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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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I either vice grip the heck out of heir hand or go as awkward as possible. No inbetween


Lawn mower bought because my lawn service fucking sucks. I tried to mow the yard myself and I thought I was going to pass out. Florida summers are no joke.

Imma get my slave roommate to finish it off

But yeah, expensive day so far.
"If the girl only wants to be your friend and you have romantic feelings for her, it is toxic to stay in the friendship because you should never place friendship above a relationship"

Says the Nice Guy thread.



I either vice grip the heck out of heir hand or go as awkward as possible. No inbetween

I don't enjoy handshakes at all. They're just a greeting/display of power to me.

Hugs are fine. Not side hugs, though, and it can't be my first time meeting you. First meeting hugs creep me out.


Yeah, I really love seeing people enjoy the little things. I'd be losing my mind if I had that mask too.

edit: Also just how fucking good is Ether Drift by Com Truise to this day?

Really fucking good.

it's such a relief that there are a few people in this thread that share my musical taste.

I remember that we talked about the slackers at one point too.

how do you feel about autechre? I'm currently listening to amber
Bullpup just denotes the action is aft of the trigger, FAMAS is a French rifle and is of a bullpup design.

I'am confused now also if you don't mind me asking, how did the club go last night?

Yasss someone else here loves FSW, i'll buy it on Steam and never play it ever. That is an actual military simulator. It's so weird at how it never got the CoD treatment back in the day.


I don't enjoy handshakes at all. They're just a greeting/display of power to me.

Hugs are fine. Not side hugs, though, and it can't be my first time meeting you. First meeting hugs creep me out.

Best hugs are hugs that start the process when you're halfway across the room


leering at some hot girl in the neighbor's yard from my window rn and actually found myself wishing I had binoculars

this is my life now


it's such a relief that there are a few people in this thread that share my musical taste.

I remember that we talked about the slackers at one point too.

how do you feel about autechre? I'm currently listening to amber
Have 3 or 4 of his albums, like him!

Was listening to Casino Versus Japan a week or two ago. Very Boards of Canada.

Used some of the money last night to buy Doom. Let's go weekend!


Best hugs are hugs that start the process when you're halfway across the room

You mean that tractor beam feeling of getting pulled away from wherever you were going towards the person when they spot you like a Pokemon Trainer?

Wedding today. I have no idea why I'm nervous. All I have to do is walk. But this is my first time being part of a formal wedding party.


*had forgotten about her being a character*

Yeah Alien is better than Aliens

Both are really important and influential films. I like to say that Alien is probably the better movie, but most times I'd rather watch Aliens.

Wedding today. I have no idea why I'm nervous. All I have to do is walk. But this is my first time being part of a formal wedding party.

Sorry to hear that. I know it's nice to go to someone's wedding because you'd hope they would go to yours, but holy shit do I not want to be at a wedding.
I'm an awful person.
who wants to study stochastic processes with me? :D

I kinda do but... I'm shtupid :(


Sorry to hear that. I know it's nice to go to someone's wedding because you'd hope they would go to yours, but holy shit do I not want to be at a wedding.
I'm an awful person.

Well it's my cousin's wedding (one of the few cousins that I like) and she asked for my help. I'm glad I was able to get my feet into these size 14's because I don't really have any formal shoes that fit the occasion. Big feet suck outside of swimming and balancing.


You mean that tractor beam feeling of getting pulled away from wherever you were going towards the person when they spot you like a Pokemon Trainer?

Wedding today. I have no idea why I'm nervous. All I have to do is walk. But this is my first time being part of a formal wedding party.
No when your eyes meet and you both put out your arms and run towards each other

I first did it when I was 6. NBD really




What's the chance of flipping a coin and getting heads ten times in a row?

Does my chance of getting heads go down each time I flip and get a successive heads??

Sorry but I said I was stupid and I meant it


Depends on the starting position. You have a slightly higher chance on it being side that it was tossed from.

I'm just going to assume we don't look at the starting position, if that is true, to keep it 50/50.

I know this is stupid, because a proper coin toss is 50/50, but there's an increasingly low statistical probability of getting the same result each successive time.. And yet it's also 50/50 each time. I find this confusing even though it's probably stupid

You can gauge a lot about someone from a handshake. A good, strong, solid handshake invokes mutual respect and trust.

Never trust someone you offers you a dead fish of a hand.

Also americans, i tried a hershey's chocolate bar, why the fuck is your chocolate so weird. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate anyway, but it leaves the weirdest aftertaste. Bleh

I don't want to touch the inside of anyone's hands

And if I do have to shake someone's hand, I don't want you to try to crush it to prove some kind of caveman point. My hands are delicate

I hate handshakes
Handshakes are so weird and robotic. I dont know how anyone enjoys them outside of professional settings.

You can gauge a lot about someone from a handshake. A good, strong, solid handshake invokes mutual respect and trust.

Never trust someone you offers you a dead fish of a hand.

Also americans, i tried a hershey's chocolate bar, why the fuck is your chocolate so weird. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate anyway, but it leaves the weirdest aftertaste. Bleh

I'm just going to assume we don't look at the starting position, if that is true, to keep it 50/50.

I know this is stupid, because a proper coin toss is 50/50, but there's an increasingly low statistical probability of getting the same result each successive time.. And yet it's also 50/50 each time. I find this confusing even though it's probably stupid

it's 50/50 each toss, no matter the previous results.

I don't want to touch the inside of anyone's hands

And if I do have to shake someone's hand, I don't want you to try to crush it to prove some kind of caveman point. My hands are delicate

I hate handshakes

Noone said anything about crushing people's hands, too tight handshakes are just as bad. As strong handshake is not the same as a hydraulic press handshake.

As far as im concerned people here are not to be trusted.


It has been discovered as a part of a research in the Weizmann Institute, that human handshakes serve as a means of transferring social chemical signals between the shakers. It appears that there is a tendency to bring the shaken hands to the vicinity of the nose and smell them. They may serve an evolutionary need to learn about the person whose hand was shaken, replacing a more overt sniffing behavior, as is common among animals and in certain human cultures (un Tuvalu, Greenland or rural Mongolia, where a quick sniff is part of the traditional greeting ritual). [16]


And in Russian it's rare for a man to shake a woman's hand, and instead it's customary to kiss their hand. Kill me now.

I guess if the most efficient possible germ spreading is your goal, handshaking is kind of awesome.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'am confused now also if you don't mind me asking, how did the club go last night?

Yasss someone else here loves FSW, i'll buy it on Steam and never play it ever. That is an actual military simulator. It's so weird at how it never got the CoD treatment back in the day.
Bullpup is not a type of weapon. It is what you call a rifle where the action, where the firing pin contacts the round is behind the trigger group. FAMAS is a french rifle, of a bullpup design.

I didn't go last night, I stayed home and drank wine and played Doom and Legacy of the Wizard on NES.

I'm going tonight against my better judgement.

Also, I'm a hugger with friends, rarely shake hands, but I guess it's because handshakes aren't really a thing in my profession. Hand salutes or verbal greetings.


I didn't go last night, I stayed home and drank wine and played Doom and Legacy of the Wizard on NES.

I'm going tonight against my better judgement.

Randomly playing some random ass NES or SNES game is MY thing though :(

And what's the problem? You doing the swinger thing tonight?

Also, I'm a hugger with friends, rarely shake hands, but I guess it's because handshakes aren't really a thing in my profession. Hand salutes or verbal greetings.

the military has this part nailed


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Having so much fun with my nephews and niece today. Playground with nephew and niece earlier, and now I'm meeting my other three nephews for bowling.

Kids are great when they aren't yours.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
All of them are at that perfect stage where they just believe anything you tell them and are perfectly innocent. The oldest is six.
Younger nephew tells me he wants to go walk to the playground so we walk over there. He goes down the slide once and is like "Let's go back now." Needed to make sure mom and dad still existed.


When your dark souls 3 friend goes on a borderline misogynist rant during an otherwise happy playtime

Had to call that session quits earlier than I would have liked


Salutes just make you seem so respectful. I'm up for that or bows for formal greetings

I only use my bow as a "thank you very much" type of response.

When your dark souls 3 friend goes on a borderline misogynist rant during an otherwise happy playtime

Had to call that session quits earlier than I would have liked

Sounds like the filter on their brain that controls what comes out of their mouth needs replacing.


What's the chance of flipping a coin and getting heads ten times in a row?

Does my chance of getting heads go down each time I flip and get a successive heads??

Sorry but I said I was stupid and I meant it
If it's a fair coin (probability of heads is .5) the chance is (.5)^10 which is 0.00098. Not very likely!

Your second question is actually a very good question! What you're referring to is a concept called the gambler's ruin. So as you saw, it's very unlikely to get 10 heads in a row. But once you've actually flipped the coin, whatever happens can't affect the next flip. (It's not like the coin "remembers.") So no matter how many heads you got before in the actual act, your next flip will always have heads with probability .5. But if we were do an experiment where we flipped a coin 10 times, wrote down what we got, and repeated the process say 10000 times, only about 9.8 (so about 10) of those individual trials would have 10 flips that all landed on heads. That's what probability means. Not exactly what will happen next, but what would happen over time.


Sounds like the filter on their brain that controls what comes out of their mouth needs replacing.

Or they could just think better things. Like I'm pretty cynical about romantic relationships and quasi-nihilist about life in general but jesus I'm not going to contend that every woman is out to dick over a guy. And I've been dicked over pretty hard.


All of them are at that perfect stage where they just believe anything you tell them and are perfectly innocent. The oldest is six.
Younger nephew tells me he wants to go walk to the playground so we walk over there. He goes down the slide once and is like "Let's go back now." Needed to make sure mom and dad still existed.
I had a similar experience, where I was at the playground with my 4 year old nephew. Swing and slides, then he started to miss mom (she was just dropping off my nieces at a class in the same park).


Or they could just think better things. Like I'm pretty cynical about romantic relationships and quasi-nihilist about life in general but jesus I'm not going to contend that every woman is out to dick over a guy. And I've been dicked over pretty hard.

That's because you know you're being irrational and dumb when that thought comes into your head so it never gets translated into speech. The strength of the filter and what it filters changes with society but it's always been there.
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