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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Getting sweaty and sore is seriously the best relief for shitty moods




Why is Wii Fit Trainer a Smash character

And she's actually good???

Little Mac and Mega Man are my mains. Little Mac is good on a stage with no pitfalls and Mega Man takes practice but is really good if you put the time in. And as you requested, I made a Mii character of you that is basically a glass cannon.
I'm awake too.


'Tell your friends I am the last of a dying race,' it said, grinning its sunken grin as it staggered and lurched down the porch steps after her. 'The only survivor of a dying planet. I have come to rob all the women...rape all the men...and learn to do the Peppermint Twist!'

I need to re-read IT. But so many other books to read. :negman:
Lunch today turned out to be 6 courses of taster plates.

1. Nachos w/ avocado, some kind of nacho saucey thing and the cheese which was mixed with 2 kinds of cider.
2. Fish tacos - with some kind of local shark and lime juice
3. Lamb pieces - not crumbed but they had something very light on them, plus some sea salt. Served alongside a lightly minted greek yoghurt to dip the pieces in.
4. Slow cooked steak + french fries
5. Wallaby pieces - cooked with a few slight spices/peppers, also in a sort of finger food form. Served alongside some sort of mayonnaisey thing for dipping.
6. Macadamia and wattle ice-cream as the sandwich filling in a brioche

$25 AUD.
Cute girl i probably mentioned in here before is no longer in a relationship.

Too bad my self esteem is shit and my anxiety would kill me if I even went to make a move. I should really get this checked out.
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