Help, black border around all 4 sides! WTF? My 55 is a 48 for this game? Don't see anything under settings???
Umm the sunset in the India track is amazing. The lighting really makes this game.
People use the sticks for throttle and brake.
Thats a thing ?
Can understand it in motorstorm RC but the view kind makes that an obvious choice.
Omg the menu music is dirty. Best racing game ost ever.
Viveks stahp. I'm not gonna make it till my copy arrives.Controls are excellent. Incredibly responsive. The sound inside the car is stellar, as expected. The car feels so connected the the surface it's on. Nice subtle vibrations on the dual shock
You really should see this episode:
Ariel Atom - Top Gear - Series 5 - BBC
I don't really notice it on certain levels.2nd race looks so much better than the first. This game shines at night. But man, that aliasing is definitely noticeable. Hopefully a patch will address it soon.
The soundtrack is dope.
All the social features are down at the moment yeah?
Dirt games, grid and forza games all have had it as an option for years. Easier than triggers on long sessions and better control imo
Less than a day until this game is up in Europe and still no pre-load. WTF Sony?'m chasing up the PlayStationStore team to find out why not everyone has been able to start their DRIVECLUB pre-load. Will report soon.
63 hours until UK unlock...Still 16 hours until EU unlock :'(((((
it's in your ps4 settings, not the game
Can anyone confirm?
So is the free to play version not up yet? I don't understand...sorry if this question has already been asked.
Adding so many people to my psn list but also gaffers adding me got more friends in the last 2 days then i had in a year haha.
Yeah, I want this soundtrack. This along with the controls are making a big impression on me right now, even more than the visuals. The cars drive smooth as hell.
anybody having issues connecting to the social hub? i cant seem to connect.
AI is tough. Even in amateur, I feel like they are right on my ass. But no rubber banding. At least, not yet. If I'm in the lead, I feel like I can stay there as long as I don't fuck up. And that means keeping your eye on the road and not looking at the 1000 distractions on the OSD. So good bye HUD! Minimap, you can stay
You ...have a fun time ahead of you. It may or may not involve Ariel Atoms.
So, it's still not up in Europe? In this case Holland?
I want to play this so baaadddddddddd
Found on another forum...
must be another case of GAF>internet>GAF?