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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview - Here We Go Again
Dragon Age: The Veilguard makes plenty of improvements to Inquisition's decade old formula but retains everything that makes the franchise special.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard starts its prologue with a bang
Before throwing players into an expansive world, BioWare wants to establish that it's one worth saving.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard starts its prologue with a bang
Before throwing players into an expansive world, BioWare wants to establish that it's one worth saving.

First Dragon Age: The Veilguard Gameplay Ups The Action
After ten years, BioWare is showing off the next entry in its fantasy RPG series

Dragon Age: The Veilguard looks better than its trailer
Don’t let that weird CG trailer scare you if you’re a Dragon Age fan.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a fantasy epic filled with big decisions
For fans of Dragon Age, the latest installment is aimed at expanding the world you probably already love. And once again, there are big decisions to make in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

After a first-look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, I'm all-in
First-look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, oh man...
- Two companions will be with us when traveling, but possible obligatory third members can join during specific quests (like how Varric is in the 24-second sneak peek).
- Game will let you play as a Human, Qunari, Elf or Dwarve.
- Schedule of Dragon Age Stuff // June 18 will include a 12-page Game Informer cover story.
- Gameplay reveal later will cover 20 minutes rather than the original 15 minutes. No sneak peek of character creation, but maybe someday. Later, will most likely explore the facial animations, too.
- The Inquisitor will be back and customizable; so most likely expect American and British female/male VAs back. We will also get to "make some key decisions that will impact how the Veilguard begins."
- Six Factions to start as an Origin: Grey Warden, Antivan Crows, Shadow Dragons, possibly Mourn Watch, Lords of Fortune, and Veil Jumpers // Not sure if it we will have a unique prologue like in DA:O (possible implication from these official art) or if we will have a DA:I/BG3-like "Origin" where different NPCs react to our protagonist differently + Exclusive dialogue choices and quests.
- Character Creation, we can play as different races: Human, Elf, Qunari, and Dwarf and possible long hair options.
- Companions are 2 elves (Bellara and Davrin), 1 Qunari (Taash), 1 Dwarf (Harding), 3 Humans (Neve, Lucanis, Emmerich). Additional companions are Manfred, Emmerich's skeleton assistant and Assan, Davrin's baby Griffon. EA Press delves into the deeper specifics of each companion: https://news.ea.com/press-releases/...agon-Age-The-Veilguard-Arriving-in-Fall-2024/
- It's still a speculation that all companions are romanceable by any RP Origin. Confirmed are: Lucanis can be romanced by a female Qunari, while Bellara can be romanced by a female elf. Scout Harding is a confirmed romance companion, but still unsure whether gender-locked or race-locked.*
- *Interjecting for third to the last previous bullet point, but gamer articles about romance were made from Bioware GM Gary McKay's single comment during the IGN interview. The statement is specifically "you can romance the companions you want," but imo it doesn't reveal anything yet. Initially, this same article was the same post that mentioned "Bioware confirmed" to have seven playable companions but was spontaneously changed to omit the "playable" adjective and added a comment stating that the story 'has been updated with additional clarification on the role that companions play in battle.' If journalist news are fickle to these spontaneous changes for their supposed "confirmed" article, then I think it's better to rely on the game devs and test players' literal insider-info.*
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