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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead


Wraith has half the amount of armor than Goliath and has about a quarter less health.

And yet at Stage 3 he just rapes you :D

Had 3 matches vs the same wraith yesterday with a GAF team and this wraith knew what he was doing (run forest run till stage 3).

We almost killed it once but its just so fast. I find it hard to even touch it with assault because it teleports and decoys all over your screen.

I wonder what turtlerock is gonna do, seems like alot of people complain / trew it out already.

The Foul

Finally got some great games going with a group of randoms who stuck around for a while. Eventually one guy has to leave. Next game, matchmaking sticks me as the monster, even though it's my fifth choice, and leaves the assault slot, my second choice, open.


Simply incomprehensibly shitty matchmaking.

Yeah I am completely over that. I'll say it again for a new page, there needs to be a "no monster for me until I say so" button, if people playing with friends get that treatment, all players should have the option. I went from occasionally playing monster for kicks to full blown alt-f4 rage when I'm forced to play monster after landing in a good team. Not a good feeling.

As for wraith, its definitely better then the beta wraith, but the problem remains in good luck finding a match against kraken or goliath. The wraiths worst aspect, one I haven't seen discussed yet, is that you can be fighting it head on, it can decoy then INSTANTLY stealth pounce/incap you. Yes, shooting the wraith breaks the animation, but wait until you see good players pulling this off on the regular behind scenery or in the crevasses inside a dome. You basically CANNOT split up against a good wraith player, they will abduct you and pull this shit and there is NOTHING you or your team can do about it. In fact, if you try to do something, wraith pops nova and just cleans up what the abduct/pounce started. As hyde, I've gone full flamethrower mode in the face of a wraith who pulled this shit off ON FIRE and there is nothing you can do but hope your team isn't dead or preoccupied. You can't even switch to gas grenades and throw one in the split second it happens. Its incredibly cheap, unfun, and just another cheap/unfun move in the wraiths arsenal that hasn't been highlighted as much as it should.

I dont care about win ratios, high level play, internal balance... i have met very few people in game or online that thinks the wraith is fun. When wraith pops up, people sigh and say "gg" at the fucking loading screen, thats if they haven't quit. The person PLAYING the wraith will tell you its OP and that they feel kinda guilty. I'm sure TRS have high level strats and gameplay in mind when balancing things but good luck retaining players that even get to that point with the way wraith is now.
Wraith has half the amount of armor than Goliath and has about a quarter less health.

Which means fuck all when the Wraith is SUBSTANTIALLY more maneuverable and erratic. At Stage 1 and 2, he's a pain in the ass to keep a bead on and on Stage 3, you might as well not even bother.
Goliath is a tank, but he makes sense and feel balanced to both play and hunt. It's legitimately fun to tangle with a Goliath when both parties know what to do.


Fuck that noise...
.....sigh and say "gg" at the fucking loading screen, thats if they haven't quit. The person PLAYING the wraith will tell you its OP and that they feel kinda guilty. I'm sure TRS have high level strats and gameplay in mind when balancing things but good luck retaining players that even get to that point with the way wraith is now.

And THAT's the problem I'm ultimately finding with the core of Evolve.

It's UNFUN to play at the most basic level, which is where most players will be sitting at.
They want a quick-fix and the game is the opposite of that, for better or worse.... worse really, because no one ain't gonna fucking stick around for "High-level Evolve" play.

I've been sooooo back and forth with this game, starting with the Beta (which I legit play almost the entire weekend) and now with the final.
I TRULY want to love it but if feels.... I don't know, just wrong on a fundamental "Hey guys, let's have some fun!" level.


And THAT's the problem I'm ultimately finding with the core of Evolve.

It's UNFUN to play at the most basic level,
which is where most players will be sitting at.
They want a quick-fix and the game is the opposite of that, for better or worse.... worse really, because no one ain't gonna fucking stick around for "High-level Evolve" play.

I've been sooooo back and forth with this game, starting with the Beta (which I legit play almost the entire weekend) and now with the final.
I TRULY want to love it but if feels.... I don't know, just wrong on a fundamental "Hey guys, let's have some fun!" level.

I definitely feel the same way as you about the game overall, but I would disagree with the bolded point. I think the core of Evolve is great. Chasing a monster with 4 friends before it powers up is really fun. For me, the issue is the devs dropped the ball in almost every other area of the game (progression system, polish, character balancing, matchmaking, etc.) to the extent it destroys the overall product. They nailed the concept but fell flat on their faces everywhere else. All the great concept work in the world won't save a game from the reject pile when it's a complete crapshoot on whether your jetpack will take you up a high wall or let you faceplant into it with a Wraith shredding your back.


I have not played as much as some of you guys yet, but there need to be more things to shoot at for the hunters. Just onloading the guns when the monster appears is really boring and does not feel good because there is no feedback.

The wildlife concept is a bit broken imo, but I also don't know how to solve it on such small maps where you just go around in circles.
A couple of my buddies want me to get the game, but I'm having a really hard time biting the bullet on it. The game concept seems fun enough, but it's hard to justify dropping $60 on this if I won't spend too much time on it. I'm afraid it would get old too quickly, and I'm always reading about complaints here and on Steam.


Finally got some great games going with a group of randoms who stuck around for a while. Eventually one guy has to leave. Next game, matchmaking sticks me as the monster, even though it's my fifth choice, and leaves the assault slot, my second choice, open.


Simply incomprehensibly shitty matchmaking.

3+bot vs 1 is a better PvP matchmaking result than 4 vs bot. If you're allergic to the monster, either party up or play co-op. Otherwise, as far as the game is concerned, you're here on your own, and it's your turn.


I just realized you actually used the burst heal after the initial hit, and I still almost died.

And we were on day 3 in evac with the autobalance on our side. ;_;

LOL i didn't notice that. You should've been dead :p.

autobalance doesn't do shit against that asshole :/.
I'm enjoying this game so far. It's not great but it's good enough, I suppose. Quite like the team dynamic when it's monster vs hunters trapped in a mobile arena.

What's really killing Evolve for me is all the god damn waiting. Waiting for lobbies, waiting for everyone to ready up, running around aimlessly after hide and seek Wraiths, running aimlessly around full stop when you're following Daisy… waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting.
Wasn't planning to buy this game but it was unexpectedly given to me as a gift. Reading through this thread, I'm not excited to take the shrink wrap off.

Anyway, I'll be looking for team-based cooperation. I have and will use a mic. Add me on PS4 if you want: Fleet_of_Foot
I'm enjoying this game so far. It's not great but it's good enough, I suppose. Quite like the team dynamic when it's monster vs hunters trapped in a mobile arena.

What's really killing Evolve for me is all the god damn waiting. Waiting for lobbies, waiting for everyone to ready up, running around aimlessly after hide and seek Wraiths, running aimlessly around full stop when you're following Daisy… waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting.
Try playing monster. When the hunters are wandering and waiting the monster is busy being a monster.


The wraith is fine when you have a party working together with everyone playing their roles, but if you're relying on matchmaking and randoms to do their jobs? Good luck.

I'm expecting a pretty big wraith nerf in the next update. Then everyone is going to switch to kraken.


*Finally* we managed (me and my friends) to play some good games with strangers and, as we have theorized, hunters need more time to get good at playing.

We won some matches and even when we lost it had still been a good game.

In few words, this game will become more fun and enjoyable with time, I just hope that people won't give up too early.


Alright people,who is in for a proper 4 man hunting party this evening?

I'm talking people who got a bit of experience under their belt, who don't care about dealing with Wraith shitters and who communicate and use skills in tandem with each other.

PC, add me on Steam if you haven't yet: "Klyka"

Will probably be in like 1 1/2 hours or so.

Nori Chan

This is something that happened to me last night and was wondering what gaf would think.

I'm playing as Maggie and I see the tracks and am promptly marking them. As I'm following daisy I get pounced upon by the wraith. I'm like that's ok my teammates will attack him.

Little do I know they are 200+ meters away from me and half way across the map. I'm thinking to myself what are these idiots doing. All three of them are together and I'm by myself. Am I in the wrong here? I'm the trapper that has an AI that will know where the monster is at all time but they all stuck together on their own to find the monster by themselves and without me.

edit: also they didn't have mics


This is something that happened to me last night and was wondering what gaf would think.

I'm playing as Maggie and I see the tracks and am promptly marking them. As I'm following daisy I get pounced upon by the wraith. I'm like that's ok my teammates will attack him.

Little do I know they are 200+ meters away from me and half way across the map. I'm thinking to myself what are these idiots doing. All three of them are together and I'm by myself. Am I in the wrong here? I'm the trapper that has an AI that will know where the monster is at all time but they all stuck together on their own to find the monster by themselves and without me.

You need to communicate this to them.

But no, not your fault.
This is something that happened to me last night and was wondering what gaf would think.

I'm playing as Maggie and I see the tracks and am promptly marking them. As I'm following daisy I get pounced upon by the wraith. I'm like that's ok my teammates will attack him.

Little do I know they are 200+ meters away from me and half way across the map. I'm thinking to myself what are these idiots doing. All three of them are together and I'm by myself. Am I in the wrong here? I'm the trapper that has an AI that will know where the monster is at all time but they all stuck together on their own to find the monster by themselves and without me.

edit: also they didn't have mics

Yeah that's frustrating. I will say though, I played a couple games last night where Daisy was totally out to get us haha. She was leading us every which way, and sometimes just standing still for prolonged amounts of time


Just had a game as Hank against a Kraken where I did 18k damage with my laser cutter, shielded 10k damage and did....8 damage with my orbital.

I.....I may need to learn to aim the orbital better.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
This is something that happened to me last night and was wondering what gaf would think.

I'm playing as Maggie and I see the tracks and am promptly marking them. As I'm following daisy I get pounced upon by the wraith. I'm like that's ok my teammates will attack him.

Little do I know they are 200+ meters away from me and half way across the map. I'm thinking to myself what are these idiots doing. All three of them are together and I'm by myself. Am I in the wrong here? I'm the trapper that has an AI that will know where the monster is at all time but they all stuck together on their own to find the monster by themselves and without me.

edit: also they didn't have mics

Hate this, happened to me once yesterday, well the Assault was with me as well. Medic and support were no where to be seen. We find the monster, I yell he is over here, and the Medic starts complaining that we are going in with low health and should stick together. I tell him me and the Assault were the only ones doing our fucking jobs and to get his ass over here. We lost.

Just had a game as Hank against a Kraken where I did 18k damage with my laser cutter, shielded 10k damage and did....8 damage with my orbital.

I.....I may need to learn to aim the orbital better.

Orbital is tough unless you get the monster while it is evolving. You have to try to predict the movement, which can be tough. Good teammates can bait it back into the range before it comes down.


Hate this, happened to me once yesterday, well the Assault was with me as well. Medic and support were no where to be seen. We find the monster, I yell he is over here, and the Medic starts complaining that we are going in with low health and should stick together. I tell him me and the Assault were the only ones doing our fucking jobs and to get his ass over here. We lost.

Orbital is tough unless you get the monster while it is evolving. You have to try to predict the movement, which can be tough. Good teammates can bait it back into the range before it comes down.

I mainly use it to dump it on a downed teammate when Goliath or Wraith try to take him down.


Just had a game as Hank against a Kraken where I did 18k damage with my laser cutter, shielded 10k damage and did....8 damage with my orbital.

I.....I may need to learn to aim the orbital better.

That seems to work best (obviously) when the monster is more stationary. If he's tethered by a trapper, he's attempting to finish off a downed teammate, or he's attacking the power core.


Just had a game as Hank against a Kraken where I did 18k damage with my laser cutter, shielded 10k damage and did....8 damage with my orbital.

I.....I may need to learn to aim the orbital better.

I usually use the orbital strike as a defensive measure. If one of my team mates gets downed and the monster is trying to kill him. Orbital Strike.

I also try to use it when the monster tries to take the high ground and is climbing up a ledge. Boom.


I need to learn say "fuck it" and play the monster, keep losing and get better match by match I guess... I am a wuss!

I was the monster for the first time playing yesterday and actually had some fun with it. I went with Goliath and 2 points into fire breath and 1 into charge. Seemed to work well. Then just went to stage 2 and maxed out fire breath and got the slam ability. Fire breath just wrecks people that clump up.


This game is addicting buy soooo many bugs. Had my stats and level reset once, game crashes constantly, puts me in hunt only when I choose evacuation, strikes in defend not staying even though the Medic is val, host disconnect during long evacuation match. This game should have been delayed even more.
This game is addicting buy soooo many bugs. Had my stats and level reset once, game crashes constantly, puts me in hunt only when I choose evacuation, strikes in defend not staying even though the Medic is val, host disconnect during long evacuation match. This game should have been delayed even more.

Yeah, I've witnessed the Hunt only Evac bug too


I was the monster for the first time playing yesterday and actually had some fun with it. I went with Goliath and 2 points into fire breath and 1 into charge. Seemed to work well. Then just went to stage 2 and maxed out fire breath and got the slam ability. Fire breath just wrecks people that clump up.

Rock throw is civilization


Wasn't planning to buy this game but it was unexpectedly given to me as a gift. Reading through this thread, I'm not excited to take the shrink wrap off.

Anyway, I'll be looking for team-based cooperation. I have and will use a mic. Add me on PS4 if you want: Fleet_of_Foot

Hey I'm going to add you to my list, I've got 3-4 friends with the game and we're looking for more co-op minded, skilled players to join up with when we're running short on players, which is often.

Anyone can add me as well, I mostly play at night around 9pm Central US time.

Somehow, the HUD and, to be honest, overall UI design in this game makes it feel like I'm being hardcore Skinner-boxed. It's not comfortable at all from what I've seen. It's not looking like a purchase anyway, as it looks like you need a dedicated group of friends to really have fun with it, but it just felt like something I wanted to point out. Maybe someone else feels it, too.


Somehow, the HUD and, to be honest, overall UI design in this game makes it feel like I'm being hardcore Skinner-boxed. It's not comfortable at all from what I've seen. It's not looking like a purchase anyway, as it looks like you need a dedicated group of friends to really have fun with it, but it just felt like something I wanted to point out. Maybe someone else feels it, too.


It's just an UI really. The ingame hud is not very intrusive and gives you everything you need, the minimap is very clear and precise.

I don't know man, I got no problems with the UI.


All I got to say is too bad this wasn't left 4 dead 3 instead

Wish they fix that matchmaking

I don't know,I am pretty happy it isn't.

Left 4 Dead games are damn boring, while Evolve is really fun.

I also played 10 rounds today and got my chosen hunter each time (I am the 1%)
strikes in defend not staying even though the Medic is val
Pretty sure that's not a bug. The monster's win condition in Defend is destroying the generators, not killing the hunters. That's why it doesn't even tell you when the dropships are coming. The hunters need all the help they can get for that onslaught of minions and a stage 3 raining down upon them.

The Foul

I whinge so hard about evolve, but I love it so much. When I'm not playing it I'm thinking of ways to beat the wraith. I haven't thought about strategy in a game outside of playing like this since my link cabling Red Alert days on the PSX.

Childish thought, Wraith has nipple-less boobs, yet goliath has no banana hammock bulge. Pls fix immediately TRS.


Bought for PS4 and enjoying this but I'm finding the voice chat terrible.
I can barely make the other players out.
Anyone else with this issue?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
This is something that happened to me last night and was wondering what gaf would think.

I'm playing as Maggie and I see the tracks and am promptly marking them. As I'm following daisy I get pounced upon by the wraith. I'm like that's ok my teammates will attack him.

Little do I know they are 200+ meters away from me and half way across the map. I'm thinking to myself what are these idiots doing. All three of them are together and I'm by myself. Am I in the wrong here? I'm the trapper that has an AI that will know where the monster is at all time but they all stuck together on their own to find the monster by themselves and without me.

edit: also they didn't have mics

Nah, that's on them. Maggie needs to stay on Daisy and make quick cutoffs, the rest of the team need to keep up with that. The only hunter I can understand if there's distance put between us is Bucket if he's throwing out a UAV.

But yeah, it's annoying. With randoms my least favorite things are trapping the monster and waiting for the rest of the team to make it inside(and hoping I don't die in the process) and using Lazarus, running towards someone and having someone else just pick them up when I'm right there. I'm sticking to Caira with randoms now, lol.

Also did you end up finishing that Abe challenge for 30 darts from 60m away? I think I have 3 points towards it and it seems like a nightmare.

Nori Chan

Also did you end up finishing that Abe challenge for 30 darts from 60m away? I think I have 3 points towards it and it seems like a nightmare.

Yeah I used the mobile app to get 50% lol

But what I did was go to solo mode and have val there. To make sure the monster was 60m away was that I marked him and if it was 60m or more I would spam the trigger hoping I get him. I didn't realize that until my last 10 lol


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah I used the mobile app to get 50% lol

But what I did was go to solo mode and have val there. To make sure the monster was 60m away was that I marked him and if it was 60m or more I would spam the trigger hoping I get him. I didn't realize that until my last 10 lol

Oh, marking to see distance is smart. It looks like colonial water & power is a really good defend map for it since you have huge sightlines. I'm at 12/30 now.


Just had some fun rounds with GAFfers.

I am getting the hang of Lazarus a lot more and feel that I have KINDA found why people would pick him.
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