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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Pfft, his best is clearly Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime.

(That was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.)

This is the last one I'll answer...

It is different to put me in a world where those people exist(exactly like the world we live in); however, to put me into the shoes of those people that do things that offend me and have me act out the types of things that they do is what's upsetting.

For example, there were supposed rapists in Tomb Raider, but did they put you into the shoes of that person and have you commit rape?

Funky, be a dear and ban this STUPID FUCKING [REDACTED]

Thanks, xoxo.


Had a mostly quiet evening at home that spanned a range of activities.

  • Got some good animation stuff done
  • There's a sore butt here.
  • I'll never beat Aldrich because I can't summon anyone and the fucking arrows are jgfdslkhgjslkfhgjshgljs
  • Dragon Quest VII is wonderful.
  • PLANNED to watch Arq but never got to it. Anyone else going to/already did watch this?
  • I don't enjoy beard pride. You didn't earn anything. You just waited, and if you're like most guys, your beard is ratty and gross
  • Eating 7am cookies to ensure maximum fat

I guess those are activities and a random thought.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to finally book another appointment with my specialist. I haven't seen him in probably about a year and a half now, maybe two, but my abdominal issues have really peaked and it's worrying me a fair bit. I want him to do a full endoscopy (emphasis on colonoscopy) so I can at least get a full diagnosis of all potential issues.

This is the bullshit about being diagnosed with IBS; the not knowing, with no real solution, and impossible long term prognosis. Worsened by not having the full procedures done early, because we concluded that it was IBS. And maybe it is, but still.

I hate my intestines.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't think it really matters how The Last of Us or any game for that matter elegantly handles homosexuality in lead characters when your base perspective is that playing as a homosexual can be likened to the moral repugnance of playing as a rapist. It's a lost argument against an already deluded perspective.

Xiao Hu

I think I'll go for a walk since the weather is so autumnish today. Would have been nice if somebody joined me for a coffee and a cigarette afterwards...

Funky Papa

I don't think it really matters how The Last of Us or any game for that matter elegantly handles homosexuality in lead characters when your base perspective is that playing as a homosexual can be likened to the moral repugnance of playing as a rapist. It's a lost argument against an already deluded perspective.
Those are the same kind of human refuse who think that gay characters having any kind of visibility at all is a noxious statement.

Minorities are cool as long as they are invisible and nowhere near their vicinity. How kind of them.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The dynamic and dialogue between Nancy and Jonathan in Stranger Things is terrible. This kind of shit is what is dragging down this otherwise solid show. It's not even a clever cliche or homage to the era and media, just a one dimensional rip of tired character tropes. It's not natural. It's not convincing. It's dumb and awful straight up lazy cliche and it should never have made it in the script.


Those are the same kind of human refuse who think that gay characters having any kind of visibility at all is a noxious statement.

Minorities are cool as long as they are invisible and nowhere near their vicinity. How kind of them.

/v/ and reddit have such a massive tantrum over everything modern BioWare for this reason, when portrayal of minorities is the least of their writing issues.


irresponsible vagina leak
If only the uppity queers would keep it to themselves and just enter into straight relationships to hide it like the Good Old Days™

All gays should be Masc4Masc and have chest pics on grindr or whatever dating app they use or go back to the old good days where you were married to a woman and would go to JCPenney eyefuck someone to follow you tothe bathroom stalls to blow a stranger.


Civil War is a garbage movie. Bloated and full of too many corny bullshit decisions and characters.

Praising that as the second coming of Jesus while simultaneously shitting on BvS is a reminder to me that the internet is basically full of the people I walk past at the mall that are wearing some sort of loud obnoxious flat brimmed hat with Kermit the frog on it.

That might seem silly to you but prove me otherwise. You're all wearing hats right now aren't you.
The dynamic and dialogue between Nancy and Jonathan in Stranger Things is terrible. This kind of shit is what is dragging down this otherwise solid show. It's not even a clever cliche or homage to the era and media, just a one dimensional rip of tired character tropes. It's not natural. It's not convincing. It's dumb and awful straight up lazy cliche and it should never have made it in the script.


Drag them!

What episode are you on? I despised that storyline for almost the entire run. It became bearable toward the end.


Civil War is a garbage movie. Bloated and full of too many corny bullshit decisions and characters.

Praising that as the second coming of Jesus while simultaneously shitting on BvS is a reminder to me that the internet is basically full of the people I walk past at the mall that are wearing some sort of loud obnoxious flat brimmed hat with Kermit the frog on it.

That might seem silly to you but prove me otherwise. You're all wearing hats right now aren't you.

Civil Snore is a fucking mess for so many reasons. It's at once bloated, stupid, overserious, underserious, and boring

I also enjoyed BvS more. It wasn't perfect, but it had higher highs (like the Batman warehouse fight which was maybe the best comic book movie fight ever).

Unlike most people I'm not blinded by my hatred of their mistreatment of Superman because I don't give a shit


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Civil War is a garbage movie. Bloated and full of too many corny bullshit decisions and characters.

Praising that as the second coming of Jesus while simultaneously shitting on BvS is a reminder to me that the internet is basically full of the people I walk past at the mall that are wearing some sort of loud obnoxious flat brimmed hat with Kermit the frog on it.

That might seem silly to you but prove me otherwise. You're all wearing hats right now aren't you.

I don't know if I'd call it garbage, but it was definitely a total whatever movie for me. Like I enjoyed the big fight scene for the dumbness of it. And Black Panther is cool. But the rest just locked in my feelings that an overwhelming majority of super hero movies aren't for me. It's the same story over and over every single time. The narrative is predictable. And the characters almost never have convincing or well developed motives. The story beats go through the moments and there's no real brevity or weight to anything. The emotional investment is absent. Who cares if Cap and Stark fight; the reasons are dumb and it's a harmless playfight. But punch stuff comic book real life I guess so *shrug*

I get the cinematic appeal but yeah, not for me. These feelings hit me hardest during Age of Ultron, when I realised Marvel just stopped giving a shit about telling tighter, interesting, more nuanced stories with these characters and instead were just going through the comic-book-to-cinema motions to appease the fans. The villains remain undercooked and one dimensional, and nothing really matters to the story in the grand scheme of things.

I'm also really, really tired of Marvel's cinematic universe approach, where you really need to see all the movies to piece it together as one long narrative. A narrative that's lukewarm to begin with, yet can no longer operate per movie as a self contained arc.

Drag them!

What episode are you on? I despised that storyline for almost the entire run. It became bearable toward the end.

Just wrapped up episode five. Might squeeze in ep6 before bed.

I really like the show but yeah, the directors/writers pander too hard to the "hey remember the 80s weren't the 80s swell how bout them 80s cliches!!!" garbage. It's not clever or nuanced or interesting. It's just a copy of shit that's been done before, better elsewhere, and thus totally superficial and shallow in its replication here. And like, then you have the synthwave soundtrack that's so obviously modern but kinda trying to pander to the 80s? It's like the directors/writers were so fixated on being cool 80s stuff that they stopped making a cool 80s thing.


Unconfirmed Member
The dynamic and dialogue between Nancy and Jonathan in Stranger Things is terrible. This kind of shit is what is dragging down this otherwise solid show. It's not even a clever cliche or homage to the era and media, just a one dimensional rip of tired character tropes. It's not natural. It's not convincing. It's dumb and awful straight up lazy cliche and it should never have made it in the script.

Don't act jealous bro just let it happen.


I'm also really, really tired of Marvel's cinematic universe approach, where you really need to see all the movies to piece it together as one long narrative. A narrative that's lukewarm to begin with, yet can no longer operate per movie as a self contained arc.

My wife had no idea what was happening. She's seen like most of the movies but not avengers 2 which means she had no idea who most of the people were.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Conceptualisation and implementation of the bat tank in Arkham Knight confuses the ever loving fuck out of me given Remedy's established coherency between game systems in the previous Arkham games. Seamlessly blending traversal, stealth, combat, and walk-n-talk as the player embodies the bat man is partially what elevates the series above other super hero games and makes them so engaging to play. The bat car works just fine as it decently integrates seamlessly with the existing mechanics, but the tank just doesn't at all. Activating tank mode and engaging in tank based challenge/objective design is like the game just stops being an Arkham series title and boots up Remedy's new tank combat game. It's so disjointed for the core gameplay loop, yet in the same breath relentlessly prevalent through the entire game. More than just a low point encounters throughout the campaign, you can't even properly free explore without having spend stretches of play using the tank to clear up the streets.

I don't know what Remedy was on but I'm pretty shocked, given their last two games, that they didn't pick up on the mechanical dissonance early in production.

Don't act jealous bro just let it happen.

I'll pass on the teenager, but give me some of that crazy Winona any day of the week.

My wife had no idea what was happening. She's seen like most of the movies but not avengers 2 which means she had no idea who most of the people were.

I can't blame her. They're no longer singular, focused works of cinema that just-so-happen to exist in a coherent "cinematic universe" but instead just new episodes in a dragging, unfocused narrative that doesn't seem to go anywhere important. I remember when my mum saw The Avengers and despite having missed a good chunk of the precursor films she still found it easy enough to pick up on the cast foundations and follow the narrative from that point onward. She's missed a bunch of them since and I guarantee Civil War would be a whole bunch of what to her now.


Batman is a detective. What's more, most versions of Batman , including the one portrayed in Arkham games, has a no kill code.

So we have a non killing detective... For some reason acting as a tank commander. What the fuck would he do if the enemy tanks had people in them? The whole thing is so contrived and lame


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So we have a non killing detective... For some reason acting as a tank commander. What the fuck would he do if the enemy tanks had people in them? The whole thing is so contrived and lame

I mean sure the game tries to (and badly) excuse this by having them be robo tanks, but even that doesn't matter because you'll still regularly use your cannons to blow up cars full of people, ram them off the road into fiery wrecks (that they crawl out off alive), and shoot them in the square in the face with your "non lethal cannon". They just outright stop giving a fuck at plausibility.


Batman is a detective. What's more, most versions of Batman , including the one portrayed in Arkham games, has a no kill code.

So we have a non killing detective... For some reason acting as a tank commander. What the fuck would he do if the enemy tanks had people in them? The whole thing is so contrived and lame

All the tanks in AK were drones, the real contrived thing is how when he crashes into people in the Bat tank they just get stunned and thrown around, it's like the rules of physics and momentum were just thrown the fuck out, at least they tried to uphold batmans rule, BVS he just fucked guns people down and smashes their brains against walls.
Had a mostly quiet evening at home that spanned a range of activities.

  • Got some good animation stuff done
  • There's a sore butt here.
  • I'll never beat Aldrich because I can't summon anyone and the fucking arrows are jgfdslkhgjslkfhgjshgljs
  • Dragon Quest VII is wonderful.
  • PLANNED to watch Arq but never got to it. Anyone else going to/already did watch this?
  • I don't enjoy beard pride. You didn't earn anything. You just waited, and if you're like most guys, your beard is ratty and gross
  • Eating 7am cookies to ensure maximum fat

I guess those are activities and a random thought.
you told me you'd watch The Gift! this is Nymphomaniac all over again x(


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Do I watch one more episode of Stranger Things or go to bed?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I ask because I do have to get up and work tomorrow but whatever my job can eat a wet ass because there's campy television to watch.


EDIT: and then send Vazra someone's nudes


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
One of those days where six year old memories come back to slug you in the face.
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