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Digital Foundry: Why Can't Destiny 2 Run at 60fps on PS4 Pro?


I can't say it's a deal breaker for me because I was never going to buy Destiny 2 to begin with (I felt really burned by the first one). It's still disappointing though. Every console generation, I keep hoping developers will finally prioritize frame rates, but image quality is easier to sell to the masses.


Nobody's talking about the animations?

Ever play Halo on the PC? Animations are locked at 30 so it looks weird running at higher framerates.

Solid point. They would probably have to redo a lot of the animation work considering the immense asset reuse they're doing with 2.

The PC version is running at an unlocked frame rate. While there isn't any footage available due to a Sony marketing deal, PC version was available at the reveal event and someone would have mentioned the animations locked to 30.


Cool, PC it is. Skeptical about battle.net blizzard app though

I dig this decision. Battle.net users are there for mutiplayer games, that is actually similar to Destiny somehow. I think the game being released there will call the attention of a good player base... it was a good call.

Steam is pretty awesome, but I'm always glad to see the competitors fighting for the market when they don't dive into some shady stuff.

I just hope it is a good port. If I buy Destiny 2, it will be on PC... I won't be getting the console versions.


I'm still confused why the debate is whether Pro or Scorpio can run it at 60fps, and not all the consoles. I said in other threads - the PVE excuse, fine. 4v4 PVP? Come the fuck on. Bungie either has a really poor engine or doesn't care. I bet you this game is going to run like shit on anything but the best PCs.
I do wish DF would have gotten more into that side of it. We largely know the limitations of PS4 Pro and the Jaguar.

I would love to see them further explore and explain what he said about Bungie's core design being for 30fps. We heard quite a bit about their poor engine during Destiny's lifespan so I'm surprised to hear they didn't go all out with the sequel to rebuild (or at least significantly rework) the engine to better target higher framerates.

I'm not a dev though and am largely ignorant about the ins and outs of game development so it's hard for me to speak with any kind of authority on what Bungie can/can't do. But what I can say as a fan of console gaming is it's frustrating to see countless other multiplayer titles run at 60 while Destiny doesn't. It's downright jarring going from Overwatch or Titanfall 2 back to Destiny.

*sigh* we already had a thread on this exact video, and like all Destiny threads, it went just as poorly, but in a different direction.

Mods will likely merge if we do...but I didn't see one. This DF video just released today.


I think people spend way too much time over frame rates. Sure, a 60 frame target would have been nice. But if a game controls well with low input latency ( which Destiny has in the bag ) then why even fuss over it? The game plays great as is. Enjoy it.
I'm still confused why the debate is whether Pro or Scorpio can run it at 60fps, and not all the consoles. I said in other threads - the PVE excuse, fine. 4v4 PVP? Come the fuck on. Bungie either has a really poor engine or doesn't care. I bet you this game is going to run like shit on anything but the best PCs.

I would take that bet. Destiny 1 was one of the best playing fps games on ps4/xb1 at 30 fps so I highly doubt it will run like.shit on ps4/xb1.

Also people need to understand something. Bungie has stated over and over again they want console parity right? They don't want to give ps4pro/Scorpio users an advantage and I am fine with that as I still have my launch ps4 and don't plan to upgrade to a pro until my launch ps4 doesn't work. I am sure they could have easily done 60 fps on the pro for crucible if they didn't care about parity.

60fps couldn't be done on the Ps4 because the cpu sucks. BF1 constantly dips into the 30's and 40s even though it's supposed to be 60 fps. I personanlly would rather have a rock solid 30 fps with smooth gameplay rather then thr shit that I get with BF1.
To be honest i like how standardized the console experience is (supposedly).

I think that people who generally stick to console gaming would agree with you. That's a main advantage of that platform (or a disadvantage if you prefer more freedom). I love gaming on a 21:9 monitor, but I understand why folks would prefer to stick to the 16:9 experience.
- PS4 Pro will get 4K upgrade, but why not focus on 60fps instead?
- 60fps looks and feels better vs 30fps; motion interpolation video showing Destiny 2 running at 60fps
- References Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy quotes to IGN regarding PS4 Pro power
- Explanation hasn't gone over well, but PS4 Pro spec backs up the argument (2.3x GPU; CPU only 31% boost)
- Those hoping for 60fps on Scorpio are likely to be disappointed for the same reason

- Most basic technological building blocks of the new consoles are geared toward higher resolutions and more stable framerates (not a doubling)
- BF1 is doing a lot of what Bungie attempted to do, but targeting higher framerates
- Even with a game built from the ground up to run at higher framerates, BF1 isn't able to hit a steady 60fps on consoles
- Bungie's core design is based around a 30Hz engine

- PS4 Pro being able to brute force its way to 60fps just isn't something we've seen (only Surge runs at 30 on base hardware and 1080/60 on the Pro)
- Not really fair (in Rich's opinion) to have multiplayer games running at different framerates
- No limitations to stop developers doing this, however (to Rich's knowledge)
- Microsoft has confirmed devs can use the power how they see fit
- Shannon Loftis of MS said: "As a developer, I would bet no one chooses different frame-rates for multiplayer games ever."

- No conspiracy to undermine Pro capabilities by Bungie
- PS4 Pro has always been about higher resolutions, not higher framerates
- Rich is curious to see the method Bungie uses to get PS4 Pro to 4k (native, checkerboard, or upscale)
- Also wants to see Scorpio version fully deliver with 4k
- 60fps is all about the PC version


I don't understand the obsession with 60FPS.

Would I like 60FPS? Of course anyone would!

However I bought my PS4 Pro and 4K monitor exactly for the reason to play D2 in 4K. (I bought them about two months ago telling my friends D2 had to be 4K... glad I was right lol)

Anyway, Destiny plays GREAT for 30FPS. Not a deal breaker at all, just glad I'll be able to see it in 4K.

But again... i mean typically people who HAVE TO have the best specs are going to be PC anyway right?
Sony doesn't care if you buy a pro or base ps4. Heck their margins are probably better on the slim ps4. The pro is not meant to outsell the slim. And even if every game was 60 on pro and 30 on slim the slim would still sell way more.

Come back to reality when you're ready.


All I know is they better fucking have supersampling for 1080p sets on Pro. Tired of seeing this shit get a pass.
The cynic in me deep down thinks that MS moneyhatted Bungie to purposely not code the PS4 version to do 60fps so that they could have that exclusivity on the obvious but not yet announced Scorpio version. I hope that's not why, but it wouldn't surprise me.

I'll go ahead and entertain this...Sony has the marketing deal first off. Second, what part of you honestly believes that Microsoft would pony up the undoubtedly enormous sum required for Bungie to handicap the Pro version that can't even run 4k/60fps? They're even saying the Scorpio is unlikely to be capable, and DF has quite a bit of hands-on time with the system.

Anyway, I'd like to see console gamers get more choice. Like, if Scorpio is capable of running something at 4k/60 then let them. Maybe have a 60 fps mode and a 30 fps mode on both the One and the Scorpio that makes the necessary visual and resource adjustments to run games at those rates. I know that would just add more dev time, but it's an idea at least.


I'd rather have more frames than 4K. I am sure 4K will catch on eventually. It's less of a fad than 3D TV that's for sure. TV manufacturers want you to keep buying new TV's. I just have no interest in it for the time being.

Besides, I am still waiting to see if Destiny 2 is truly better than 1. I remember being super hyped for Destiny then being dumped into New Russia and hitting invisible walls and unable to swim. A huge beautiful world that one couldn't explore. So disappointing. You won't get me again Bungie.


The cynic in me deep down thinks that MS moneyhatted Bungie to purposely not code the PS4 version to do 60fps so that they could have that exclusivity on the obvious but not yet announced Scorpio version. I hope that's not why, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Definitely on my top 5 stupid comments.


Shocking. I'll add Scorpio into that as well.

And it's getting tiring that some people are still expecting otherwise.

People see the 'flops and GPU numbers while not paying attention to the CPU numbers which were mediocre and didn't budge much. They see a Pro is X percent more powerful, but not that that power is no evenly distributed amongst the components. Pro messaging has never been anything other than bad.




What a great .gif


Devs stated that game will be 30fps due to CPUs in consoles, that means Scorpio will have the same limitations since its CPU is basically a PRO cpu that is locked slightly higher, 200Mhz to be exact.
The cynic in me deep down thinks that MS moneyhatted Bungie to purposely not code the PS4 version to do 60fps so that they could have that exclusivity on the obvious but not yet announced Scorpio version. I hope that's not why, but it wouldn't surprise me.

You're on a roll. The consistency is impressive.


The cynic in me deep down thinks that MS moneyhatted Bungie to purposely not code the PS4 version to do 60fps so that they could have that exclusivity on the obvious but not yet announced Scorpio version. I hope that's not why, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Your a mess sloppyjoe get it together.


Shocking. I'll add Scorpio into that as well.

And it's getting tiring that some people are still expecting otherwise.

But... But Scorpio is better than a GTX 1070! Right Digital Foundry?

Richard Leadbetter of DF said:
From what I've seen so far, there is some evidence that Scorpio's true 4K performance could pose a challenge to the likes of Nvidia's GTX 1070 and AMD's Fury X-class hardware.

I guess what they meant to say was that it would challenge a 1070 if it was bottle necked by a sub-par CPU.

All jokes aside, I'm enjoying watching the console gaming community now stress the importance of frame rates... something the PC gaming community has been stressing for at least 2 decades. I hope this leads to more of a focus on frame rates in the next generation of game consoles and game engine development.
People see the 'flops and GPU numbers while not paying attention to the CPU numbers which were mediocre and didn't budge much. They see a Pro is X percent more powerful, but not that that power is no evenly distributed amongst the components. Pro messaging has never been anything other than bad.


Confusing and various resolutions/terms, different Pro treatments from each dev, downsampling missing from lots of games, even at least a couple of games that I know neglected Pro support entirely. Just look at the Pro enhanced games thread, that stuff is very confusing. Sony's Pro support and messaging has been a mess so far. It's like they just throw it into the market and that's it.
With the exception of this thread where im being attacked by some, show me other posts where people have had issues with my comments, smartass

Sure, no problem!

Sorry, but the bar was raised to an insanely high level with Horizon Zero Dawn. Rockstar has their work cut out for them.

On topic, this isn't surprising given the Pro and Scorpio are designed to push more pixels, not framerates. I wouldn't say Destiny was the most balanced multiplayer shooter in the first place so I wouldn't have minded if Bungie had managed to get the Pro/Scorpio versions running at 60fps.


Sorry to have gotten all your GAF tightie whities in a bunch with my post lol....for those who are flaming me, it only makes you look like a dumbass though incapable of responding in an intelligent way. Yes i know..... #thisisneogaf

Anyways...we all have that cynical side of us where the sometimes immediate knee jerk thought is what we come up with, but obviously isn't the truth. I would hope in this day and age stuff like that doesn't happen. No tinfoil hats here, i love my PS4 Pro but it's not my only system of choice.

Dude, your comment was pretty silly. You deserve the gentle ribbing you got (and it was certainly very tame for gaf standards).
Not buying it on console at 30fps will pick it up on PC instead. The first one was fine at 30fps but I figured the last gen held devs back on capitalizing on current gen hardware. I have a PS4 Pro and I am no longer buying games under 60fps on console unless its RDR2 and that is only because I don't want to wait years to play it on PC.



Confusing and various resolutions/terms, different Pro treatments from each dev, downsampling missing from lots of games, even at least a couple of games that I know neglected Pro support entirely. Just look at the Pro enhanced games thread, that stuff is very confusing. Sony's Pro support and messaging has been a mess so far. It's like they just throw it into the market and that's it.

Spot on. It doesn't seem like they ever actually sat down and worked any of the Pro stuff out at all. Scorpio seems like MS is just taking notes on all of the Pro missteps and addressing them along the way. Hopefully, Sony will double back and implement some of this stuff, if they can.


Well the thing is, Andrew House states that PS4 Pro was their answer to PS4 owners leaving the ecosystem for PC gaming and I think frame rate has a lot to do with the decision to jump from console to PC.

So, really, I'm not sure how this implementation of Pro would prevent someone from making that decision.

Yeah true, but I assume that if someone cared that much about framerate and graphics, they would have jumped on the PC by now. PS4 has been outdated since it released.

I think the Pro is more for the people that have never built PC's before and might have been on the edge if the Pro hadn't been announced. So instead of "Well I could just keep playing multiplats on my PS4 but the PC seems to be getting the better versions every time and it's not like I have an alternative" you now have "Ok, I could sell my PS4 and get an upgraded system for around $200 that while it isn't as strong as a PC, it closes the gap and I don't have to pay a lot more money or learn to build a PC or tinker with settings etc."
I can't say it's a deal breaker for me because I was never going to buy Destiny 2 to begin with (I felt really burned by the first one). It's still disappointing though. Every console generation, I keep hoping developers will finally prioritize frame rates, but image quality is easier to sell to the masses.

Since when is 30 FPS a Deprioritization of framerate?

The cynic in me deep down thinks that MS moneyhatted Bungie to purposely not code the PS4 version to do 60fps so that they could have that exclusivity on the obvious but not yet announced Scorpio version. I hope that's not why, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Holy shit... this is a troll post right?


So some people are really claiming that despite Sony having marketing and exclusive DLC for Destiny 2, MS has paid Bungie off to have 60FPS Scorpio exclusive...


I wish I had a PC to run this at 4k, 60fps with every detail set to Ultra on a 32inch 4k monitor. But alas - I'm going to have to settle for a PS PRO and a 32inch 4k monitor. I'm sure I will be happy with it (as long as the console isn't noisy).

I don't like the slow turn speeds (been a COD gamer for a long time) and I feel like I give my controller a beating because I want it to be faster but 30fps on console is gonna have to do.


Shocking. I'll add Scorpio into that as well.

And it's getting tiring that some people are still expecting otherwise.


I can't believe nor understand WHY people in here keep waiting for 60fps games from Scorpio and Pro.

It's clearly not the focus of both products.
PvE at 30 makes sense to me. Lots of AI, giant maps, others players, etc....

But for PvP? It's 4v4, smallish maps, only human players and in a contained arena. I'm interested why an OG Playstation 4 could not achieve 60 for PvP. There likely isn't all that much going on if 6v6 Destiny 1 Crucible is an indication of what Destiny 2's 4v4 PvP will be.


Trucker Sexologist
PvE at 30 makes sense to me. Lots of AI, giant maps, others players, etc....

But for PvP? It's 4v4, smallish maps, only human players and in a contained arena. I'm interested why an OG Playstation could not achieve 60 for PvP. There likely isn't all that much going on if 6v6 Destiny 1 Crucible is an indication of what Destiny 2's 4v4 PvP will be.
I have the same question about For Honor. I'm guessing it's partly due to the CPU requirements for P2P multiplayer.


- Shannon Loftis of MS said: "As a developer, I would bet no one chooses different frame-rates for multiplayer games ever
Except on PC where it's never a problem, apparently?
Seriously, this is a PR excuse to downplay the CPU weakness.
Since forever? 30 is basically the minimum acceptable. Going below 30 is generally not the best.

Keep telling yourself that.

And even based on your argument... if 30 FPS is acceptable (30 FPS is more than just acceptable, but that's besides the point), how is that a deprioritization?

how is hitting an industry standard of acceptance deprioritizing? Wouldn't the argument in this case be 60 FPS is overachieving considering it is NOT an industry standard?

I can't wait for your reactions to next gen gaming when NOTHING has changed.

Guess Who

Except on PC where it's never a problem, apparently?
Seriously, this is a PR excuse to downplay the CPU weakness.

On PC you have no choice. Different people are going to have different hardware and therefore get different framerates, and even if you implement a framerate cap people will find ways around it.


I am very interested to see what MS actually does when they talked about specific engine based settings to make sure they run the best. They obviously looked at Frostbyte, UE4 etc but I guess in-house engines are not quiet the same.

Or is could just be MS PR...who knows!


then y do people love ocarina of time so much

I'm guessing this isn't serious but it's other qualities outweighed that? Same reason people overlook Souls 1 running like absolute shit in Blight-town. Framerate is important, but it's only one component of a game.
Pro and Scorpio were built to play 4k versions of your current games. They weren't built to play 60fps versions of your current games.

Not sure why this is so hard for people to understand.


The main reason is likely to not give Pro and Scorpio users competitive advantages over base PS4 and XB1 users since higher framerates means faster inputs and better aiming. And you're not gonna segregate your own user bases, especially if Pro sales aren't doing too hot.


The main reason is likely to not give Pro and Scorpio users competitive advantages over base PS4 and XB1 users since higher framerates means faster inputs and better aiming. And you're not gonna segregate your own user bases, especially if Pro sales aren't doing too hot.


Its because they all run on tablet CPU tech, simple as, 1.6 TF or 6 TF does not matter its the Jaguar.
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