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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Unconfirmed Member
Hockey isn't just fighting. That'd be stupid. Ice Hockey is fighting...




Unconfirmed Member
OK I heard irl someone use thirst. Were they a gaffer or when did this term become a thing?

It's one of those phrases that's a little funny and almost impossible not to get the meaning of if used in context, which are both memetically beneficial. I'm also pretty sure "thirst" started on the bodybuilding forums, given their preoccupation with sex.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So, uh, my dad got remarried to a woman I despise yesterday.

She also took his/my last name. Welp.

On the bright side, I got super hammered on tons of open bar white wine.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Is she hot at least?

God no, she's like... 52.

Damn, Smiley. What does she think about you?

I dunno, I don't care. I don't live in the country anymore so I only have to see her once a year anyway. (At Christmas)

She doesn't have kids herself, which is why I think she doesn't really understand/interact that well with my sister and me. She doesn't really understand that we're very independent and tries to "mom" us, when we really don't want her to do that at all.

My 35 year old "uncle"'s 21 year old girlfriend on the other hand.... hayoooo

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm watching Dr who season 7.1. It's coming. Hold me ;__; bf has never seen it before so I have to hold all the feels in til after it happens

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Ah it's getting a bit late. Will have to watch angels take Manhattan tomorrow night. He knows something is coming coz I'm making a big deal out of waiting haha


Unconfirmed Member
Man it was so brisk tonight, and the sky was unbelievably clear. You're one lucky guy if it's chilly all the time in Tas, Adam.
Make sure you finish your paper first! No grades for the dead.

What is your paper on?

The final paper for the course will demonstrate your integration of all components of the course. It will be written in two sections of 4-5 pages each. Include your thesis statement in bolded font at the start of the essay.

1) How does course theory relate to your community practice and involvement in other campus events? You are asked to discuss how this course has challenged, changed and/or affirmed your moral values and assumptions about the way the world works as well as your understanding of Christian commitment and the requirements of justice. The paper will be evaluated on the precision of your analysis of ideas and issues from the texts, your grasp of Christian ethical thought, and the depth of your moral engagement within the context of your topic.

2) Pick a contemporary case study to which you will apply what you’ve learned in class.

Blimey. What are you studying?

To an outsider it sounds like one of those things that is interesting the minute until you're asked to write a paper about it.

My major is criminal justice, but I go to a Catholic university (I'm an atheist) so they make you take religion courses. This one's Christian and Social Ethics. It's actually not a bad class; the professor is totally awesome and loves shit-talking and debunking traditional concepts.


sploatee, I always forget to check my PSN inbox. We'll play next time I'm on! Wall to wall football today though, it's a no go. (I can't be arsed to set it up upstairs).


Wazzy retail story:
Welp, it's nutjob Sunday.

First 10 minutes in and I've already gotten three. First guy was the worst.

My manager pages me up and tells me the guy needs a new lamp but doesn't say what's wrong with the customers. I check the customers box and he doesn't even have the lamp with him, just the bulb. I'm trying to figure out what he's looking for but my manager isn't telling me and is just saying "just test out the lamp and give him the new one" while the customer is making snarky remarks to me and other customers who were laughing at how angry he was.

Anyway he was apparently just wanting the bulb so as I'm trying to twist a part off, I realize you can't open it that way so I'm about to check the other opening and he grabs it from my hands and starts prying the part you're not supposed to open unless it's empty. The part flies off and the bulb shatters everywhere.

He starts freaking out saying "shitty fucking product bullshit make fuck" and then stormed off leaving his bulb and lamp box LOL I then checked and yup, he also broke the first bulb which is why he needed a new one.

I'm gonna take a picture of both bulbs so I never forget.


It's okay, Acrid. You can live vicariously through my teams.
:mad: I don't even care about any hockey teams anymore. Just rooting for the Wild because they weren't supposed to advance and are the underdogs and Rangers because Lundqvist deserves a cup. As for basketball I at least have the Reptars (hopefully they win their game 7 that's going on right now) and the Blazers (have liked their team for years and have family there).
Is something important happening in American or Canadian sport? All the chatty threads I stalk are very sporty at the moment. We are off to E's mum and dads in a bit for family dinner. Hurrah for Sunday roasts!
Hockey and Basketball playoffs, the two sports I watch. Sunday roasts are splendid!
Wazzy retail story:
My eyes lit up. :D

Sounds like my dad, no patience and gets overly angry about it.


Scaley member
Why not? ): I'm sure you'll do great on your exams! Just believe in yourself!

I don't have to worry about exams until after June 16th and then again after July 29th, but I'm just not mentally prepared to be in a learning environment again, especially when it's dealing with math.
I don't have to worry about exams until after June 16th and then again after July 29th, but I'm just not mentally prepared to be in a learning environment again, especially when it's dealing with math.

You and me both bud. I can't deal with math. I gave up trying to get my AA degree because I'm so far behind on math and English (and everything else).

Right now I'm just taking EMT-B and Medical Terminology 1. Finals are coming up (/.\) *hides*


Scaley member
You and me both bud. I can't deal with math. I gave up trying to get my AA degree because I'm so far behind on math and English (and everything else).

Right now I'm just taking EMT-B and Medical Terminology 1. Finals are coming up (/.\) *hides*

Sounds tough. :( I wanna be a doctor, but alas! I live in Canada, where acceptance rates for medical schools seem to not go above 9%. But, you know, doctor shortage and all that.

Sounds tough. :( I wanna be a doctor, but alas! I live in Canada, where acceptance rates for medical schools seem to not go above 9%. But, you know, doctor shortage and all that.


I wish I was smart enough to become a doctor D:

and the class isn't very hard, even with my tiny brain.
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