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Euro 2004

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Portugal looked the better team when they were behind, England when they trailed, odd how the psychology in the players makes them sit back and try to hold what they have. Think the lack of legs in midfield told for England during the first 90 minutes, Scholes and Gerrard weren't really in the game. As with all these summer competitions the North European teams are going to be disadvantaged, these players don't play in 25 degree heat all the time.

iapetus said:
Penalties? Can't be having with that. You might as well just toss a coin - heads Portugal win, tails England lose.
I was hoping England would win on penalties just so I could bring up this comment.....gah.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh well, guess we did better than the Spanish, Italians and Germans. Not that Germany ever had a hope, but some people seemed to list them among other favourties for some twisted reason


jett said:

This Scot ain't crying :D

The last 2 Portugese kick takers really did seem to take the piss with their efforts, I mean the goalie scored!

Before im slaughtered, I should say that England should have won with Campbells goal but you did play crap.


Being a Scot I felt I should come in and scoff.

(and for those about to launch the retort "At least we were in it" - we expect to lose and have a laugh anyway, we're comfortable with our shitness ;) )



(The T is for tournament)

England were uneven. I enjoyed the first half, some quality chances from either side. Second half, it was defend defend defend and we're just asking to be scored against in the last 10 minutes. I couldn't complain about Portugal scoring when they did.

We were tired, lacking in midfield and when it comes to England and penalties/sudden death, it's only going to end one way. We did well in extra time though and the Portugese played well. Shitty decisions by the ref, what a joke.

Overall, I think we had a good tournament - I've not been a fan of England under Sven but this tournament, I've been pleased with the football we've played and it's just so disappointing to go out on penalties AGAIN.

Fuck this "Roll on 2006" bollocks, I can't wait that long! :(

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
JMPovoa said:
The disallowed England goal was a good call. It was in the goalie's area and besides, the English player put his arm on Ricardo's shoulder, clearly preventing him from ever reaching the ball.

You're talking shit dude. Being in the goalies area makes absolutely no difference in the rules of the game. Neither Terry nor Campbell leaned in towards Ricardo and they have as much right to go for that ball as the goalie did.

You CANNOT jump high without raising your arms. It's impossible.


Couple of other things - firstly, how on Earth can you have a penalty spot like that at this level?

Also: Our passing was lacking, may have been the tiredness showing through but we were definitely lacking in that area.


being watched
Koshiro said:
Being a Scot I felt I should come in and scoff.

(and for those about to launch the retort "At least we were in it" - we expect to lose and have a laugh anyway, we're comfortable with our shitness ;) )

Don't worry the English have learned their lessons from bitter Scots and Irish cheering when England lose. Everyone I know happily supports the other team when their playing them or the Welsh.


"You CANNOT jump high without raising your arms. It's impossible."

Are you serious? Did you ever get to see the play? He was fouled, and i don't even care about the goalies area. A foul is a foul no matter where.
I can't help but feel you'd say the exact same thing as me were it the other way around. Bias reaches new heights i guess...
Don't ask a portuguese for opinion, just ask anyone who's not an England fan (or even then).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh I forgot, another reason for some players being so tired compared to Portugal would be because this is the same team who have played all the England games. Portugal on the other hand have some key players who didn't play much (or any) of the first game.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
JMPovoa said:
"You CANNOT jump high without raising your arms. It's impossible."

Are you serious? Did you ever get to see the play? He was fouled, and i don't even care about the goalies area. A foul is a foul no matter where.
I can't help but feel you'd say the exact same thing as me were it the other way around. Bias reaches new heights i guess...
Don't ask a portuguese for opinion, just ask anyone who's not an England fan (or even then).

Believe me, I wouldn't. I DESPISE the special treatment goalies get in the box.

As for a foul being a foul wherever it happens...haha, you're having a laugh right? In the rules of the game yes, and believe me, I wish it was that way, but if that challenge had happened anywhere else on the pitch, 3 players jumping for the same ball like that, and Campbell won the header, it would NOT havine been a free kick.


being watched
JMPovoa said:
"You CANNOT jump high without raising your arms. It's impossible."

Are you serious? Did you ever get to see the play? He was fouled, and i don't even care about the goalies area. A foul is a foul no matter where.
I can't help but feel you'd say the exact same thing as me were it the other way around. Bias reaches new heights i guess...
Don't as a portuguese for opinion, just ask anyone who's not an England fan (or even then).

Get your glasses out son.

It's the same as Shilton and Maradona's goal. The goalies goal is to JUMP and get the ball. Shilton lamely failed to do it and Maradona pulled a fast one with his hands. Same with this goal. Hands are always going to go up. But the goalie was flat footed lamely waving his hands in the air. Didn't even make an attempt to jump.

Perfectly good goal - just sad it's almost a carbon copy of Campbell's 'winner' against Argentina, leaps up to head the ball in and the lame goalie flounders flat-footed as Campbell comes down on him. Both goals penalised because the goalie was shit basically. Laughable.


"Believe me, I wouldn't. I DESPISE the special treatment goalies get in the box."

Isn't England the only country in Europe where the rules are reversed there? I mean in England the advantage is on the offensive player and not the goalie, i.e. if they collide or are close to each other and fouling each other then it's a penalty kick in England but not in the rest of Europe where its just a free kick for the defending team.

Mr Gump

The ball moved when beckham was about to strike the penalty kick?! What the fuck is that?

Campbells goal should of been allowed. Yeah the better side won but that shouldnt of been the case in this game.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Shompola said:
"Believe me, I wouldn't. I DESPISE the special treatment goalies get in the box."

Isn't England the only country in Europe where the rules are reversed there? I mean in England the advantage is on the offensive player and not the goalie, i.e. if they collide or are close to each other and fouling each other then it's a penalty kick in England but not in the rest of Europe where its just a free kick for the defending team.

I wouldn't say that, it's just more lenient. Certainly not the penalty thing.

The English game is generally more lenient, especially on things like a high foot, so it drives me insane seeing European games.


JMPovoa said:
Don't ask a portuguese for opinion, just ask anyone who's not an England fan (or even then).

Hand on my heart, I honestly saw nothing wrong with the goal (which coming from me is a big thing to be said). The ref did a major fuck up.

Don't worry the English have learned their lessons from bitter Scots and Irish cheering when England lose. Everyone I know happily supports the other team when their playing them or the Welsh.


Cant wait to see The Sun's no doubt sensationalist headlines tommorow. I wonder if Vassell is going to star in any pizza hut adverts after this :)


I am disgusted at your comments. Just because in many situations the offense gets away with it, it doesn't mean it's the right thing. I will go watch that play again if i get the chance. I'd like to have a look at that Portuguese header that seemed to get at least in the England's goal line. I was actually quite surprised no replays were shown on that play.


All the people in Swedish TV, "experts" and such, seemed to agree that the ref made the right decision. Although they also said that in England, it would've been goal. :p


The ref was rock solid. It wasn't a valid goal, the goalkeeper was visably hindered when trying to get the ball. Terry held him down.

On the other hand, Portugal also scored but the ref said the ball didn't cross the line.

I wanted England in the semis (so we can play them if we beat Sweden) but Portugal would be fine too :) Payback for the WC'02 qualifiers

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
JMPovoa said:
I am disgusted at your comments. Just because in many situations the offense gets away with it, it doesn't mean it's the right thing. I will go watch that play again if i get the chance. I'd like to have a look at that Portuguese header that seemed to get at least in the England's goal line. I was actually quite surprised no replays were shown on that play.

I'm amazed that there are people arguing FOR the decision! If it's allowed everywhere else on the pitch, it's allowed in the box. They jumped directly upwards fro the ball. The raised their arms because that's what you do when you jump. Th goalie misses it, it goes in, goal.


"All the people in Swedish TV, "experts" and such, seemed to agree that the ref made the right decision. Although they also said that in England, it would've been goal"

Kind of sums it up, doesn't it?


"Urgh. Putting the disallowed goal aside, I still can't see how you could make that comment. I thought he was pretty awful."

Aside from the disallowed goal, what was there that made him so awful. His looks? ;)
Yes, we could argue some of his calls, namely, goal kick's that should've been corners and vice versa, and some callings on fouls, but nothing to scoff about really. That's just being way too picky or bitter.

Mr Gump

Mike Works said:
Yet another lame excuse!
No watch it again if you can. When beckham plants his front foot down upon blasting the ball the ball faintly moves to the right. It was being talked about it in the post match discussion here.


Well look at it this way. If the referee allowed the goal then the portugese would bitch and bitch some more. So there maybe is no right and wrong decision here. Whatever you do somebody will get pissed and rightfully so.
Excellent game, worthy of a Final match.

IMO, Portugal deserved the win. They controlled the ball for most of the game, they tried to create everytime and they just wanted it more, being at home and all. But they had in front of them an extremely well organized english team, mostly on defense, that after a surprise goal and Rooney's injury, did what they were expected to do. They waited in the back and tried to counter. Both teams would've been worthy winners, but in the end I believe Portugal fought more to obtain the win, while England took more of a wait and see approach.

But you englishmen should be proud of your team. They went down as true warriors on the pitch. Especially, Ashley Cole, who had the performance of his lifetime. Props to the little guy. The only one that continues to be a complete disappointment is Beckham. What the hell does he do for the team? He floats all over the midfield, making short, simple passes that rarely help his team go forward. His FK shooting has been off for quite a while and let's not even get started on his PK.

Talking about the PKs, I wa watching the match with my friend and I called it everytime before a player missed. Beckham had too much pressure on, Rui Costa looked uncomfortable and Vassell just looked out of place. =p

One last thing, please, please, please, don't tell me you guys actually think the ref robbed you. Campbell's disallowed goal was spot on. Not because of what Sol did, but because Terry didn't let Ricardo elevate for the ball. He pushed down the keeper with his arm. It was crystal clear. Don't sink to Italy's level.

Anyway, good to see the host advance. It only adds more drama to the tournament, plus they have really improved from their first match.

Oh, one question. Has Beckham ever dribbled someone in his life? He is such a stiff. =p


Mr Gump said:
No watch it again if you can. When beckham plants his front foot down upon blasting the ball the ball faintly moves to the right. It was being talked about it in the post match discussion here.

Well that is bad luck. You can't do anything about it.


being watched
Beckham has only himself to blame. According to commentators England offically complained to UEFA about the state of the goal mouth yesterday when they were training....wait for it.....for penalities. DOH!!!!!!!!

Mr Gump

Shompola said:
Well that is bad luck. You can't do anything about it.
At this level, the condition of the spot shouldnt be even in question. Every player had problems with it. It was the first thing beckham looked at after his shot.


Well they should have had complaied about the spot. Maybe they did? I couldn't see. But if they didn't complain then its their own fault.
Mr Gump said:
No watch it again if you can. When beckham plants his front foot down upon blasting the ball the ball faintly moves to the right. It was being talked about it in the post match discussion here.
Heh, I left for work at halftime, and have been here since. I didn't see the second half, extra time, nor PK's, so for all I know, you are (and probably are) telling the truth.

I'm just enjoying this moment of digging into the England fans' failure after they did the same to me a couple days ago :D

Did Rooney take a PK?


In case of body contact in the goal-area between an attacking player and the opposing goal-keeper not in possession of the ball, the referee, as sole judge of intention, shall stop the game if, in his opinion, the action of the attacking player was intentional, and award an IFK.

That's the rule, straight from UEFA's website...


Poor guy :(


The brittish magazines will probably burn him tomorrow.


That would probably be the tightest match of the tournament. I think ref, consciously or otherwise, gave the home side the advantage at any 50/50 situations. That, at the end, handed it to Portugal.

But credits to Portugal, they deserve to win.


Neo Member
The thing about the penalty spot is that everyone had to deal with the same issue. Obviously not ideal, but the same for everyone.
Mama Smurf said:
Except everyone after Beckham knew to stamp the area down, he was the unlucky one to show them they needed to.

Well i do feely sorry for him, i actually like Beckham, but in my opinion England never deserved to win.......they just went too back, like if they're defending the 1-0, and if there's anything this Euro is showing us, the teams which are attacking constantely are the ones which end up winning and thank god for that......
Bloody tense game, I have a headache after that and I'm Irish!

Such an exiting game, it had everything. The quality of the football wasn't good at times but you were always on the edge of your seat. Ashley Cole probably just played the game of his life, I've never seen someone give such an amazing defensive performance. He was phenominal and deserved better from his team mates.

Beckham again was very, very poor and bottled it for the penos. You can make all the excuses you want about the penalty spot but it was just poor technique. He cut accross the ball terribly and the guys on RTE called it right. I really like the addition of Trevor Steven to the team in the studio, very intelligent guy who's not caught up in the typical English media hype. It's refreshing to see a non-biased English take on things, Ian Wright doesn't quite count. ;)

In general England were poor, kind of non-existant as an attacking force and gave the ball away far too cheaply. Again this is all down to Sven who seems content to play the long ball quite a lot. The back 4 were very good though and really gave their all, they just threw everything in front of the ball, some great blocks in extra time. I felt sorry for Vassel becasue he's a good lad and deserved better. No doubt he'll be killed in the English media tommorrow.

Big well done to Portugal though. I thought they had thrown it away with the mad substitution of Figo. He was their best player and yet Deco, who had the worst game of his life stayed on the pitch! Don't even get me started about Miguel, he was worse than Deco. Bloody awful performances from them. Tired now, must take some headache pills and try to get some sleep.
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