Finally got some great games going with a group of randoms who stuck around for a while. Eventually one guy has to leave. Next game, matchmaking sticks me as the monster, even though it's my fifth choice, and leaves the assault slot, my second choice, open.
Simply incomprehensibly shitty matchmaking.
Yeah I am completely over that. I'll say it again for a new page, there needs to be a "no monster for me until I say so" button, if people playing with friends get that treatment, all players should have the option. I went from occasionally playing monster for kicks to full blown alt-f4 rage when I'm forced to play monster after landing in a good team. Not a good feeling.
As for wraith, its definitely better then the beta wraith, but the problem remains in good luck finding a match against kraken or goliath. The wraiths worst aspect, one I haven't seen discussed yet, is that you can be fighting it head on, it can decoy then INSTANTLY stealth pounce/incap you. Yes, shooting the wraith breaks the animation, but wait until you see good players pulling this off on the regular behind scenery or in the crevasses inside a dome. You basically CANNOT split up against a good wraith player, they will abduct you and pull this shit and there is NOTHING you or your team can do about it. In fact, if you try to do something, wraith pops nova and just cleans up what the abduct/pounce started. As hyde, I've gone full flamethrower mode in the face of a wraith who pulled this shit off ON FIRE and there is nothing you can do but hope your team isn't dead or preoccupied. You can't even switch to gas grenades and throw one in the split second it happens. Its incredibly cheap, unfun, and just another cheap/unfun move in the wraiths arsenal that hasn't been highlighted as much as it should.
I dont care about win ratios, high level play, internal balance... i have met very few people in game or online that thinks the wraith is fun. When wraith pops up, people sigh and say "gg" at the fucking loading screen, thats if they haven't quit. The person PLAYING the wraith will tell you its OP and that they feel kinda guilty. I'm sure TRS have high level strats and gameplay in mind when balancing things but good luck retaining players that even get to that point with the way wraith is now.