- PS4 Pro will get 4K upgrade, but why not focus on 60fps instead?
- 60fps looks and feels better vs 30fps; motion interpolation video showing Destiny 2 running at 60fps
- References Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy quotes to IGN regarding PS4 Pro power
- Explanation hasn't gone over well, but PS4 Pro spec backs up the argument (2.3x GPU; CPU only 31% boost)
- Those hoping for 60fps on Scorpio are likely to be disappointed for the same reason
- Most basic technological building blocks of the new consoles are geared toward higher resolutions and
more stable framerates (not a doubling)
- BF1 is doing a lot of what Bungie attempted to do, but targeting higher framerates
- Even with a game built from the ground up to run at higher framerates, BF1 isn't able to hit a steady 60fps on consoles
- Bungie's core design is based around a 30Hz engine
- PS4 Pro being able to brute force its way to 60fps just isn't something we've seen (only Surge runs at 30 on base hardware and 1080/60 on the Pro)
- Not really fair (in Rich's opinion) to have multiplayer games running at different framerates
- No limitations to stop developers doing this, however (to Rich's knowledge)
- Microsoft has confirmed devs can use the power how they see fit
- Shannon Loftis of MS said: "As a developer, I would bet no one chooses different frame-rates for multiplayer games ever."
- No conspiracy to undermine Pro capabilities by Bungie
- PS4 Pro has always been about higher resolutions, not higher framerates
- Rich is curious to see the method Bungie uses to get PS4 Pro to 4k (native, checkerboard, or upscale)
- Also wants to see Scorpio version fully deliver with 4k
- 60fps is all about the PC version