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nothing in the next run is starting out as a two-parter. At this stage, everything is a single episode, and the only reason anything will become a two-parter is if we think it needs to be; not so much that the story is too long for 45 minutes, because nothing is too long for 45 minutes, but if it feels as though there are two distinct stages to the story.
This year, we used a lot of cliffhangers and mysteries to pull people through, but then I remember the moment, at the end of A Good Man Goes to War, when we put up the title Lets Kill Hitler. That was so exciting. Im thinking, Can we do that every week? You can sod off with poetic understatement.
I was looking at the facts and stats and its not true that the two parters save us money. Weve assumed it for years. They dont save us money at all. Not a penny. So whats the point in them?
I want to be able to say, every week, weve got a big standalone blockbuster, and then a trailer that makes it look like nothing compared to whats going to happen next week! Thats the form for next year.
I want slutty titles and movie-poster plots. I want big pictures and straplines. The first episode Im writing is called
of the [Spoilers]. And itll feel a bit like Die Hard, that first episode.
Mixed views. Two parters, generally haven't worked as well as they could do (some exceptions) - but some Moff episodes have had just too much crammed in to such a small space of time that longer stories are needed. But instead, the two parters... aren't really a long story in half, just two stories that are linked. But probably a good thing.
Mixed views. Two parters, generally haven't worked as well as they could do (some exceptions) - but some Moff episodes have had just too much crammed in to such a small space of time that longer stories are needed. But instead, the two parters... aren't really a long story in half, just two stories that are linked. But probably a good thing.
I don't like the idea of this either. Should have just gone with the standard model they had pre-Season 6. It was working well. There were a few episodes in Season 6 that just felt far too crammed from a single instalment.
I wont mind seeing less two parters. With few exceptions, the nature of Doctor Who to just deus-ex-machina everything at the end pretty much makes the first part nothing but filler.
I'm happy to try a series of standalones. Although many of my favourite stories are two-parters, I'm not really biased either way, and I know many people who hate the idea of a two-parter- specifically, the cliffhanger, and being stuck on the same theme for two weeks- so I'm down.
of the [Spoilers] could potentially be a Dalek ep...
You know, I'm not against not having two parters, but I did sort of think S6's finale was hurt by being a single ep. That might just be me though. So I say, have every ep except the finale be a two parter.
It's also hard to tell what one part stories will mean as two-parters have changed. Like, earlier series of newWho, two-parters were closer to being one story but with a mid-cliffhanger. Now, take say, series 5 finale, those two episodes, although... are one straight after another time wise and are the 'same' plot, they are very different stories. And as we've still got overall plot things to deal with, I'd guess not all episodes will be 'standalone' but will deal with... one 'story' within them that plays a part in the ongoing continuity.
Or look at it like this: The silurian stuff would be half as bad as it wouldn't go on so long.
of the [Spoilers] could potentially be a Dalek ep...
You know, I'm not against not having two parters, but I did sort of think S6's finale was hurt by being a single ep. That might just be me though. So I say, have every ep except the finale be a two parter.
'of the' *always* suggests to me Daleks, or to a lesser extent, Cybermen.
Power of the Daleks
Evil of the Daleks
Genesis of the Daleks
Resurrection of the Daleks
Remembrance of the Daleks
Evolution of the Daleks
Victory of the Daleks
Tomb of the Cybermen
Rise of the Cybermen
I don't know of any other monsters who've had multiple stories that fit that pattern.
'of the' *always* suggests to me Daleks, or to a lesser extent, Cybermen.
Power of the Daleks
Evil of the Daleks
Genesis of the Daleks
Resurrection of the Daleks
Remembrance of the Daleks
Evolution of the Daleks
Victory of the Daleks
Tomb of the Cybermen
Rise of the Cybermen
I don't know of any other monsters who've had multiple stories that fit that pattern.
I want the Doctor to have a male companion. No more chicks. I was fine with Rose falling in love with the Doctor but it got to be a bit much with Martha and Amy (early Amy).
So next season is going to wrap up the Ponds for good then? Not sure how I feel about that. I'd kind of hoped for this series to be their Martha-esque ending: done traveling with the Doctor, but happy in the knowledge that they can call on him if they really need to (and would once or twice next season). But I guess if you don't give total closure they'll get people asking "where did Amy and Rory go" three years down the line.
As for River, I don't mind her, I'm just not sure how they're going to work her into the series - Series 6 seemed to bring her story pretty well full circle.
I kind of feel the same way, but on the other hand hasn't that pretty much been how it's gone with all the major companions since 2005? Left stuck in another reality with unfinished emotional business, decides to TARDIS-retire due to the damaged state of family, gets mind wiped.
I want the Doctor to have a male companion. No more chicks. I was fine with Rose falling in love with the Doctor but it got to be a bit much with Martha and Amy (early Amy).