Haven't seen any videos yet but how bad is the AF on standard PS4? Is it like FF 15 bad? 
Apparently it's surprisingly good. Above the norm.Haven't seen any videos yet but how bad is the AF on standard PS4? Is it like FF 15 bad?![]()
HDR is excellent in this game. It's just what you would hope.Any comments on HDR Dark?
Thanks for the nice video, definitely pushes my will to jump in further.
Apparently it's surprisingly good. Above the norm.
Texture filtering is kept at a very low level on a standard system with otherwise detailed textures appearing blurry at oblique angles. It's likely that system resource limitations prevent the inclusion of higher quality filtering, but the results here are underwhelming nonetheless
The clouds movement looks fantastic but there's no cloud shadows or light variation cast on the ground or mountains in the time-lapse which sticks out a lot, not that it matters. Think even Project Cars has cloud shadows, can't remember exactly.
Apparently it's surprisingly good. Above the norm.
... Really? I mean really? gain some, you lose's already amazing what they achieved with the paltry ps4 hardware........especially when you consider the consistent performance.
amazing work John. all things considered would it hurt to call it the best looking open world game out and not "one of the best looking"?
I wonder if it's the first PS4 game with 2160p or HEVC/VP9 encoded video. I'll be having a closer look once the game's on my own TV.
KZ Shadow Fall's cutscene video quality wasn't great so hopefully this is a big step up!
HDR is excellent in this game. It's just what you would hope.
+1Thanks for the feedback. I'm also in the market for a 4K HDR TV right now so anything related interests me. I know it's difficult to convey anything HDR in youtube vids, but I would certainly be grateful if you guys at DF can share your opinion on HDR implementation per title when you can.
I honestly could not bring myself to finish watching the 4K Tech Analysis video. The commentary felt more like sth you'd find in an official marketing video than in an impartial, proper analysis.
amazing work John. all things considered would it hurt to call it the best looking open world game out and not "one of the best looking"?
I find this refreshing to be honest. It's nice to see the gaming press gush on very rare occasions, especially DF. The tit for tat narrative gets very dull.
This game. This fucking game. Astonishing. And I agree, a number of reviewers have called it "one of the best looking open world games", too. Really? What else even comes close? It's one of the best looking games ever made, full stop.
WatchDogs2Goodness said:
This game. This fucking game. Astonishing. And I agree, a number of reviewers have called it "one of the best looking open world games", too. Really? What else even comes close? It's one of the best looking games ever made, full stop.
Hmm, I'm on WD2 at this moment, what a gorgeous open world too... I wouldn't be surprised if people chose WD2 as best looking open world over HZD, quite frankly, Ubisoft has achieved something great with this game, and the water is very convincing :
The IQ and lighting of some shots is not that hot , and the people who are saying that HZD is the "best looking open world game " its because its delivering those graphics with a stable framerate and full package its delivering, imo.
Yeah, IQ is not that terrible on screenshots, it is more impressive on motion. I'm playing on Pro, and IQ is quite good...
How are people finding the HDR implementation? HDR was the word on everybody's lips just a few months ago but I'm not seeing that many titles using it - or doing so well. Was hoping Horizon being a reference title in that regard.
You hear that, dark10x? Stop being human with feelings and such, you make that poor guy cringe!I cringe a little inside every time they start waxing poetic about how beautiful they think a certain game looks in one of their analysis videos.
As I see it, it's basically the same solution as Final Fantasy XV started out on Pro. One high resolution mode with texture and texture filtering improvements and one very stable 1080p mode without any other improvements.
I think it's already very stable, so why do we need another 30fps mode? Or is the performance mode unlocked?
I think it's already very stable, so why do we need another 30fps mode? Or is the performance mode unlocked?
You hear that, dark10x? Stop being human with feelings and such, you make that poor guy cringe!![]()
It's not a review or an opinion piece so their personal opinion isn't the point of these videos and it shouldn't factor into them. They're free to voice their opinions elsewhere but if you call a video an analysis, then that's what it should be.
It's not a review or an opinion piece so their personal opinion isn't the point of these videos and it shouldn't factor into them. They're free to voice their opinions elsewhere but if you call a video an analysis, then that's what it should be. Excuse me for having higher standards than you.
Would it have been possible for GG to give us a 60fps mode on Pro that uses regular PS4 dynamic resolutions?
It's not a review or an opinion piece so their personal opinion isn't the point of these videos and it shouldn't factor into them. They're free to voice their opinions elsewhere but if you call a video an analysis, then that's what it should be. Excuse me for having higher standards than you.
As I see it, it's basically the same solution as Final Fantasy XV started out on Pro. One high resolution mode with texture and texture filtering improvements and one very stable 1080p mode without any other improvements.