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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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I might get it because I haven't played a game like this in ages

I used to play gears 1 multiplayer like a mofo


This has more in common with Team Fortress 2.

well yeah but my point is that playing an action based multiplayer arena game isn't completely unprecedented for me, I just haven't done it in a long time

I like all the classes

oh I have to use blizzard's online service if I get this on pc, ew



happy mother's day


well yeah but my point is that playing an action based multiplayer arena game isn't completely unprecedented for me, I just haven't done it in a long time

I like all the classes

oh I have to use blizzard's online service if I get this on pc, ew


That might change my decision to console.
After seeing Civil War to cleanse my palate and sleeping a shit ton, I am ready to continue to document the horror that is The Host for you all. I’m well stocked, too. I’ve got a whole bottle of wine and a ton of beer to keep me company. My poor liver. Rest well, my friend.

So…the second half of this movie is just…I can’t even put it into words, honestly. It is some of the gayest shit I’ve ever seen, which is saying something, considering I’ve seen both The 100 and Brokeback Mountain. Except…nobody important dies. I never thought I’d say this, but it’s a shame. Because this shit would be infinitely better if these dumbasses got killed off via stray bullets / people who generally disapprove of their relationship. (RIP Lexa)

Welp, the only way forward is through this shit pile, so let's fucking get on with it I guess.

When we left our heroine(s), they were moping around in a cave or some shit and crying a lot and frolicking around in a wheat field which magically is able to thrive in a cavern. But what have Jared and his boyfriend been up to? Well, I'm glad you asked!

They go off and raid some store or some shit for supplies. Yep. That's it. They're loading a bunch of goodies into the truck when an alien shows up in their shiny chrome car. Uh oh. But don't worry. As the token White Male Protagonist™, Jared is bound to make it to the end, and so he knocks the alien guy out and throws him in his truck. This…this dude is really fucking violent, has anyone noticed that? I mean, diplomacy and manipulation are also tools you can use, but I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised that someone with three brain cells would resort to violence to solve their problems.


Can we also talk about the fact that the store…is literally called “Store”? I mean I knew everyone in this movie was a fucking idiot but jesus, I didn’t know it was this bad.

There’s a whole scene dedicated to watching MelWa and her bro cut wheat. Ian looks at her one time and you can practically feel the seismic girth of his boner from through the screen. They share more Longing Glances™ and eyefuck for about ten minutes straight while Mel screams inside her head…you all know where this is going.

So, let’s just recap for a second, to truly appreciate how fucking dumb this is. You’ve got Wanda, in Mel’s body, who’s totally in love with Ian, but the girl in her head is in love with an abusive and violent fuckboy. A love square. It’s like Stephanie Meyer has designed a special hell, just for me.
Oh, and just in case you thought this shit was going to go away anytime soon…you’re wrong. It’s the focus of the NEXT FUCKING HOUR OF THIS SHITFEST JUST LET ME DIE.

Jared and his cronies are driving down the road, and there’s a helicopter filled with centipedes. And apparently…because they were driving faster than everyone else….the aliens know they’re human……….anyway there’s a gunfight (which isn’t obvious or anything but whatever) and some humans crash their car into a concrete barrier and die to avoid getting captured and there’s actually some really nice music that plays in the background…shame it had to be wasted on this garbage.

MelWa starts to tell the humans about the other planets she’s been to while Jared gets into another gunfight and one of the centipedes gets headshotted.


Of course it’s the black guy. Of fucking course.


…*ahem*. Anyway, everyone finds out that Mel’s still alive and kickin’ in her head, and Jared starts to cry (fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you). Ian’s all “she can stay with me to be safe!!!!!” and I gag because this is literally the worst, most corny romance subplot I’ve ever seeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Wanda and Ian talk and connect and hold hands and shit. Mel talks to Wanda in her head and suddenly she has a southern accent??????????????

Flashback of Jared and Mel fucking some more…it’s not even hot, either, so no one wins. Jared goes to talk to MelWa and it’s really angsty and stupid but the sparknotes version of it is Jared’s all “is she still in there?” and Mel’s all “I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU”. Jared goes “I miss everything about her” and I go “….did she even have any redeemable qualities, though?” and then they make out. Can I die yet orrrrrrr…?

Anyway the scene ends with MelWa punching Jared and I just have to sit there and clap for like five minutes straight.

Some dude starts chasing her and tries to kill her because ALIENS AND CENTIPEDES ARE BOTH EVIL or something but because she’s Special™ she doesn’t die and lies for the dude who tried to kill her. Jared’s now mad at Ian because THEY’RE BOTH IN LOVE WITH MELWA….they break up and the gays cry.

Ian and MelWa go to a cliff and have a moment and make out, Mel freaks out because boys are icky or some shit.

It’s been a while since we last saw hunter lady, did you miss her? …Yeah, neither did I. But plot twist! Her host has been fighting back too! Wowza. Incredible. Never been done before. Truly.

Wanda stumbles into the doctor’s office to find dead alien centipedes! Oh no! She freaks out but no one cares. Apparently they were taken out of their hosts’ necks...anyway MelWa runs away and cries.


They kinda look like spiders. No wonder they got fucking smooshed to hell, good riddance.

Ian comes to comfort her and MelWa stares at the wall for like a billion hours. She shares a moment with Jeb and he’s like “no more alien murder I promise”. Did I mention this movie has a fucking great soundtrack? A shame tbh.

Her brother is randomly dying because infected boo boo or something…..it’s kinda random and I don’t really care, even if he is a precious lil sunbeam.

So Mel’s gone missing inside her own head, and to get her back, Wanda goes to Ian and is all “KISS ME SO SHE GETS ANGRY AND COMES BACK” and Jared gets in on it and it’s like a weird multiple consciousness foursome. It totally fucking works, by the way, because LOVE CONQUERS ALL.

MelWa goes to an alien hospital and cuts herself to make it look authentic or something and steals some medicine for her brother. The plan works (surprise surprise) and lil bro lives. Hooray.

Side note: their medicine is just some weird spray shit? It’s like bugspray, but for owies. How gay can this movie get? Honestly. I mean…..I’m really fucking gay (I’m bi, but I’m so gay) and I can’t take much more of this.

MelWa goes with her two boyfriends to get supplies and on the way back they run into a random body in the middle of the road. IT’S HUNTER LADY!! OH NO!!! She gets shot by Jeb who appears out of fucking nowhere, and they heal her for some reason, and then she and Wanda have a heart to heart and I continue to drink (#3 woo!).

Wanda goes to the rebel doctor and she’s all “I’ll tell you how to get the centipedes out, but you gotta kill me because I hate the fact that I’m in this fucking movie”. Mel screams a bit because they’re in love (the gays are everywhere tbh) and I don’t understand because this bitch has literally been trying to get Wanda out of her body for the entire fucking movie?

They take the soul out of the evil hunter lady and her host comes back to life and is super grateful. There’s a gay ass scene with Ian holding one of the aliens and the CGI is awful but is anyone surprised? Everyone else is apparently amazed at how beautiful it is…which makes zero sense but okay.


A glowing…neck…vagina….? I’m really fucking drunk and that was the first thing that came to mind so I’m going with it.

They take the evil centipede and ship it off to another planet via Interstellar Fed Ex. Bye bitch.

Wanda’s dead set on dying and I’m like “Me too”. None of it makes a ton of sense though because they could honestly just send her to another planet??? Anyway she meets up with Ian and they make out again…they tell each other that they love each other…but they just met like four days ago?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Wanda’s about to get separated from Mel…it’s really drawn out and tries to be emotional (like the rest of this fucking movie).

She says, and I quote, “I want to die” and I’m like “THIS MOVIE MAKES ME FEEL THE SAME”. Anyway her and Mel call each other sisters and tell each other they love each other….it’s…actually kind of a nice scene? I’m really confused about it tbh, so to solve my troubles I just finish my drink.

Screen cuts to black….and the movie ends.

…except it fucking doesn’t. God dammit.

Wanda wakes up in another body, because they didn’t kill her after all! Goodie! They apparently found another host who’s consciousness had long since been dead…whatever…and they put Wanda inside her. NOW SHE CAN BE WITH IAN OH BOY LOVE WINS YET AGAIN <3

The gang’s all there and they have an orgy a group hug. There’s more kissing in the rain. Five fucking minutes.

Mel, Wanda, Jared, and Ian are all driving in the city which is weird because…why? That’s where the aliens are……………….whatever, we already know they’re fucking stupid. Anyway, they get pulled over by more aliens and get lowkey interrogated…but surprise! This alien is with another group of rebels! They shake hands, Radioactive plays, and….fade out. FUCKING FINALLY!!!

It’s a total sequel bait ending, but this time, I’m pretty sure they canned the sequel. Please take notes, 50 Shades of Grey.

Nothing really happens in the second half. It’s fucking stupid and now I’m going to go cry myself to sleep knowing that I just wasted 2 hours of my life…and I’ll never get that time back. Good fucking night.


All blizzard games have always been through battle.net. It acts more as a launcher and update service than anything though unlike origin or uplay.

Xiao Hu

I kinda went out last night with a friend to a club, and ditched them to go hook up with someone.

On three occasions.

With three different people.

Including one guy.

I feel disgusting.

You should. Don't ditch friends for a quick pussy/cock. You bring great shame on us!

You had more sex this night than I this whole fucking year


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Morning Fakers. Had to make anew awkward escape last from a hookups place. Bout to go pick up my little one and go for some brrakfast.

Xiao Hu

Talking about Mother's Day: Wanted to send my mother flowers but the service demands something like 40+ Euros so I bailed out. I feel ashamed :(

On a positive note: I will try to ask out a cute Japanese girl I met during the trip. Jesus, she's so gorgeous
and she has the best butt I have ever seen on an Asian woman


Unconfirmed Member
Talking about Mother's Day: Wanted to send my mother flowers but the service demands something like 40+ Euros so I bailed out. I feel ashamed :(

On a positive note: I will try to ask out a cute Japanese girl I met during the trip. Jesus, she's so gorgeous
and she has the best butt I have ever seen on an Asian woman

good luck!
Talking about Mother's Day: Wanted to send my mother flowers but the service demands something like 40+ Euros so I bailed out. I feel ashamed :(

On a positive note: I will try to ask out a cute Japanese girl I met during the trip. Jesus, she's so gorgeous
and she has the best butt I have ever seen on an Asian woman

kinda want pics now but I'm not quite that creepy yet.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Dragonz summary: 10/10 as usual. Watching crappy movies so we don't have to, and making them more entertaining in the process.

Symph: We all have our low points.

Cael: Happy mother's day!

Trab: Maybe you are that creepy

Float: You insensitive bastard!
I didn't get her anything yet either. I did write her a note though


Oh also I had a sex dream last night about the girl I was secretly in love with for like 10 years :0

Probably had something to do with me watching civil war yesterday since she looks like Elizabeth Olsen.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
sol: no I'm not (yet)

official mothers day pic:
Cuteness overload, death from admiration of adorability, send help

That is one fat ass cat though

Xiao Hu

For real, though, I feel scummy.

I feel dirty because of both ditching my friend AND sleeping with so many people in one night.

I know what you mean, but you shouldn't. You didn't take heavy drugs nor did you hurt anybody. I'm actually happy for you, you had the chance to blow off some steam which is perfectly fine. Was the sex at least good?

with the sunglasses? yeah she was cute :3

That's exactly her! I just wish she would come to Europe again. She spent half a year at Oxford thus her English is quite good. Nevermind if she doesn't want to go out with me, I genuinely enjoy her presence a lot.

This is the really shitty part about studying abroad: you lose contact with friends you've made here since they live at different parts of the world. I mean it's easier for me to meet with folks from Switzerland or France than with somebody from USA or Australia or even Japan like in this case. And then try to imagine to have a long distance relationship with someone 12h away from you (a Swiss friend of mine has a Australian boyfriend here, I reckon it's going to be tough for both of them).

Yeah I was to afraid to ask for pics >_>

well you better find that post young man!

I feel dirty doing it :/

edit: admittedly not the best pic of neither her nor me


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
She is pretty kawaii


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Do you ever remember eye contact you made with someone cute/hot/otherwise attractive years and years later? Not like eye contact in passing but that eye lock thing. Maybe I'm just a super creep?

Xiao Hu

Even if it ends up in a short summer romance it would be worth it.

Do you ever remember eye contact you made with someone cute/hot/otherwise attractive years and years later? Not like eye contact in passing but that eye lock thing. Maybe I'm just a super creep?

Ok, another thing about her. I caught her several times starring at me before we knew each other.


Unconfirmed Member
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