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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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man i love the bamboozled episode



Smells like fresh rosebuds
I fully expect some saucy deets.-


yes and the backward bonus!

surprising how many people seem to think protein only exists in meat/eggs
Of course they exist everywhere, but the macros you get from flesh are much better. Granted if you aren't super active and don't really need a ton of protein it is a non issue. Also I mainly just like giving you shit.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Man, I don't know how things are in the US military, but I'm guessing you must be a real asshole to be thrown out for, well, being an asshole.
The job of a CMC is to look out for the welfare of the crew. When you are a giant dick to everyone, you aren't doing your job. He was not the liason between the os and es he was supposed to be, plus he fucking LOVED njps.
I know a vegan who thinks she's better than everyone because she doesn't eat murdered animals

This is also the same girl who I got fired because she pissed me the fuck off and make the work environment toxic, so I don't really feel bad for disliking her.


I won't try to assign value systems to other people but I do find it strange how many people can fancy themselves animal lovers who care about animals sometimes but also eat pig and eggs etc, it sounds counter-intuitive to me

Either you have compassion for little animals or you don't... You can't play both sides :-/
I won't try to assign value systems to other people but I do find it strange how many people can fancy themselves animal lovers who care about animals sometimes but also eat pig and eggs etc, it sounds counter-intuitive to me

Either you have compassion for little animals or you don't... You can't play both sides :-/

Yes you can. I love animals, but I also understand that meat is a staple of the human diet. Protein from beans and shit just isn't going to give you enough.

It's the same logic with my cell phone, for example. I love kids. I understand that some poor child in China probably made it for next to nothing. Am I going to stop using my cell phone? No. There are things that you may not support, but you indulge in them anyway. It's important to acknowledge and understand the suffering of others, but sometimes it's a necessary evil.

You cannot save everyone.
Yes you can. I love animals, but I also understand that meat is a staple of the human diet. Protein from beans and shit just isn't going to give you enough.

It's the same logic with my cell phone, for example. I love kids. I understand that some poor child in China probably made it for next to nothing. Am I going to stop using my cell phone? No. There are things that you may not support, but you indulge in them anyway. It's important to acknowledge and understand the suffering of others, but sometimes it's a necessary evil.

You cannot save everyone.

I'm a living example it's not a staple tho. I survived without meat since I was 14. and I'm not sickly thin or anything like that either. it's a free decision really but I don't buy the "I need it" thing.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I won't try to assign value systems to other people but I do find it strange how many people can fancy themselves animal lovers who care about animals sometimes but also eat pig and eggs etc, it sounds counter-intuitive to me

Either you have compassion for little animals or you don't... You can't play both sides :-/
Eh. I don't have any compassion for animals. They are things, property.


Yes you can. I love animals, but I also understand that meat is a staple of the human diet. Protein from beans and shit just isn't going to give you enough.

There are many sources of protein. One example is tofu, which has some 10 grams of protein per 100 calorie serving. That's more protein dense than eggs are (or at least similarly protein dense)

The cell phone argument is somewhat persuasive but the protein one isn't. Maybe if you saw what they did to these animals you'd care more.

This is the only way to do it:

Eh. I don't have any compassion for animals. They are things, property.

edit: a typical egg has 78 calories and 6 grams of protein. A 94 calorie serving of tofu has 10 grams of protein, making tofu the more protein rich food.

Funky Papa

Omnivorism is massive evolutionary advantage that has kept us alive through massive extinction events and that we should keep as a trait in order to protect our species.

I'd rather be an ethical omnivore than an ethical vegan from that point of view.

Then there's also the fact about the vegan lifestyle being only possible thanks to the wholesale slaughter of millions of small mammals and birds living among the crops or from them. "Cruelty free" tofu burgers are soiled with the blood of hundreds of foxes, rabbits, mice and sparrows hunted, poisoned or simply crushed.


Kinda did a mental picture of her sitting on your face and you eating poop like ice cream.

well there goes me eating lunch today :/

anyway, I understand both points of the vegan/non-vegan argument. I think eating vegan is the ethical thing to do but as dragonz says we live in a fucked up world where bad things happen and you are linked to them in one way or another. The only way to avoid all this is to live off the land and I don't think anyone here is willing to do that.

Xiao Hu

It's the same logic with my cell phone, for example. I love kids. I understand that some poor child in China probably made it for next to nothing. Am I going to stop using my cell phone? No. There are things that you may not support, but you indulge in them anyway. It's important to acknowledge and understand the suffering of others, but sometimes it's a necessary evil.

Eeeh, child labour is pretty much exterminated in China. You can say what you want about this shithole of country here, but at least when they (the government) tackle an issue it will be taken care of very fast (reforestation projects for Inner Mongolia to battle the desertification, basically keeping pandas from gping instinct, way greater persecution of illegal animal products to name a few).

Eh. I don't have any compassion for animals. They are things, property.

Dude, no....


I think I've maxed out the amount of pure junk food that I can stomach for the year. Every time I eat something unhealthy I get hit with immobilizing pain several hours later.

Eh. I don't have any compassion for animals. They are things, property.



well there goes me eating lunch today :/

anyway, I understand both points of the vegan/non-vegan argument. I think eating vegan is the ethical thing to do but as dragonz says we live in a fucked up world where bad things happen and you are linked to them in one way or another. The only way to avoid all this is to live off the land and I don't think anyone here is willing to do that.

It's probably I'll always cause some harm to someone just by existing. However, I can minimize my impact by making conscious choices when it is possible to make those choices.

I've said this before but the treatment of some animals by our meat industry (I recognize not everywhere is exactly the same, but speaking generally) is truly shocking to the conscience and I don't understand how anyone could know about it and profess to be an animal lover while also being complicit in these practices when they don't have to be
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