rule #2 of seafood: never know what it looks like before cooked.
people who like scallops... exhibit A:
Clextaven is the true power OTP
Lexa x Clarke x Raven x Octavia
Just bought Ultimate Sandman Vol 2 for my buddy's birthday. Being a good friend is expensive.
What's your Steam ID?I need friends to gift me steam games. (I have 4 playing my games with Steam Family Sharing)
What's your Steam ID?
I hope you like Hotline MiamiYou didnt give me a break to respond LMAO
I hope you like Hotline Miami
I fucking hope so. Otherwise I will make you personally the ~30 minutes of sleep I got (fucking mosquitos) I think I dreamed that Xiao and kawaiigirl ended up together.
Now this is pure nonsense. Stop molesting google translate怎麼樣去他媽的自己
No lies tbh.
Also, the Clexa kiss. Yaaaaasss. Too bad I can't really savor this considering I already know what happens to Lexa.
I fucking hope so. Otherwise I will make you personally liable.
And dafuq does a'dai mean?
Now this is pure nonsense. Stop molesting google translate
Perhaps you all should start using simplified characters... >.>
And fuck you, Sesuadrawhat does that even mean
Read ahou or aho(m) Idiot, (m) Dummkopf, (m) Schwachkopf, (m) Narr, (m) Simpel, dumm, blöd, blödsinnig, einfältig, albern, stupide, töricht, unsinnig, lächerlich, (m) Idiot, (m) Dummkopf, (m) Schwachkopf, (m) Narr, (m) Simpel (eher im Kansai üblich)
Perhaps you all should start using simplified characters... >.>
And fuck you, Sesuadrawhat does that even mean
You are mincing it.
The Donnie masturbation scene was too much.
I was howling.
So do I.I love this shirt tbh
people who like scallops... exhibit A:
btw I got a cool valar morghulis patch at the show yesterday. will probably put it on my leather jacket.
It has been my experience that major companies, universities, and institutions otherwise important to your success and well being like to fuck shit up in the most mundane yet ruinous way possibleman this payment issue is really pissing me off again. I contacted the company that sent me the shit I needed to fill out so they could pay me. they said they got no payment instruction from my department regarding my could they forget to hand in stuff like that?!
man this payment issue is really pissing me off again. I contacted the company that sent me the shit I needed to fill out so they could pay me. they said they got no payment instruction from my department regarding my could they forget to hand in stuff like that?!
It has been my experience that major companies, universities, and institutions otherwise important to your success and well being like to fuck shit up in the most mundane yet ruinous way possible
Planning the next weekend RN. The Witch or Civil War?
Planning the next weekend RN. The Witch or Civil War?
This is what I have to tell myself whenever it is time to go to or do workFun is overrated.
It has been my experience that major companies, universities, and institutions otherwise important to your success and well being like to fuck shit up in the most mundane yet ruinous way possible
Wait, Jobbs doesn't like Civil War? I had no idea! :Ocivil war depends entirely on your bullshit dumbass tolerance
at least this is cheering me up.
at least this is cheering me up.