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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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see? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Bound looks like the result of.. Like, in my life I've met a lot of people who have bad ideas for things and those ideas make me smile and nod politely -- ("sure, send me over the script, I'd love to read it") If one of those people somehow actually got their idea made...
see? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Bound looks like the result of.. Like, in my life I've met a lot of people who have bad ideas for things and those ideas make me smile and nod politely -- ("sure, send me over the script, I'd love to read it") If one of those people somehow actually got their idea made...

I had a video on in the background but it was so boring. At least the movement animation was nice. I might study it a bit and use something ballet-styled in the game somewhere.

But not for this character.


Going on a date tonight with someone new.

I'm done with the other guy. He wasn't worth my affection.

We need a NotName :D

good luck!


Our faces look like ________ because our parents were ugly and we _____________________ for an hour.

That's the best I can do.

put it in Google Translate and make her say it. Then make her say it again because it's even funnier when she slows down a tick.


I had a video on in the background but it was so boring. At least the movement animation was nice. I might study it a bit and use something ballet-styled in the game somewhere.

But not for this character.

I saw a couple of nice animations.. It's like they spent their whole budget on those handful of animations and then slapped together a quick textureless pointless designless game around it. Oh, and had a weirdo design the MC.

I'm a firm believer in having some kind of cohesive artistic vision for your work. Bound looks random, or the work of a crazy person.

And I adore coffin head. Tell me something about him/her.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Bound is aesthetically abstract to evoke a dreamlike surrealism, and I feel in motion this combined with the soundtrack is the game's strength. It looks beautiful, moves elegantly, and sounds gorgeous. Great MC, elegant MC design too.

It's the interactivity that is dull and so frequently at odds with all the other good stuff going for it.

They really should have double down on the ballet.

Beat Wolfenstein: The New Order

fuck me. that was excellent.

now then, time for DOOM.

Yep, brilliant game. Machine Games' writers have no right being that good. DOOM is great too for entirely different reasons.


Bound is aesthetically abstract to evoke a dreamlike surrealism, and I feel in motion this combined with the soundtrack is the game's strength. It looks beautiful, moves elegantly, and sounds gorgeous. Great MC, elegant MC design too.

It's the interactivity that is dull and so frequently at odds with all the other good stuff going for it.

They really should have double down on the ballet.

I could be selling it short on the aesthetic side but it just really isn't my cup of tea, regardless


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I could be selling it short on the aesthetic side but it just really isn't my cup of tea, regardless

I like weird so I'm biased.

And I'm also looking for things to like in the game :/


I like weird so I'm biased.

And I'm also looking for things to like in the game :/

and and you do ballet through a world full of abstract shapes and and you're like a ballet dancer but you also look like some kind of weird bird and and

like if I close my eyes I can hear my stoner cousin who has never made a game tell me about this game idea
I saw a couple of nice animations.. It's like they spent their whole budget on those handful of animations and then slapped together a quick textureless pointless designless game around it. Oh, and had a weirdo design the MC.

I'm a firm believer in having some kind of cohesive artistic vision for your work. Bound looks random, or the work of a crazy person.

And I adore coffin head. Tell me something about him/her.

Yeah. It's weird for the sake of weird. I'm not going to pick it apart though because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. There are definitely games I love the art style that other people think are ugly. Darksiders and Psychonauts to name a couple.

Coffin head was like this. I started drawing her a couple hours ago. The design doc just says put werewolves and zombies in the graveyard because I wasn't being creative. Zombies are old hat and I was having trouble coming up with the motivation to actually draw one. So I started drawing a coffin. I've done coffin type enemies before but they're usually a rip off of this. So this time I thought what if the zombie broke out of the bottom of the coffin and then walks around like a cartoon chick stuck in an egg.


So I started drawing the coffin in perspective. Then I realized it had a lid that could be used like a mouth, which would probably be nailed down, so the nails could be teeth. So she lunges at the player.


It's a she because I wanted to put the zombie in fancy burial clothes and a dark suit would blend into the background too much, so a white dress was better.


haha nice work. :D

I have no problem with conventional-ish zombies, I actually sort of love them (though it's certainly nice to have your own little take on them) I think they're a uniting force in video games, something that's always fun to encounter and kill. Bonus points if they're nice and squishy and chunk nicely when you kill them.

BTW in the time you made a whole new unit, I made this girl breathe and turn her head #progress
Don't give me too much credit. Drawing the base model doesn't take as much time as animating and programming her will, so I've just done the easy part.


Oh, don't I know it. Getting an enemy totally in and working is a big journey. I was more just highlighting how slow I am at art.

How does one acquire new weapons? Are they drops from enemies?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
and and you do ballet through a world full of abstract shapes and and you're like a ballet dancer but you also look like some kind of weird bird and and

like if I close my eyes I can hear my stoner cousin who has never made a game tell me about this game idea

Ballet is commonly (though admittedly excessively) correlated with birds, due to the elegance of movements popularised in Swan Lake, arm movements and tutu resembling the wings and tail of the animal, and aves representation in some famous ballet productions. The narrative explores abuse and escapism, notably that of a child living in a strict household, the bird a common thematic representation of the desire to be free and, so to speak, "leave the nest". Dance is also a commonly used theme for similar reasons; liberation from external oppression through the freedom of bodily expression. Abstracted landscapes are used to evoke an otherworldiness of dreams and memories, that inherently forgo traditional forms for surrealism, fractured and deteriorated as time passes and/or negative, burdening memories take their toll.

I can totally dig people not being into this kind of stuff, and a lot of this form of expression is absolutely bloated with lazy, self indulgent and aimless expressionism. And it's always hard to find meaning and cohesion in forms that are inherently abstract and thus risk potentially reading into something that isn't actually there. But that's the nature of abstract art. The expression and intent aims to open interpretation, and the artistic reasoning won't always make sense or appear desirable to everyone. To pass it off as a "dumb stoner's nonsense bad game" shtick is weaksauce and poopoobutts.

Plastic are demonscene though so they were probably throwing basic geometry at the wall just so they could push a metric shit ton of it.

In other news I still cant muster the energy to pick up Uncharted 4 where I left off. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
even if I hear where I'm at is where it finally starts to git gud
Everyone should read:


You could still bind me with her, Baru thinks. If I just begged. If I just admitted what she was to me. I could go to Falcrest and sit at your table and you would know: we have our hooks in her. As they have their hooks in you.

But I will not be bound as you are. I will walk among your council and you will tremble at what you have unleashed.

A rising breaker crashes against the rocks. Tain Hu cries out into the dawn, trembling with effort. A frigate bird calls like a drum overhead.

Baru Cormorant sets her legs in a duelist’s stance, closing off the Throne’s man on her dead right, opening her left side to the dying woman below. She cuts at the air with a blade she does not have.

She accepted Apparitor’s deal at the harborside in Treatymont thinking that she could trade Aurdwynn for rule of Taranoke. Why not? What would be lost, what evil done? The Masquerade would crush any rebellion. In her hands, she could ensure it was swift, merciful. And with her hard-won power, she could save her home.

But that will not be enough now.

Good-bye, she thinks. Good-bye, kuye lam. I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood.

The tide comes in. The Throne’s man watches her, waiting for her to lift her eyes and make a census of the birds.

That final bit still fucks me up. 😢


Uncharted 4 was a fantastic sleep aid, apparently, because I fell asleep while playing it not once but multiple times. I can't rightly express how dull I found this game but apparently I have unusual taste because most people liked it
Oh, don't I know it. Getting an enemy totally in and working is a big journey. I was more just highlighting how slow I am at art.

How does one acquire new weapons? Are they drops from enemies?

Yeah, if the enemy has a handheld weapon then it's pretty safe to assume they'll drop it when you kill them. Weapons are ephemeral, just use them until you find something more interesting to swap with. Including one in stow, this means you have two weapons on you at any given point except at the beginning of the game. Sometimes weapons will be lying around in areas that make sense, like an ax hanging in a tool shed or left out on a stump somewhere.

It's almost like the sub-weapons in classic Castlevania when I say ephemeral. Like how you can hang onto Holy Water if you never pick up the Ax or Dagger to replace it, except that replacing weapons uses a dedicated button press.

I don't have any recent videos but this gets the point across. Everything looks better now. Better physics, better art, actual swapping animations, so forth.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Aghh ephemeral is one of my favorite words ❤💕

Also, DOOM: I can't play it. I'm bad at it, it gives me a headache. But I'd watch someone else play it. It's a game I want to love but can't because of my own personal failings. Like how I enjoy tennis, but am no longer anywhere near good enough to play it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
lilith's coffin enemies seem to have their shit together much better than these assholes



Bloodborne has the strongest art design in general of any game I can think of.

Like I mentioned cohesive vision earlier? Bloodborne has a cohesive vision. It's actually sublime. There's nothing to compare it to.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Like I mentioned cohesive vision earlier? Bloodborne has a cohesive vision. It's actually sublime. There's nothing to compare it to.

I won't argue with this.


Witcher 3 looks nice and everything but you can't even compare generic fantasy to bloodborne in terms of art design.. or mention in the same sentence really


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The negative feedback against No Man's Sky has reached the point where my friends who game irregularly on and off but don't really follow the medium intensively have heard that "apparently it sucks".


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Bloodborne has the strongest art design in general of any game I can think of.

Like I mentioned cohesive vision earlier? Bloodborne has a cohesive vision. It's actually sublime. There's nothing to compare it to.
I love when games have a theme or a motif that they follow. It makes them feel so much stronger and more focused, narratively and artistically, and it helps them stand out as unique. There was a period of time where a lot of games were focused on water for some reason - Final Fantasy X, Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, and then later Bioshock - and I loved them all for building a world and even game mechanics around such a simple theme. Or like, Team Fortress 2 - cartoony war games was its thing and it ran with it. Metroid Prime 2 is my least favorite game in that series in regards to how it plays, but the one I respect most from an artistic standpoint because it wasn't afraid to step outside of series tropes and do something original with its light/dark setting and subdued grey/black/purple color scheme.

Basically I agree 110%. I haven't even played BB and I love what it does with its setting.


The negative feedback against No Man's Sky has reached the point where my friends who game irregularly on and off but don't really follow the medium intensively have heard that "apparently it sucks".

Has it? It has a 71 MC which is sort of in the middle, and most people on neogaf seem to like it. Whenever I trash it I don't get a lot of support.

It deserves to be trashed, though. Not only is it bad but it had a hype machine built on deliberate conscious repeated lying/misrepresentation.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
because Bloodborne/Souls/etc. is just a current version of nonsensical "how many heads can we put on this arm?" from the old era
So basically Lovecraft: The Game. Sounds good to me.


One interesting thing I've noticed through the years is that the user score on MC almost always more closely echoes my own thoughts on a game vs the critic score.

Funky Papa

Ok, The Last of Us hype was real. Super real, even.

How did Naughty Dawg went from Unchortled to this? Because that's some fucking progress.

Xiao Hu

She told me that she wants someone like me, but doesn't want me. I don't know what hurts more, that or the actual breakup.

I'm sorry for what you're going through right now. You don't deserve this kind of treatment, it's not fair from her side. On the other hand if she comes up with shit excuses like that I can not think about what kind of drama would hit you later. She's either disingenuous or just a bad person.

An attractive woman like you who has a wonderul personality WILL find somebody better than her!

Also today is just the worst.

1 person got sent to hospital last night because he assaulted a staff member.

2 people were sick this morning.

And one of my carers had a heart attack so I spent several hours with him before he finally agreed to go to hospital. Then I cried my eyes out.

I need a fucking drink.

It seems like this weekend has been shit for so many fakers. I've been down too but today is going to be better.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The Last of Us.

*strokes chin*

Good game.


The more you look back and scrutinize past statements and look at how the game is constructed the more NMS becomes a cosmic farce. The extent of this guy [Sean Murray]'s lying and his utter lack of shame is alarming. I don't think you could cut a check big enough for me to lie in public like that. I have too much shame. I just care too much.

Okay, after a few more episodes of Stranger Things, Lucas does suck.

The little shit.

Yeah, this guy was a little bitch... But he was written to be that way. HIs character is consistently written and acted.


Redmond's Baby
Had to take painkillers again. Inflammation is still present and I think that I am done with mountaineering for this year :(

The more you look back and scrutinize past statements and look at how the game is constructed the more NMS becomes a cosmic farce. The extent of this guy [Sean Murray]'s lying and his utter lack of shame is alarming. I don't think you could cut a check big enough for me to lie in public like that. I have too much shame. I just care too much.

Money easily corrupt people.Some are able to sell their family members for some dough or even only for public attention.
But luckily, we live in the internet area, so bullshiters can be easily exposed and marked. Imagine this in the late 90s.
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