Boyfriend is such an anthem.
U-Turn is like a poppier The Con style T&S
Can't wait for that new album that I just found out about yesterday.
Boyfriend is such an anthem.
no i was making it in love2d. way more control over everything which is nice. wanted it to be 3d tho so its not happening till i either figure out modeling or get a 3d artist
the overall concept of the game was to get to to feel anxiety about the light and comfort in the dark. basically you are a group of kids that dare each other to spend a night in the haunted(?!) house down the road. sorta psychonautsy in art and such (tho less ugly). you choose so many of the kids to come to the house and each have different abilities but they count as your lives. you play one till the monster takes you away then it transitions to another till you run out. basically how the monster works is it can't exist in the dark and when it gets closer to you, slowly your senses of vision and hearing fade away till it gets dark. your overall goal is to trap it in a closet that has zero light coming in to it and you need to unlock different floors of your house to be able to get things that allow you to do so. in the morning theres a few different endings possible based on whether you survive and whether you trap him
I like this. Never used love2d but I have an idea of how you can get this to work in unity (aside from the sound stuff)
She's not Hitler!!
I've played htem all and my favorite is Dawn of Sorrow. SOTN gets credit for establishing some things, but I'd rather play any of the DS ones.
The only one I haven't finished is Order of Ecclesia, which was very promising but my 3DS got stolen along with the game when I was midway through, and I've yet to get it again and start again.
that's the great thing about SOTN. you can break it or not. it gives you tons of freedom in how you want to play it.
super metroid is pretty limited in it's options all things considered. it's a classic and one of the best games ever made but symphony of the night improved upon it in every way.
classic castlevania is a whole other thing. and I think castlevania bloodlines on genesis is tied with super castlevania for my favorite in that style.
once upon a time dragonz did a snapchat filter that made her look like a dead person.
I then asked if anybody ever wondered about what it would be like to have sex with a dead person. the rest is history.
and radiohead is the greatest band on planet earth. they just came out with a new song and video today.
Those two new singles are soo good.
The corpse fucking was pages ago, interesting story that.
Also, Radiohead released a new single.
it shouldn't be too hard. i just hate working with UIs. just give me a text editor and I can write it all by hand
I tried working with panda 3d on python awhile ago. no idea how it stacks up these days but i liked it a good bit
Bloodlines is one of the weaker entries, imo IV, Rondo, and Haunted Castle are my personal favts.
And I can't agree with you. I don't think SotN improved on the Metroid formula, espcially not Super Metroid in ANY way. It's still a classic, fantastic game, but it is not Super Metroid. I think it made the game more approachable, easier, simpler, but not better.
Oh god I am sitting here watching a cartoon about cockroaches with my kid. She LOVES it but roaches are soooooooooooooooooooo effing gross.
I'm inclined to post the roach gif, but I'll spare you for now because I'm on mobile.
You'll should do it
Skin injuries know what sucks?
Skinning your knuckle while trying to take a nut off then having to clean up the wound.
you know what sucks?
Skinning your knuckle while trying to take a nut off then having to clean up the wound.
I'm working on a different game rn and have two more concepts lined up after that. I might do it simultaneously with the second one or after that one since they could easily share assets. its much less of a passion project than the other ones
I skinned a knuckle at some point yesterday and didn't even realize it until after I had dried off from my shower. There it was, inexplicable, all scabbed up and everything.
I have a lot more to learn about programming for games.
oh! so I just remembered something
out of fucking nowhere I had a video game related dream last night.
so get this: In my dream half-life 3 was announced as a flagship VR title. all this stuff came out about how it was done years ago but then when valve found out about how VR was actually going to be a thing they had to redo it from the ground up.
I'm not even a big half-life fan or anything. so maybe I'm prophetic
That gif should be a bannable offense tbh.
Barista at Starbucks had a killer Iron Giant tattoo on her forearm. I commented on it and she got all excited and chatty about it. Theennnn I clammed up and took my latte in shame.
That gif should be a bannable offense tbh.
Barista at Starbucks had a killer Iron Giant tattoo on her forearm. I commented on it and she got all excited and chatty about it. Theennnn Iclammed upasked her out and took mylattedick in shame.
depends on the game. 2d puzzle games and to a lesser extent platformers (where the only goal is platforming) are super easy to make and stuff like adventure games(particularly text based ones) and turn based rpgs can work out decently though they would be very limited.
I made short games of each of those genres within 1 year of me learning programming. easy enough![]()
I corrected it so you know what you should have done
Barista at Starbucks had a killer Iron Giant tattoo on her forearm. I commented on it and she got all excited and chatty about it. Theennnn I clammed up and took my latte in shame.
It takes a while to learn all of the classes and what everything does.
yeah if you're using unity or unreal or something like that.
thats why i like love2d. every class i have to learn is directly about input or output. everything else i handle. that means theres maybe a dozen total things for me to look at and they're all in the wiki.
another that i've used is html5/canvas which is down to maybe 5 different things you have to know
of course it relies on you for managing the code properly but i'd rather that personally than leaving it up to generation
I corrected it so you know what you should have done
Alright so I put on the new Radiohead song and made it to the point where Thom Yorke started doing Thom Yorke vocals and shut it down.
no thanks
Dawn of War II was one of the best games of the last 10 years.
But there is still shame![]()
> took my dick in shame.
Are you implying that she had a dick now?
I don't know if you ever pulled apart minecraft and looked at how it works but its very interesting how its basically all in straight java. of course it runs like crap but it just used a java library rather than having a full blown engineI guess I should learn to understand understand the concept of love.
My 2nd problem is creating sprites. Any suggestions?
what isn't to love?
I don't understand
2017, tho. Bear with me![]()
here's yer next problem.. overthinking things
I don't know if you ever pulled apart minecraft and looked at how it works but its very interesting how its basically all in straight java. of course it runs like crap but it just used a java library rather than having a full blown engine
i've mostly just used shapes so far since i didn't want to be concerned over how nice it looks. plus i can just handle it on my own like for canvas i would have an array containing the image data and cycle through them at every screen update. haven't had any complicated sprites in there yet but i'll see
i did try sprites with unity and i didn't really follow.
out of the tub, sitting here half naked watching giantbomb, playing dark souls 3
Hahah, nah I'm not overthinking. I just wanted to make a joke out of your correction. The story was just for sharing purposes.
I'll give Love2d a shot. It'll have to wait until I get home later but I'll let you know how it works out.
This coulda been you
This coulda been you
I don't think being changed into a koala is worth it just for belly rubs.
Every radiohead song:
this marks the end of my current "banging on Radiohead" phase, expect more when the album drops.