Josh with a J
A shotgun that shoots bees
To clarify: shoots bees out of it
To clarify: shoots bees out of it
His work is pretty sexy.
Also, oddly appropriate considering I'm playing Isolation right now. So much fun.
Need to get that game. Totally forgot about it.
Stealth/survival horror are my everything.
The family that faps together, stays together.
Was it you who called it on the episode ending with"I can't believe it, Toph?"
I said I'd be surprised if they didn't end it like that.
And they did. But at least we got to see her and got that awesome reference., I guess?
True. So ifNega Korra is visible to spirits, maybe the reason that Korra can't enter the Avatar State is because Nega Korra IS the Avatar State, and that's why only spirits and Korra can see her but she can still interact with the environment.
Yes, I think this is the case.
It will end whenKorra finally beats her vision, and when she does, she will be reunited with Raava.
I wonder whatpart in it will be.Toph'sMaybe she can sense it too because it has some kind of physical presence and she'll teach Korra to use seismic sense to overcome it, and then she'll teach Korra more advanced Earth/Metalbending to stay on par with Kuvira when it comes time for that showdown.
My post above has no actual spoilers,
I just didn't want to be left out... ;P
Ohh new Royksopp hmm. It's a preview, but I think it'd be more interesting if they kept building and progressing with that beat rather than the vocals they have. Will listen regardless.
But I never finished the first one with awesome Ang (aka baldy)
I don't think I even came close
Football is the best sport
Go Pats
-are very active with people outdoors
-are cute
-don't shit and piss in boxes that you have to constantly clean
-aren't assholes
-either indoors or outdoors, run off and do their own thing
-are cute sometimes
-shit in boxes that make your whole house smell
-certified assholes
- Are sometimes cute
- Jump up on me
- Try to lick me
- Won't leave me alone omg please
- Need to be taken on walks
- Are always cute
- Always understand that no means no with regards to licking and jumping
- Are happy to be left alone
- Bathe themselves
- Generally independent but still like some affection.
How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?
A whole ant hill?
Edit: OH god damn it, my answer is so dumb I'm tempted to hide it
I forgot you're new. I like terrible puns. I post them from time to time.
You'll either come to love them or hate them. There is no middle ground.
Oh man I had no idea it was being released, watching the quick look now. They keep asking if this is something that will be appealing to someone who didn't play it back then. I never knew what it was other than a rhythm game with that rabbit, it looks fun to me.
How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?
How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?