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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Pancakes and pooping hypotheses.

Fucking around with men leads to a shitty life, confirmed.



I dunno about y'all, but anytime I feel even a bit nauseous I always force myself to throw up so i stop feeling that way.

I'd rather just throw up and get it over with than feel nauseous for more than like 5 minutes.


this is where I tell my one really good poop story:

years ago, some friends and I decided to road trip to New Orleans to see the band Interpol play. Having never been to New Orleans I did the very amatuer thing and get completely black out drunk on hurricanes as soon as we rolled in at around 10am. It was an ugly thing. I was apparently puking and pissing on myself for hours. Mid-afternoon (from what my people tell me) we get back to the hotel. They strip my clothes off and throw me in bed. I wake up early evening, naked and my white shets covered in red vomit. The first words out of my mouth were "who had the abortion?". We scramble together and grab a cab to see Interpol. We barely make it on time. I'm feeling terrible but I get through the show.

At this time I was also having a long distance relationship with this girl in east texas. So like an idiot, after the show we go back to the hotel. I pick up my car and drive to east texas leaving my friends to party in new orleans. I'm still feeling somewhat sick at this point. I see the girl for about a day. During this time she had some family reunion scheduled. I meet her whole family. There is a crazy amount of texas style bbq. I try everything. This was my first mistake. So after the day was through I drive back to new orleans which took about 4-5 hours.

Now, I don't know if you've ever driven on I-10 between new orleans and east texas but it's essentially swamp for miles. Just nothing. About 2 hours into the drive my stomach starts gurgling. I know this isn't going to be good. I keep driving. praying that there is some kind of rest area. Nothing. At this point my anus is about to explode. The hurricane/bbq meat cocktail that was brewing in my stomach was at critical mass. I pull over. Descend into the woods. Pull down my pants and release the contents of my intestines.

Sweet relief. And then I saw it. I missed. I apparently did not stick my ass out far enough because the bundle of pants around my ankles was covered in the most vile shit I have ever seen.

In summary, I have never shit in my pants but I sure as hell have shit ON my pants.


after shitting on my pants I leave the foul article of clothing to rot in the swamp. I run up to my car without any pants or underwear on thus giving all passing cars a nice clear view of my buttocks and/or dick. I scramble through my suitcase and find socks to wipe my dirty ass with. Ditch those dirty socks on the side of the road and continue my journey back to new orleans.

I dunno about y'all, but anytime I feel even a bit nauseous I always force myself to throw up so i stop feeling that way.

I'd rather just throw up and get it over with than feel nauseous for more than like 5 minutes.

Back then no. But now, yes. I hate that feeling. I've mainly done it after drinking a bit too much, and when I can feel the nausea and dry mouth setting in.

This is one shitty story. (I laughed.)

it's international womens day and of course all the internet fuccbois are like WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ

fucking hell

What about white history month?!

Where is my straight pride?!


i already do that

Secretly stalk them in real life?

Then build analogs for them out of sacks of potatoes and cabbage heads and talk to them as if they're the real people whose lives you've memorised through your stalking until one day it's not enough to have just a cabbage head to represent them so you go and kill a few to bring back their real heads?

Huh... when I type that out it sounds awful.
Secretly stalk them in real life?

Then build analogs for them out of sacks of potatoes and cabbage heads and talk to them as if they're the real people whose lives you've memorised through your stalking until one day it's not enough to have just a cabbage head to represent them so you go and kill a few to bring back their real heads?

Huh... when I type that out it sounds awful.



Secretly stalk them in real life?

Then build analogs for them out of sacks of potatoes and cabbage heads and talk to them as if they're the real people whose lives you've memorised through your stalking until one day it's not enough to have just a cabbage head to represent them so you go and kill a few to bring back their real heads?

Huh... when I type that out it sounds awful.

way ahead of you

yeah that is pretty awful
Played guitar very loudly for like half an hour, feeling a bit better

too much crappy emo music

listen to better music

Emo > whatever garbage you like

What do you actually like btw, I like knowing people's tastes

Was feeling super down this morning, but then I listened to Sleater-Kinney's "The Woods" from start to finish and felt fucking great.

So do that.

Never got into Sleater-Kinney, though this has reminded me that I have a default "I feel like shit" album to listen to

*puts on No Matter Where We Go...! by Latterman*

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