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DRIVECLUB |OT| Cloudy with a Chance of Jaw Drops

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I might be wrong, but it is certainly the impression I've had from playing at the different levels, but it seems to me that the higher level AIs react differently to the Rookie and Amateur levels. They to me tended to be the racing-line-come-hell-or-high-water types. But even then they do avoid you, they will try to go for racing line if they're ahead, but if that means rubbing against you they will then adjust left or right. They don't continue rubbing you for 500m until you back out or crash.

I noticed myself based on Rookie and Amateur alone, the AI got much more aggressive (positively) , still completely coherent, avoiding where possible but under racing conditions. The video above + my own experience, questions some peoples ability or agenda.


of course, you can switch between matte, matte metallic, normal glossy and metallic.

It's a pity that it won't save your club level in single player, at least the rank when the game was online the last time because I want to drive some of the club cars so bad!

you can't even edit your club design if you are offline, which seems silly


Hey, if you want to join my club. I got a open spot, I'm also located in East Coast US, so if your interested whenever you can connect just send me a friend invite over PSN and I accept you and send club invite through the game.

How about you two join my club. 2 members currently and at Lvl 11 for the club
So you're advocating that AI must have command over time and space to move their own car in 3D dimensions to avoid hitting the player. All of those situations were unavoidable. No one able to to avoid hitting the AI while driving at more than 150km/h, why should the AI be able to. I'd even go out on a limb to say this is the best AI of any racing game I've played.
Just reading your response there is no way you read my post and watched the video.

Leaving space for a car with its bonnet next to your car door instead of slowly pushing them off the track when there's five meters of space on the other side is impossible?

Being able to go through a corner side by side is impossible?

Overtaking without cutting someone off so badly that you actually drive into their bumper while taking the racing line is impossible? ON A STRAIGHT?

Please.....read my post, watch the video it refers to, and make a post that actually addresses it because it seems all you've done is create an auto defence post that doesn't even attempt to debate any of the actual points I raised.
I noticed myself based on Rookie and Amateur alone, the AI got much more aggressive (positively) , still completely coherent, avoiding where possible but under racing conditions. The video above + my own experience, questions some peoples ability or agenda.
Yeah, as I say the Rookie and Amateur levels seem to be the choo-choo, all aboard the racing line type races.

And I will take a guess that this is to make them more predictable, and easier to overtake. But I've yet to have an AI take me out or do anything I consider 'bad behaviour' apart from then I pulled dick moves on them.

If you want bad opponents, race online, full of idiots taking bee-lines right for you.


Can you be more specific? Why would anyone change their line unless they have to?

If you're riding side by side, and the guy is inside you...you don't try to drive through him to hit the apex. Same with passing on the outside, you shouldn't get run off the road due to the AI drive-line shifting outside.

Might could have tapped the brake here, look at all the cars though, they even weave on the same drive line.

AI cars sticking to drive line through curve, AI pushes the player into the wall despite plenty of room and him being 3/4 of a car inside him.

You can see the car is aiming for the Apex Here...ignores the player who tries to dodge.

Off the start line AI ignores him, you also see the AI ahead just pushing each other right off the road.

I have a question about your first point, why doesn't the player instead acknowledge the Ai who is infront of him and brake? This is why everyone causes wrecks online.

While there are some instances where this is what should be done, what about when you're just riding along side by side, and it completely ignores you?

This doesn't get any clearer that the player doesn't matter to the AI....twice.



Finally decided to watch this video, and I'm calling BS in terms of it debunking complaints about AI

It shows how AI behaves when the player is sitting still or doing donuts. Most people do t play DC like that.....

I waited and waited for the guy to present a scenario that actually represents the actual gameplay experience of the game, but there was none.

When I'm driving at 100 mph and I can feel that the AI is turning into my car, on a straight. This video means nothing. When that AI continues to steer into my car for long and hard enough that my car spins out, this video means nothing.

When the AI decides that it's going to dive bomb and take the racing line right through a corner if I take a wide entry instead of taking the inside line through the corner so we can both make it, this video means nothing.

Heres a video of some actual racing against the AI. I simply typed in "Driveclub race" in YouTube and picked the first vid.


Guy is obviously new and makes some mistakes but....

First thing that happens in the race? Player gets alongside AI, it instead of it acknowledging his existence, it decides that it will be taking the racing line, even if that line is through the players cockpit. Forcing him off road.

At the first corner, the player funny enough gets some snap oversteer on entry which luckily means he doesn't get plowed by the yellow AI sweeping across the front of his car.

On the exit of that same corner, Another AI car almost pit manoeuvres him off the track before it can even think about simply taking another line to avoid contact.

At 1:38 the player does well to avoid contact going into the fast right-left hander,as the AI slams the door shut as it has the right to, but when the player gets a run on exit, the AI car again decides that it wants to deviate onto the racing line, even while the players car is sitting on it. In racing, the driver in front is owed the racing line, but not if that line is occupied by another car.

Another point of note is at 3:16, where the AI I front pulls away and takes the racing line, and another AI also going faster and looking to get ahead, just powers through the front of the players car and on to the line instead of racing him side by side.

At 3:41 the AI makes contact with the back of his car sticking to the line instead of just a small adjustment.

At 3:54 the AI swings in wildly toward the apex of the corner despite being side by side going in. The player knows the AI has no idea he's there and takes to the grass which allows him to survive. On exiting that corner the AI against slams the door shut despite a good enough portion of the players car being side by side.

At 4:00, despite the player not allowing the AI to slam him into the wall at the exit of the last corner and now being in front for the next corner, the AI again sticks rigidly to its driving line, regardless of the fact that it means he's effectively trying to pit manoeuvre the players car as he tries to navigate the corner.

People complain about the AIs lack of awareness and it's willingness to stick to the line WHILE RACING and it took no effort to find video evidence of exactly that. There's close, hard racing, them there's just having almost no regard for the fact that the player is there.

It's okay to post up a video showing that the AI has good enough routing intelligence that it can drive around stuff it isn't racing against, like a parked car or a car doing donuts, but simply watching one race against the easier AI shows that when it comes to racing, they CAN AND DO drive as though they've no idea you're there and that they CAN AND DO attempt to drive through the players car in an attempt to stick to the line, even if avoiding that collision only takes a slight steering adjustment.

And this is before we get into cars where one nudge while you're on the edge of grip actually ruins your race.

That AI analysis video does not address the fact that while RACING, the AI drives at times like its trying to ruin your race, nor does it address the fact that it does do that, which is why people, including reviewers, took note of it.

I have a question about your first point, why doesn't the player instead acknowledge the Ai who is infront of him and brake? This is why everyone causes wrecks online.


I see Giant Bomb and some others have shit on this game. Second opinions yet, GAFers? Worth picking up?
The game is a really solid racer with amazing graphics, great car handling and addictive offline mode. The only thing missing is the online play I got connected once and it was a blast.
If you don't mind the online mode, leaderboards and online challenges then yea it is worth it or just wait for the online to get fixed and then join us.
As for the reviews most of them garbage impressions from gaffers and other players in the community are positive so far.
I have a question about your first point, why doesn't the player instead acknowledge the Ai who is infront of him and brake? This is why everyone causes wrecks online.

My post was made to outline the way that the AI behaves around the player in terms of awareness, which leads to people complaining about the AI driving at times like you aren't even there.

If I was critiquing the guys driving my post would have been a hell of a lot longer, but that's something else entirely.
My post was made to outline the way that the AI behaves around the player in terms of awareness, which leads to people complaining about the AI driving at times like you aren't even there.

If I was critiquing the guys driving my post would have been a hell of a lot longer, but that's something else entirely.

The AI's perfectly aware of the player, when you're exchanging paint with an AI just nudge them back and they'll soon move behind. And in the situation on the straight, I would have moved across and cut the guy out, expecting the player to drop back. He was practically a cars length ahead. I like the AI, it's like a modern TOCA, they jostle a bit but they don't kamikaze.
I have a question about your first point, why doesn't the player instead acknowledge the Ai who is infront of him and brake? This is why everyone causes wrecks online.

Technically the AI wasn't in front, player reaches 7th place before braking. Tough one to call as the player brakes too hard and drives off track.


I've really been enjoying this game offline. That said it has serious technical issues. Aside from the online issues, this game has crashed for me more than every other PS4 Game combined.



@Rushy33: Sorry guys, unfortunately I won't be able to respond to #DRIVECLUB queries in the short term. Please follow @DRIVECLUB for updates.

... Someone at Sony asked him to stop?... Or maybe just too much to handle while focusing on the server issues?... hopefully not a personal problem.
The game is a really solid racer with amazing graphics, great car handling and addictive offline mode. The only thing missing is the online play I got connected once and it was a blast.
If you don't mind the online mode, leaderboards and online challenges then yea it is worth it or just wait for the online to get fixed and then join us.
As for the reviews most of them garbage impressions from gaffers and other players in the community are positive so far.

Roger that. ty sir


Not sure if anyone's posted this yet but I remember that '50 Things about Driveclub' mentioning this: Northern Lights. (Promptly spinning out at the next corner with the goddamn Atom)



At 1:38 the player does well to avoid contact going into the fast right-left hander,as the AI slams the door shut as it has the right to, but when the player gets a run on exit, the AI car again decides that it wants to deviate onto the racing line, even while the players car is sitting on it. In racing, the driver in front is owed the racing line, but not if that line is occupied by another car.

I don't have Driveclub yet, so I haven't experienced the AI for myself.

It's interesting that you recognise that the car in front has no obligation to deviate from the racing line when it is the car in front. If the car behind gets hit it is his own fault. The point where I noticed they are actually side by side is around 1:48 and if that is where you mean, you are simply wrong, the white car doesn't move from its position, it is in fact the guy playing that smashes into him. :s


The more I play this game, the more I'm falling in love with it. The driving mechanics are just so good at riding the line of realism without being unforgiving. Almost every car I've unlocked feels unique and special in it's own way. Almost every track is inspired and incredibly fun/challenging. Even the hyper car events, while challenging, are not unfair and feel incredibly rewarding when you finally nail that perfect lap/drift/race.

Once all the online challenges and leaderboards are up, it's only going to get better.

Additionally, to those that say this game has "rubberbanding" I can assure you that is not the case. Yes the AI may drive better/more aggressively if you are doing well, but I've finished some races on courses I know extremely well over 6-7 seconds in front of the second place car. They will not exceed the limits of the actual cars themselves, they will just improve based on your level of driving prowess (adaptive AI).


AI cars sticking to drive line through curve, AI pushes the player into the wall despite plenty of room and him being 3/4 of a car inside him

The person I quoted was right in this respect. The car in front has every right to do this in a race. There is no obligation for the driver in front to be courteous and allow lots of space so you can drive through (lol). It's a race, why would they simply open the door to another driver to take the place?

People who expect this in racing, don't watch car racing much.
Here's a toast to my first ever post on gaf!

Driveclub has been a breeze so far...till I reach the semi-pro trophy cup. The AI has no remorse for spinning you out of control at those tight corners.

Frustration level is at a high.

Anyways, i managed to create my club. For casual racers out there: RazgrizVI


Still can't get a stable online connect, almost one week later. It connected me for like 5 minutes, then got randomly disconnected. gg.
Bought this on EU release and managed to get online for the first time just now! Got to the Club browser and then things went dark. It was fun for the 2 minutes it lasted...


If you're riding side by side, and the guy is inside you...you don't try to drive through him to hit the apex. Same with passing on the outside, you shouldn't get run off the road due to the AI drive-line shifting outside.
The A.I. isnt perfect, but if the car in front of you has position, your supposed to back off. The only complaints i understand is when a car behind hits your car. It may be possible that the A.I. can't see behind them, only in front.
Um, I think its working. Like fully working. I can now see multiplayer events. Leaderboards. Dunno about challenges. First times I've been able to see all this MP content.

Edit: still some hiccups. Server is trying to connect all players in the game lobby. It's progress but still unable to go MP racing. Soon I hope.


To all of you talking about the AI being too aggressive or simply not noticing players on the track:

You need to watch some Touring Car Championship races:

These guys are racing for positions and clearly couldn't give a sh* if someone else is on their line. If he's in a spot to push 'm out, push 'm out...
Since DRIVECLUB has a large British developer base, I can see the inspiration.
The A.I. isnt perfect, but if the car in front of you has position, your supposed to back off. The only complaints i understand is when a car behind hits your car. It may be possible that the A.I. can't see behind them, only in front.
That's been my take as well. The AI has absolutely no obligation to clear you a path, and when I have been hit in the rear its been from cars much faster than me that I was blocking.

Tempering and tweaking this stuff is always a good thing, but I haven't seen anything too bad about this AI except for the more limited rubber-banding. I think I still prefer Drivatars though as you can see the field spread out across the course over, say, a ten lap run, whereas ten laps of DC AI is just the one lap played normally, again and again. They don't spread out over time - maintaining their near perfect pack arrangement throughout.
If you're riding side by side, and the guy is inside you...you don't try to drive through him to hit the apex. Same with passing on the outside, you shouldn't get run off the road due to the AI drive-line shifting outside.

Might could have tapped the brake here, look at all the cars though, they even weave on the same drive line.

AI cars sticking to drive line through curve, AI pushes the player into the wall despite plenty of room and him being 3/4 of a car inside him.

You can see the car is aiming for the Apex Here...ignores the player who tries to dodge.

Off the start line AI ignores him, you also see the AI ahead just pushing each other right off the road.

While there are some instances where this is what should be done, what about when you're just riding along side by side, and it completely ignores you?

This doesn't get any clearer that the player doesn't matter to the AI....twice.


All of those looks to me like almost everyone I know playing a racing game... lol
Um, I think its working. Like fully working. I can now see multiplayer events. Leaderboards. Dunno about challenges. First times I've been able to see all this MP content.

Edit: still some hiccups. Server is trying to connect all players in the game lobby. It's progress but still unable to go MP racing. Soon I hope.
Yeah i had that two days ago. Then it went offline again after a mp match. So i did get to play a match. A messy match at that :D.
I came in 4th.
Any tips on how drifting works? I can't get very high scores, and on the odd occasion I do it seems random.
Hit circle (for a second or so) when you're in or before a turn. Then you just play with both triggers and your thubstick. I do think it takes a lot of practice. Sometmes it doesn't seem to registrate but that's probably because i'm doing something wrong. A tutorial would be nice i guess.



... Someone at Sony asked him to stop?... Or maybe just too much to handle while focusing on the server issues?... hopefully not a personal problem.

Probably got told to stop tweeting because news outlets are writing articles based on loose interpretations of his tweets.

In particular I think the 'considering compensation' thing reported today might have ruffled a few feathers.


Any tips on how drifting works? I can't get very high scores, and on the odd occasion I do it seems random.

A few pointers:

- Going for manual shifting helps. Force the gearbox into a gear that's a bit to low for the corner resulting in high revs.
- Flick the car into the corner with the e-brake from a wide angle, the very farthest side of the corner, allowing you to use as much trackspace as possible.
- Be aggressive on the throttle at the start then ease on the throttle through the corner, adding throttle as you lose the drift. The controller has analog shoulder buttons, make use of em and play with your throttle.


this isn't a sim, and you need contact to win some races (try some single lap legendary races with 11 AI)

damage is cosmetic, and rarely does contact with the AI jeopardize your race, so don't go out of your way to avoid it


Wahey! 225/255 now. The time trial in the Hennessey Venom and the 2 race event in the Ariel Atom were really tough. Atom can be a bitch to control, but once you figure it out it's awesome.


To all of you talking about the AI being too aggressive or simply not noticing players on the track:

You need to watch some Touring Car Championship races:

These guys are racing for positions and clearly couldn't give a sh* if someone else is on their line. If he's in a spot to push 'm out, push 'm out...
Since DRIVECLUB has a large British developer base, I can see the inspiration.

The AI are modelled on Jason Plato?

It all makes sense now.
My game was online most of the night.

But seriously you don't want it connected. I was completing time trials minding my own but when I ended the event instead of my fastest lap being the target it was some douche with a douchey avatar who was like 2/10ths of a second faster! So I had to go back to beat him/her as they were the target. Took a few more laps best their time, but when I went to quit it was some other person with a target like 5/10ths of a second faster!!


this isn't a sim, and you need contact to win some races (try some single lap legendary races with 11 AI)

damage is cosmetic, and rarely does contact with the AI jeopardize your race, so don't go out of your way to avoid it

Now I agree with this. If they're going to knock me around...I'm going to give it back, lol.
As many have said so funny to see people complaining about the racing line when the AI is driving correctly and the human player is all over the place thinking he can do what he likes and the AI will just sit idly by.

That's also a shame about Rushy not being allowed to update anymore, the news sites in question should remove the article and issue an apology for basing it on tweets.


If you're riding side by side, and the guy is inside you...you don't try to drive through him to hit the apex. Same with passing on the outside, you shouldn't get run off the road due to the AI drive-line shifting outside.

Might could have tapped the brake here, look at all the cars though, they even weave on the same drive line.

AI cars sticking to drive line through curve, AI pushes the player into the wall despite plenty of room and him being 3/4 of a car inside him.

You can see the car is aiming for the Apex Here...ignores the player who tries to dodge.

Off the start line AI ignores him, you also see the AI ahead just pushing each other right off the road.

While there are some instances where this is what should be done, what about when you're just riding along side by side, and it completely ignores you?

This doesn't get any clearer that the player doesn't matter to the AI....twice.


What should the AI do to please you ? Move over ? Stop to make you pass ?

Until you're side by side you have to expect the ai to choose the line regardless of your position.
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