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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Betrayer is kind of like this.

Set in a struggling colony in Virginia in 1604. There are primitive guns, but your main weapons are definitely bows and arrows. Also, crossbows and bolts. The guns all take a while to reload, so they're not really practical in most fights.

Shit, I meant multiplayer like CoD, Battlefield and Halo. Steam says that's just single player.

You gotta ask yourself what you'd get out of the travel and what you'd have to put off for the travel.

I think the idea of travel is usually more profound than the actual travel most of the time. But, I've only ever traveled for work so it probably colors my worldview.

It's not like that. It's for humanitarian work. And yet I know the work is going to get done with or without me (because there's already a sizable team going) so it feels kind of egotistical to think I'm going to make a difference.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I wasn't sure before but now I'm 99% sure it's gotten physical

Not super close, but okay I guess... Not sure what I can possibly do but tell her to GTFO, but she for some reason doesn't want to

Those situations are utter shit. Best thing you can do (in my opinion) is ensure that she knows your available if she needs someone to go to or needs someone to help.


I am going to deadass cut a bitch

I'll be a character witness at the trial

It's not like that. It's for humanitarian work. And yet I know the work is going to get done with or without me (because there's already a sizable team going) so it feels kind of egotistical to think I'm going to make a difference.

Ya, so why go? Are you doing it because you legitimately want to help or because you want to see the sights and get away from life for a bit or because you want to feel good about seeming like you legitimately want to help?

I say take a vacation somewhere instead, or if you are feeling humanitarian, go build houses with some church here in the US. Never seen such a group of selfless and well-meaning people as a church mission building houses in Georgia.

Hey, it's alright. Put those earbuds in, put some music on, and drift off. My earbuds double as earplugs.

Honestly, I feel so old saying this too, but I have to wear earplugs when I go to bed cause any little noise wakes me straight the fuck up.


Lilith. Play Chivalry. It's exactly what you are looking for

Aw. YKN beat me to it but I have played 30 hours of this and it's a blast.


Is it worth going back and playing through Darksiders? I got about 1/3 to halfway through and then my data got deleted. It was a fun game but I don't know if it's worth the trouble of going back through it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Can you go bitch them out?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

A game I have and have never played.

Lilith. Play Chivalry. It's exactly what you are looking for

Aw. YKN beat me to it but I have played 30 hours of this and it's a blast.

I'll take a look. Though my inquiry was much more from curiosity than desire to actually play something like that. When I see what seems like an untapped market it makes me wonder whether I'm overestimating the demand, if there are development complications I'm not seeing, or if I'm actually the first person to think of that thing (which is basically never the real reason).

Is it worth going back and playing through Darksiders? I got about 1/3 to halfway through and then my data got deleted. It was a fun game but I don't know if it's worth the trouble of going back through it.

I definitely think so. The game really comes into its own after the first couple of dungeons when you have more combat moves to play with, more tools, and more interesting puzzles to solve. So if you were already enjoying it at the start then it's worth pressing on.

Ya, so why go? Are you doing it because you legitimately want to help or because you want to see the sights and get away from life for a bit or because you want to feel good about seeming like you legitimately want to help?

I say take a vacation somewhere instead, or if you are feeling humanitarian, go build houses with some church here in the US. Never seen such a group of selfless and well-meaning people as a church mission building houses in Georgia.

To be quite frank, most of my desire to go is guilt because it's something I used to do a whole lot and haven't done recently. Church mission trips and humanitarian aids that involved travel and staying somewhere else, I've done about a dozen times. Yet the last time was just over three years ago, and I'm feeling convicted about not being that person anymore.


It's against AF regs I would never 0:)

"Emily, why are there legs sticking out of this engine turbine?"

I definitely think so. The game really comes into its own after the first couple of dungeons when you have more combat moves to play with, more tools, and more interesting puzzles to solve. So if you were already enjoying it at the start then it's worth pressing on.

How's the 2nd one?


To be quite frank, most of my desire to go is guilt because it's something I used to do a whole lot and haven't done recently. Church mission trips and humanitarian aids that involved travel and staying somewhere else, I've done about a dozen times. Yet the last time was just over three years ago, and I'm feeling convicted about not being that person anymore.

I can't say I know how you feel, tbh, but overseas travel just to alleviate guilt seems superfluous. How would you feel instead if you just donated a bunch of money to a worthy cause?

I knew a friend who had always volunteered at animal shelters, for years she did this until getting out of college and working and the workload made it to where she had to stop and it made her very upset that she was no longer volunteering. Eventually she just go over it and starting giving money directly to shelters.

You've done lots of good already and other people will be able to do good in your absence.

Edit: I'm just a cynical prick though, you should probably do what's going to be best for you.

This is inaccurate because the turbines are too high up to reach without a stand and I'm not gonna be able to hide a body up there

Said the woman who obviously thought through this already and has a proper body hiding place instead.


This is inaccurate because the turbines are too high up to reach without a stand and I'm not gonna be able to hide a body up there

Emily if you want to hide a body you're gonna have to put the work in.
You don't happen to be Catholic, are ye? Or is the whole fish thing unrelated?

I'm actually Protestant. I'm just not in your face about it.

Nah the fish thing isn't for religious reasons. It's just been a family thing for as long as I can remember. Friday is fish day. We're having crab legs, though.

Sol's my favorite person for today for making a Nicktoons OT.

I'll flip over to the Nick during their 90's Are All That block every so often for that rush of nostalgia. Even my parents remember me watching those shows non-stop. Everyone once in a while my dad will randomly start humming the Kid Friendly song from that episode of Angry Beavers.
Well, I was right. My dad totally just was about to buy plane tickets for me even though I had told him I had no place to stay in New York, let alone for a week.

And then acts like its my fault for not checking AirBnB, which he knows I did.

Sexist and racist.

Such a winning combo.

It doesn't help that his type are idiots.

It just reinforces that he can do this shit.

He sort of goes in waves. He'll go after idiots then smart women. Then he'll be scared shitless that he can't control them so he'll go back to idiots for a while.

He's scared of his own intelligence.

I did feel bad, though, when his ex copied down his credit card info and was using it up to three months after they broke up. But, I mean, this is the type of shit you get for leading women on with the prospect of marriage and kids for a year.
How's the 2nd one?

Too long for its own good, takes place in a much less interesting setting, and not enough specialized loot. Rather than being in an overrun New York you traipse about in a generic fantasy land with a generic black "corruption" goop that's plaguing the world. The only real tie to the first game is a small story bit at the end. And then instead of getting specific weapons and upgrades, you find procedurally generated scythes and claws strewn about the land which ultimately don't effect the game that much because 90% of the combat is fighting well, not using a bigger badder weapon (compared to something like Borderlands for example).

I mean it's fun. The combat is great. Some of the dungeon designs are pretty good. The traversal is slightly improved. It just overstays its welcome and doesn't do something new often enough.

I can't say I know how you feel, tbh, but overseas travel just to alleviate guilt seems superfluous. How would you feel instead if you just donated a bunch of money to a worthy cause?

I knew a friend who had always volunteered at animal shelters, for years she did this until getting out of college and working and the workload made it to where she had to stop and it made her very upset that she was no longer volunteering. Eventually she just go over it and starting giving money directly to shelters.

You've done lots of good already and other people will be able to do good in your absence.

Edit: I'm just a cynical prick though, you should probably do what's going to be best for you.

I'd be going with my father and one of my brothers, plus possibly my boyfriend. If I go I won't be spending a single penny, it'll be my parents with some help from the church footing the bill... money that would otherwise be donated towards someone else going instead, now or in the future.

It's a lot to think about. I just want to make sure I'm doing it for (mostly) the right reasons.


I'd be going with my father and one of my brothers, plus possibly my boyfriend. If I go I won't be spending a single penny, it'll be my parents with some help from the church footing the bill... money that would otherwise be donated towards someone else going instead, now or in the future.

It's a lot to think about. I just want to make sure I'm doing it for (mostly) the right reasons.

I'm sure you'll make the right decision in the end. At least you'll have friends and family around you if you decide to go


Sol's my favorite person for today for making a Nicktoons OT.

I'll flip over to the Nick during their 90's Are All That block every so often for that rush of nostalgia. Even my parents remember me watching those shows non-stop. Everyone once in a while my dad will randomly start humming the Kid Friendly song from that episode of Angry Beavers.
They were the biggest thing since sliced bread. Too bad the sliced bread fans disagreed on that one.


Too long for its own good, takes place in a much less interesting setting, and not enough specialized loot. Rather than being in an overrun New York you traipse about in a generic fantasy land with a generic black "corruption" goop that's plaguing the world. The only real tie to the first game is a small story bit at the end. And then instead of getting specific weapons and upgrades, you find procedurally generated scythes and claws strewn about the land which ultimately don't effect the game that much because 90% of the combat is fighting well, not using a bigger badder weapon (compared to something like Borderlands for example).

I mean it's fun. The combat is great. Some of the dungeon designs are pretty good. The traversal is slightly improved. It just overstays its welcome and doesn't do something new often enough.

Sad to hear that. I really wanted playing as Death to be cool.
Too long for its own good, takes place in a much less interesting setting, and not enough specialized loot. Rather than being in an overrun New York you traipse about in a generic fantasy land with a generic black "corruption" goop that's plaguing the world. The only real tie to the first game is a small story bit at the end. And then instead of getting specific weapons and upgrades, you find procedurally generated scythes and claws strewn about the land which ultimately don't effect the game that much because 90% of the combat is fighting well, not using a bigger badder weapon (compared to something like Borderlands for example).

That's pretty much exactly how I feel about Darksiders 2.

DS1 was so amazing and such a breath of fresh air. DS2 took everything about the first game and kinda butchered it to be Lord of the Rings in space kinda not really.


I got asked today to spend some time abroad in the near future. I haven't been out of the country in a couple years now so a part of me is jumping at the chance. But the other part of me is very happy with my comfortable life and the amount of traveling that I've already done in the past. Hmm.

Has anybody ever done a multiplayer FPS with bows and arrows? I feel like there's a lot of room for a medieval/fantasy FPS that no one is touching.

I don't care enough about the genre to invest in that idea myself, but I'm curious if that's something anyone else would like to see.
First, do it. Travel, there's nothing better.

Second, Chivalry did that, and it was fun! Actually that game is great. Granted, it's melee focused, but there are archers iirc.
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