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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Scaley member
If you guys don't see me after Thursday, it's because I've shot myself in the face. Or after Wednesday, I dunno.

Fuck university *flips table*


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone know a good PC game I should get? Something like FTL or Broken Age or BOI: Rebirth?


God, I love this scene.


me when i'm driving and i pass a car:jesus fucking christ finALLY the speed limit on this road is forty-goddamn-five wake the fuck up and drive you are a hazard why hasn't your license been revoked i s2g

me when i'm driving and a car passes me:whoa there friend we are all merely travelers on the road of life plz take a deep breath it's not a race and you're not on fire it does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop

This is too accurate. :negman:
I've been meaning to start Person of Interest. Seems really good.

But I've gotten behind on Homeland now. And I still need to watch season 2 of Orphan Black. And there are games to be played. And I just can't deal anymore tbh.
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