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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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irresponsible vagina leak
Oh goddamnit my 300th post and it's about my mental health, aw geez.

What matters is that you have people giving you support and you shouldnt pay too much attention about that being your 300th post. Focus more in making more connections here and learning more of the ropes so you dont get banned and have the least messy fun in here.


Well why would you want momentum in doing stuff if not because doing stuff helps you feel normal and loved? :p

But yes, self awareness and perspective are also a huge part of it.

Momentum is necessary for functioning. Otherwise you fall into apathy.

Can't say socializing ever make me feel loved. Or at least the kind of "love" is self-serving and makes me feel more alienated and pushes me away from being open
I've been banned three and a half times. Ah, such fun. Not since January though, so I'm on a roll right now :p

Momentum is necessary for functioning. Otherwise you fall into apathy.

Can't say socializing ever make me feel loved. Or at least the kind of "love" is self-serving and makes me feel more alienated and pushes me away from being open

I really think you need someone you can talk to about this. More than just me or whoever else is willing to talk to you online. Preferably a close friend, but maybe also a therapist or mentor.

The reason is because you need to realize that you don't have to be like everyone else. In some ways, yes, there are social niceties we all should observe, but that doesn't mean we all have to live the same life. But it's easy for me to say that because I don't really know you and the only thing we have in common is a video game forum, so of course I'm not advising a perfectly normal life. You need someone who knows you for you and supports you as you, as who you are and the best version of you that you can be. Someone you know who can be there for you. It's really really helpful to talk to people about issues, I promise!

I get that, I am just at a point where I feel directionless and finding out where my true values lie at this point. My problem is the expectation of myself and how my life experiences will gel with others. Ergo, I don't want to be alone. I have grown sick of it.

What matters is that you have people giving you support and you shouldnt pay too much attention about that being your 300th post. Focus more in making more connections here and learning more of the ropes so you dont get banned and have the least messy fun in here.

I was being facetious. I just happened to check it while I was typing that up. I think I got a feel for this. I just need to post more gifs...
Holy shit Lesnar is actually trying to kill Orton

I remember in college sitting in the hallway crying and people just walking past me never even bothering to ask if I was okay. Pretty typical

Momentum is necessary for functioning. Otherwise you fall into apathy.

Can't say socializing ever make me feel loved. Or at least the kind of "love" is self-serving and makes me feel more alienated and pushes me away from being open
:c to both of these

For what it's worth, for the just over half a year I've known you, I've thought you're super cool and have enjoyed having you around
Oh my God, location is sooo important! That sounds so great for her. Are you going to be able to spend a lot of time over there with her, or does dev stuff tie you down a lot?

And yeah, I'm pretty emotional about my sister moving out, but it's probably really good for her. I mean, I left college because it didn't have anything left to give me, but for her it's going to be a lot better since she's studying a more corporate field than I did. But more than just her leaving, it's forcing me to confront the fact that she's so much younger than me, which I try to ignore most of the time :p

Yeah! Location being double awesome is also due to the fact that one of her jobs is a rowing instructor and there's a CityCat (public transport ferry in Brisbane) about a minute walk from her door and a 10 minute CityCat travel to the other end of the river.
The next month is kinda me taking a break and playing catch up with her for the moment.
Right now I live far out from the city but I'll be moving back into the city in a couple of months so I'll be able to see her a lot more often!
Dev timeline is pretty fluid right now so I can always fit seeing her amongst that and freelance/client work. When it picks up again, we'll see!


Hahaha do you find that now you're talking to her more like a younger sister rather than just a sister, now?
And man, I still always get weirded out when I hear that a family member has to leave to go to college.
Over here, there's multiple universities that tend to overlap but also specialise in certain subjects but it's all so connected and sprawling out into the suburbs that taking a bus to Uni tends to only be an hour-ish (in peak traffic).
So it's really rare to move cities/a great distance unless you're studying your masters.
(A close friend had to move Adelaide to study Medicine)

Aw man that's really sad, RIP.

Was good man, just got back from hike with gf. Yesterday was posted about earlier.
Holy flipping fuck that place is nice. Congrats to her!

Thanks man! (I'll flip up to read your post as well)

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Going back to the earlier discussion about bans, I was banned once for two weeks cause I said something really stupid and sexist. Otherwise no problems and I hope I don't say something to get banned again.
Yeah! Location being double awesome is also due to the fact that one of her jobs is a rowing instructor and there's a CityCat (public transport ferry in Brisbane) about a minute walk from her door and a 10 minute CityCat travel to the other end of the river.
The next month is kinda me taking a break and playing catch up with her for the moment.
Right now I live far out from the city but I'll be moving back into the city in a couple of months so I'll be able to see her a lot more often!
Dev timeline is pretty fluid right now so I can always fit seeing her amongst that and freelance/client work. When it picks up again, we'll see!


Hahaha do you find that now you're talking to her more like a younger sister rather than just a sister, now?
And man, I still always get weirded out when I hear that a family member has to leave to go to college.
Over here, there's multiple universities that tend to overlap but also specialise in certain subjects but it's all so connected and sprawling out into the suburbs that taking a bus to Uni tends to only be an hour-ish (in peak traffic).
So it's really rare to move cities/a great distance unless you're studying your masters.
(A close friend had to move Adelaide to study Medicine)

That sounds like things are moving to a great place for you! I'm so happy :)

Part of the reason I saw my sister as the same as me is she was the only family I still lived with. My parents moved to their beach house permanently a few years ago and took my younger brother with them, then my older brother moved out with his fiance early last year, so my childhood home became a sort of sorority.

The dorm she lives at now is on campus, at most a ten minute walk to class and often less than that. So it's clearly superior to commuting in that regard, plus also getting to know more people her own age in the dorms. But I miss her.
It left me even more confused!

In January we make a thread about posting your real life self photograph on the Gaming Age Forum and using a version of it all over the board as your avatar in the stead of your typical anime waifu bullshit. It inevitably becomes a chatroom because once you see someone's face they become a lot more real to you, not just someone to argue with about whether Sean Murray is a sinner or a saint and why this animated fight scene is totally inexorably inferior to that one.

For the rest of the year the chat room migrates to this series of threads, often with the encouragement to retain your real pic or temporarily use an illustration of it instead (i.e. a fake picture).


irresponsible vagina leak
Ugh no one to share my new nude with at this hour. Why do the sexy people go to sleep early today?
I accidentally clicked on this thread and I have no idea what it's about.

It's about nothing

Guy on the bus back from Santa Cruz was pissed off that the seats were so cramped. Kept asking the guy infront of him if he could "move the seat up". The guy looked around, said no, and then the first dude let out a very audible swear as he then proceeded to put his shoes on in the aisle. The entire rest of the trip, he was stewing. He also was annoyed that it was day out and the sun was in his eyes.

He even looked under the guys seat to check for that seat moving device that the guy was obviously lying to him about not being there.

But then as he got up to exit the bus and he passed the guy, he went, and I shit you not:

"What are you gonna do when Trump gets elected? What then?"
Been banned twice (and once for not liking pineapple pizza, goddamn TDM on a power trip). Tbh not too bad for being here 7 years and participating in plenty of risky discussions. Has been quite some time since being banned too, doubt it'll happen again.
Been banned twice (and once for not liking pineapple pizza, goddamn TDM on a power trip). Tbh not too bad for being here 7 years and participating in plenty of risky discussions. Has been quite some time since being banned too, doubt it'll happen again.

Tiddums is just waiting for you to insult pineapple pizza again.


irresponsible vagina leak
Can a mod tell me how many bans do I actually have? Im terrible at keeping count but I think Im around 10
My roommate had left over pineapple pizza from lunch, so that turned into my dinner a couple hours ago. I would never insult such a decadent feast. ♥
That sounds like things are moving to a great place for you! I'm so happy :)

Part of the reason I saw my sister as the same as me is she was the only family I still lived with. My parents moved to their beach house permanently a few years ago and took my younger brother with them, then my older brother moved out with his fiance early last year, so my childhood home became a sort of sorority.

The dorm she lives at now is on campus, at most a ten minute walk to class and often less than that. So it's clearly superior to commuting in that regard, plus also getting to know more people her own age in the dorms. But I miss her.

Finally, things are coming up milhouse after what seems like forever haha

I know what you mean, family moving on is both always super exciting and bittersweet at the same time.
You planning on visiting her often?


Sol, feel the jealousy course through your veins haha

Jokes aside, I'll either be moving in with her or finding a place across the river to the city (where that sweet ass view is directed at).
Still figuring it out.

On paper, it makes the most sense since she's super close to the city and it'll end up cheaper in the long run.
In practice though, we haven't been dating that long (only since April) so we don't want to rush into something we'll both regret.

*shrugs* Who knows. We'll see what the next coming months bring.

I just need to move away from Narnia. Fuck living so far out of the city


Edit : I feel like doing a stream later. It's been fucking forever since I've done one.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Tiddums is just waiting for you to insult pineapple pizza again.
I can't believe my thread on it got locked the same day like seven other food war threads were made. #stillsalty
Finally, things are coming up milhouse after what seems like forever haha

I know what you mean, family moving on is both always super exciting and bittersweet at the same time.
You planning on visiting her often?


Sol, feel the jealousy course through your veins haha

Jokes aside, I'll either be moving in with her or finding a place across the river to the city (where that sweet ass view is directed at).
Still figuring it out.

On paper, it makes the most sense since she's super close to the city and it'll end up cheaper in the long run.
In practice though, we haven't been dating that long (only since April) so we don't want to rush into something we'll both regret.

*shrugs* Who knows. We'll see what the next coming months bring.

I just need to move away from Narnia. Fuck living so far out of the city


Edit : I feel like doing a stream later. It's been fucking forever since I've done one.

Current plan is she'll drive back up here once a month and I'll drive down there once a month, so I'm hoping to get to see her every other week or so. In reality, she's probably going to get super busy with her new life and so making time for stuff outside that just won't happen. But we'll see.

When you say you don't want to do something you'll regret, is it possible you'll regret not moving in and having someone else fill that slot or you getting stuck in a different lease? The reason I ask is because my ex did regret moving in with me, but a large part of that was him already living in a great place before so it wasn't a universal upgrade.

If you stream something I might jump in on that. I'm up for another couple hours probably.
Current plan is she'll drive back up here once a month and I'll drive down there once a month, so I'm hoping to get to see her every other week or so. In reality, she's probably going to get super busy with her new life and so making time for stuff outside that just won't happen. But we'll see.

When you say you don't want to do something you'll regret, is it possible you'll regret not moving in and having someone else fill that slot or you getting stuck in a different lease? The reason I ask is because my ex did regret moving in with me, but a large part of that was him already living in a great place before so it wasn't a universal upgrade.

If you stream something I might jump in on that. I'm up for another couple hours probably.

:( Here's hoping she gets the time but yeah, I can see with uni life schedules being harder to overlap.

The fear's actually less to do with a practical nature and more irrational.
It's a silly reason, but I'm not sure how we'll deal with each other when we actually live together.
So far it's goddamn amazing, but even we're both not sure if things will change for the worse when we make the decision to move in together.

It's very a much a "well, you're gonna have to deal with this sometime" type of situation but I don't wanna move still in the early stages because we're still on the high of dating each other and not realising each others faults.
Which is actually coming out more often now, which is a good thing too.

I feel like I'm dancing around describing it properly, but I'm sure you get what I mean.

I'd hit it.

Yeah boiii

-- Re : We up - http://www.twitch.tv/fengshuifever
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