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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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How thin are the walls at your place?

We both had our doors open, I was leaving mine open to let the heat out (I'm not opening a fucking window with all these moths around) and he always sleeps with his door open. That's actually what really scares me, the idea of him having an actual heart attack and me being asleep or being down stairs and not hearing it.
Honestly dad isn't that old and he's shown no real signs of being at risk of a heart attack, but the family is in such a fragile state right now I really don't think this family could survive a day without him.
I really need to sit down with him and tell him how I feel about his lifestyle choices, he's put on a bunch of weight suddenly and I can tell he's super stressed.
I ordered a thing from a reputable internet store and I got an email with a tracking number and it says they created a shipping label two days ago but there is no movement since. Is this weird? The shipping time is 3-14 days but shouldn't it show the USPS has received it?

no. You can make shipping labels without even printing them. We do it at my work all the time. You just go onto the website and order a shipment, give them all the specs and such, and then they give you a printout that you can use for the label whenever you're ready. It just depends on your workflow.


The steak house? classy guy. EDIT: Pardon me, i misread it, thought he invited you to an outback steak house, not that you bumped into him there.
Haha yeah. I was at a table with my parents. (My mom really loves American chains for some reason.)

Some of this is weird (the rose?...) and it probably happens more often to girls because guys are gross. No one ever drew me any roses or anything. (There was a span of time when flowers kept showing up on the hood of my car at school almost every day for quite a while, but I never really figured out who was doing it)

I'm mixed on the cheek kiss. Usually it would mean I at least kinda likelike the person but I guess it doesn't have to mean that.
I don't think those things had to be weird and maybe my teachers meant them all innocently but yeah.

This was in Miami. He's a white dude but I think the whole kiss on the cheek thing for greetings, goodbyes, thanks, etc. is more of a general thing when everyone else around you is Latino.

Chocolate with coconut icing
If these taste as good as they look :O


Hey not to be overly sentimental but I did want to say a quick thanks to all those that were around for my minor meltdown today.

I know that it's just the internet and I've only been talking with you lot since January but I've come to grow quite fond of each of you.

Also I know I'm not always the most pleasant person so thanks for being patient with me as I figure my life out.


Good lord I'm tired

Good lord I'm probably going to have had sex in less than 24 hours

Good lord

Preemptive congrats on the sex!

Hey not to be overly sentimental but I did want to say a quick thanks to all those that were around for my minor meltdown today.

I know that it's just the internet and I've only been talking with you lot since January but I've come to grow quite fond of each of you.

Also I know I'm not always the most pleasant person so thanks for being patient with me as I figure my life out.

You don't scare me, sir. I've battled chronic illnesses, manic depression and a music degree. I can handle a cranky Floridian. :p
Hey not to be overly sentimental but I did want to say a quick thanks to all those that were around for my minor meltdown today.

I know that it's just the internet and I've only been talking with you lot since January but I've come to grow quite fond of each of you.

Also I know I'm not always the most pleasant person so thanks for being patient with me as I figure my life out.

So I know from time to time we may not get on overly well, but I'm glad you feel welcome here. You've had some shit luck between the divorce and the kidney stuff and I hope you figure out the stuff that you want to figure out. Sometimes life just throws shit at you and without people to support you it can be incredibly difficult to get past it. I've been part of this community since the very beginning, and though a lot of people have come and gone and there are only a few of the originals left now, the same feeling of community and friendliness has permeated through. I definitely wouldn't be who I am today without this community. So yeah. I hope things improve for you man, and you'll always have this thread for some friendly faces to help you out.

Enjoy the ass

Preemptive congrats on the sex!
Thx :3

I feel like I've been bringing it up too much, sorry everyone >_>


irresponsible vagina leak
Hey not to be overly sentimental but I did want to say a quick thanks to all those that were around for my minor meltdown today.

I know that it's just the internet and I've only been talking with you lot since January but I've come to grow quite fond of each of you.

Also I know I'm not always the most pleasant person so thanks for being patient with me as I figure my life out.

Like any family we all have our minor fights but in the end we all get along well fine despite some moments of disagreements. Like I said earlier you can chat with me via PM or steam or instagram or whatever social media platform we have. Im most likely to answer when I see the notification dude. Also expect someone to hang with soon 😘


irresponsible vagina leak
Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Taste In Dessert?

You got: 24

You know what you like and what you don’t, but you’re still willing to try something new every now and then. You’re also not too caught up in appearing ~fancy~ when it comes to your food choices.
Is 28. I wouldn't have banned any of them.

no. You can make shipping labels without even printing them. We do it at my work all the time. You just go onto the website and order a shipment, give them all the specs and such, and then they give you a printout that you can use for the label whenever you're ready. It just depends on your workflow.
Thank you. It's good to know. :)


irresponsible vagina leak
I like Oatmeal Cookies when they are really toasted almost reaching burnt status.

Macadamia cookies tho >>>>>
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