The trailer released back in August. It features the Silence though, so we've probably all watched it a hundred times. I imagine it was great.
Cool, glad he's in it.
I mean, he's definitely in it if he has the sodding script.
I'm wondering if it's just a voiceover thing. That it's a set of lines that they can't just cobble out of previous episodes.
I'm remaining skeptical, because he's acknowledging that he can't tell people any info but revealing he's in it? Seems sort of confused. Because I quite liked Davison in Time Crash, and I don't want to be let down again
.Who hurt you Eccleston... who hurt you.
I would trade all the other Doctors for some 8th and 9th tbh.
Someone in here explained that Eccleston backed out due to some behind-the-scenes fuckery regarding Moffat? Was that smoke sourced back to any real fire, or was it just another internet enema of substanceless hot air?
I believe that came from a "Whistleblower" blog that eventually turned out to be a massive troll which was admitted by the blog itself. The blog then was deleted. Same one that claimed Moffatt had been banging Julie Gardner.
It honestly sounds like Eccleston politely considered Moffatt's offer and then said no. What's weird is we have confirmation from the BBC they actually met and had a discussion. So at some point, Eccleston must have had thoughts about returning. Sad.
I don't think there'll be any surprises, really. In 75 minutes they have to:
1) Have Ten/Eleven play
2) Establish, legitimize & dispose of an all new Doctor
3) Still have enough material for Jenna to earn her top billing
4) Guest star time for Billie
5) Something with Zygons
6) Somethingwith DaleksTime War flashbacks
Plus, on top of that, we know there's going to be. That's a lot to deal with.UNIT stuff in the present day.
I mean, a cameo could have been snuck in for either, sure, but I don't see the point in bringing McGann back if all he'll do is stumble into the TARDIS and regenerate into Hurt - assuming that's what that character is. It'd make a bit more sense with Eccleston, and I guess he has a chance, as maybe they do something from the back of the head without him.
The McGann webisode rumour was one I really wanted to believe, but the more McGann keeps openly talking about not even visiting the set/not having a part and things on twitter, the more I think it's not an elaborate lie but just the sad truth. The thing about McGann is (like McCoy going into 97) there's no ticking clock on him like Eccleston, Tennant or now Smith - his Doctor could've lived to be any age, and any ageing can just be explained away through that. So it's not the end of the world if McGann doesn't make it; hopefully he will later on.
I hold out hope for two years' time that maybe Eccleston has cooled some more and will agree to do something for the 10 year anniversary of the reboot.
I think if Davison was actually in it he'd be briefed properly to not even say about the script. The script is probably just a gift. He and Moffat are tight, and he's Tennant's father in law
I think if Davison was actually in it he'd be briefed properly to not even say about the script. The script is probably just a gift. He and Moffat are tight, and he's Tennant's father in law. A copy of the script would be a nice piece of memorabilia for him. The names embossed into the paper is a standard precaution so that if pages leak they know who it came from.
For instance: Billie Piper, Noel Clarke, Freema Agyeman etc etc were all delivered personalized copies of the script for The End of Time after the episode was complete as souvenirs and a goodbye to their time on the show. During filming, they were only given their own lines & stage directions for their short scenes on a single sheet page. The script gifts aren't completely unheard of.
Fixed point! DON'T!Man, could you imagine if you told a young David Tennant that when's he older not only will he star in his favorite show - as one of its most popular ever - but he'd be his favorite Doctor's son-in-law?
Huh. I was just goofing about that being a possibility, but you think it's a real thing?
It's not like John Hurt hasn't completely blurted his role out at every possible opportunity. We'll see I guess.
Another piece in the puzzle;
Tom Baker filming in costume next to Matt Smith's TARDIS.
*awaits APZ's crushingly realistic analysis*
Could be for a promotional advert or something I suppose. But exciting nontheless to see him back in the uniform!
Apparently it's Ian Hislop and Paul Merton filming a HIGNFY trailer. :/
Apparently it's Ian Hislop and Paul Merton filming a HIGNFY trailer. :/
Apparently it's Ian Hislop and Paul Merton filming a HIGNFY trailer. :/
Rumors I'm hearing on Facebook, no credence to these possibly (but rumors, true or false are often revealing). On the off-chance these are true, possible spoilers for both the 50th and Christmas special
- The 50th special involves The Doctor and Clara still being stuck in The Doctor's time stream; the only way out is through an opening in the Time War, so the Doctor is forced to remove the Time Lock on this event
- Frances Barber (Madame Kovarian has been seen on set for the Christmas special in red garb that looks awfully similar to that of a Timelord
And slightly less spoilery stuff; the trailer's rumored to be released tomorrow, two months before the 50th exactly.
It's worth keeping in mind the site that posted all that has posted a load of bollocks several times before, so most people are just ignoring it for now.
We'll find out tomorrow!
What happens tomorrow?
That's when they said the trailer would be out.
So no trailer?
Okay, we get it. You can stop including this in every post you make on Doctor Who.When they threatened all the fans there