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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - 11

Another great episode. Once again filled with just the right amount of comedy, and we got to see Sousuke's super nice side again in this episode in which he helps an old woman buy a present for her grandson.

Not to mention that last scene with him and Chidori in that kimono outfit was super sweet. :)


Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - 11

Another great episode. Once again filled with just the right amount of comedy, and we got to see Sousuke's super nice side again in this episode in which he helps an old woman buy a present for her grandson.

Not to mention that last scene with him and Chidori in that kimono outfit was super sweet. :)

Oh darn you close to the best episode evah...


Parasyte 12


Goodbye non-character that contributed nothing to the plot or much too Shinichi's character development that I can see that wasn't covered elsewhere. You wont be missed. Female characters stay losing on this show I guess :(

Shirobako Exodus Arc END

What a terrific ending to a terrific arc so far. Glad the old man was able to be of some use and Not-Anno was pretty funny to see in action. A team effort that was well rewarded - a Christmas miracle indeed :) I hear the next arc is going to be focused on an adaption? Makes sense with that plotline of "who get to adapt this airplane manga" in the background. Is Musani Animation going to be doing moe anime forever :p Also, how did the studio survive with no jobs for 7 years? Just as in-betweener monkeys or something?

Inou Battles END

Well that ended on a whimper. Overall, I can't say I felt the series really accomplished much. There was way too little action for a series where characters have super powers :/ Why was this a harem series? Andou occasionally showed glimpses of legit empathy, intelligence, sincerity and earnestness that puts him above a lot of harem protagonists but the other half of the time he wasn't even a real person. Like it would be one thing if he put his over-active imagination to productive use like Tomoyo was doing with her writing but it was clear it was having a negative impact on his ability to interact well with his peers - dude needed to reign it in. I can see how someone would find endearing/positive qualities in him but for five girls to fall in love with him? WUT? Also, what was the point of the middle school girl? Why was she even a character?

I think the premise of this show could be grounds to do something somewhat interesting be it parody, an exploration of what ordinary students might do if put into this situation, etc. If Hatako's speech from episode 7 (I think) had actually stuck I think that could have been a bold move by the show but of course it didn't :/ As an adaptation, I know TRIGGER doesn't really have the leeway to make the changes that would turn this into something more worthwhile but its still kind of disappointing to see. I don't think the show is totally without redeeming qualities - I liked a few of the characters (like the Class President) and Hatako's VA deserves major props. Plus as I said before, when Andou was actually a human being I thought strong conversations & interactions followed suit. Overall though, meh.

Bahamut Genesis END

Bro. Seeing the bros bro it up to bro the day was pretty sweet. I enjoyed the finale and overall enjoyed the show quite a bit. I felt the strongest aspects of the show were the main cast and that stayed consistent throughout the course of the show. It was a joy seeing Favaro, Kaiser and Rita live their lives, get into crazy situations and interact with each other. Amira was well utilized in the first half but I felt she got kind of sidelined near the end and I think that's unfortunate. More could have also been done with Jeanne and Azeal (mostly how their arcs concluded - they were great up until the finish line) but overall I think the characters were successes. There were a few dips but overall production values were excellent, especially the art direction - its a shame the series as a whole couldn't live up to the standard set by the movie-esque quality of the first episode (realities of TV production - how do they work).

I think the only real weakness of the show is that it didn't have the time/space to characterize much of the cast outside the main crew (which it did very well). Like most stories involving both mortals and gods (see many adaptations of Greek/Roman myths and stories) the non-human characters often served more as set pieces, back drops and plot movers than interesting cast members in their own right. As such, it was hard to be as enamored with their machinations, plots and their consequences as it would be for the main cast. Without more time to build up a larger reservoir of "adventure of the week" or flesh out some of the major players or antagonists - the larger "Save the World" plot and its influence on the larger narrative suffered.

In the end, this set out to be "Pirates of the Caribbean - The Anime" for all the good and bad that meant and it succeeded. An excellent main cast running through sweet set pieces within the context of an epic adventure with a main plot thread that could have been conceived a bit better. I felt there had been a lack of quality fantasy anime and this hit the spot. Would recommend, especially to more lapsed anime/non-anime fans and I think this would make a fine Toonami show.


Can't wait for the ten-years-later sequel where Tarou is about to direct his first anime. It'll be completely CG, and Ema will still be poor.


Catching up on old anime a good chunk of which are from this fall:

Log Horizon's 2nd Season is strong.

World Trigger is moving at a very fast pace and is the funniest anime on tv, IMHO.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis is another funny anime this season.

I'm lost in Grisaia no Kajitsu. Can someone spoil me about what this is because I'm still lost.
LOL at one of the girls being a marine.


Bad writing.

Bad animation.

Poorly-choreographed action.

Rape exploitation scenes.

Sounds like a bad show to me!

Even if I agreed with all four of those (I agree with some of it to be fair) thise factors do not directly imply that KLK is a bad show.

Treating anime (or entertainment in general really) like some sort of math problem is exactly the type of stupid nonsense I was talking about earlier.


I feel like some fate is gonna befall Tarou in the second season. There's some serious writers karma working against him.


I feel like some fate is gonna befall Tarou in the second season. There's some serious writers karma working against him.

Mizushima said Tarou is reflection when he young, Tarou already state he like to being director.

Tarou reaching the top ladder confirmed.
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - 12 END

This was a fantastic anime comedy. This show was everything I wanted FMP to be when I first started watching it and it delivered.

They went all out in this closing episode and I loved
that little bit in the credits where Chris Patton thought he was finished and Luci Christian had to remind him that he still had one more line to say.

I don't know what else I can even say about this show that'll do it justice. It's just so good.

I guess all I can say is; if you want a hilarious show that'll have you laughing from start to finish, then Fumoffu is for you! Just make sure you watch the dub.


Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - 12 END

This was a fantastic anime comedy. This show was everything I wanted FMP to be when I first started watching it and it delivered.

They went all out in this closing episode and I loved
that little bit in the credits where Chris Patton thought he was finished and Luci Christian had to remind him that he still had one more line to say.

I don't know what else I can even say about this show that'll do it justice. It's just so good.

I guess all I can say is; if you want a hilarious show that'll have you laughing from start to finish, then Fumoffu is for you! Just make sure you watch the dub.

AND THERE WILL NEVER BE MORE FMP EVER OF ANY SORT BECAUSE KYOANI IS A BUNCH OF TROLLS >.< ..................trolling me with freaking Amagi Park that I wanted to hate because of the Fumoffu trolling but I couldn't hate the show, it was too good. DAMN YOU Kyoani, damn you!



ronja 12-13


going from the woeful bahamut ending to this and its really jarring just how much better this show is in almost every way. power of good cg™ and goro together at last.


Inou Battle[11-12]-

The finale being Mirei oriented is glorious.
I'm left with an overall meh/fine feeling. The show was clearly meant to be a time waster for both the staff and audience and I think it somewhat succeeds at that. Trigger didn't set out to make this a masterpiece and so I can't really fault them much for not making some deep meaningful series or whatever.

I do think the series could have been vastly improved with a heavier emphasis either on the Fairy War or just the consequences of trying to live a normal life with superpowers. Instead the Fairy War element feels sort of half-assed and thrown in there to satisfy action nerds and possible setup for light novel arcs down the road. As it stands, no particular element of the narrative is compelling in of itself.
I did sorta like the characters, as there were a series of small moments and elements that help flesh them out and make them human. Tomoyo's light novel stuff is an interesting aspect about her and I wish that they had fleshed stuff like this out. What did not need delving into or emphasizing is all the romance stuff involving Jurai. I feel like the anime would have been much stronger if it just focused on a max of two instead of every girl going for Jurai's dick. Another male counterpart, and no not mysterious blonde, would have probably done wonders for the group dynamic.

There's not much to talk about with the visuals. Most of the show looks extremely generic although some of the animation style seemingly being fostered at Trigger did come through periodically. At times, the show does seem to have a heartbeat on a visual front but then it goes back to being dead. One serious area of disappointment is the background art in that it's a huge step back from prior works from the studio.
I almost want to say that much of the potential of the show was squandered but it really was never going to become much more than what it is. I feel like this could have been either a more 'fun' or introspective version of Haruhi, but instead feels half-assed all the way through.
D-Gray Man Episode 80-85 Spoilers!!!!!

These Noah twins who's memories are of bonds are fuckin hilarious.


My boy Krory going all out. &#128513;

Krory's fight with Jasdevi was awesome. Seeing Krory's hand cover in blood and using it as a weapon was splendid. Though that part where Krory was desperately wanting to reach the last bottle of Akuma blood. That was from Chomesuke before Jasdevi could reach it, to only lose it made me sad as fuck. That bottle was his only hope in defeating Jasdevi in order for his friends to move forward.


Bloody Krory such a bro! &#128514;

Damn the end to this fight was fuckin amazing. You see Krory talk to Eliade his love through his mind. She helps him realize that he should live for the sake of his friends whom he cherishes. Then Krory's innocence is formed through his blood which he uses to wipe the floor with Jasdevi. But damn first Kanda and now Krory, fuck whyyyyyyyyy &#128557;. Man it killed me when Krory layed there on the floor with the flower of Eliade after defeating Jasdevi. You just see him fall to his death as he's happy that he was able to stop Jasdevi so his friends could move forward. Fuck me, he died all out like a badass :(


I ship this so hard!!!! Allen and Lenalee FTW! &#128518;

We have Allen cheer up Lenalee, telling her he hasn't given up on Krory and Kanda making it back and she shouldn't too. Which gives her a boost in her faith. Sweet Jesus I need more scenes between Lenalee and Allen &#128522;. Anyways we have Lavi remark on Allen's new strength and that he has grown.


!!!!!!!????????!!!!Wut, did this just happen?

This twist, I really didn't see it coming from a mile away. Road you are one hell of a unpredictable character, yeah your awesome. It was hilarious seeing everyones reactions towards the kiss and Road's attachment towards Allen, soo good. Unfortunately we end up having Allen face off Tsuki while Lavi faces off Road. Lenalee and Choaji end up stuck in a box.


Poet Centuriate
Infinite Stratos 2: World Purge Hen OVA


jk, it's IS, it's total and complete smut

jesus christ they took the IS formula and cranked that shit to 11

anime is saved
and also simultaneously damned for crimes against humanity


Even if I agreed with all four of those (I agree with some of it to be fair) thise factors do not directly imply that KLK is a bad show.

Treating anime (or entertainment in general really) like some sort of math problem is exactly the type of stupid nonsense I was talking about earlier.

It's not a math problem. But if you have four glaring flaws, whatever else you do better transcendently amazing to overcome that.


Ronja the Robber's Daughter 1-2
This was pretty cool. Not familiar with the original book, but it seems like a fun kids adventure story. Plus seeing how its around 200 pages and this anime is going for 26 episodes there will be a lot of creative freedom to do whatever they want.

CG animations were surprisingly watchable. The faces had some expressions to them, the characters movement didn't stand out too much, and they blended well with the backgrounds and environments. This is basically everything that Knights of Sidonia wished it could be. At the very least it's good to know that the CG future isn't completely terrible.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Toradora Episode 22
I am experiencing alot of emotions right now, especially at the end.

Shit is so complicated right now.


What TV specials are there this year? anything worth watching for? I only know of Zestiria, should look good at least.


As much as I dislike KLK, I feel like it had something most shows don't knowadays. Flair and character.

How many shows really try to go for broke like that? That's something I have to applaud Imaishi for in that he really does give his works his all.

That's pretty much my viewpoint. You can tell they had fun making it, and those feelings came across to me. I love that he goes for broke and just gets it done.

Ace Attorney anime by Shaft when

Oh fuck, can you imagine the cuts?

Godot having a mug slide into his hand.
Slams the cup on the desk.
Watching a close up of the air splatter of the coffee glisten in the air.
Closeup of Godot making an outrageous refutation.
Godot does a headtilt.
Godot starts belittling Phoenix about something he's going to disprove.
Single frame cuts to all characters responding to his statement in shock in 3 colors only (representing their primary character color palette, Phoenix is a hair cutout, the judge his beard, Maya is her magatama).
Then cutting to the courtroom pan.

All in 20 seconds to 1 minutes.

I want this. I can see it in my mind. I'm going to dream of this.


I've never seen any Gundam. I remember Toonami pimping the fuck outta wing growing up.

It's a long and stupid show and watching it will destroy any nostalgia you have for it right now.

Toradora Episode 21
This episode
Holy shit

Better fights than in Parasyte.

Also (end spoilers don't read)
a lot of needlessly expended energy given that they both fold out like chumps.
Oh, I was expecting them to bring up that Sega is a third party now or something.
No, it's focused on Sega's hardware, not Sega's failure after that. There are some references, of course, though... but it's not the focus. I (and probably most people...) couldn't help thinking of that element of it anyway, though.

One odd thing about the series is that the characters' personalities really don't have much to do with what I'd think the consoles would be like, you know? I mean, Megadrive (Genesis) is the smart one, Saturn the sexy one, and Dreamcast the cute/hopeless one. They work great as they are, but certainly aren't what I'd have pictured those consoles to be like. I'm not sure if that's much like the way they think of the systems in Japan, there I know the Saturn was Sega's most successful system, but in the West, not so much (most obviously, the Genesis was a big hit here, she'd probably be the most prominent one!).

Here are my bad ideas:

Genesis -- The rich ojousama, perhaps? Or at least the group leader. I mean, the Genesis sold better in the US alone than the Saturn and Dreamcast managed to sell, worldwide, both COMBINED, after all. It was Sega's only truly successful console.

Saturn - Overlooked "failure" girl who actually has some pretty good games if you get to know her, perhaps? Maybe she'd work for the Megadrive character in the anime, then... but you probably do need "twin" things, like anime Saturn's two different colored eyes and twintails, to represent the two CPUs.

Dreamcast - Hmm, this is a tough one... the DC is so beloved among Sega fans and classic gamers, but Sony destroyed it so utterly... hmm. Need some ideas for this one. A poor idol with a handful of dedicated fans but no mainstream success or money, or something?

Which is strange considering how Neptunia goes anyway.
I have no idea what direction that franchise goes in, it's too atrociously garbage and awful for me to want to follow it.

Also, the IS OVA is genuinely good of course.
The IS2 OVA was genuinely good until Ichika started saving everyone, at which point it abruptly stopped being that. As I said in my long review, the worst of all was Russia, the way she went down was ludicrously unbelievable...

On that note, did you read my review of IS2 World Purge? If not, do so!

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - 12 END

This was a fantastic anime comedy. This show was everything I wanted FMP to be when I first started watching it and it delivered.

They went all out in this closing episode and I loved
that little bit in the credits where Chris Patton thought he was finished and Luci Christian had to remind him that he still had one more line to say.

I don't know what else I can even say about this show that'll do it justice. It's just so good.

I guess all I can say is; if you want a hilarious show that'll have you laughing from start to finish, then Fumoffu is for you! Just make sure you watch the dub.

It's too bad that the FMP series ended after two seasons. It'd have been nice to see more of it.

That is to say, the super dark, depressing, and stupid direction the series goes in starting in the third season and continuing in the LN/manga is terrible and a complete disaster that I'd rather say never happened.
AND THERE WILL NEVER BE MORE FMP EVER OF ANY SORT BECAUSE KYOANI IS A BUNCH OF TROLLS >.< ..................trolling me with freaking Amagi Park that I wanted to hate because of the Fumoffu trolling but I couldn't hate the show, it was too good. DAMN YOU Kyoani, damn you!

... How could people who liked Fumoffu, or the comedy/drama balance of the first season for that matter, actually want the anime series to return, considering what happens after TSR?

Infinite Stratos 2: World Purge Hen OVA


jk, it's IS, it's total and complete smut

jesus christ they took the IS formula and cranked that shit to 11

anime is saved
and also simultaneously damned for crimes against humanity
IS2: World Purge may not have been perfect -- and it was very definitely not, on any level -- but it sure was fun, yes? Yes, yes it was. :)

I'm curious who's going to end up with Milky Holmes TD.

Crunchyroll got the first season, Funi/NicoNico got the second, nobody got the third, so whoever gets TD is completely up in the air at this point. But I want somebody to get it, because Milky Holmes is still evolving.

Oh, nobody picked up S3? Well, sometimes, at least, the people who choose those things have good taste... even if I will never forgive whatever idiots decided that the Saki franchise should never get a Western release.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Toradora Episode 24
They finally admit their lo- wait wut hold on, we going a lil bit too fast here, wait hold up your gonna do what?

Your actually going through with it?

Ya'll actually did it?


uhhh.....Well they both have sorta realistic character flaws.

Minorin straight up giving them her life's savings is kinda jumping the gun by alot, especially in her position. Also Minorin ended up alone her love left her, her best friend also left her and the next time she is going to see them they're going to be married, this is kinda fucked up.

Also fucked up for me since I was rooting for them to hook up instead., well I still have one more episode, but it seems more like a recap but thats just the preview thing

Also ryuuji you piece of shit
talking to your mother like that, broke her damn heart.
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