She rarely sees Siofra. My dad sees her every weekend AND kept her for my deployments.
Typed and deleted a few things here, think I'll just stick to my last statement.
Good on your old man though!
She rarely sees Siofra. My dad sees her every weekend AND kept her for my deployments.
My family was comparatively functional. Parents fight a lot but otherwise fairly smooth sailing. Every family member is a bit quirky except me who is a beacon of normality and awesomeness and has no flaws, no sir. None.
You are a Surface Book owner, though. Surely that counts as reckless and impulsive.
Just found out I share my birthday with the legendary Tom Hanks!
Slay King 💅
What famous people share your birthday with you?
Surface Book i5/dGPU, Lumia 950xl, Microsoft Band 2.
Bow before me and my questionable purchases
You probably bought a Zune too.
I share a birthday with...
Hillary Clinton, Seth MacFarlane, and Emilia Clarke.
Nah. Zune was dead before I got a job and I didn't want one when it was a thing.
Apparently they were fairly good though.
My MP3 player was my samsung flip phone, followed by a Sansa Clip.
I still rock a Sansa Clip for the gym. Build quality and interface are meh, but it's tiny and gets the job done.
who is he? I'll beat him up ò.ó
The coworker I've been complaining about
The 'your friend is a whore'-guy?
The very same.
I've just been straight up ignoring him all shift and I don't give a fuck.
The very same.
I've just been straight up ignoring him all shift and I don't give a fuck.
At least you don't ignore me :*
From friendzone to no-zoneThe very same.
I've just been straight up ignoring him all shift and I don't give a fuck.
Has he perpetrated any new fuckery or is this residual "fuck this guy"?
Also, the most famous dude I share a birthday with is Cervantes. :lol
Ignoring him is the better alternative, because then I'd probably start saying things that would get me in trouble.
Surface Book i5/dGPU, Lumia 950xl, Microsoft Band 2.
Bow before me and my questionable purchases
Has he perpetrated any new fuckery or is this residual "fuck this guy"?
Also, the most famous dude I share a birthday with is Cervantes. :lol
Also he's a brony
I'm sorryNo he just tries to tell me what to do all the time even though we're the same level and he's a fucking idiot so
Also he never shuts the fuck up so I have to listen all shift about how he spent so much money on a new bed and omg his wife keeps kicking him in her sleep and wow he watched four anime episodes yesterday and took a shit at exactly 3:47 PM mountain time
Also he's a brony and gets touchy feely when you give him shit for it, I mean I mentioned once that bronies creeped me out ( like idc if you like the show, but don't be weird about it) and he was all "can we not talk about it I'm sensitive"
I can't see that picture because the source is blocked at work :lol
No he just tries to tell me what to do all the time even though we're the same level and he's a fucking idiot so
Also he never shuts the fuck up so I have to listen all shift about how he spent so much money on a new bed and omg his wife keeps kicking him in her sleep and wow he watched four anime episodes yesterday and took a shit at exactly 3:47 PM mountain time
Also he's a brony and gets touchy feely when you give him shit for it, I mean I mentioned once that bronies creeped me out ( like idc if you like the show, but don't be weird about it) and he was all "can we not talk about it I'm sensitive"
cervantes from soul calibur
Is it possible for you to get transferred to a different 'department'? Apparently he is seriously affecting your morale and I bet you're not the only one.
Nope. We're the same job, so we have to work together.
The best I can hope for is to get moved to a different shift, but they moved me to this one for a specific reason because I fucked up and have to do some extra stuff, so chances of that happening are non existent.
Also....okay, sorry, this is gonna turn into me venting a bit.
So I've never done anything like this, right? Like I've never done construction, never fixed a car, I've never really used a wide variety of tools and shit. So all this is super new to me.
This motherfucker likes to mention AT EVERY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY how much he's worked with his hands fixing the house or tinkering with a car and straight up told my SSgt today that he has a lot of experience and "can help out a lot".
Bitch....stop trying to make yourself seem better than me because you've done this shit before. You're not fucking perfect, you're brand new to this job, same as me, and you don't have to talk down to me or pretend I don't fucking matter to boost your own ego. Like I hardly ever mention that I have a FUCKING BACHELOR'S DEGREE, because I'm NOT TRYING TO ACT BETTER THAN ANYONE.
Put my little pony figures behind his car tires so he drives over them in the morning.
I gotta take up boxing or some shit
I can't do this anymore
So much wasted potential in GoT, lets be honest.
"Oh hey this looks like it'll be WAY COOL"
weeks later
"Huh, guess not, what a fucking waste"
Also Dorne is fucking awful, RIP Arianne and what could have been
I gotta take up boxing or some shit
I can't do this anymore