Capaldi is damn good even if the episode isn't,
I really, really love this two-parter. Osgood is such a brilliant creation. It would be great to see a little more of her.
I really, really love this two-parter. Osgood is such a brilliant creation. It would be great to see a little more of her.
Mentioning Harry Sullivan by name was a nice touch, too, I don't think they did last week.
Missed this, what was the mention?
Loved this two-parter. Good stuff.
It was in the previous episode as well, and you could see it more clearly.Speaking of easily missed in that episode...
Best screengrab I could get, on screen for barely a moment but as I saw it on TV I thought "Hang on, wasn't that William Hartnell?"
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm impressed Osgood found such a nice photo of him if my eyes aren't playing tricks.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but what was the controversial part people are referring to? Especially when people are suggesting OFCOM could be involved. I just didn't really see anything controversial.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but what was the controversial part people are referring to? Especially when people are suggesting OFCOM could be involved. I just didn't really see anything controversial.
Not only muslims. All extremists of all believes. The religious, the communists, the right wingers, it applies to them all.Well I was thinking the bit where someone committed suicide on screen before the watershed.
Plus the whole thing with the Muslim parallels.
Not in the sense that I would write to OFCOM (because I'm not a fuckwit) but I can imagine that generating controversy.
Not only muslims. All extremists of all believes. The religious, the communists, the right wingers, it applies to them all.
We had?I mean, we had an entire episode of "the Zygons are ISIS".
We had?
He was mentioned as the creator of the Zygon-destroying gas. He was also mentioned last week in that regard, too, but not - IIRC - named then
Not only muslims. All extremists of all believes. The religious, the communists, the right wingers, it applies to them all.
The Capaldi rant at the end was awesome. Really liked this episode, but I almost feel bad for Capaldi. I feel like the substance of his speech could have been better written but he elevated it all to such a supreme level that it didn't matter. He's definitely been doing that for a lot of the writing this season.
I think the speech was well-written. It's just the substance of the 2 episodes themselves, especially this one, hadn't warranted it. And that made it feel a bit off.
Last episode was too clumsy with the themes it was tackling, and this one was too hands-off.
Capaldi made the speech just about save the day anyway.
Capaldi is too damn good for this crummy storytelling.
Sure seems like it. I'm kinda glad that we already have the Doctor "in mourning" and that his grieving won't drag clarais already dead from the point of view of the doctor as we see him?