Stir fry chicken is so good
Healthy food that's good is like... what
Stir fry chicken is so good
Healthy food that's good is like... what
Should have listened to Timo (and my heart).
hiiiiiii ust got homwe gave some mcdonald fries
*hella eyebrow raises*
How is it?Final two episodes of Cards for this season. Literally been watching all day (considering I watched the first three 12am - 3am).
How is it?
Also rain. I have powers.
my loins resonate whenever trans posts so
*hella eyebrow raises*
Should have listened to Timo (and my heart).
i thought everyone touched themselves under the cloth, that's the whole point at the hairdresser???????
*calms down*
i'ma go watch
this gif needs to be slowed down like 200%
house of cards
what a fucking cliffhanger.
night, fakers.
*calms down*
i'ma go watch
this gif needs to be slowed down like 200%
Alien is awesome! I have the blu-ray set and I love it!
I also just beat Mega Man 9.... which I think makes me awesome.
Hardest game I played in a while.
I made it to Wily's castle and wimped out
Too hard man
Are you sure you wouldn't rather refer to them as the Naughties?
I think I just say two thousands
Putting ies on the end doesn't make sense, 90s, 80s etc. already have a y at the end of the number you're just pluralising it
since when do things have to make sense? I just do things.
a very Wittgenstein-esque approach to language.
Good morning, Fakers.
Thesee breakfast burritos I bought at Wal Mart were really fucking delicious. I never knew that adding potatos to breakfast burrito was the best idea.
You know what? I think Homicide: Life on the Streets is the GOAT of police procedurals in the last 20-25 years.
Does Psych count?
Though I do need to watch Homicide. And actually finish reading the book. David Simon <3
Mega Man in general is brutal.That castle is fucking brutal.
What actually is the internet? Ever stop and think about that?
I for one do't want RobotNinjaHornets to be the one with his finger on the button!
This was hot. You should write erotica stories.When I was getting my haircut they washed my hair in the basin and the hairdresser (female) kept running her hands through my hair much longer than seemed necessary and she was doing it really sofly and running her fingers behind and over my ears and I think it was supposed to be erotic and I was really confused and I didn't say anything and my hands were under the hairdressing gown and I felt like maybe I should've taken my hands from under the gown to show her that I wasn't touching myself because if I was a hairdresser that's all I'd be thinking about.
you can't do that!!!
I love imagining RNH's juicy british befuddlement when I invoke him in a bizarre random diss
edit: you broke the low E string? you must have really been rawking out hard
I don't break strings much anymore but I can't remember outside of maybe one or two isolated cases where I ever broke the low E.. and that would only have happened when rawking out hard at a show or practice
Shredding too hard?Fuck, broke the low E string on my guitar
How the fuck did I do that
Made an appointment for my dog to get groomed at this new place called the purple pooch.
The lady on the phone had a lovely British accent. I have a good feeling about this place
Mega Man in general is brutal.
I've never beaten 4, 5, 6, 7, MM and Bass, 9, or 10. Meanwhile, I've beaten every other sidescrolling Mega Man game. I'd even argue that Classic is harder than Zero.
Any idea which accent?
I do play quite aggressively. Anything else is boring.
No idea. She sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire so probably north London?
I have not seen Mrs Doubtfire
I'm fairly sure that's meant to be a Scottish accent