You Know Nothing
Never played Indigo Prophecy. But I like Heavy Rain and I thought Beyond was decent. But it was a massive step down compared to Heavy Rain.
Never played Indigo Prophecy. But I like Heavy Rain and I thought Beyond was decent. But it was a massive step down compared to Heavy Rain.
The ending of this is so damn good.
Beyond has so many hunks in it though.
You didn't lie. But eye candy alone isn't enough.
I'd sell my soul for a good Final Fantasy. It's been so long.......
Total mental breakdown. Hahaha
Look gorgeous. (Also, why would you have to work on Sunday?? DCalled off work today. Feels good man. ^_^
I love yuumei's work.
Also, why would you have to work on Sunday?? D:
I'm pretty sure I'd eat buckshot if I had to work retail.
Fuck people.
Retail can suck it
Gishwhes submission I forgot to post
Woke up earlier this morning because it felt like something was fucking ripping my insides out. Thankfully, the pain went away. But I don't know what my body was on about.
Remember to take out the tickler before drinking...
Oh, fuck FF in the ass already. Goddamned stale shit show. How could Squeenix manage to screw a franchise so bad despite being largely an athology series? Fuck them like Aerith.
Give me more classic Mana games.
Best Square game ever. Bizarrely enough it was released as Final Fantasy Adventure in some parts of the world because fuck you, Square did what Square did, and apparently they thought the similarities with actual FF games were big enough to merit the change.
Hooooly shit, Outlander is so badical. Dat blatant abuse of hunkiness.
I work at Lowes.
Retail man, the public never tires of their need for mulch and lawnmowers.
People are fucking stupid on black Friday.
I don't even bother. Not worth the fucking hassle to save some money. Repugnant tbh.