So Halo, SO, and Crackdown are the only exclusives they showed right?
Everything else is 3rd party, and will probably run better on pc/ps4.
def getting an xbone for halo collection.
Exclusive content for almost every multiplat. Platinum exclusive, Phantom Dust, Crackdown, Halo collection, indies to match Sony. To me this is the best show they've ever done.
Solid B Grade from me. Nothing unexpected was revealed otherwise my rating would be higher.
Very surprised at this. I mean we pretty much had all studios accounted for but I expected at least one major new IP. Nothin.Very mediocre presser, IMO. Not a single megaton.
And eww...this Tomb Raider dungeon crawl...
Very surprised at this. I mean we pretty much had all studios accounted for but I expected at least one major new IP. Nothin.
Lesbian (if you want to make knee-jerk assumptions about appearance and sexuality).
Dike is offensive and pejorative.
Very surprised at this. I mean we pretty much had all studios accounted for but I expected at least one major new IP. Nothin.
Someone should do the E3 duck with "it was all CGI trailers"
The original was pretty great. Much better than the TR reboot for me.
Pretty much i think Crackdown,Scalebound and Phantom Dust are all 2016 or later.
I am impressed. That was the most game-packed E3 conference I've ever seen. Even when someone came out to present a game, they didn't spend forever talking awkwardly about it first. They just walked up, introduced themselves, and showed the game.
It was back-to-back games the entire time. I feel like Sony is going to have more of the talking head bullshit.
Exclusive content for almost every multiplat. Platinum exclusive, Phantom Dust, Crackdown, Halo collection, indies to match Sony. To me this is the best show they've ever done.
A- for Microsoft.
Complete focus on games, no Kinect and no bullshit.
Too much CG, though.
Great show overall.
What a crap conference. Spencer clearly shot himself in the foot with his "bringing more than hype, bringing games" statement a while ago that pointed at E3. One of the worst conferences I've seen so far. Even E32013 was better than this yawn-fest.
Not a single megaton IMO, MS needs more serious looking IPs and no cartoony kid games they flooded the conference with. I still think Sunset Overdrive is overrated, wont buy that one for sure.
Let's hope that Sony safes the day with a few megatons or I'm really disappointed. I don't even count on Nintendo to deliver anything.