You ain't lived until you've tasted a cabrales cheese and blood sausage ice cream.
I still get dry heaves.
Blood sausage? Isn't that black pudding?
You ain't lived until you've tasted a cabrales cheese and blood sausage ice cream.
I still get dry heaves.
The local variation is called morcilla.Blood sausage? Isn't that black pudding?
Jesus didn't die for this.
Also, if you need reaffirmation that God ain't real.
I can't even buy Everclear. It's banned in Ohio. Dat 75.5% and 95% ABV.
Edit: Fuck, first post of the new page.
And Asa Akira's.Anna Kendrick's tweets are the best reason for twitters existence.
Also, GoT is basically filming in my backyard ATM and a friend of a friend snatched a selfie with Kelly-C.
RIP in peace.
Jesus Christ, Jason Momoa got SWOLE.
Kojima is a perverted, frustrated C-tier movie writer
and a hack
If there were more films half as fucking mental as the MGS series I wouldn't complain
Only like two hundred more years until I rejoin the internet with a reliable connection
I'm still waiting for my sweet, sweet 300/300 Mbps upgrade.
Should be here any time soon.
Watching Battle of the five Armies. It's trash, but I'd sit through anything to get a glimpse of redhead bae Evangeline Lilly. So fucking fine.
So you like one of the main reasons the films turned out so poorly. A horribly written character shoehorned into a horribly written love "triangle" that had no place existing in the first place unless you want to get into whether or not that was the catalyst for Legolas being so willing to aid Frodo in LotR because he went from blindly spoiled Elf prince to normal Elf "holy fuck wat u doin 2 mah planet u Orc sumbitches *super warrior mode but in Legolas's case super warrior mode x infinity because he's just so damn badass and punched Justin Bieber in his bitch face"
You sir, are trash!
I now tip my hat to you and take my leave.
Good day to you!
So you like one of the main reasons the films turned out so poorly. A horribly written character shoehorned into a horribly written love "triangle" that had no place existing in the first place unless you want to get into whether or not that was the catalyst for Legolas being so willing to aid Frodo in LotR because he went from blindly spoiled Elf prince to normal Elf "holy fuck wat u doin 2 mah planet u Orc sumbitches *super warrior mode but in Legolas's case super warrior mode x infinity because he's just so damn badass and punched Justin Bieber in his bitch face"
You sir, are trash!
I now tip my hat to you and take my leave.
Good day to you!
City of Thieves said:Talent must be a fanatical mistress. She's beautiful; when you're with her, people watch you, they notice. But she bangs on your door at odd hours, and she disappears for long stretches, and she has no patience for the rest of your existence; your wife, your children, your friends. She is the most thrilling evening of your week, but some day she will leave you for good. One night, after she's been gone for years, you will see her on the arm of a younger man, and she will pretend not to recognize you.
Gaga's actually a pretty good actress but damn is this season off to a fucked up start.
I couldn't even finish the third season, let alone get into the 4th.
Is the new one remotely good?