A 'time wimey' premise trying to prove that it's clever, a precocious kid, River Song making sex jokes, and the Doctor working together with authority figures. Yup, this is Steven Moffat's Doctor Who.
That's not to say it was a bad episode; I actually enjoyed it for the most part. However, the episode had a lot of weak moments, such as the terrible Nixon and the episode taking way too long to get going. This feels like a one shot stretched over two episodes right now. On the plus side, Amy wasn't annoying for a change, and the conversation between River and Rory towards the end of the episode was great. Rory is, as always, amazing. Canton also had some nice moments, and seems like he could be a good character.
I'm interested to see where it goes, and the next episode looks cool, but I was hoping for more from the premier. I feel like Moffat relies too much on the same basic story elements, but that's nothing new. Overall: good, not great.