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Fable not selling well?


It will do significantly better than KOTOR. It has more hype going in, and it is a more accessible game for casual gamers, so it should cross over to the casual market much more so than KOTOR did.
PhatSaqs said:

That's what people said when I predicted 190k for Full Spectrum Warrior, or when I had a ridiculously low number for PS2 hardware sales this month or my pretty much, right on Madden sales. I have the gift!

But, clouded the future is, hard to see. As we get closer to NPD day, I will revise my number accordingly. Like when M$ sends out shipped numbers and we get some news reports of how the game is selling @ EB / Gamestop,etc.
KOTOR got alot of sales through word of mouth. Plus it was getting great reviews, Sort of like GTA3. Plus the Star Wars license helped alot too.

Speaking of KOTOR that's another game that got cleaned out on the first day of release at this same store.


sonycowboy said:
I'll got out on a limb and say it won't crack 200k it's first month (which may change by the time prediction time comes around in a month or so :D ) September is a little early for a game to really get sales much more than that unless it's a monster title.
Fable had more hype 3 years ago than KOTOR did even at release, I say Fable should do a good 400,000 at least. If KOTOR could do 400,000, so can Fable. The only thing that can possibly hurt it is the reviews from non-XBox sites, since Fable was supposed to be GOTY material, now it's a step below that supposedly.

It's definitely going to beat Ninja Gaiden's first month numbers or match them (will be on sale for two weeks less than NG was).

Look at all the reports of stores selling 80, 100 copies in the first day. Sounds bigger than Ninja Gaiden for sure...


sonycowboy said:
I'll got out on a limb and say it won't crack 200k it's first month (which may change by the time prediction time comes around in a month or so :D ) September is a little early for a game to really get sales much more than that unless it's a monster title.

Double or nothing? :lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Since gamestop corp has been pushing reservations so hard, some stores just choose not to sell any extra copies to encourage future reservations and maybe keep their jobs.

Musashi Wins!

Suikoguy said:
Since gamestop corp has been pushing reservations so hard, some stores just choose not to sell any extra copies to encourage future reservations and maybe keep their jobs.

I used to believe this until I worked for them. Every store here will sell you a non-reserved copy if you ask for it and their available. With Fable, it just sold out fast. And there were a lot of pre-orders. I have no idea how things will shape up once the game has been out for awhile. I'm glad I got my copy, if it sells poorly at least all the usual douchebags in here will have something to celebrate.


sonycowboy said:
Wait for my official Sept prediction thread towards the end of the week of Oct 11th. Although, Sept is a 5 week month for sales...
Why go out on a limb if you're gonna backtrack? You might as well take back that less than 200K prediction then and admit to eating paste :p


PhatSaqs said:
Why go out on a limb if you're gonna backtrack? You might as well take back that less than 200K prediction then and admit to eating paste :p

I hate when people weasel out like that... *cough*

Anyhow, where are those worldwide FSW Xbox sales that you were looking up, SC???


Rhindle said:
It will do significantly better than KOTOR. It has more hype going in, and it is a more accessible game for casual gamers, so it should cross over to the casual market much more so than KOTOR did.
Except that thus far, Xbox owners do not seem that interested in games involving fantasy or swords n' sorcery. The Star Wars IP pushed an RPG because it put it in the "cooler" science-fiction vein, as well as making the universe recognizable. I don't think Fable is going to have legs because of its art design, its genre, and the fact that MS will probably stop marketing for it by October's end (they've got a bunch of other stuff to push). It does not really fit the profile of an Xbox million-seller.

There's always the possibility that it will take off because of its pseudo-sandbox gameplay style, but I don't think it's likely.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Musashi Wins! said:
I used to believe this until I worked for them. Every store here will sell you a non-reserved copy if you ask for it and their available. With Fable, it just sold out fast. And there were a lot of pre-orders. I have no idea how things will shape up once the game has been out for awhile. I'm glad I got my copy, if it sells poorly at least all the usual douchebags in here will have something to celebrate.

I do work for them regretfully, of course not for much longer.


border said:
Except that thus far, Xbox owners do not seem that interested in games involving fantasy or swords n' sorcery. The Star Wars IP pushed an RPG because it put it in the "cooler" science-fiction vein, as well as making the universe recognizable. I don't think Fable is going to have legs because of its art design, its genre, and the fact that MS will probably stop marketing for it by October's end (they've got a bunch of other stuff to push). It does not really fit the profile of an Xbox million-seller.

There's always the possibility that it will take off because of its pseudo-sandbox gameplay style, but I don't think it's likely.
other than Halo 2, there's really nothing blockbuster for XBox this fall though...

This was supposed to challenge Halo 2 for GOTY, and is basically Microsoft's 2nd most important game for XBox for '04.

Either way, Microsoft will push this.

Also, retailers were pushing pre-orders for this way more than for Ninja Gaiden or KOTOR. If you go to ebgames.com and gamestop.com, they've had Fable as the main product on the front page for a few weeks now.
open_mouth_ said:
I hate when people weasel out like that... *cough*

Anyhow, where are those worldwide FSW Xbox sales that you were looking up, SC???

Just accept you FSW defeat now. I'm not weaseling out of anything as in MY ORIGINAL POST I said:

sonycowboy said:
I'll got out on a limb and say it won't crack 200k it's first month (which may change by the time prediction time comes around in a month or so ) September is a little early for a game to really get sales much more than that unless it's a monster title.

I'm just basing that off of a few facts. Sept will already be a big month for Xbox releases with Madden, ESPN, Burnout 3, & Fable. All of those will sell very, very well and I went on record earlier as saying that those are the only games I expect to sell better than Fable. I dont' think (and I'd have to check to make sure) that the Xbox has NEVER had more than 2 titles sell more than 200k in a given month other than Nov, Dec. Madden, Burnout, & maybe ESPN are guaranteed to do that. That makes it very difficult for Fable to do it as well as theres only so many sales that can go around.

Now if Microsoft, Lionhead, EB, or Gamestop come out with a press announcement with impressive numbers, I certainly may modify my prediction. Clear? :)


sonycowboy said:
Now if Microsoft, Lionhead, EB, or Gamestop come out with a press announcement with impressive numbers, I certainly may modify my prediction. Clear? :)
How about not modifying and just admitting you were wrong (read eating paste) :)
PhatSaqs said:
How about not modifying and just admitting you were wrong (read eating paste) :)

How about just shoving it up your arse and learn some reading comprehension. Jeez. I know you're just joking around, but how about actually posting something other than argumentative drivel. Maybe state your reasons for why it will sell whatever you think it will sell. I'll admit I could easily be wrong, but at least I'm putting forth an argument. Isn't having a discussion the point of the even coming to these boards? :)


Can someone find the YTD Full Spectrum Warrior (XB) worldwide sales or is that # unavailable? SC, my prediction was based on the worldwide sales of FSW, not just in the U.S. I still think it will do 500k by the end of the year, worldwide. This is a globalized world, baby.


sonycowboy said:
How about just shoving it up your arse and learn some reading comprehension. Jeez. I know you're just joking around, but how about actually posting something other than argumentative drivel. Maybe state your reasons for why it will sell whatever you think it will sell. I'll admit I could easily be wrong, but at least I'm putting forth an argument. Isn't having a discussion the point of the even coming to these boards? :)
:lol calm down cowboy. And where's your argument? If it doesnt include the fact that Fable is easily the most anticipated XB game next to Halo it's incomplete.
open_mouth_ said:
Can someone find the YTD Full Spectrum Warrior (XB) worldwide sales or is that # unavailable? SC, my prediction was based on the worldwide sales of FSW, not just in the U.S. I still think it will do 500k by the end of the year, worldwide. This is a globalized world, baby.

Pathetic. Why not say you also meant not only YTD FSW worldwide, but Halo 2 as well?

I mean you didn't specifically say you weren't including Halo 2, so it's fair game to add in there, right? It was a simple little bet that had absolutely nothing riding on it, and yet you feel the need to cast aside your dignity just so you don't have to say you were wrong. Forget it. You can say whatever you want.


Full Spectrum Warrior is around 250K. It sold 20K last month, and as far as I know it wasn't even a blip on the radar in Euro/UK sales.

If the Xbox version is going to make it to half a million copies, it is going to need a pretty big surge in popularity.
PhatSaqs said:
:lol calm down cowboy. And where's your argument? If it doesnt include the fact that Fable is easily the most anticipated XB game next to Halo it's incomplete.

By hardcore fans. I'm just not convinced that Joe Public knows all that much about the game. And every argument is incomplete as there's always more that could be added. I gave my reasons and if you disagree with them fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone or change anyones mind, I was just giving my personal rational for my statements. Feel free to think differently.

Could this game sell 500k it's first month? Absolutely. Do I think it will? Not at this point, unless I have some more points of data to support that assumption.

It's not like I'm Moses here and I'm handing down the 10 commandment written in stone from God, I'm simply making what I consider a reasonable guess.


That is what I meant, though. If it wasn't what I meant, I would come out and say that it wasn't what I meant. Why is that so hard to understand?

And, sure, it's likely that it won't even reach 500K worldwide by year's end and I'll be wrong on my prediction and I'll gladly admit that I was wrong when that time comes, but aren't I at least entitled to clarify just what my prediction was and allowed to wait until the deadline actually occurs?


Rhindle said:
It will do significantly better than KOTOR. It has more hype going in, and it is a more accessible game for casual gamers, so it should cross over to the casual market much more so than KOTOR did.

KOTOR is far and way the better game and has sold over 700,000 copies in the US. Fable is coming out against a harder line-up to crack (Madden, NFL 2K5, Burnout), is not receiving the same stellar reviews that KOTOR did, and has no license that casuals can recognize. Fable might do well, but it will not do KOTOR numbers.


u guys that are feeding right into his bait are stupid. frys ALWAYS stocks games to the brim for one and for 2, i cant remember the last time frys charged full price for a game during its release week.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It appears yet again that the carbon units are having a visceral emotional reaction to the alleged retail sales of a game they have never played, nor plan to play.

Seriously, anyone in here who is enraged that Fable may or may not sell well, go out and try explaining your feelings to an adult human female. I'm sure her bra will fly right off with desire.


Anyway, I was at a local gameshop the other day to buy Panzer Dragoon Orta (called GameStreet... I don't think it's a chain of stores), and the guy said that he had one copy of Fable left out of 20 they got in the morning. Yesterday was the first they got them in.


sp0rsk said:
i predict alot of fable trade-ins in the next few weeks.

I'm counting on it, because I don't want to pay regular price for it if people are going to be dumping it in a couple of weeks :)

... I can wait....


Odysseus said:
KOTOR is far and way the better game and has sold over 700,000 copies in the US. Fable is coming out against a harder line-up to crack (Madden, NFL 2K5, Burnout), is not receiving the same stellar reviews that KOTOR did, and has no license that casuals can recognize. Fable might do well, but it will not do KOTOR numbers.

Reviews don't really have an impact on sales of well-publicized titles, they only serve to generate publicity for lesser known titles (and the difference in review scores between Fable and KOTOR is marginal anyway). Also, the Star Wars license hasn't done anything for the vast majority of the games that carried it -- in fact, it arguably may have hurt KOTOR's sales.

The crowded holiday release line-up may hurt, we'll see.


Hyped Xbox titles have a tendency not to sell very well (at least in the long run). Fable will be interesting but I'll be on sonycowboy's side here.


Rhindle said:
Also, the Star Wars license hasn't done anything for the vast majority of the games that carried it -- in fact, it arguably may have hurt KOTOR's sales.
You're either kidding or totally off your rocker. Recent bad Star Wars games have not sold astoundingly, but do you really think they would have sold better in the guise of some generic sci-fi action game? If LucasArts had put a Jedi in RTX Red Rock, I'm pretty positive that they could have topped 100K instead of delivering one of their biggest flops of this generation.

How could Star Wars have hurt KOTOR, when it was really the only thing distinguishing it from a slew of other D&D-based games? Nothing similar on the Xbox has even come close to touching its sales.


I'm betting Fable does 250-300k it's first month, 400-500k for the year. Pikmin 2 will bring in around the same. :)


border said:
You're either kidding or totally off your rocker. Recent bad Star Wars games have not sold astoundingly, but do you really think they would have sold better in the guise of some generic sci-fi action game? If LucasArts had put a Jedi in RTX Red Rock, I'm pretty positive that they could have topped 100K instead of delivering one of their biggest flops of this generation.

How could Star Wars have hurt KOTOR, when it was really the only thing distinguishing it from a slew of other D&D-based games? Nothing similar on the Xbox has even come close to touching its sales.
Obviously we will never be able to tell how much of an impact a license had on a game, and how much better (or worse) the game would have fared without the license. SW may have had a positive impact on KOTOR sales, or it may not have.

Lucasarts has put out so many mediocre games under the SW license, that the license is badly tarnished. It is entirely possible that there is a set of RPG fans who would have gone for KOTOR but did not, either because they don't care for Star Wars in general, or because of the general mediocre reputation of SW games.


Littleberu said:
My EB still has a lot of copies too. And I'm in Canada, i.e. Xbox Country. UH OH. XBOMB?

When did Canada become "Xbox Country"? The Cube outsold the Xbox in 2003 and was something like 9% behind the PS2 in marketshare for the year. And I could have sworn that the N64 was neck and neck with the PS1 in Canada.
NWO said:
When did Canada become "Xbox Country"? The Cube outsold the Xbox in 2003 and was something like 9% behind the PS2 in marketshare for the year. And I could have sworn that the N64 was neck and neck with the PS1 in Canada.

I was joking.
Stinkles said:
It appears yet again that the carbon units are having a visceral emotional reaction to the alleged retail sales of a game they have never played, nor plan to play.

Seriously, anyone in here who is enraged that Fable may or may not sell well, go out and try explaining your feelings to an adult human female. I'm sure her bra will fly right off with desire.

lol, great post


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Is SO3 really selling that poorly? I'd think SO3 would sell pretty well since it's got its commercials and it's on a system that all the RPG fans own.


Rhindle said:
It is entirely possible that there is a set of RPG fans who would have gone for KOTOR but did not, either because they don't care for Star Wars in general, or because of the general mediocre reputation of SW games.
It's not only possible, but it's certain that there are people like this. But it's a small group of people, and vastly outnumbered by those interested in a Star Wars RPG - something that has never before existed. So the net effect of the license is positive. There's probably ten people whose interest was piqued for every one person that was turned off. The number of uninterested gamers probably took a hit again once the game started getting excellent reviews.

Given Lucasarts' recent track record with original IPs, I would say that they are probably better off utilizing Star Wars most of the time -- particularly if the game is not-so-hot. It's possible to totally destroy or break a license, but I don't think that they are there quite yet ;) A half-assed game with Star Wars on it (Clone Wars, Starfighter) will probably still sell better than a half-assed game without it (RTX Red Rock).
Stinkles said:
It appears yet again that the carbon units are having a visceral emotional reaction to the alleged retail sales of a game they have never played, nor plan to play.

Seriously, anyone in here who is enraged that Fable may or may not sell well, go out and try explaining your feelings to an adult human female. I'm sure her bra will fly right off with desire.

:lol :lol

agreed. bunch of goddamn wankers.


Stinkles said:
It appears yet again that the carbon units are having a visceral emotional reaction to the alleged retail sales of a game they have never played, nor plan to play.

Seriously, anyone in here who is enraged that Fable may or may not sell well, go out and try explaining your feelings to an adult human female. I'm sure her bra will fly right off with desire.





must. stop. laughing.



Steroid Distributor
Wario64 said:

I bet everyone is renting it cause it can be beaten in a rental

I can't figure you out yet. Are you really an Xbox hater or just a funny guy? I mean on tv you were a hardcore fanboy. :D LoL.

But honestly anyone that owns the dvd set of Playmakers is good in my book. Respresent!!


Steroid Distributor
NWO said:
When did Canada become "Xbox Country"? The Cube outsold the Xbox in 2003 and was something like 9% behind the PS2 in marketshare for the year. And I could have sworn that the N64 was neck and neck with the PS1 in Canada.

Canada is considered Xbox country due to the amount of Xbox live users that are in Canada. And I hate to jump in here but I can't help argueing those Cube sales stats. From what I've read the Cube outsold the XBox the last two months of last year due to the price drop, but that was it. It did not top the Xbox in sales for the fiscal year of 2003. Not amount of systems or gross dollar amount either.
But really who cares about those numbers really?
Actually, when I ordered Fable from Outpost.com (aka Fry's.com), I was actually back ordered for 4 days, so I would think its selling well on the internet.

Musashi Wins!

It's impossible to gauge these things by anecdotal evidence. It sold briskly tonight, but lots of games sell that way when they come out. A couple of people bought xboxen with it, it's at least that popular among the non-obsessed, but there could be tons of them turned in next week you never know. I too think Pikmin 2 numbers will eventually mount up but it's selling extrememly slow in our store and we've never been near out. I suspect there's some regional issues to it.
NWO said:
When did Canada become "Xbox Country"? The Cube outsold the Xbox in 2003 and was something like 9% behind the PS2 in marketshare for the year. And I could have sworn that the N64 was neck and neck with the PS1 in Canada.

Actually, Microsoft has said that Canada is their best territory percentage wise. So Canada IS Xbox country.
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