Indrid Cold
Unconfirmed Member
Can you get the ocularum shards in the collesium area you unlock in the empris de lion without disturbing the "wildlife" there?
So am I basically fucked? I'm fighting the boss at the end of Winter hearts and have no HP potions and my party is all injured. This is complete horse shit that they have no supply crates in this entire fucking level. Complete horse shit because now I am completey fucked.
You can reload the milestone save from before you started the quest you're on. You don't have to restart the whole game.I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
Right?Josephine's quest is such a pain in the ass.
I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
So at what point in the main story is the final romance scene/trophy pop? Cuz I only have the last mission and a quick look on youtube has some scene with Seraand I never got that. I did the pranks/both quests/committed etc I evenabout a dream or somethinglike apparently have to but I never got that scene.agreed mythal was nonsense after the mission
Can you get the ocularum shards in the collesium area you unlock in the empris de lion without disturbing the "wildlife" there?
Are you sure you are not going after the wrong thing? Dont confuse the snowy wyvern with the highdragon that is in the same area.
I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
Gonna go tidy up some quests and finish some stuff off. Has anyone found a party/skill setup that is completely OP yet?
Knight Enchanters and any form of Warrior are easy to make completely invincible, and Tempests can basically one shot anything in the game (I actually had to auto attack the last boss to death because otherwise I broke the scripting).
Since you have party members of every class, you can pick your poison on what you want to abuse, if anything.
I personally was a bow tempest and I had Sera as a tempest as well. I cleared every rift with 2 moves.
That's pretty OP xD even as a archer / assassin I still had to do some work.
Can someone tell me what I'm missing? I'm not that far into the game, let's say I'm level 9 or something. This world is huge, which is a good thing, but do I seriously need to do some shitty sidequests to continue the main quest? So that I have enough "power"? That's pretty shitty. Close the rifts is getting very old, very fast. And 7 chances out of 10 it's a rift with enemies double my level, which is just a complete waste of time since I die ridiculously fast.
I'm really not feeling this game at the moment and that sucks, because I love RPG's and I adore open world games.
Can someone tell me what I'm missing? I'm not that far into the game, let's say I'm level 9 or something. This world is huge, which is a good thing, but do I seriously need to do some shitty sidequests to continue the main quest? So that I have enough "power"? That's pretty shitty. Close the rifts is getting very old, very fast. And 7 chances out of 10 it's a rift with enemies double my level, which is just a complete waste of time since I die ridiculously fast.
I'm really not feeling this game at the moment and that sucks, because I love RPG's and I adore open world games.
Damn. Kinda tempted to do a tempest run for Nightmare, but I'd rather have more survivability. And also try a different class.
I've always used Sera as an archer, but after seeing this dual-daggers is definitely worth trying.
edit: wait, that's not related at all to the weapon used, but I will try to respec her anyway
Missing one damn type of seed to have them all...wonder where it is...
No more quests on the War table,my Rogue Assassin is level 23...after I kill the 3 last Dragon left,guess I'll start that last story quest.
I think I read that Deathroot seeds are bugged and are unobtainable at this time, so you'll be left at 18/19 - is that the one you're missing (third spot on the common seeds list)?
I'm pretty sure I got all the seeds.
Edit: Yep I have all 19.
Josephine's quest is such a pain in the ass.
It actually is stronger with bows, since it's based on weapon damage, I just gave her daggers so as not to compete with me for loot and never respecced her.
The way abilities and damage ranges and DPS interact is very much like something like vanilla wow, which I think frustrates a lot of people when they look at a weapon and see '500 dps!' (my daggers are that) vs a 200 dps 2h axe, yet the axe will still be better. Because DPS really only affects your autoattack damage while the actual damage per hit affects everything else. In this case, my 16,000% weapon damage attack shines a hell of a lot more with my 250 dps bow than her 500 dps daggers. (in that video it was not the stuff I eventually had, by the time I finished I could basically spam 4000 damage crits with that).
TLDR: dps is important in that it is a function of damage partly, but your actual damage done per hit is much more important for special attacks which represent vastly mroe of your actual DPS in the game than just attacking does. Ergo slower weapons are inherantly better, so faster weapons have SIGNIFICANTLY higher dps to balance things.
Gonna go tidy up some quests and finish some stuff off. Has anyone found a party/skill setup that is completely OP yet?
My daggers are 500 dps as well, high tier schematic with all tier 4 materials
End game question:
I did the operation to bring Samson to Skyhold to judge him, but the option to judge isn't showing up. Is it too late since I've finished the game?
OK, more questions. I'm level 11 and just got to.Skyhold
First question - in my party it seems well balanced. Only issue I have is Sera who is specced everything under archery is just drawing aggro and she only lasts about 1 min before dying. She uses all the parties health potions. Anything I can do to fix this quickly? I really like her banter.....
Second question - Can I respec myself or my default party members? e.g. I think now I don't need dispell on my mage, and I use Varric as dual wield rogue so his point in archery seems moot (especially as I have Sera tearing it up).
Third and final question - My tactical camera is fucked I think? I highlight party member and highlight new place. I then highlight someone else in the party and the first highlighted path disappears?? And then no-one ends up moving and the battle is just chaotic.....That demon night thing at Haven fucked me over twice just because I couldn't get Dorain and Sera out the way somewhere :/
Actually I do have one more question that's specific quest related -In the desert lands there's a quest to open up some doors and I was short on shards. Problem was I'd already collected 12/15 from that region. So now the quest registers I need 3/6 more shards - do others from different regions count towards the total? Because I already have loads in the bank .......
I'll go back and check but I think so. They said he'd be in our dungeon. But I went down there and he wasn't.Did you do the one available in the war room? I did it before the end of the story though.
I'm not underleveled. I didn't know earlier on I could requip my stuff and basically used all my HP potions, and I've been in a ton of fights since then...I am fucked aren't I? It's just complete horse shit why they would force you to do this. I have to restart the entire fucking game now. Thanks to Biowares genius idea to get rid of healing.
How is the game for PC now?
I bought it on release and was met with cutscene hitching, an unsatisfactory tactical camera (two cursors... what the hell), and auto-attack.
Is knight enchanter still OP???
God I hope so. Every breach on this nightmare run is a prayer that the tank holds agro and the pots last.
I can't imagine fighting the damn dragons.
Is knight enchanter still OP???
God I hope so. Every breach on this nightmare run is a prayer that the tank holds agro and the pots last.
I can't imagine fighting the damn dragons.