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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Started watching Shirobako.

All I can say for now, is:

Sidonia remains Mecha of the Year.
Aldnoah was a disappointment and looking at the sales, it seems G-Reco was too. Cross Ange has a cool main character however too much unnecessary fanservice ruins the tone of some of its scenes.

Aldnoah was garbage but...to me not quite on the level as Sidonia, which needs to be taken behind the shed.


Weren't they both official "bounty hunters", even if Kaisar didn't like the idea?
Well yes. But I just meant that they rarely bother to explain or give reason for anything in this show.

Rewatching the first ep Favaro had to actually weaken his 2 bounties to capture them.

Tokyo Ghoul is one of the biggest winner of the year with boosting the manga to 700k average with just anime that airing on midnight, I think they happy as hell.

On that front yup. But the uncensored version of the show sold rather poorly as far as I'm aware. So the bait ( and boy was 80% of the censorship unnecessary) didn't do a lot there.


Yama no Susume S2 - Episode22-24 (End)

It's nice to see that even at the very end of the series, they're able to introduce a brand new character who adds something to character dynamics. There were a number of nice moments in the final episodes, but things mostly play out the way they're expected to. There isn't much to really say about a show like this other than the fact that it effectively does the job it needs to - it's a nice relaxing show which doesn't rely on much drama allowing the viewer to enjoy watching characters just interact with each other. Ending the series with another pseudo-fight between Hinata and Aoi is a little repetitive, but it does help highlight the ups and downs of friendship and also how things don't have to change after they fulfilled their "promise" in the climb.


Cross Ange beat G-Reco because Nana wills it.

Also, I get the feeling that this winter is gonna be another terrible sales year for things not named Kancolle, Monogatari and Idolm@s.
Cross Ange beat G-Reco because Nana wills it.

Also, I get the feeling that this winter is gonna be another terrible sales year for things not named Kancolle, Monogatari and Idolm@s.

Don't worry, bandai just announced Tales of zestiria TV special anime will include in every TOZ game copy, best TV anime sales ever(lol) is coming.


Fate stay night Unlimited blade works - 12

Pretty good episode , for multiples reasons ...

Rin in glasses : good
Rin in the morning : Good

Verdict : Good.

Yes, this is satisfactory.

Puni Puni Poemy 1 and 2 END

One of the lewdest Magical Girl shows I've seen so far. We have Poemi/Kobayashi and her friend, Futaba, who is gay for her (to the point of sleeping with her in the nude and fantasize about rolling around with Poemi in the nude), as well as Futaba's lewd sisters, each revolving around different fetishes.

Hell, it even opens off with Poemi changing, only to fail to cover up her hoo-ha. The overall plot was even about kidnapping women because they had access to PC gaming. On the other hand, it had Watanabe.

Needless to say, I can see why it was packed with that one Kamen anime by Go Nagai, who is also featured naked as well.

Puni Puni Poemy was basically the director getting free reign to make an entire series like episode 26 of Excel Saga, with pretty spectacular results. And by spectacular I mean spectacularly disturbing but pretty funny. I kind of miss Excel Saga's humor and insanity. Nobody really talks about it anymore :(

Accel World - 22

Haru discovers Noumi's secret, and decides to settle it with Noumi once and for all.

Which means it's final battle time next episode!

Noumi is a total bastard, but he has reasons for his villainy, as opposed to that other shitty villain in SAO. The more I see this show the more angry I get that SAO was more popular.

From the wiki

Bolded what I watched.

Mmm they have more short films and OVAs I didn't know, I will try to get my hands on them. Any recommendations from the unbolded part people?

You gotta watch the shorts like sweat punch, digital juice, Noiseman Sound insect, and Tweeny Witches especially! There is some really creative and amazing stuff in there. Very talented studio.

Accel World - 23


Black King Kuroyukihime is back! Now the REAL final battle can start now!

Noumi is already a better villain than any of SAO's villains. He at least has a decent backstory, unlike Mr. "I trapped people in a virtual MMO that kills them in real life if they die there and forgot the reason why"

All hail Kuroyukihime! Best girl and one of my favorite characters in anime in general. Love her so much.

Noiseman Sound Insect is good. Weird, but good.

I enjoyed what I watched of Tweeny Witches but I only got around half way through. It's a little (only a little, mind you!) like a prototypical Little Witch Academia.

Yeah I have to admit that Tweeny witches made me excited for LWA. I saw similarities and it brought a smile to my face. The two really dont have anything in common other than witchcraft but Id like to think Trigger knew about Tweeny Witches and possibly made LWA in that spirit.

as promised here's the stuff i picked up over the past year that was sitting in a pile on my shelf

and heres the first of the end of year sales casualties from my wallet

Wonzo, I dont get along very well with you but we honestly dont have all that dissimilar taste in anime. My anime fandom is extremely broad and encompasses a little of everything.

Sore ga seiyū! gets TV anime?!

I dont know this but I like the art.

Didn't have a chance to post this as I got it from last week before christmas but here are my pickup from the Right Stuff Christmas sales. Man....so much anime....so little time.

Forgot to add the 3 PSP title I also get from them.

Now you guys can know my suffering from chronic lack of shelf space lol.

NGNL 01-06

What even is this show

I must have more

It is a really addicting show, loli service aside. Thats a tough hurdle for some to cross, but if you can manage it, youre treated to a pretty entertaining story and some fun characters. The end just makes you want more.

Accel World - 24 + Series Review

Honestly, this is now one of my favourite shows. Yeah, I liked it that much.

Going into this show, I pretty much expected a decent show that was supposedly better than SAO, hearing it was from the same writer. And it is. Now, I know that SAO isn't exactly a high bar to jump over, but I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed this show.

The ending to this show felt just right. It concluded the current arc, while still leaving a couple things open that I assume are covered in the light novels. And this arc concluded on a really satisfying note.

So it turns out that Chiyuri figured out that her power was not healing, but reversing time. So by pretending to be Noumi's ally, she was levelling up that ability to reverse time enough to get Haru's wings back. Haru then deals a finishing blow to Noumi, leading to a really cathartic scene where you see his broken avatar on the ground begging for mercy from Haru before he finishes him off. It's interesting how the show doesn't try to redeem Noumi, yet at the same time kind of does so by wiping his memory of Brain Burst, which was a key factor that caused him to act the way he did, essentially causing him to turn over a new leaf and start over.

Then we see another super touching scene between Haru and Kuroyukihime, to which the former brings the latter to Raker, allowing them to reconcile, and thus end the show on a positive note.

I'd say I want a Season 2, but I'm perfectly content with endings like these. Yeah, there's some stuff left open, like the organization, reaching level 10, etc. But that's the kind of ending that I feel allows the viewer to think about what happens next, but not so much like a big cliffhanger where I feel like I NEED to know what happens next. It's a conclusive enough note with a few loose ends, but not so much as to be unsatisfactory.

As for the general show itself, I haven't found an anime like this in a long time. The kind of show that keeps going forward, with little to no lulls. I love the world-building in this show. Every time I thought that that was as much as I was going to learn about the Accelerated World, they always found some new interesting mechanic for the characters to learn that it never goes stale.

And the characters themselves are pretty likable! Which brings me to the point I applaud this show the most for. It could have very easily been a harem anime, but it chose not to be. Accel World has a lot of female characters, and the set-up and premise of Haru's character is something that you'd think would be just another harem anime set up. But the show constantly makes it clear that Haru and Kuroyukihime love each other and nobody else, and nobody else wants Haru. Most of the girls Haru meets don't become regular characters you see all the time in the show. In fact, they help contribute to the show's world-building in little mini arcs that last for a mere 2-3 episodes or so that all connect to the show's current arc in one way or another. It does so in a way that the show never loses its footing on what it's about and stays on track.

That being said though, this show does have quite a bit of problems. While the show never does go full-on harem anime, it does have quite a few things that could certainly be taken from harem shows that may put some people off. I'm not gonna BS you folks, some scenes in this show are downright unecessary and can cause one to get the wrong idea of the show if they were to see those scenes by themselves. But they don't occur so often that they flat-out ruin the show. They're just little one-off things that I just wish weren't there.

Another problem I have is that the main villain's backstory is kinda cliché. I mean, it just feels...lazy. I mean yeah, it does a good job in showing just how crazy it's made him, but I don't know. I felt like it was kind of rushed.

The fights and animation on their own are really cool, but there's a lot of stock-footage animation used in some scene every now and then. Not to a point where it becomes horrendous, but it's still a little distracting.

But in any case, nothing about this show is super spectacular though. The characters themselves, while likable, don't exactly grow into super-interesting people. I mean, don't expect super deep characters like in Madoka Magica or Fate Zero or anything. It's nowhere near that level. They're all charming and enjoyable with their own little quirks, but that's all they are. But you know what? That's what I like about this show. It never takes itself so seriously that you feel like it's trying so hard to be a big hit like those shows I mentioned. It has just the right amount of action, a great amount of world-building, yeah it's a little heavy on the drama, but never to a point where I found it unbearable. I don't know, everything about this show just clicked with me for some reason, and I just had a ton of fun with it.

So, if you're looking for a nice little action show with some really decent world-building and enjoyable characters, I'd say give it a watch. Just don't go in expecting a masterpiece, and don't let the fact that SAO writer Reki Kawahara himself wrote this dissuade you.

It's a decent ride that I just so happened to end up really enjoying all the way though.

I am extremely happy to see someone else enjoying Accel World. While not perfect I think Kawahara took a lot of lessons learned from SAO and made a much less frustrating and infuriating story and some much better characterizations. He has some potential as a writer if he doesnt allow the stupid self fulfillment crap to get in the way.
Accel World sidestepped that and introduced characters and stuck with them, not just introducing them as harem fodder or for convenience. you really felt like everybody in that world had purpose for being in the story. It even had some nice twists here and there. Through it all, Kuroyukihime stays loyal to Haru and you get a sense these characters actually care about each other.
Hi school seha girls - 13
Well this is a show that actually managed to stay intresting despite the very low production values and some recycling

But hi school seha girl is not a bad distraction.. It's what it is because of the limited choice of characters they could take but i enjoyed it ...Megadrive not being athletic , saturn love troubles, dreamcast and her internet access , i liked them all. And i wouldn't mind another season. I feel that they managed to have a decent list of games, too.

The sonic episode was the best with chain chronicle being a close second , the phantasy star episode was the worst , unfortunatly


Anime is truly dead.

We shall never allow anime to die!

Really? I never got that impression. I mean who thinks that way?

I mean, you got Karen never showing up to meet Haru again after like, one episode. You've got Chiyuri and Taku already in a relationship, etc.

Maybe it was implied that they wanted him, but if it was, it was much less focused on it than say, SAO was. Or maybe I was focused too much on the world-building to notice. I don't know. I'm just glad the show stayed the way it was and never went full harem.

Agreed. Chiyu is probably the closest and maybe has a little crush on Haru but in the end, she isnt as gung ho crazy about him as any harem girl would. Its kind of cute in a way. But shes also Taku's girl. Haru has his own snow goddess anyway. Who the hell wants Chiyu?

lol what

Chiyu definitely wanted to be porked.

I see what you did there.

If it's produced by TRIGGER and not named Little Witch Academia stay away.

Its mighty early in the studio's life to be saying stuff like this.

I watched that to see a dumb show about a loli conquering the world and I didn't get that.
Oh well at least there's Yoru no Yatterman!

Kate is still pretty awesome. Cant hate.

Let this be your lesson in listening to TRIGGER stans.

Should have watched WIXOSS instead.

I never thought I would see these words. Anime has changed.

Inoue Battle

This was not that great. Anime-Gaf, why did you lie to me :(

Nobody said it was great. Hatoko is the only good thing about it really. Maybe Mirei too.

We'll see. I'm fully expecting FSN UBW to underperform compared to FZ. It'll clear 20k but I'm starting to doubt it'll hit that 50k FZ average.

There were also a ton of shows this season that didn't make the Manabi line for BD sales.

Also I expect a drop for Cross Ange's 2nd volume as it won't have that event ticket. There were a number of specials for Volume 1s this season so we could see a significant 2nd volume drop across the board.

I wonder how different the manabi line is for DVD as opposed to bluray given the cost difference in producing htose discs. Or is it negligible?

Jebus, so edgy..

If studio like 8-bit can prove themselves with better project, why not TRIGGER.

Exactly. Give them time to find themselves! They are already a very promising studio!


I would say that Shirobako documents the realities of making animation (including some real events, as far as I am aware) but it chooses to have a comic outlook. I wouldn't say it's mocking anything so much as salvaging the story from being incredibly depressing. If it was more realistic it would be far too sad and unpleasant, Shirobako still sees itself as entertaining.

I think that's one of the reasons its so good. It found the right balance to tell the story. PA Works is overall pretty damn good at doing that sort of thing. Yes they have had some pooper's but all the pooper's were 1 cour shows. Seems all the 2 cour PA Works shows are masterpieces in original story (when it comes to anime since if I don't mention that I might be attacked out of context). Hanasaku Iroha, Nagi-Asu, and Shirobako are their 2 cour shows. Actually going back and looking at the 1 cour shows that are original stories or really loose adaptations, they have done really solid there as well (minus glasslip) It's the few times they adapted novels and already written material that their animes have been weaker. Overall even with the few failures, PA Works is about as guaranteed solid anime studio as you can get nowadays.

EDIT: on that note, oh god PA Works next show has Key involved.
Anime studios aren't hiveminds. There is no connection between the Shirobako lead staff and all the other PA Works anime except Another. In fact Team Mizushima is pretty much it's own thing.


Anime studios aren't hiveminds. There is no connection between the Shirobako lead staff and all the other PA Works anime except Another. In fact Team Mizushima is pretty much it's own thing.

Yeah but I think we can all agree that studios can be relied on for certain things like when you say gonzo, I say trash. when you say Toei, I say SJ and poor animation. When you say ufotable, I say Type-moon. And you can get more detailed then that as there are certain things we connect Sunrise to or Madhouse. They may be stereotypes but there is a certain reality to them just like it is commented on in Shirobako about the CG studio and cars is when you do something well you tend to get the same type of work repeatedly. P.A. Works does such a good job with original stories and great animation that no doubt screenwriters go to them first before anywhere else so the studio probably gets the best pick of stories to choose from. I mean I do not know this for a fact is the way things are in animation but it works that way in my actual line of work. My company does the best work in my region of the USA that we get first pick of jobs to contract and thus get the best jobs before other competing subcontractors do. When some of the universities or companies decide to go with someone else for a job due to a lower bid or just cause they want a different product, 95% of the time they go right back to us for the following jobs due to bad experiences with the other companies. I would assume that when magazines and writers and others go to animation studios, they base their decisions on prior work.
Basically what I am saying is that it may not be a hivemind but that doesn't mean your quality is going to drop from one section of the company to another etc. No company in any line of work is a hivemind but we all have standards and specialties. PA Works may have separate teams and such but I am sure the company/studio itself has set standards that it applies to all things it does. So based on prior work, even with a wide variety of genre that they have done, I do not ignore PA works shows because generally they are well written and well animated (does not mean I end up watching them all, I dropped glasslip because it was very bad and not typical of PA works standards) while I don't bother with Gonzo shows at all anymore because of a long chain of bad work.


They may be stereotypes but there is a certain reality to them just like it is commented on in Shirobako about the CG studio and cars is when you do something well you tend to get the same type of work repeatedly. P.A. Works does such a good job with original stories and great animation that no doubt screenwriters go to them first before anywhere else so the studio probably gets the best pick of stories to choose from.

Before I reply seriously - ouch, paragraphs! This is a huge block of text that is quite difficult to read.

I don't think the screenwriters are the ones going to PA Works with a pitch. Shirobako, for instance, will be Mizushima's pet project given that it's based on his own life experiences; he'll have pitched it to them, and brought on staff he's worked with before (the two scriptwriters, Michiko Yokote and Reiko Yoshida, are not only well known writers in the anime industry but also were his scriptwriters for Witchcraft Works, Joshiraku, Squid Girl etc. etc. - longtime co-workers). It's conceivable he pitched it to other studios, too - he has a good working relationship with JC Staff in recent years - but it's ended up at PA Works, where he has a relationship thanks to Another.

Anime is perhaps peculiar in that most of its truly original series are not developed by scriptwriters but by directors and designers - or even producers. Evangelion was Anno's baby; Utena Ikuhara's. Sunrise's shows are developed by the collaborative nickname of "Hajime Yatate"; infamously Cowboy Bebop was supposed to sell toys with Bandai as a major sponsor saying "as long as there's a spaceship in it, it can be about anything". Given the similarities between many of the PA Works shows you cite in their plots - teenage angst in out-of-the-way towns, give or take a little supernatural influence or weird "hook" such as glassblowing or singing groups - I personally think it's a pet theme of one of the studio's founders, but that is purely conjecture on my part.

I also suspect that PA Works are cheap(er) to work with compared with other anime studios. Most of their production is based out in Nanto in North-West Japan, rather than in Tokyo; presumably this means that salaries are cheaper. Mizushima can do all his planning in Tokyo without being away from the centre of the industry, while the bulk of the work is animated elsewhere.

Although I completely understand your analogy, I have no idea what your actual line of work is but I think you underestimate how "top heavy" creative work can be. Pretty much any creative "visual performance" endeavour will be run with freelancers; talent may sign deals with studios or production companies, but are essentially self-employed. All of the key people who work on things like Shirobako can and will work at almost any studio they choose; just check their credits and you can see this pretty clearly. Now clearly PA Works's grunt staff can produce work of the average standard required for anime production, and there can't be anything massively wrong with their marketing departments etc. - but virtually everything else is essentially contracted out to other people.


I'm not sure if Shirobako is really something Mizushima brought to PA Works. I mean sure, a lot of what's in the show obviously carries some of his own experiences, since he's the director, but there are many things which are also based on PA Work's experiences as a studio. Let's not forget that the founder of PA Works, Kenji Horikawa, is also deeply passionate about sharing the production process of animation with a wider audience. He's been doing it for years now through interviews and blog posts on their website, as well as on Twitter. Shirobako seems like a passionate project for everyone involved in general.
a giant space lizard?

Not quite.
Though, the protagonist does ascend to her gold and red super form for the fight that takes place in space around the earth next to a satellite that can end the world before she dramatically falls into the atmosphere after winning. However, she survives, unlike Shadow. :(


I'm not sure if Shirobako is really something Mizushima brought to PA Works. I mean sure, a lot of what's in the show obviously carries some of his own experiences, since he's the director, but there are many things which are also based on PA Work's experiences as a studio. Let's not forget that the founder of PA Works, Kenji Horikawa, is also deeply passionate about sharing the production process of animation with a wider audience. He's been doing it for years now through interviews and blog posts on their website, as well as on Twitter. Shirobako seems like a passionate project for everyone involved in general.

That does seem to be one of the grand themes of Shriobako, which I like since I am not the biggest fan of Auteur Theory.
Sidonia remains Mecha of the Year.
Aldnoah was a disappointment and looking at the sales, it seems G-Reco was too. Cross Ange has a cool main character however too much unnecessary fanservice ruins the tone of some of its scenes.

Also how does Mahouka keep selling 10k per volume even with a bad adaptation? Are people just buying it to get a hopefully better second season?

Actually trying to be a Mecha show without most of the stupid crap plaguing mecha anime nowadays can do wonders for the overall quality of a show.

On a related note, how the Sidonia do sales wise? I know it had to have done well to justify a second season, but i'f like the exact numbers.


sealed with a kiss
Actually trying to be a Mecha show without most of the stupid crap plaguing mecha anime nowadays can do wonders for the overall quality of a show.

On a related note, how the Sidonia do sales wise? I know it had to have done well to justify a second season, but i'f like the exact numbers.
There are many more factors in determining a show's success than merely BD and DVD numbers.
I really don't think Sunrise has a lot to worry about with a poorly selling Gundam series after Unicorn did crazy numbers (beaten only by the Rebuild movies and Michael Jackson's This Is It I think, but Frozen probably beat both of those).

The Origin should do around the same numbers I think.


Trigger can die after they pump out a Yoshinari directed LWA movie series and an Imaishi directed Boku no Hero Academia TV series.


I really don't think Sunrise has a lot to worry about with a poorly selling Gundam series after Unicorn did crazy numbers (beaten only by the Rebuild movies and Michael Jackson's This Is It I think, but Frozen probably beat both of those).

The Origin should do around the same numbers I think.

Gundam is old and busted. Sunrise is all about recreating that Geass magic now.
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