Freeza Under The Shower
I can't sleep and keep thinking about horrible things.
write them out. People who write out their anxieties before sleep tend to improve on anxiety / depression in a relatively short amount of time.
I can't sleep and keep thinking about horrible things.
I have no urge to ever mix food and sex.
Come one. Be a Costanza and get with us.I have no urge to ever mix food and sex.
Even whipped cream?
no. ew.
What do you call it? Pasta shape instance? Pasta piece? A bunch of pasta types are actually noodles, so it's easiest to call them all noodles.
I have no urge to ever mix food and sex.
Type of pasta.
And I refuse to call spaghetti noodles. Because it's pasta not noodles.
why is it not a noodle? Spaghetti is like the classic example of a noodle.
at least Google loves me
and what do you call it when there's just a single piece of pasta? Piece of pasta is too long, and pasta is a collective word, not singular. Ergo noodle. Look at this beautiful noodle
D: :OTMI time, mixing food and sex gave me a UTI once upon a time
That 90's football movie with the Dawson's Creek guy had a whipped cream girl scene and even though I was a teenage boy with raging hormones the scene grossed me out
Noodles are Asian, pasta is Italian
I am going to ignore anyone who says otherwise because they are wrong
*stubborn Englishboy*
But the word noodle is german
Misha is talking too much sense today.
TMI time, mixing food and sex gave me a UTI once upon a time
Ive heard one too many "haluskis" and "pierogies" and "raviolis" to put up with incorrect understanding of pasta terms
UTIs suck.SEE?
I can't sleep and keep thinking about horrible things.
I'm already tired of eating fish everyday. Gotta find something new.
Ugh, UTI sensations.
I've had some of the symptoms of a UTI without an actual UTI for two months, TMI time on that too. Infection of the prostate, inflames it like crazy. That's the medical thing I've been going through. Cipro for a crazy amount of time and it's barely done the trick. I've had ultrasounds, CTs, the works -- it's probably 'just' the prostatitis, since nothing came up on that stuff (except one thing with the ultrasound but it's unrelated). Life is physically painful whenever it flares up, like, holy mother of agony, it hurts.
Seeing a urologist on Wednesday, thank the Maker.
Thanks God for Instagram🙌🏽
I have serious question - can i put on my resume that im a writer for
basically a question for evil lore
My brother on NMS after a couple days with it
the nut doesn't fall far from the other nut.
Never had steamed chicken. Will give it a try.Steamed Chicken tits with onions and peppers
Never had steamed chicken. Will give it a try.