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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Literally every non-swing state can be considered politically useless.

Can't wait to put HillDawg in the White House. Don't be fucking stupid, Ohio. We don't need a third Bush.



I just be like.....


till he finishes the season.
I don't look for trouble
But trouble looks for me
And it's been waitin' around corners since I was 17
They say here comes a hurricane
Trouble is her middle name
But I don't look for trouble
Yeah trouble looks for me



To the folks in East Coast US of A, I hope y'all are safe and warm. This past two winter storms have been something else.

Funky Papa

Hello, fellow drunkards. I hope your hangover is as miserable as mine.

I watched episode 11. Mindfucked again.

I'm already halfway there.

Ep11 you said? Hold on to your butt. Just make sure to stick until the very end of the season finale. I won't speak anymore until you've finished it.

Funky Papa

I only had a beer, two glasses of Moscato, one glass of Lambrusco and a tall glass of Bayleys, yet I needed a two hour nap to recover.

I've become such a weakling.


The Oscars are tonight! Do you guys have any favorites?

I haven't even seen any of the nominees, hah. More excited for next year, when 7 Fast 7 Furious: Statham Drift is going to win absolutely everything.

Still pissed that Gone Girl wasn't even nominated for best original score. Fucking bullshit.
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