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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

I feel like the whole point of that two-parter was so that the Doctor could give that little speech.

Which was well delivered but still... Could've done without that insomnia inducing first episode.
Ooh. I liked that a lot. The 'obvious' twists had no big impact so they didn't bother me - it's all about engineering that situation.

And what a scene. And what a performance.

I feel this really has resolved actually quite a lot of the 'but what about...' from DoTD too, which is nice. Bigger picture and all that.


I loved that. Capaldi is just brilliant.

I for one really enjoyed the nuclear war allegories in that speech.

Sure, not a lot actually happened in the whole episode, but the chemistry and dialogue was totally worth it.


I really, really love this two-parter. Osgood is such a brilliant creation. It would be great to see a little more of her.

I'm glad she hasn't ended up as relentlessly shamelessly fangirly as she seemed she might from first impressions; she comes across as a very competent operative - perhaps the first member of UNIT after Kate who does! Ingrid Oliver's very good at the role, too - Big Finish might be smart to look to sign her up if they haven't already to appear with Kate in her UNIT stories.

I wonder if there's an underlying intent to build up a Pertwee-esque UNIT 'home team'. Mentioning Harry Sullivan by name was a nice touch, too, I don't think they did last week.

I'm amazed that they had a situation with two people facing off against each other in front of two buttons each and it didn't become a dramatisation of the Prisoner's Dilemma, a bit of game theory rapidly getting overused in game shows.


Much better than last weeks episode. Capaldi's performance was amazing, as was Jenna's.

I loved how there was no big "gotcha" moment, no deus ex machina, so checkhov's gun, no easy "out". The Doctor just.. talked Bonnie down, what he does best.

Osgood was also great, urh I can't believe the Doctor asked her to be a companion again and she refused ahdfgfgdfnggfgdf.

The foreshadowing to Clara's death is off the scale, the line about the Doctor mourning her death was.. weird. He's been mourning her death for over a month?

Was this episode chronologically AFTER her death? in his mourning did he go back in time for one last adventure? that might explain why Clara wasn't with him at the start of last episode and maybe why she had so many missed calls. That might be why he asked Osgood to join him as well.

It makes the scene where he's talking down Bonnie even more poignant, he's venting his frustration and his loss.


Missed this, what was the mention?

Loved this two-parter. Good stuff.

He was mentioned as the creator of the Zygon-destroying gas. He was also mentioned last week in that regard, too, but not - IIRC - named then

Noticed the helmet Ashildr used was in the Black Archive there... so, that continues.

Solid conclusion... a little muddy, but good! Felt like an RTD era episode in many senses, but in many of those senses good. One bit of it I don't quite jive with -- I'm not somebody to get hung up on plot holes, but erasing memories isn't reversing all the deaths?! What about all the people who died? How are those deaths explained? The line about this being something that has happened before also makes that question all the more perplexing, obviously, but there you go!


The Amiga Brotherhood
Much better than last week, and Capaldi killed it, but I think the messiness and ham-fistedness of the last episode actually undermined this one.

The stakes just didn't feel there in this. It felt more like just cleaning things up than anything, and Capaldi's scene didn't quite land because of it. Although well written. This episode needed more than Middle Aged Man Zygon to show the consequences to justify the Doctor's speech. Tying it into the 50th again helped, but not enough.

So mixed feeling overall really, it redeemed itself somewhat but I feel the story could have been told much better across the 2 episodes. It was an interesting idea but the result has been more of a rather dull missed opportunity.
Speaking of easily missed in that episode...


Best screengrab I could get, on screen for barely a moment but as I saw it on TV I thought "Hang on, wasn't that William Hartnell?"

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm impressed Osgood found such a nice photo of him if my eyes aren't playing tricks.


Speaking of easily missed in that episode...

Best screengrab I could get, on screen for barely a moment but as I saw it on TV I thought "Hang on, wasn't that William Hartnell?"

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm impressed Osgood found such a nice photo of him if my eyes aren't playing tricks.
It was in the previous episode as well, and you could see it more clearly.


Maybe I'm just dumb, but what was the controversial part people are referring to? Especially when people are suggesting OFCOM could be involved. I just didn't really see anything controversial.


Maybe I'm just dumb, but what was the controversial part people are referring to? Especially when people are suggesting OFCOM could be involved. I just didn't really see anything controversial.

I'm guessing the plane being shot down, given recent events in Sharm el-Sheik.


Maybe I'm just dumb, but what was the controversial part people are referring to? Especially when people are suggesting OFCOM could be involved. I just didn't really see anything controversial.

Well I was thinking the bit where someone committed suicide on screen before the watershed.

Plus the whole thing with the Muslim parallels.

Not in the sense that I would write to OFCOM (because I'm not a fuckwit) but I can imagine that generating controversy.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
That anti-war speech was really really good. Enjoyed this episode more than last week, and agreed with others that there was no "gotcha" moment that resolved the whole thing.
Boring 2 parter elevated only by a fantastic Capaldi performance.

Also can't get the Osgood love. She's borderline 4th wall breaking and now she's "super important" meh....


Well I was thinking the bit where someone committed suicide on screen before the watershed.

Plus the whole thing with the Muslim parallels.

Not in the sense that I would write to OFCOM (because I'm not a fuckwit) but I can imagine that generating controversy.
Not only muslims. All extremists of all believes. The religious, the communists, the right wingers, it applies to them all.


So is the doctor hinting that Clara died a month ago? Then it seems he still isn't over it and has been visiting her before she dies.



...yeah, the first part of this two-parter.

I understand that the Doctor's speech is meant to be taken as a condemnation of all kinds of extremism and I agree that it's very effective, I'm just pointing out that this entire two-parter hinges quite heavily on parallels between the Zygons and a very specific kind of extremists.


I actually kind of like that you can keep the Osgood thing going forever. For all we know now they're both Zygons but that doesn't actually change anything which I like.


He was mentioned as the creator of the Zygon-destroying gas. He was also mentioned last week in that regard, too, but not - IIRC - named then


Ah right, fun reference. Didn't catch that.

Although, to be fair, Sullivan didn't seem like the type to develop something like that (also he was just a doctor, not a chemical scientist. On the other hand, he was also, in the words of the Doctor, an imbecile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgLgE0Ok3LI).


The Capaldi rant at the end was awesome. Really liked this episode, but I almost feel bad for Capaldi. I feel like the substance of his speech could have been better written but he elevated it all to such a supreme level that it didn't matter. He's definitely been doing that for a lot of the writing this season.

Not only muslims. All extremists of all believes. The religious, the communists, the right wingers, it applies to them all.

The atheists and left wingers as well just to be sure.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The Capaldi rant at the end was awesome. Really liked this episode, but I almost feel bad for Capaldi. I feel like the substance of his speech could have been better written but he elevated it all to such a supreme level that it didn't matter. He's definitely been doing that for a lot of the writing this season.

I think the speech was well-written. It's just the substance of the 2 episodes themselves, especially this one, hadn't warranted it. And that made it feel a bit off.

Last episode was too clumsy with the themes it was tackling, and this one was too hands-off.

Capaldi made the speech just about save the day anyway.


I think the speech was well-written. It's just the substance of the 2 episodes themselves, especially this one, hadn't warranted it. And that made it feel a bit off.

Last episode was too clumsy with the themes it was tackling, and this one was too hands-off.

Capaldi made the speech just about save the day anyway.


I thought Jenna Coleman played the villain pretty fantastically in that scene with Capaldi, but in the rest of the episode she played it pretty straight. I really feel like these actors are just being held back by the writing.


so clara
is already dead from the point of view of the doctor as we see him?
Sure seems like it. I'm kinda glad that we already have the Doctor "in mourning" and that his grieving won't drag on.

The question now is, for how long has the Doctor been in mourning of Clara's death? Has he only known for this 2-parter? or has has he known the entire season? I kinda doubt it considering some of the things he has said regarding Clara and dying, unless his talk with Clara about how danger-seeking she is becoming was a way to try and prevent it perhaps.

Maybe his whole "Screw the rules" scene in The Girl Who Died was more about Clara than it was about Ashildr, and his talk with Ashildr in The Woman Who Lived was him coming to terms with the fact that his actions have consequences and saving Clara might not be a good idea.

That makes the scene at the end when he tells Clara he missed her even worse. The hug was him saying goodbye.
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