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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Funky Papa



Funky Papa

How bad is the job market in my trade?

I know somebody who is so utterly miserable at his company that he's been trying to leave for the past three years. No such luck. Today he begged me to hire him.

Poor soul doesn't know the partners are already initiating pre-liquidation arrangements.



The Thing fans should go and watch Blood Glacier right now. It's available on Netflix

That's some hideous concept art.

In any case, I hope they're not replacing Jade with that stupid looking dude

Im kinda hoping for a metroid reboot with a generic looking space marine guy.

It would bring some relevance to the franchise.


I think Metroid should be rebooted, but I'd keep Samus. I'd like for it to be a slower paced, thoughtful third person exploration/action game. I don't want the Prime formula.

I just noticed Gears 4 is just around the corner. I dislike many things about the franchise (namely the character designs) but I still have a lot of nostalgia for the first game. I might get it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
No matter how hard I try I cannot for the life of me get into Gears. I love a shooter that is satisfying in character weight, hit feedback, encounter variety, and so on. I usually sink into that kind of stuff effortlessly. But man, Gears. Gears. I just can't do it.

Xiao Hu


I don't need a Nintendo NX.


What? A game probably outside of the never ending childish Mushroom Kingdom and cartoony bullshit palooza Nintendo likes to push down our throats so much these past two gens.

That's some hideous concept art.

In any case, I hope they're not replacing Jade with that stupid looking dude

You are hideous!

Im kinda hoping for a metroid reboot with a generic looking space marine guy.

It would bring some relevance to the franchise.

Yiiiiis. Not particularly what you suggested as a result but the idea of rebooting the franchise. Especially esthetics wise. Metroid looks really outdated, not oldscholl or retro (like Alien: Isolation). Just bad with little thoughtfulness in its design.

It will also allow them to straigthen up the lore and universe to develope the franchise further into different media formats and spin-offs (e.g. a real bounty hunter FPS à la Prey 2 demo).

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
No matter how hard I try I cannot for the life of me get into Gears. I love a shooter that is satisfying in character weight, hit feedback, encounter variety, and so on. I usually sink into that kind of stuff effortlessly. But man, Gears. Gears. I just can't do it.
It was great to play co op and just watch friends play it. With lots of beer, of course.

So, basically, I just miss having friends.


I was mostly joking. I do think rebooting metroid might be for the best.

What if metroid became nintendos mass effect :eek:

But concerning the samus as a dude thing. If people are pulling for Link to be a girl why can't Samus be a guy? Just gender swap everything if it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's because when you do that you get into bad looking fan art territory. I don't think the answer is gender swapping. I think it's coming up with fresh and more diverse characters.

It's the square peg round hole idea. You can't salvage a sunken ship.


I think Metroid should be rebooted, but I'd keep Samus. I'd like for it to be a slower paced, thoughtful third person exploration/action game. I don't want the Prime formula.

I just noticed Gears 4 is just around the corner. I dislike many things about the franchise (namely the character designs) but I still have a lot of nostalgia for the first game. I might get it.

I'm really enjoying my time with Super Metroid I just got the grapple beam and I think the game's going to really open up. I think it's funny that the game is constantly reminding me of Metroid Prime because that's the first Metroid I've ever played and I have to keep remembering that it's the other way around

Funky Papa

A Metroid RPG in the vein of Mother x Mass Effect could be amazing. Samus doesn't even have to show up and it doesn't need to be super gritty neither. A tone similar to that of Stargate Universe would fit the Metroid universe quite well.

As for Metroid proper, let Metroid be Metroid.

Fake edit: fuck this keyboard and autocorrect for replacing Metroid with Negroid. I swear it is going to get me in trouble if I blink.
Actual edit: Samus, not Samsung, you piece of shit phone.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I finished AM2R, it was pretty good, but not as great as it is made out. It had good moments but some elements didn't work so well. The shinespark puzzles in particular were poorly executed


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't think Metroid needs to be rebooted. I don't really see the value in it. Rebooted in the sense thematically, I guess. Mechanically I totes cool with them trying new things (they fucking should) moving forward, but narratively a reboot does not serve any purpose in my opinion that a new franchise couldn't do better working within its own template. But games are weird like that; further exploring, developing, and evolving established gameplay conventions usually comes with the logical conclusion to continue using the associated franchise, as that franchise aesthetically, thematically, and conceptually was built in tandem with the underlining gameplay systems. So which part you reboot and how, and where you draw the line on a "new franchise" can be difficult.

In reality I could get another Prime and be happy as a pig in shit because I fucking love Prime. But eeeehhhhhh I don't know if I fully trust Nintendo with Metroid. Their PR is so full of bullshit when it comes to excusing why some of their franchises haven't seen much coverage in recent times. "Oh we don't want to do another F-Zero until we have great new ideas for it, but here's another fucking Mario Kart with F-Zero ideas".

It was great to play co op and just watch friends play it. With lots of beer, of course.

So, basically, I just miss having friends.

I'll suffer through Gears to play with you.

Funky Papa

Gears lost me with the third game. With that said, the first two episodes were lots of fun with a friend and some pizza, which is how I beat them. Some sleepless nights we had.

Besides the absurd hype, the only thing I disliked about it was the grim Gothic setting with ridiculously buff SPAHS MAREEHNS, which is far too overwhelming and never ceases to take itself seriously, unlike Warhammer 40k. The new game looks like a proper return to form, so there's that.


Finished all of the Gears, wasn't going to bother with the new one but being able to play on PC with the dudes who only have Xbone tipped the scales.
Right, ok, excuse me America but what the fuck do you think you're doing?

I am not talking about Trump, though that is bad, but no. I'm talking about the fucking acceptance of George fucking Bush by the Clintons and Obamas. The acceptance of the shithead who started the fucking complete mess of the Iraq War which killed fucking thousands and has lead to ISIS. The fuckhead who oversaw the global financial crash in 2007. The fucking moron who can't even speak words good.

How is this being allowed? Where is the fucking outrage?

Here's a hot tip: when people don't trust the political elite and flood to people like Trump or Sanders or Johnson, this shit is why


You are just in for the cheap frags.


Nah, too much time on consoles means I suck with mouse and keyboard when it comes to shooters.

But it should look pretty fucking good, there's something about the chunky game play I still dig and there's a new horde so....


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I want another Binary Domain ;_;


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I don't want Metroid rebooted but I do want it cleaned up. The time between Metroid II and Super Metroid is so fucking convoluted.

I wouldnt mind post Fusion, but I would love to Samus do more actual bounty hunting.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

and Bulletstorm

and Sleeping Dogs

but since last gen was dominated by fuckheads that buy the same game year after year we saw very few fresh IPs.

At least Dishonored got a sequel...

Maaaaan Bulletstorm and Sleeping Dogs were so great. Good times. Good memories. I have 79 hours into Sleeping Dogs. Did fucking everything.

Dishonored 2 looks super faithful too, which is great to see.

Me too and Cain was boss

French robots improve everything.

I can't beat ocirus the consumed king... Amazingly cool boss though. Christ :eek:

What build are you rolling? I think I maybe bumped into him too late into my playthrough as I rushed him pretty comfortably first go.


So replaying mass effect 2 after not having played it in awhile. Few main things I'm noticing:
1) Teammates ai is awful. They don't know how to walk through doors and suddenly in combat I'll have grunt right on my face trying to share cover to the point where I can't use the button to send him away cause it just gets caught on him
2) there's no such things as side quests (yet). maybe it changes later but right now I've had two side quests and all I had to do was go in the next room. I know it doesn't make a ton of sense in a saving the world scenario but saving the world is boring.
3) the best dialogue with crew members is with the ones you can't bring with you. Kelly chambers, chakwas, the two engineers, and of course joker are more interesting than listening to your squad members brood (mordin excepted of course). Also Miranda is the worst.
4) after recently watching Star Trek there's a lot of parallels with the races: cardassians (turians), Klingon (krogan), farengi (volus), hanar (whatever morn is), salarian (Vulcan), Borg (geth and reaper), Asari and quarians don't have direct comparisons from what I remember but you can see some similar traits
5) the paragon/renegade thing is better than it was in ME1. It's important that you don't have to sacrifice combat ability to see some of the best moments in the game

Overall I'm enjoying it but it could use a bit of an obsidian touch


Me too and Cain was boss

I would play a game starring him tbh

Maaaaan Bulletstorm and Sleeping Dogs were so great. Good times. Good memories. I have 79 hours into Sleeping Dogs. Did fucking everything.

Dishonored 2 looks super faithful too, which is great to see.

Dude I fucking loved the action highjack mechanic in Sleeping Dogs. I was convinced GTA 5 was going to rip it off.

But yeah, I'm really excited for Dishonored 2. Not that I'll be able to play it anytime soon but I hope it's a mega hit and more games are influenced by it.


What build are you rolling? I think I maybe bumped into him too late into my playthrough as I rushed him pretty comfortably first go.

level 70.. I have 32 str 30 faith. The lightning weapon buff is nice but mostly faith seems useless.

I use a str infused bastard sword


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I let GAF talk me into buying Digimon Cyber Sleuth on sale. I never got into Digimon before in my life and I'm not a huge fan of monster games.

This game kinda sucks. It's too anime even for me and the monster design is really eh. I need to be less flimsy in letting people convince me of things.


I let GAF talk me into buying Digimon Cyber Sleuth on sale. I never got into Digimon before in my life and I'm not a huge fan of monster games.

This game kinda sucks. I need to be less flimsy in letting people convince me of things.
It's a digimon megami tensei game. It's fairly competent for what it is but yeah you have to already like that kind of game. It's a very specific genre


Im honestly not sure I ever played mass effect 3 now that I think about it. I did at least watch a friend play part of it though
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