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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Not LTP, but since it is 5:30 on the west coast:

Googling "Neogaf [poster] [thread] [keywords]" has usually worked for me.

Just found a post I made in 2012 (that was never answered, sadface).
Prince of Persia 1 or 2 ?


platformer, red character with swords, flip screen, sorta small, hard
I don't think it fits the rest though (and i don't really know what each color things look like)


Black Desert slays but I heard the end game content is shit. I'll find out about that eventually.

I am really enjoying it, it just doesn't have your typical MMO end game like raiding, etc.

It's really focused on more guild warfare, conquering nodes and then stuff like high end crafting, life skills, etc.

They should update within 4 months and add the entire desert area which adds two open world dungeons and a ton more content. Thankfully it's not a pay to play game so I can take a break and return whenever without worrying about it.


I've been there! Use to be an MMO addict, it was bad, real bad. I've pretty much stopped buying games for the most part, am very selective now. I do still play some MMO's (Black Desert right now), but very casually and that's only because of a community I'm a part of.

I've replaced playing videogames with fitness, home improvement, art, music, socialization, and netflix binging.

Then on top of that I've still consumed all sorts of videogame content via youtube during breaks at work or a few half hour sections here and there.

It works for me. I'm happy.


I am really enjoying it, it just doesn't have your typical MMO end game like raiding, etc.

It's really focused on more guild warfare, conquering nodes and then stuff like high end crafting, life skills, etc.

They should update within 4 months and add the entire desert area which adds two open world dungeons and a ton more content. Thankfully it's not a pay to play game so I can take a break and return whenever without worrying about it.

thats what always turned me off of MMOs. well that and dealing with internet people


I've replaced playing videogames with fitness, home improvement, art, music, socialization, and netflix binging.

Then on top of that I've still consumed all sorts of videogame content via youtube during breaks at work or a few half hour sections here and there.

It works for me. I'm happy.

Ya back in 2013 is when I decided to change a ton in my life, fitness was a huge part of that for me. Have gone from a bit over 300 to 218 since then and I'm in the best shape of my life (that I can remember at least). I still want to lose more, my ultimate goal is to get to 180 and then focus more on muscle and strength, that's coming naturally now, but not a focus.

I've been doing a lot of hiking in different areas of Illinois and want to venture out further, a good friend of mine goes with me on the weekends he doesn't have his kids, been fun exploring.


Ya back in 2013 is when I decided to change a ton in my life, fitness was a huge part of that for me. Have gone from a bit over 300 to 218 since then and I'm in the best shape of my life (that I can remember at least).

I've been doing a lot of hiking in different areas of Illinois and want to venture out further, a good friend of mine goes with me on the weekends he doesn't have his kids, been fun exploring.

That's awesome. Good on you. Internet high five.


That's awesome. Good on you. Internet high five.

Thanks :)

It's been one heck of a journey with it's ups and downs, but worth it. Just decided I was sick of not being happy with myself and doing nothing.

Sucks it took till I was 30 to wake up and figure things out, but better late than never.


Thanks :)

It's been one heck of a journey with it's ups and downs, but worth it. Just decided I was sick of not being happy with myself and doing nothing.

Sucks it took till I was 30 to wake up and figure things out, but better late than never.

30 ain't so late

*looks wistfully at calander*


Thanks :)

It's been one heck of a journey with it's ups and downs, but worth it. Just decided I was sick of not being happy with myself and doing nothing.

Sucks it took till I was 30 to wake up and figure things out, but better late than never.

I had pretty much the exact same epiphany. My 30th birthday I was really over-weight married to someone who was cheating on me and I knew about it, sitting by myself at one of my ex's friends' birthday party(which was pitched to me as a double birthday party but since I didn't have any friends and nobody there knew me..) while she was in the bathroom talking on the phone to the guy she was sleeping with. I vividly remember thinking "this has to change".


irresponsible vagina leak
Im at 280 but I need to work again before I hit 320 again. Goal is 230 but I usually stop counting calories and measuring the proportions. I should try taking it seriously but being mostly stuck at home the motivation is easy to lose it really.


I had pretty much the exact same epiphany. My 30th birthday I was really over-weight married to someone who was cheating on me and I knew about it, sitting by myself at one of my ex's friends' birthday party(which was pitched to me as a double birthday party but since I didn't have any friends and nobody there knew me..) while she was in the bathroom talking on the phone to the guy she was sleeping with. I vividly remember thinking "this has to change".

Yep I was in a similar situation, not the same, but very similar.

Congrats to us for actually making a change though.


I should hike more. There are a ton of trails around here but I'm too lazy to go.

You should! It's a great time, there's a place about 3 hours south of me called Garden of the Gods which is a pretty amazing place to hike up in the mountains (small ones but whatever) here. My friend and I go off trail though and just hike, easy to get back now adays with GPS built into phones lol


I had pretty much the exact same epiphany. My 30th birthday I was really over-weight married to someone who was cheating on me and I knew about it, sitting by myself at one of my ex's friends' birthday party(which was pitched to me as a double birthday party but since I didn't have any friends and nobody there knew me..) while she was in the bathroom talking on the phone to the guy she was sleeping with. I vividly remember thinking "this has to change".

That sucks...

I'm glad it changed for you.

Also, I thought you were in like your late 20's or something like that.


good morning fakers

todays agenda:

prepare huge work presentation for tuesday
do some reading for school
interact with all of you
eat food
pick up dog at parents house
make plans to watch cloverfield tonight

what's on tap for all of you?


That sucks...

I'm glad it changed for you.

Also, I thought you were in like your late 20's or something like that.

I'm 34.

@Vazra my in-laws have a big pool with a deck and all of last summer I was over there swimming, eating, drinking, playing basketball pingpong and volleyball. Come on over!


irresponsible vagina leak
what's on tap for all of you?

Black Desert
Job Hunt Online
Maybe stream something on twitch
Seduce male Gaffers
Watch something

Enjoy the movie if you get to watch it man

@Vazra my in-laws have a big pool with a deck and all of last summer I was over there swimming, eating, drinking, playing basketball pingpong and volleyball. Come on over!
Volleyball, eating, drinking and swimming sounds great. I wish I could actually go there. *__*


I should play a video game at some point but I'm kind of saving all my video game energy for when dark souls 3 hits

pretty sure that game will consume me


I'm seriously inspired by Halcyon

As someone that is divorced, it's so cool to see that it's not a curse hanging over your head that instantly sends women away.

No budget for DS3. First time I don't jump into a Souls game day 1.

If you can't come with the money between now and then.... I gotchu boo. Not sure if we are friends on steam or not. but let me know, I want more people in my life to discuss souls with.


That feeling when you put on a shirt that hasn't fit you in 7 years

turns out that it probably still did fit me and I just stopped wearing it cause I liked loose clothing. at least that means I don't wear nearly as large shirts as I thought I had to


That feeling when you put on a shirt that hasn't fit you in 7 years

turns out that it probably still did fit me and I just stopped wearing it cause I liked loose clothing. at least that means I don't wear nearly as large shirts as I thought I had to

Best feeling for me is when I went through my entire closet and donated everything that was too large for me and then went cloths shopping for new stuff. I don't have a ton of cloths right now because of that, but man it felt so good to get rid of the fat cloths and know there's no going back.


Best feeling for me is when I went through my entire closet and donated everything that was too large for me and then went cloths shopping for new stuff. I don't have a ton of cloths right now because of that, but man it felt so good to get rid of the fat cloths and know there's no going back.

Thats the reason I haven't bought much new stuff in years. I'm going to give it away eventually so no point :p


irresponsible vagina leak
If you can't come with the money between now and then.... I gotchu boo. Not sure if we are friends on steam or not. but let me know, I want more people in my life to discuss souls with.

I'm supposed to be getting a call mid month for a job interview so we shall see how things go and if I actually get the job. You can still add me , get hyped together and talk about previous games and chat random stuff. :p


I'm gonna watch the shit out of Dark Souls 3.

@Float it's no big thing when you get to your 30's. Women REALLY lower their standards :p


I'm going to buy Dark Souls 3 and then play it for 5 hours before remembering why I didn't like Darks Souls 2 or 1 and never play it again.

Fuck yea.


i just realized that dark souls 3 is coming out for pc. how do those games play with a mouse and keyboard? i assume not well
Today can't be shitty.

SBS was just showing Leon : The Professional.
Oh hey, Leon, another thing to agree on

Nice avatar
Interesting, well you look younger than 34.

Dang, I really want to watch 10 Cloverfield lane, but I would go alone...

Anyone here go to the movies by themselves?
All the time. Going by yourself is great. I mean it's not like you talk to whoever you're with when you see a film (at least you better not), so I don't see why it shouldn't be a standard thing


I never felt awkward about going to movies alone. The only thing I would feel weird about alone is a sit down restaurant.

But even then I've gone to Bob Evans for breakfast alone tons of times.


irresponsible vagina leak
I prefer being alone at the movies. Sucker Punch and Scott Pilgrim alone was <3

By alone I mean the theater was literally me and the movie and no one else. People seem to dislike the early showings so I tend to go for those.


I never felt awkward about going to movies alone. The only thing I would feel weird about alone is a sit down restaurant.

But even then I've gone to Bob Evans for breakfast alone tons of times.

I use to feel weird going to a sit down restaurant alone and then quit caring. I go on my lunch break sometimes at work just to get away from everyone. Nice little breather.

I prefer being alone at the movies. Sucker Punch and Scott Pilgrim alone was <3

By alone I mean the theater was literally me and the movie and no one else. People seem to dislike the early showings so I tend to go for those.

Early showings in my town are packed :( all shows before noon are $4.99 so everyone goes.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Meh, as a motorcyclists you get kinda used to doing things alone, especially if you like long rides.

I used to have a motorcycle. Pls buy me one.


I never felt awkward about going to movies alone. The only thing I would feel weird about alone is a sit down restaurant.

But even then I've gone to Bob Evans for breakfast alone tons of times.

I'm the opposite. I go to sit down restaurants all the time alone when traveling for business so it's not a big deal to me.

But going to the theater alone seems awkward as hell. Like, who am I going to be snarky too about stuff? I can't very well lean over and make jokes to any random person.


Nice. I don't usually handle heights well so i often avoid that but its really cool to see trees from above

The problem with trees and heights is that they occur outdoors and in the disgusting dirt and rock with wild animals and shit


:: vacuum seals self ::


irresponsible vagina leak
I use to feel weird going to a sit down restaurant alone and then quit caring. I go on my lunch break sometimes at work just to get away from everyone. Nice little breather.

Early showings in my town are packed :( all shows before noon are $4.99 so everyone goes.
4 the first showing and 6 regular price. I don't complain really plus this town doesn't appeal much to the teenagers and the old people dont seem to go much to the movies and adults just seem to go to the moves around 7ish pm and 9ish pm ones.


There's a little movie theater that I go to that's in a run down mall and it looks depressing and terrible from the outside and even in the lobby, but they redid the theaters and have digital projectors and decent sound so it's actually a pretty nice experience. It's hardly ever full of people.

I'm the opposite. I go to sit down restaurants all the time alone when traveling for business so it's not a big deal to me.

But going to the theater alone seems awkward as hell. Like, who am I going to be snarky too about stuff? I can't very well lean over and make jokes to any random person.

I could probably do it. I just would probably feel lonely if I'm sitting down at a Olive Garden(or an actual nice place) for a plate of lasagna by myself. Something about it being associated with dating to me.

I go sit at Panera for hours
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