk single target has never been bad. The issue is that there are no good AOE spenders. LTK hits like 3 targets at a time and this game is all about clearing multiple enemies not fighting a single boss.

Yeah, it's probably unfair to compare him to a WD that has nuke skills when Monk has zero nuke abilities but saying this is fine at 37 when he has pretty much the best gear you can get is also unfair. You killed ghom in 30s with what? Did you have 75-80% elite dmg bonus like he does? If not then increase your kill speed by another 30-60% and see how it now stacks up.

You act like we pulled some average 100 hr monk off the streets and hes doing 37s. This is the fastest ghom clear I've seen by any monk.

He has like 75% elite dmg bonus, 80-100% fire dmg bonus and hes killing Ghom in 37s? Come on bro. You can't seriously think this is OK.

I'm going off the video being linked as supposed proof that the dmg is so bad
Did a few more runs any my average is 34 seconds (granted in rift I have rampage stacks for 25 percent more damage)

As for my barb's gear:


that guy has a sunkeeper (I would gain about 15-20 percent dmg from there over my monarch) and 200str on his necklace over me
I have my trifecta rrog over him

My gear is as good as maxed <FOR MY SPEC> (I cannot andariels or magefist in t6 I would get creamed I need the aughild and the other spots are needed for lut socks and earth set) ,200 str from a perfect leg lottery necklace and a perfect sunkeeper would gain me maybe 20 percent dmg)

As for the small aoe on your spenders, that's the same problem CA dhs have and that makes them rather garbage in a lot of situations too and is a legitimate problem

I was just responding to the video being brought up as some kind of proof that monk dps sucks because he takes 36sec to ghom and a WD takes 10, that is some poor reasoning imo

All in all ,you are right, 36 sec is too long with his gear and I overestimated it
(that 5sec crusader kill was with the 6 percent of total hp as damage weapon I assume, there is a 5sec monk kill on youtube with that weapon too :p)

You've convinced me you are right, I was wrong
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