So in February I spot this guy in some threads whose avatar looks really cool so I send him a message. His posts are pretty great too.
He links me to the game Broken Age. I remember seeing the trailer and that's why the avatar is so vaguely familiar. The avatar in question:
Then Neogaf. gets banned. I look through his recent posts and I can't even be sure what he did. I'm pretty sure I used his avatar for a day or two. Because Elijah Wood is awesome.
Then in May I notice there's a guy called "Matt Damon" around in the same kinda threads I post in. And it's so obvious. There's no overlap on the join dates either.
He gets banned and I feel bad about it pretty much immediately. Live and let live right?
In June I send a pm to
someone who replied in the "I've never done an illegal drug" thread. Because I think it's funny he posted a picture of a vaporiser without actually explaining that it is one.
We send each other some music and stuff, seems like an ok dude.
Cut to July. just hanging out in FakeGaf with Halo 2.
Halo 2 posts a screencap of his Tinder app. I'm not sure what Tinder is but it sounds familiar. Then I remember that I saw that Matt Damon had posted in the Tinder thread when I scoped him out after seeing his avatar was the same. Then it hits me. Neogaf.? Matt Damon? Halo 2? These are all weird as hell usernames. Could Halo 2, someone who i'd call a freind, be a proxy account? Someone who I've gotten banned before? Now I know how that guy in that Korean movie who bangs his daughter feels. I decide that I need to find out if he's a proxy without letting him
know that I know he's a proxy. Needless to say subtly is not my strong suit.
I decide that this means nothing. I mean, are we going to put everyone on NeoGaf who uses Tinder, played Broken Age, and watched Review on trial?
Late July, Halo 2 gets banned.
I love my dead gay son.