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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Pretty good mate, loads of horns and a really jubilant sound to them. They put on a good show, the crowd loved it! Not so much my stamp but it was certainly nice music confidently performed.


Just released last night:

Marmozets - Born Young and Free (Official Video)

Shreds my fretboard.
That's good to hear. I just crawled out of bed so couldn't handle marmozets at the moment.

I will say though, everyone would do themselves a biggun if they get this Summer in Jakarta compilation (it's free). It has so many awesome tracks on it, the majority of them are excellent. Some personal favorites are Garden City Movement - Move On, Mura Masa - Miss You, 20syl - VO52-V1M, Farhot - So Good, Ivan Ave - Obedience. If you don't like the first track, don't discount the rest, it's a variety of goods.
This is now one of my favourite GIFs:

Edit dickbutt on there and we're talking.


Lots of factors, main one is money. I'll head up to that area sooner rather than later, definitely.

Going to the dentist with no dental plan sucks yo.


I can't drink, on call... :(
Though I'll be continuing my motorcycle course tonight.
Goes until 11pm. :| (I'm already sleepy, went to bed like at 2am last night and started work early.)
The gods made the earth for all men t’ share. Only when the kings come with their crowns and steel swords, they claimed it was all theirs. My trees, they said, you can’t eat them apples. My stream, you can’t fish here. My wood, you’re not t’hunt. My earth, my water, my castle, my daughter, keep your hands away or I’ll chop ‘em off, but maybe if you kneel t’ me I’ll let you have a sniff. You call us thieves, but at least a thief has t’ be brave and clever and quick. A kneeler only has t’ kneel.


Also proof that ASoIaF is commie propaganda.
The stars, the moon
They have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day
I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart

Drogo and Dany their song.

Florence + the Machine has a fair amount of songs that fit.

Howl for the Stark anthem. Rabbit Heart for Cersei's.

No more needs to be said about this.

Everyone gets what they deserve at the end. But, isn't that something you should spoiler-tag? Or is it known
that he is no more?

Well, the first season is like three years old now. First book is eighteen. Goddamn George finish the damn series already.

So I think it's safe to freely discuss it.


Go with the flow bro...let her spank you.

In other news...I saw Guardians of the Galaxy tonight....fucking loved it!

I always go with the flow, my fave Queens of the Stone Age song too... :D

Yes, GotG was fun.
Winter Soldier is still my fave Marvel flick,
but GotG is up there with Avengers for me. :p
Okay then, though I personally wouldn't do it. Don't want to spoil someone that's new to the series.. :|

I can understand that.

Personally, I think that if you know someone who is new to something is around and they're going in blind not knowing anything, then you should do your best to spoiler tag properly regardless of how old something is.

However, if you don't know anyone who is then I don't see a need to censor yourself for something that's sufficiently old.

I don't get it.

It was just me writing help in a less mundane and exaggerated way.


A shame you can't go to PAX though. Heard a lot of good stuff will be demoed there.
It's an amazing show and it sucks to miss seeing everybody, but I've been going to one PAX a year for 7 straight so I'm not missing anything new in that regard.
Let's fire up this fucking Friday already

Jon Hopkins - Collider
Jon Hopkins is gewd. That video made me a bit uncomfortable though. High Life
In other news...I saw Guardians of the Galaxy tonight....fucking loved it!
Glad to hear, it was such a fun movie.


I can understand that.

Personally, I think that if you know someone who is new to something is around and they're going in blind not knowing anything, then you should do your best to spoiler tag properly regardless of how old something is.

However, if you don't know anyone who is then I don't see a need to censor yourself for something that's sufficiently old.


It's an amazing show and it sucks to miss seeing everybody, but I've been going to one PAX a year for 7 straight so I'm not missing anything new in that regard.
Still a shame though, it's always nice to meet new people that share hobbies with you. :/

aw yiss

phone call from boss "feel free to head out when you want -- have a good weekend"

*puts on hat and runs out the door*

clydefrog, tomorrow morning in some park.
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