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ELDEN RING |OT| One Ring To Rule Them All


Golden Boy

People have always bee doing this.
I remember the time when hackers were invading others in Dark Souls 3 and gifted the host millions of souls in order to trigger the anti cheat system which effectively banned the host from multiplayer.
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Ok, no denying that this isn't just a remake of Dark Souls 2, this is just all the DLC in one picture here!

On the plus side, the Fire Giant wasn't bad at all for me, killed me once due to an invisible flame on the floor, but 2nd time was easy enough, this guy though would be hell for Magic users

Fools idol

Melania is a fucking beast.. I still cant get her down. I haven't been this stuck on a boss since the very first Souls game Flamelurker as a noob. This will be my 15th attempt.


Finished Elden Ring, amazing game. (155 hours)
I liked almost everything, exploration, the variety, the world design and the characters i meet, the bosses and the cool weapons and spells implemented. I had no problem with most things in the game.
I loved my fights with Rykard, Malenia, Moghwyn, Radhan, Godrick, Maliketh, Morgott and Godfrey the most. (solo no summons/ashes btw)
The final boss i didnt like that much.

The levels are mostly great, the snowy areas are the weakest part, but there's a lot of good places that it doesnt matter, every From game had a bunch of weak areas.
Lyndell and its underground and Eternal City were my favs, but Elaphael/Haligtree is close second, Stormveil sits at 3rd, Volcano at 4th because i loved the secret and the questline there, and the Academy and Farum Azula tied 5th

My little issues with the game were that some of the quests felt unfinished or didnt make much sense, also no journal to keep track so i had to look at a guide sometimes.
Also the endings are underwhelming and dont show me any footage of my consequences of all the playtime i did, instead its just a short cutscene where it barely makes any difference except in colors lol. (One ending was a bit different though but still underwhelming)

I would give it the 5/5 anyway, its on par with the other amazing games i played.
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Gold Member
People have always bee doing this.
I remember the time when hackers were invading others in Dark Souls 3 and gifted the host millions of souls in order to trigger the anti cheat system which effectively banned the host from multiplayer.

You'll have to forgive Framerate Rain Man; he barely notices anything except FPS fluctuations and the striking new outfits worn by his failed model friend, Alex Batatatatagalai.
It's very weird. Like they spent all that time developing new movements but they couldn't at least change the clothes or the head of that dude? I spent the whole cinematic thinking it was the same dude that somehow just came back from the grave, but no, totally different person.

Same guys, at least for me. Two of them were easy but the one on the left was hard to beat.
Because he is the same guy? He’s supposed to be the same character who had disguised himself previously


Does anything actually work well on Crucible Knights? Also, you mean specifically against the shielded one, because theres the spear version of it and can be equally annoying(if not worse).
If you're feeling skillful, parrying. Parry their arm, not their weapon.

If you're normal, roll forward through their attacks and counter with fast weapons. They can't be hit stunned so avoid slow, heavy weapons.


Steam update, O' Steam update...
so to speak Behold, long-ass patch install!


Edit: Man, this Melania fight is kicking my ass. 4 attempts in and I've not managed to iframe through the pre-fight cutscene crash :messenger_downcast_sweat:
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Winter John

The co-op item is really easy to craft.

Well, look at that. I had no idea. I never bothered to check that crafting tab. I was worrying about ruining other people's games when they summoned me, because it seems like I can't never do enough damage, but I guess it's not a big deal after all


Anyone well versed with Faith builds? I just started a new character and have never played Faith in any From game. What do Faith weapons usually scale with? And is there a decent spammable akin to what Sorcs get with Glintstone Pebble? I've got the first two fire spells but one is only good at point blank and the other is slow and underwhelming. Maybe it's just because I don't know what I'm doing with the build but I feel like Faith is really underpowered compared to an equal level Intelligence build.

They really need to have different icons for if you have cleared a dungeon or ruin. It’s hard to keep track
If you are in a dungeon/catacomb and can't fast travel out, you haven't cleared it. The grace icons will all have a red splash across them. You can also go to your grace list on the map page and press R3 next to one and it will put a star next to it. Every time I complete a dungeon or area I mark it them using this feature.

I've ruined the Volcano Manor story by killing the boss first by accident :messenger_medmask:
Man that sucks. Almost all of my favorite armor sets drop from that quest series.

Just another reason to play it again, though.


So is Leyndell Capital where shit gets real? I finished Ranni's quest earlier and felt pretty good about myself, but there are a lot of regular fools in here putting me in my place.


Alright, done in 80 hours at level 140 with my pure strength axe barbarian.

I gave up on Melania and facerushed the finale in the end. Fatigue finally setting in - not bad considering that most open world titles reveal their treadmill in a quarter of that time, but most open world titles also couldn't hold a candle to this level of craft, so I suppose that's moot :messenger_beaming:

I feel like the pacing / level ranges are pretty out-of-whack for those last few areas - I went into the final zone expecting trouble, but ended up with an overleveled steamroll.

Fire Giant was tough enough to bounce me into exploring for late-game areas, Maliketh was a ball-breaker, and Melania is insane with that lifesteal + two phases + i'm just going to kill you now combo, but Macho Man Godfrey Savage went down first try...
I was expecting him to be a wall after all that, but seems like I went for the post-game / secret ending area first.

It looked like he had some cool moves too, so on some level I feel like I cheated myself out of a good fight by going through the haligtree and scoffing up move levels before trying to get an ending :pie_thinking: ah well.
Also lol at his boss item - I finally get That One Special Colossal Axe to spend my somber smithing stones on, and it's within spitting distance of the final boss. Et tu, Fromsoftware :messenger_loudly_crying:

Not much to say about the final boss - it felt a bit underwhelming to finally meet the O Elden Ring O Elden Ring guy from the trailer and have him be the zombified prelude to another giant penis monster. But hey, it wasn't bad.

Co-op was as fun as ever, though it feels like invasions have been nerfed hard - I wasn't invaded once while in my own world, and way too many of my own invasion attempts ended in 4v1 gank squads. Probably serves me right for trying to invade near that Blaidd clone just before Lake of Rot, but an interloper's gotta take every advantage they can get.

Still, overall very good. It irks me that certain legacy issues are still a problem after 6 games - like the lock-on camera when dealing with giants and those asshole birds, or mapping 'get me out of the menu' to 'backstep me off this cliff' - but at the end of the day it's an incredibly well-made game, as has been the case with most all of From's stuff for a while now.

And of course, it's rife with replay potential - the sheer build variety and breadth of accessible areas thanks to the open world mean this one's going to be great for future runs. I fancy building a mace-masher priest or squishy wizard now I'm done with the traditional 'git gud and hit it with a big stick' first play.



Wait a minute. Weren't the player's arms supposed to come off?

I swear I remember that being teased as a new mechanic in one of the early pre-release interviews. Perhaps in the DLC 🧠
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Gold Member
Castle Morne boss was easy and he dropped a +8 Banished halberd which was ok. My Great Sword +5 is still better. Duty over family. Fuck that guy. My castle now.

Finally found the tower shield that heals you with my main. It's a 'no skill' shield at default too, bonus.
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Castle Morne boss was easy and he dropped a +8 Banished halberd which was ok. My Great Sword +5 is still better. Duty over family. Fuck that guy. My castle now.

Finally found the tower shield that heals you with my main. It's a 'no skill' shield at default too, bonus.

You killed the blind lady's father? That guy isn't the Castle Morne boss. The real boss is not even in the Castle.


Gold Member
You killed the blind lady's father? That guy isn't the Castle Morne boss. The real boss is not even in the Castle.

The dude left his blind daughter in a hostile world to fend for herself, his heart is blacker than the Lionel dude, and going by my other playthroughs, she always dies. He just happened to die first in this playthrough. :D
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The gold halberd does a lot of damage but i don't like the moveset and it is kinda boring.

Any suggestion for some high damage weapon to substitute this thing?

even slightly less damage but faster\better moveset\some cool r2 charged attack are good enough to make me take any weapon in consideration, i don't care for weapon skills, i don't like having limited use of something dictated by a consumable bar.

i have that big ass sword made of many little sword but it kinda looks boring aswell.

Like i have this super cool frozen needle that shoots a projectile with his strong attack but the damage is nowhere near the halberd.
Get the Grestsword. It's in Caelid. Really good move set like poke and over head attacks, insane heavy jump attack, quite fast and has a long reach.


Gold Member
They need to add a prompt to make certain things leave the screen so that you can attack again. When you unlock a door in a crypt, when you read those sword graveyards etc. You have to press Y but there is no on-screen prompt like when you pick up a new item plus you're unable to do anything while the message is on the screen.


I love the interactions between elements.

I realized when it's raining, my fire incantations were doing around 10 % less damage. I didn't check with fire damage weapon yet.

Also I though being smart by Freezing enemy with my twinblade and then hitting them with my Magma Wyrm's Scalesword (with Wondrous mix boosting my fire damage) for big damage but I realized that hitting a frozen enemy with fire cancel the freeze... Kind of logic, I should've known xD

I guess rain increase lighting damage but I didn't try yet.


I unlocked a bell bearing to be able to get the named NPC summons up to +6 just from the vendor, so I've been pissing around with different ones in caves/crypts. There are some really interesting NPCs that do more than just attack/defend. The Perfumer Tricia one specifically gives you one of those "negate a hit" bubbles every 30 seconds or so, along with an attack buff or a regen, and then sprays all sorts of stuff at the enemies. There are also status debuffers, a healer, and the rats which just seem to fuck off and do whatever they feel like. People not experimenting with these are missing out, I feel. I guess at the end of the day, most people will just use whatever the most effective is. I didn't use Mimic Tear before the nerf, I was still using my Godrick Soldiers at the time, but even now it feels absolutely busted compared to the rest, but also boring for the same reason.
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I unlocked a bell bearing to be able to get the named NPC summons up to +6 just from the vendor, so I've been pissing around with different ones in caves/crypts. There are some really interesting NPCs that do more than just attack/defend. The Perfumer Tricia one specifically gives you one of those "negate a hit" bubbles every 30 seconds or so, along with an attack buff or a regen, and then sprays all sorts of stuff at the enemies. There are also status debuffers, a healer, and the rats which just seem to fuck off and do whatever they feel like. People not experimenting with these are missing out, I feel. I guess at the end of the day, most people will just use whatever the most effective is. I didn't use Mimic Tear before the nerf, I was still using my Godrick Soldiers at the time, but even now it feels absolutely busted compared to the rest, but also boring for the same reason.
Yes I love this summoning system.

At the beginning, I was hardcore "I will only play solo without summons" but I ended up trying them and loving them.
I run a "beast master" build where I use the Crucible knights' incantations (with Dragon's one also) and use only the animal summons. I love the Stormhawk deenh, it buffs your damage and survive quite well.


Ok, I hate the Godskin Duo, that fight is straight up unfair

EDIT: Why is it I seem to always defeat the boss I'm complaining about the very next try after posting?
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Ok, I hate the Godskin Duo, that fight is straight up unfair

EDIT: Why is it I seem to always defeat the boss I'm complaining about the very next try after posting?
haha well done.

I haven't done this fight yet but I don't hesitate to spirit summons for Duo (or triple...) boss. I also already used Sleep pot to put one of them asleep. I don't know if the Godskins are sensitive to that.


haha well done.

I haven't done this fight yet but I don't hesitate to spirit summons for Duo (or triple...) boss. I also already used Sleep pot to put one of them asleep. I don't know if the Godskins are sensitive to that.
You can summon an NPC outside and use a Ash I guess if you wanted to gank them at the same time, I used a Mimic Tear +10 and it was still rough


Gold Member
I'm using my trusty wolves still. I like wearing the Werewolf helmet too. I'm to Mt. Gelmir and they are still doing well.


Gold Member
Castle Morne boss was easy and he dropped a +8 Banished halberd which was ok. My Great Sword +5 is still better. Duty over family. Fuck that guy. My castle now.

Finally found the tower shield that heals you with my main. It's a 'no skill' shield at default too, bonus.
Tell me more.


Gold Member
I love this game, but the input lag is so freakin weird. After 100+ hours I'm still somewhat struggling with commands being cued up because of the latency. Also makes me not trust that my commands are registered (because I've already moved on to "better" commands while the game is carrying out previous ones) so sometimes I may end up mashing a bit just be sure, and then of course it all cues up and I end up in a bad confusing loop..
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Gold Member
Tell me more.

It's called the Icon Shield. Idk where I got it, I just noticed I had it. Probably somewhere in Altus Plateau or Mt. Gelmir. Also, it looks similar to the DeS one but it has an Erd Tree on it instead.

I love this game, but the input lag is so freakin weird. After 100+ hours I'm still somewhat struggling with commands being cued up because of the latency. Also makes me not trust that my commands are registered (because I've already moved on to "better" commands while the game is carrying out previous ones) so sometimes I may end up mashing a bit just be sure, and then of course it all cues up and I end up in a bad confusing loop..

What platform? It doesn't seem any different than the past games for me. I did notice that it seems heavier on PC but that's probably because I doubt my framerate is too hot on a 1660ti.
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I unlocked a bell bearing to be able to get the named NPC summons up to +6 just from the vendor, so I've been pissing around with different ones in caves/crypts. There are some really interesting NPCs that do more than just attack/defend. The Perfumer Tricia one specifically gives you one of those "negate a hit" bubbles every 30 seconds or so, along with an attack buff or a regen, and then sprays all sorts of stuff at the enemies. There are also status debuffers, a healer, and the rats which just seem to fuck off and do whatever they feel like. People not experimenting with these are missing out, I feel. I guess at the end of the day, most people will just use whatever the most effective is. I didn't use Mimic Tear before the nerf, I was still using my Godrick Soldiers at the time, but even now it feels absolutely busted compared to the rest, but also boring for the same reason.

Yeah theres some interesting stuff. Tried the one you had in the spoiler and found it a little underwhelming tbh. Ive been enjoying the marionettes a lot lately though. Cheap and their basically turrets that spit out arrows on full auto. Great support if your playing melee. They've basically stun locked a few bosses for me too.

They also don't move around that much so they don't do the thing that alot of other melee summons do, and run straight through aoe ground effects and melt. I've watched the rot dog especially seemingly go out of its way to do that.


Gold Member
I still don't know why people are complaining about the mimic tear "nerf".

Mine just solo'd the godskin apostle in NG+

Season 5 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

I swear most complainers haven't even tested the skills after the nerf, they're just like, "whelp, I am not using that anymore.", or "Man, I didn't even get to use them yet, guess I'll ask for a refund cause I can't beat the game without OP skills.". I kept using Bloody Slash and it is still really good. God forbid they try to balance some stuff so that everyone isn't using the same set of skills.
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Any advice on how to improve my character and gear besides leveling and using smithing stones? Is there any cool weapon or other trick that... makes me like 1.5 times stronger? I often summon these ghost wolves but they're often only a short distraction until the enemies rip them apart.

Everytime I find a new item it just has a very specific use, boosts something temporarily or has different stats, not particular better ones; that new armour has better elemental resistance but worse physical, that new sword scales better with dex than with str. It seems everything is a trade off. Then I explore the world, find some hidden path and my reward is an item that temporarily boosts my stamina recovery. I've found like three golden seeds to improve my flask and this feels good and rewarding but they're really hard to come by.

How can I improve permanently my stats besides leveling up (which takes so much time now at level 35)? I used all the smithing stones to improve my sword from the beginning (no other weapon I've found was inherently better) and I still use the sqaure off skill because it deals massive damage and most others I tried are usually too weak damage-wise for the long build-up animation they have. So almost every Ash of War or weapon or armour is just inventory filler which reduces my incentive to explore, to be honest. It'd be cool if I found an item by exploring or a though fight that permanently increase let's say stamina, equip load or FP or something like that.

Is there any good guide or trick that makes my character better? (I'm beyond getting better on the pad, yet I like the world the overall gameplay.)


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Any advice on how to improve my character and gear besides leveling and using smithing stones?

Stones and levels are the main two. You mentioned seeds, but you also want to look for Sacred Tears which improve how much each shot of health potion restores, they're mostly found in ruined churches out in the world.

Other than that, the game is way more about practicing the combat than pumping stats, although the stats obviously help a hell of a lot. If you need more stones the best place to look is mines which should be subtly marked on your map as black holes. They're the yellow rocks on the walls as well as the standard glowing items you pick up. You eventually find items which let you buy any number of stones.


For anyone having issues with launching the game: try uninstall Epic Games Launcher (or don't update). It seems EGS broke something. My Logitech software wouldn't update and Elden Ring wouldn't launch after running fine for hours the last couple of days.

Seen this on Reddit and it worked for me as well. Fucking strange.
My first Souls game since Bloodborne (I got like half way through it) and I can't even get Margit's health down a quarter of the way. Maybe this isn't for me.
if you're struggling with him then you need to go explore more and get stronger.

there's more than enough content in the starting areas to get you strong enough. actually, if you do everything in Limgrave/Weeping Peninsula then you will be over powered. I spent about 25 hours before fighting Margit and beat him first try.

sounds like you've skipped a lot of stuff and headed to stormveil castle too early. level up a bit more and upgrade your weapons.
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Gordon Freeman

Gold Member
So tempted to grab this myself, loving the game so it feels worth it

That’s how I felt haha the issue is that it’s sold out mostly everywhere. I got super lucky here in Canada. My GameStop randomly got one in from an online order cancellation as they were online only in Canada.

Plus I was able to use my game guarantee and return the original regular copy I had been playing and get my full amount back to put towards the CE.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So….is anyone willing to drop a Sacred Relic sword so I dont have to wait until the end to use it? Pretty please…

I’m playing on XSX…


if you're struggling with him then you need to go explore more and get stronger.

there's more than enough content in the starting areas to get you strong enough. actually, if you do everything in Limgrave/Weeping Peninsula then you will be over powered. I spent about 25 hours before fighting Margit and beat him first try.

sounds like you've skipped a lot of stuff and headed to stormveil castle too early. level up a bit more and upgrade your weapons.
Thanks, I'll try give that a go. So with my runes should I be upgrading my weapons mostly or levelling up? Is there a recommended level I should be at before I take on Margit again?


Thanks, I'll try give that a go. So with my runes should I be upgrading my weapons mostly or levelling up? Is there a recommended level I should be at before I take on Margit again?
I only did Stormveil Castle when I was at lvl 60 :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Killed everything in one walk, didnt die once lol
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Gold Member
My first Souls game since Bloodborne (I got like half way through it) and I can't even get Margit's health down a quarter of the way. Maybe this isn't for me.

Try to get to level 25, find the mine and get upgrades for weapons. Port to the church of Elleh to get the summoning bell, speak to lady in the shack until she gives you the jellyfish summon, and then summon Rogier as well. Do jump attacks on Margit when you can. Get distance by rolling and sprinting away until the Jelly or Rogier gains aggro then get some more jump attacks in when he is looking away, he will eventually stagger which will allow you to perform a visceral attack. Should have it within a couple of tries. If you can get to the church west of Caelid, you can get to the hub early and maybe even get your weapon to +4 or higher. Good luck.
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