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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Why didnt you own it before?

Prior to joining this community I didn't really watch anime that regularly and it was more of a nostalgia remembering. Similar to how everybody still discusses DBZ heavily. Then I came here and y'all corrupted me to start watching anime heavily again, which came with buying blu-rays once I bought my PS4 last December.

I wasn't about to buy DVD's when blu-ray existed.


For a lot of us it feels like, if they knew the full story, they wouldn't be as harsh on it since a lot of the misconceptions come from Ufotable's decisions. So we try to fill in the blanks, but it's hard to replace what you actually see.

Like most people have a problem with Shirou because they try to relate to him and can't, so they're like "why is he doing that, what's he thinking?!" but the whole point of his character is that he's supposed to be someone nobody can relate to. It would be like trying to relate to Kotomine.

This is all spelled out a lot more when you have pages and pages and pages of text from his own point of view.

It's not the show itself that people are defending, since the show can have its own flaws as a portrayal. It's that these flaws are then assumed to be the fault of the source material.

Also a lot of the criticisms ignore any subtext and just act like if it's not spelled out via exposition that it doesn't exist. FSN Is a kind of show that likes to drop hints and let the audience figure it out for themselves. Personally, I enjoy that type of thing because it makes me focus on the show more (more replay value), and feel smart for connecting the dots. But you probably wouldn't like that if you want everything to be up front. I enjoy both types.
God I wish I can type on desktop.. you so full of shit sir, sorry. But your attitude gonna paint you and others fan in bad paint.
I'm fans of FSN and Type-moon in general and I'n not gonna pretend FSN is deep shit.

But I do annoyed even for as thin the title is aleady is some of complaint is just misinterprrtaton from their own and delivered as valid critic that also dumb.

I wish can type more.. but phone posting is pain.
As posted in the OT

Digimon y'all


I'm glad to see that somebody on the first page is with me and hopes that Sora x Matt isn't canon anymore.
I have some misgivings about how the digimon may look but I'm ok wan the, human, character designs so far.

Even if there is a bit sameface.

Yeah I hope the differences are more noticeable in the final product

I think the only way for that to happen is for Matt to mistake Kari for Sora

Then it goes from guy who represents friendship ending up with best friend's childhood sweetheart to NTR'ing his little bro.
No matter who loses, Matt wins.


Akame ga Kill - Well...the show did go right off the rails in the final third. As for the last episode, well there was some elements that I liked and some were inevitable given the shows premise. Makes me wonder how the manga will play out. Will it spin its wheels and keep introducing new teams for the main characters to kill? Or will it do something interesting. Hopefully it avoids the silliness of mechs.
I have some misgivings about how the digimon may look but I'm ok wan the, human, character designs so far.

What the fuck am I reading

Then it goes from guy who represents friendship ending up with best friend's childhood sweetheart to NTR'ing his little bro.
No matter who loses, Matt wins.

I'm pretty sure even in the Timeskip ending, TK didn't end up with his childhood sweetheart
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence

Dog is best girl? Certainly the best animated living entity in the movie!

This show is a visual rollercoaster, even if one with a very high average level. A lot of the CGI was actually really well done, especially as far as environments (often doodads) go and what opportunities that offered for camera movements. A bunch of impressive stuff.

Then there were times where it clashed somewhat with the hand-drawn material or felt somewhat off by itself but actually managed to create a rather surreal and interesting vibe. The store sequence being the best example (especially with the juxtaposition to the hand-drawn at the end of it).

Where it however falls flat is the characters in general. Not only did they lack the detail found elsewhere but the animation felt off and the framerate was messed up on top of it. That even looked bad on the puppet characters, ones where you'd hope it may work because you'd actually want some uncanny valley.

Otherwise I don't wanna say much to the film just yet. Kinda wanna go back and watch the first GitS movie again, which isn't actually a favorite of mine as I couldn't care much for the story of it (same for this). But that was a couple years back and if nothing else its worth it for the insane animation quality.
Fate Stay Night UBW - 10

Yes, let's leave Archer home when we're going to confront what could be another Master. Alas, it turned out to be yet you still don't call for him, even if it may very well cost you your life? All because you don't want him to meet Caster? Riiiiiiiiin...
Boxer-kun was a fresh breath of air, never underestimate someone. He kinda reminded me of Scar from FMA. Emiya summoning those weapons was cool.
About to blast your opponent with your handlaser? Nah, withdraw Caster. Why? Because that's enough, that's why apparently. Stop retreating all the time! At this point I'm pondering dropping this and just look up the fights on youtube or something, though I've made it this far..
Fuck it I'll join too.

Sabre you are no longer just a poster living his life normally, going on a day to day basis like there wasn't a more important mission out there. You have been chosen. Like Keanu Reeves, you are now


The Wan
What happens when you make bets on the internet with people who should be locked in an insane asylum.

A bit difficult to read, but I could understand this

People care about digimon? Isn't that like caring about Gobots?

What the fuck is a Gobot?

Fuck it I'll join too.

Sabre you are no longer just a poster living his life normally, going on a day to day basis like there wasn't a more important mission out there. You have been chosen. Like Keanu Reeves, you are now

[B]The Wan[/B][/QUOTE]

Chaika Avenging Battle 10 - END

What a mess. This felt incredibly rushed every scene. When the girl gun
picked Chaika over Gaz
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. For the amount of ground they retread over the season they could have trimmed the fat and made a much more comprehensible plot. It would still be boring as hell but much more intelligible.

Series Impressions
Chaika's first season was an average yet entertaining series. Yes the setting was generic and the plot was boring but the battle scenes were entertaining and the characters, while not the greatest, were likeable in their own ways. It had that air of mystery which is a good hook to keep people watching. By the end however it seems the writers couldn't figure out a way to resolve it in any interesting way possible.

The plot twists can be seen a mile away and all of the characters are too thick to see it even when it's presented to their faces.
What exactly was the point of that island?
They were given the answers and chose to ignore them.

I can't recommend this series, it is such a dull watch. If you want to see cute girls collect dead things I guess this would be right up your alley.
Is the manga of Akame ga Kill! worth reading then? I can't tell if the show is bad, or if the adaption of the source material is just bad.

Well I wouldn't say it was good but it can be entertaining and for some reason I have become invested in it (I blame mangagaf)

People have forgotten what kind of show WIXOSS really is.


Dog Girl December can now commence.

If only it was monster girl december~
I understand that Japanese writing and sounds are somewhat limited with the syllabic Kana, but still... "wan"?!? (Kanji wouldn't help here either I assume?)

But I guess if you repeat it extremely quickly it sounds somewhat close to barking.
I understand that Japanese writing and sounds are somewhat limited with the syllabic Kana, but still... "wan"?!? (Kanji wouldn't help here either I assume?)

But I guess if you repeat it extremely quickly it sounds somewhat close to barking.

Well, little dogs kind of sound like they are making a wan sound.
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