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DriveClub Review Thread.


Have we hit the "Review Scores shouldn't even exist!" phase yet?

I'm starting to hit that. After seeing games that I consider boring/trash getting 80-90, and then games that are amazingly fun like Driveclub or Destiny getting lower than that, it seems like reviewers are pretty much going into most reviews now with conceived notions of what they expect in the game, and if it doesn't hit all the boxes it gets bad or mediocre scores.

Mr E.

There technically is no "single player" in this game. Even in the tour your times can be used to challenge other racers and show up on leaderboards. Normally I don't care whether a game has rewind or not but in this games case it would taint the leaderboards.
A flagged time would alleviate that problem tho, even ranked lower than a slower clean time.

Options don't hurt anyone.


Unlimited Capacity
I hate how metacritic does its scoring, way to much power for high/low ratings skewing results.

If you take the mean currently and adjust it with standard deviation, the game is actually hitting a 78 right now, not to bad. Low score after adjustment is a 70 and highest is an 86.

Dude that is a difference of 5 points on a 100 point scale. It hardly matters.

What does it mean by cutting corners? Why penalize it?

Driving off of the track.


You should go count the number of games that scored that well in the last few years, your expectations are too high.

My reasoning for a 88-90 was PGR, Motorstorm (the first two) all scored around 85... And this seemed just as beautiful as when those games were released back in the day. Plus evolutions pedigree in racing games, I thought it would score well.

But the score doesn't bother me, i was expecting higher that's all.


There technically is no "single player" in this game. Even in the tour your times can be used to challenge other racers and show up on leaderboards. Normally I don't care whether a game has rewind or not but in this games case it would taint the leaderboards.

Forza addressed this w/ the clean vs. dirty time thing on the leaderboard (any clean lap -- no collisions, no course cutting, no rewind, no drafting is faster than any dirty lap) I thought GT did similar?. I haven't even read enough about the game to know if that would work, so I'll just go play it and see how it is
or having it reviewed for its own merits rather than what reviewers want it to be.
I agree. This game certainly isnt for me but I'm wouldn't be the guy reviewing it cause it just isnt my cup of tea. It seems like reviewers are wanting it to be something its not. I love forza horizon 2 because I'm not into realism in this genre but a lot of people are. Its like someone who just loathes jrpgs reviewing FF9 and trying to compare it to a modern FPS. They shouldn't be doing the same thing.


For the record, eurogamer gave NFS Rivals, 9/10.

That's a racing game, helicopters, 200m jumps, police cars crashing into you, press O or X to fire emp's!!! Ohhhh you've popped your wheels, never mind, magically re-inflate, as you do.

Unfortunately, with driveclub, all you can do is drive a car and try and win races, somebody tell bernie ecclestone he's been doing it wrong and hire jason statham.

II love when people try to refute sites and call them garbage because they don't agree with their reviews


For the record, eurogamer gave NFS Rivals, 9/10.

That's a racing game, helicopters, 200m jumps, police cars crashing into you, press O or X to fire emp's!!! Ohhhh you've popped your wheels, never mind, magically re-inflate, as you do.

Unfortunately, with driveclub, all you can do is drive a car and try and win races, somebody tell bernie ecclestone he's been doing it wrong and hire jason statham.

DO NOT give Bernie any daft ideas! Double points is bad enough, and sprinklers to make it more exciting, or shortcuts. The man is a nutcase.

I really liked the Ars review, it understood what the game was about and it showed that if you can get into what the game offers you will enjoy it but if you prefer a different experience then try before you buy. He also did not slate it for what it was not.


A flagged time would alleviate that problem tho, even ranked lower than a slower clean time.

Options don't hurt anyone.

except developers who need to dedicate time to implement and support these options.

options, in any design, are not free. some are cheaper than others, for sure, but they all require time to think about and implement and then support. And too many can detract from the focus on key items.


Dude that is a difference of 5 points on a 100 point scale. It hardly matters.

Driving off of the track.

The perception of a score that is near an 80 is sizable vs one that is below a 75.

More relevant though is that statistics shows all the sub 70 scores as well outside standard deviation.


Have we hit the "Review Scores shouldn't even exist!" phase yet?
Yes sir we have. And to a point they're right. Review scores shouldn't effect one's ability to enjoy a game, but they shouldn't be tossed aside either. I predicted that this game would score in the high 70s (pretty close so far) but that doesn't mean people shouldn't or can't enjoy it. I'll definitely decide for myself whether its worth a purchase to me with the PS+ demo


I haven't played driveclub yet, but a digital copy should be waiting for me on my PS4 right now.

As a racing game fan who works a ton, and doesn't have nearly as much time to play, the rewind button has saved my ability to enjoy the genre. Having to redo an entire race because you missed one corner is the worst, and I don't like it.

Rewind only works in single player, if you don't like it he only one making it affect your game is you.

Agreed. Lack of rewind is a deal-breaker for me now, like many others, which means we won't buy the game, it hurts sales, and negatively affects the hope for more games form the developer. Also, it's an option that others can easily ignore.
That's fair - you're entitled to your opinion. I find the actual racing in DC to be more exciting than anything in Forza or GT - its sense of speed is unmatched and the track atmosphere and lighting are stunning. I also don't think every game needs an option for sim side.

Lack of rewind button? Oh dear.

I can't disagree more, sorry.
Review are subject opinion, ok, but sometime this opinion go to far ...

The rewind button is one the worst thing I ever seen in a videogame.

I agree with all of you. DC has a feeling that no other racer ever matched in my opinion and it looks so good it makes the whole package really nice and when the weather patch comes out, it's gonna be even better !

and yeah that rewind option is one of the worst things i've seen in a game, handholding to a new level. I never liked it in Forza, always thought it takes the skills away and doesn't make you a better player.

But again, i enjoyed Driveclub and right now i just want to play more of it but i'm at work.
Aren't you tired of Sony first party games being on the 7s range?? Is it too much to expect better games from Sony when lately most of its games are mediocre to average? Except for naughty dog and Japan studios I see games scoring below or equal to 7..The Order?? 7 or less write it down
Why should you care what it rated on a scale instead of trying it out and forming your own opinion?


Banstick Emeritus
I'd wager that most of the people suggesting that "if the game is fun, why complain" are the people who like to get involved in the 1080/900 60/30 discussions. The same applies there.
Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.


Metacritic considers 50 a mixed review. Sorry but 50/100 is an outright bad score when it comes to video games. Such is the scale with video game review.

Actually, you're wrong. The scale has been widened so far this gen. Tell me, does the Gamespot review indicate that this is a bad game? I can answer it for you: no, it doesn't. They feel it is a bog-standard, average game, and they give it a bog-standard, average score of 5/10.

Thank goodness the wider scale is being used these days.
I'm starting to hit that. After seeing games that I consider boring/trash getting 80-90, and then games that are amazingly fun like Driveclub or Destiny getting lower than that, it seems like reviewers are pretty much going into most reviews now with conceived notions of what they expect in the game, and if it doesn't hit all the boxes it gets bad or mediocre scores.

I think most people are reaching that stage. Sounds like sour grapes lol. But it's a fact that games reviews from some of the traditional and questionable outlets are fading into obscurity.

Mr E.

except developers who need to dedicate time to implement and support these options.

options, in any design, are not free. some are cheaper than others, for sure, but they all require time to think about and implement and then support. And too many can detract from the focus on key items.
Point taken and noted. My quote was to those who claimed it ruined games.
On a personal note I disable the rewind function where applicable but it is handy to have in certain circumstances.
Driveclub is ordinary menus and ordinary races, standard time trials, and a few drift events. Driveclub is bland social competition. Driveclub is the fear of risks and the embrace of the ordinary

I wonder why race games have to be extraordinary.


Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.

Shit just got real.


Just saw this... Interesting review to say the least
3/10 Paulsemel.com

In DRIVECLUB, you drive virtual versions of real cars on race tracks and closed off streets during multi-lap events, point-to-point races, time trials, and the occasional drifting contest. But while this is far removed from the sensitivity of Gran Turismo and other racing simulations, DRIVECLUB isn’t as forgiving as, say, a Need For Speed, and is thus far removed from the smoothness of a MotorStorm. Which means you not only can’t just let up on the gas and cruise through a corner, you have to hit the brakes, and sometimes hard.

This, annoyingly, isn’t the only way in which DRIVECLUB is oversensitive. In fact, it’s so stringent and unforgiving about driving correctly that it’s kind of annoying. Rub up against a guard rail ever so slightly? That’ll cost ya. Trade just a small swatch of paint with another car, even if it’s not your fault? That’ll cost ya, too. Go off the track for just a second? Yeah, I know. It’s like if my mother made a racing game.

While DRIVECLUB can be a bit of jerk, it can also be a bit of a taskmaster. When playing the career mode, every race has secondary objectives, which can include such goals as finishing in the top 3, finishing a lap in a certain amount of time, or finishing with a top speed in excess of a certain amount. All of which would make things more interesting…if they weren’t largely things you’d try to do anyway.

What’s ultimately annoying about DRIVECLUB, though, is that there’s a good racing game struggling to get out. The tracks are twisty and nicely varied, it does some interesting tricks with the sunlight, while the structure of the career mode makes you feel like you’ve actually accomplished something. But all of that is negated by the game’s annoying spike in difficulty, its prickly controls, and its dickish attitude. Which is why I have to take back what I said about my mom earlier. Because if she made a racing game, it would be a lot more fun than this.


Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.

Oh god. He should get help from hindle.


Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.

Ruh oh.



Actually, you're wrong. The scale has been widened so far this gen. Tell me, does the Gamespot review indicate that this is a bad game? I can answer it for you: no, it doesn't. They feel it is a bog-standard, average game, and they give it a bog-standard, average score of 5/10.

Thank goodness the wider scale is being used these days.

Games just gotten worse. Anyway if you just look at a score and say "this is a bad game" you are doing it wrong. That's the real reason why Metacritic doesn't mean jack shit. It's not the score that matters but the content in the actual review text. That's because everyone views games differently. For example someone might not play multiplayer at all and if a review says "everything else I liked but multiplayer is offensively bad" then you should be able to adjust accordingly. Applies to just about everything in video games.


Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.



Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.

Lol this will be Fun


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Ooooh! I'll take that wager.

You round up the names of the folks saying "if the game is fun, why complain" in this thread. Cross reference those names against a resolution thread of your choice. For the sake of argument and to give you a sporting chance, we'll mark "most" as 50% +1.

3 PM Pacific should give you enough time. See you then.

.... oh my

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