Pfft, his best is clearly Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime.
(That was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.)
That's good but it doesn't touch the song he wrote for destiny
Pfft, his best is clearly Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime.
(That was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.)
Pfft, his best is clearly Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime.
(That was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.)
Could possibly help.
Because right now I'm in full horny swine mode and with no recourse to alleviate myself.
This is the last one I'll answer...
It is different to put me in a world where those people exist(exactly like the world we live in); however, to put me into the shoes of those people that do things that offend me and have me act out the types of things that they do is what's upsetting.
For example, there were supposed rapists in Tomb Raider, but did they put you into the shoes of that person and have you commit rape?
You just want a lenny face with that sore butt bit and I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT.
I was about to, but I've seen there are other folks policing it.Funky, be a dear and ban this STUPID FUCKING [REDACTED]
Thanks, xoxo.
Should I invade your inbox?I'm lewd AF and home alone for two more weeks.
We were actually shocked by how the game didn't make a big fuss of it. Not even a lowkey statement.The Last Of Us handled that particular subject very well.
Never change.Should I invade your inbox?
Never change.
I think I'll go for a walk since the weather is so autumnish today. Would have been nice if somebody joined me for a coffee and a cigarette afterwards...
But that's because we're so used to reading about it in real life. We've become numb to subject matter like that, regardless of how bleak it is.We were actually shocked by how the game didn't make a big fuss of it. Not even a lowkey statement.
Those are the same kind of human refuse who think that gay characters having any kind of visibility at all is a noxious statement.I don't think it really matters how The Last of Us or any game for that matter elegantly handles homosexuality in lead characters when your base perspective is that playing as a homosexual can be likened to the moral repugnance of playing as a rapist. It's a lost argument against an already deluded perspective.
Those are the same kind of human refuse who think that gay characters having any kind of visibility at all is a noxious statement.
Minorities are cool as long as they are invisible and nowhere near their vicinity. How kind of them.
If only the uppity queers would keep it to themselves and just enter into straight relationships to hide it like the Good Old Days
The dynamic and dialogue between Nancy and Jonathan in Stranger Things is terrible. This kind of shit is what is dragging down this otherwise solid show. It's not even a clever cliche or homage to the era and media, just a one dimensional rip of tired character tropes. It's not natural. It's not convincing. It's dumb and awful straight up lazy cliche and it should never have made it in the script.
Civil War is a garbage movie. Bloated and full of too many corny bullshit decisions and characters.
Praising that as the second coming of Jesus while simultaneously shitting on BvS is a reminder to me that the internet is basically full of the people I walk past at the mall that are wearing some sort of loud obnoxious flat brimmed hat with Kermit the frog on it.
That might seem silly to you but prove me otherwise. You're all wearing hats right now aren't you.
Civil War is a garbage movie. Bloated and full of too many corny bullshit decisions and characters.
Praising that as the second coming of Jesus while simultaneously shitting on BvS is a reminder to me that the internet is basically full of the people I walk past at the mall that are wearing some sort of loud obnoxious flat brimmed hat with Kermit the frog on it.
That might seem silly to you but prove me otherwise. You're all wearing hats right now aren't you.
Drag them!
What episode are you on? I despised that storyline for almost the entire run. It became bearable toward the end.
I mostly don't care about anything related to superheroes, but I'll take DC shit over Marvel diarrhea.
The Arkham games are 🔥
Their fire? or do you mean a burning mess?.
The dynamic and dialogue between Nancy and Jonathan in Stranger Things is terrible. This kind of shit is what is dragging down this otherwise solid show. It's not even a clever cliche or homage to the era and media, just a one dimensional rip of tired character tropes. It's not natural. It's not convincing. It's dumb and awful straight up lazy cliche and it should never have made it in the script.
Dumpster fire would be fairly accurate for Arkham Knight tho.
That's good but it doesn't touch the song he wrote for destiny
I had heard he had composed a song with O'Donnell for the first game and had just assumed it was one of the symphonic pieces.
Glad I have never heard that in-game.
I'm also really, really tired of Marvel's cinematic universe approach, where you really need to see all the movies to piece it together as one long narrative. A narrative that's lukewarm to begin with, yet can no longer operate per movie as a self contained arc.
it plays over the end credits, thankfully I skipped that
Don't act jealous bro just let it happen.
My wife had no idea what was happening. She's seen like most of the movies but not avengers 2 which means she had no idea who most of the people were.
So we have a non killing detective... For some reason acting as a tank commander. What the fuck would he do if the enemy tanks had people in them? The whole thing is so contrived and lame
Batman is a detective. What's more, most versions of Batman , including the one portrayed in Arkham games, has a no kill code.
So we have a non killing detective... For some reason acting as a tank commander. What the fuck would he do if the enemy tanks had people in them? The whole thing is so contrived and lame
you told me you'd watch The Gift! this is Nymphomaniac all over again x(Had a mostly quiet evening at home that spanned a range of activities.
- Got some good animation stuff done
- There's a sore butt here.
- I'll never beat Aldrich because I can't summon anyone and the fucking arrows are jgfdslkhgjslkfhgjshgljs
- Dragon Quest VII is wonderful.
- PLANNED to watch Arq but never got to it. Anyone else going to/already did watch this?
- I don't enjoy beard pride. You didn't earn anything. You just waited, and if you're like most guys, your beard is ratty and gross
- Eating 7am cookies to ensure maximum fat
I guess those are activities and a random thought.
Watch and send me nudes. XOXO11:08pm.
Do I watch one more episode of Stranger Things or go to bed?
Do I watch one more episode of Stranger Things or go to bed?