Moffat just Tweeted this filming pic from the first episode of the next series.
Spoilers, obviously,
Please don't be an April Fools...
is itthe 60s dalek he just tweeted?
he seems to have deleted/changed the tweet...
I'm finding it very hard to get excited about this season of Doctor Who.
I saw the. Looks nice.60's Dalek
I really do hope this new companion is from the 60s. Would be awesome to have a companion from the same year as the show began present for the 50th anniversary year.
CollegeHumor posted this:
"Doctor used Fish Fingers and Custard"
CollegeHumor posted this:
"Doctor used Fish Fingers and Custard"
So I was watching an extremely sarcastic "Top 10 Reasons Rose is the Best Companion Ever" video (April Fool's and all that) and I'm reminded how much I wanted to kill Rose Tyler.
But I see this same anger directed at River. Uhh... why? Other than a couple scenes that were more annoying than rage-inducing, how is she the same level as Rose? Granted that finale didn't help either... but we get less River screen time than we did with Rose (who was in every episode). Plus, Rose's list of stupid moments is far longer.
River said the TARDIS sound is the parking brake, made a Dalek beg for mercy, and nearly destroyed the universe in the Season 6 finale because she wouldn't listen to the Doctor.
Rose disappeared for a year and never apologized to her mother or Mickey for it, got angry at Mickey because he had the audacity to get a new girlfriend when she disappeared, got angry at Martha for taking a spot on that UNIT conference and whined that "she was first" (oh hi Susan), refused to help a man running from an alien because he tried to seduce her mother, acted like a total bitch to Saran Jane Smith because she once traveled with the Doctor, and I'm sure there's more.
*shrugs* I just don't get it.
So I was watching an extremely sarcastic "Top 10 Reasons Rose is the Best Companion Ever" video (April Fool's and all that) and I'm reminded how much I wanted to kill Rose Tyler.
But I see this same anger directed at River. Uhh... why?
So I was watching an extremely sarcastic "Top 10 Reasons Rose is the Best Companion Ever" video (April Fool's and all that) and I'm reminded how much I wanted to kill Rose Tyler.
But I see this same anger directed at River. Uhh... why? Other than a couple scenes that were more annoying than rage-inducing, how is she the same level as Rose? Granted that finale didn't help either... but we get less River screen time than we did with Rose (who was in every episode). Plus, Rose's list of stupid moments is far longer.
River said the TARDIS sound is the parking brake, made a Dalek beg for mercy, and nearly destroyed the universe in the Season 6 finale because she wouldn't listen to the Doctor.
Rose disappeared for a year and never apologized to her mother or Mickey for it, got angry at Mickey because he had the audacity to get a new girlfriend when she disappeared, got angry at Martha for taking a spot on that UNIT conference and whined that "she was first" (oh hi Susan), refused to help a man running from an alien because he tried to seduce her mother, acted like a total bitch to Saran Jane Smith because she once traveled with the Doctor, and I'm sure there's more.
*shrugs* I just don't get it.
I would pretty much ask the opposite. How can anyone seriously hate Rose after River happened?
Because River wasn't a terrible person to everyone she "cared" about?
CollegeHumor posted this:
"Doctor used Fish Fingers and Custard"
Rose was a bitch to some fictional characters. River made me want to stop watching this show. Who is the real criminal here.
CollegeHumor posted this:
"Doctor used Fish Fingers and Custard"
I think a lot of it is the way River's character was handled since 'Library'. River was shown to be this important figure within the Doctor's future life, implying both marrying him and killing him and then the Melody reveal happened, but she ended up not being all that important after all and the whole 'get my daughter back' was solved because she was her parents childhood best friend.
I figured out why I didn't like River's relationship with the Doctor! It felt one-sided. They tried to present her as a strong sassy character but also had her clearly completely infatuated with the Doctor. Which could work out if he ever seemed to be as crazy about her. But he doesn't, and so she seems like "the smart sassy character who becomes a worshipful female damsel around the protagonist"
I think a lot of plot-driven h8ing of River rests on an assumption that we're done with her. Which I don't think is the case at all.
Obviously it's the opposite for people who just hate her as a character.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't *the* wedding. I don't think we're really done with that either.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't *the* wedding. I don't think we're really done with that either.
I hope not. There's a lot of stuff that's happened with the character that I felt short shifted the viewer, but I don't really dislike River Song. I would be happy if Moffo surprised me with further interesting development with her. But it would be a surprise, as it feels like she's written into a corner.
It seems likely to me it was the actual wedding, considering the name of the episode. Shame it was all so rushed though.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't *the* wedding. I don't think we're really done with that either.
I really hope that "love of each other's lives" type relationship that has been set up for River and the Doctor didn't happen off screen during his 'running away' period only to culminate in a forced marriage in an alternate universe. Also, didn't the Doctor not tell her his name there and instead tell her about the whole decoy thing? So wouldn't that still have to happen (possibly on the fields of Tranzalor)?
This is the big thing that, to me, means it hasn't happened yet. He hasn't told her his name, and what we've been led to believe is that that's really the only thing monumental enough to justify calling marriage for the Doctor.
Resetting her existence would be the happy ending? At least the Donna we're left with actually did the things we saw her do, even if she can't remember them.I brought it up a few pages ago (I think), but the more I think about it, the more I'd really love for it to happen. River "dies", Doctor Timey-Wimeys, and Amy and Rory get to raise her again like a normal kid.
It's such a happy ending. I could use a real happy ending for a companion. Rose's wasn't necessarily "happy", more satisfying when she finally ends up with the Doctor. Donna wins the lottery and gets married, but her brain can still fry. Martha's with, come on.
Really? One of the reasons why I'm so pissed about that finale is because I thought it was "the wedding"
This is the big thing that, to me, means it hasn't happened yet. He hasn't told her his name, and what we've been led to believe is that that's really the only thing monumental enough to justify calling marriage for the Doctor.
When is the season opener?
urgh, Chris Chibnall is writing episode 2 and 4 of the next series ...
Remind me, what's he responsible for up to this point?
Eight Torchwood episodes, including "Cyberwoman".