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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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The writing in Another is objectively terrible. Like, nothing about the story makes any sense whatsoever, and all of the characters are in a permanent state of holding the idiot ball.

Thank goodness Mizushima had the sense to direct it the way it deserved.

Yeah, you've said that multiple times. At no point was I taken out of the moment outside of the shitty water CG. Shoddy character choices did not bother me as I did not feel they were that out of the ordinary when faced with such an awful and pretty much impossible to combat situation. My biggest issue was the undermining of the deaths and the lack of any police presence, but irresponsible cops are usually not enough to break my suspension of disbelief, especially when faced with supernatural phenomena that would logically be explained away as accidents (even if multiple investigations WOULD be carried out in reality).

That's just me though. I've read a lot of the criticism and understand it completely. I just don't entirely agree with it.


It's (Shinobu) time again.


I don't necessarily disagree with your first point but you REALLY love to drive home "All AnimeGAF wants is Cowboy Bebop clones" point don't you Maybe you aren't actually looking for nuanced discussion but it certainly is going to be hard to find if you insist on such generalizations :p

But Cowboy Bebop is overrated. :p


It's only a 4-hr drive on the interstate from warehouse to meeeeee.

Plus Chicago mail services have a ton of people working because of it being a major commerce hub, so win-win for me. And I always order everything piecemeal with free shipping!

I wonder if they might be grouping my orders together and that is holding up stuff.


I wonder if they might be grouping my orders together and that is holding up stuff.

It's likely. Even the stuff I bought with the Holiday sale I grouped accoring to if it said it was ready for shipping or had to be ordered first. So I got one half now, but the other half isn't till next month sometime. I know I wouldn't have gotten my stuff today if I grouped it all together.

Edit: FYI Log Horizon vol. 2 just shipped for me too.


It's only a 4-hr drive on the interstate from warehouse to meeeeee.

Plus Chicago mail services have a ton of people working because of it being a major commerce hub, so win-win for me. And I always order everything piecemeal with free shipping!

All my orders need to be >250USD to get free shipping...

Rebel Leader

Aldnoah Zero 12 [END]

Goddamn I was half expecting the princess to die but Inaho too? That's some crazy shit. I knew I would hate Slaine by the end of this season. I guess he is going to be the main character for the second cour.

The show was good, not great, and was entertaining enough. Really loved the battle animations and music. Some of the characters were pretty annoying...(Inaho's constant genius and Rayet) but its okay.

I'll watch S2.

Please tell me you are on team


It's likely. Even the stuff I bought with the Holiday sale I grouped accoring to if it said it was ready for shipping or had to be ordered first. So I got one half now, but the other half isn't till next month sometime. I know I wouldn't have gotten my stuff today if I grouped it all together.

Edit: FYI Log Horizon vol. 2 just shipped for me too.

Yeah I think that its all held up because I ordered with Sailor moon vol 2. I might have to ask them to ship separately
Mushishi 12

We finally get some back story of how Ginko became a Mushishi. The selfishness of that other Mushishi to see her family who she knows is lost has led others to be cursed. With the power to banish evil it becomes your duty to complete it no matter what you might lose.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't know why she hangs out with those other losers, she does not need them to be successful.
Because she wants to be around the producer.

I still might do an im@s movie write up. I dunno, I didn't see much else on it.
anyone else surprised at how good the Psycho Pass movie looks.

Going to finish watching S1 just to see this movie. I also heard S2 is pretty irrelevant and disappointing. Is this true?


Maturity, bitches.
anyone else surprised at how good the Psycho Pass movie looks.

Going to finish watching S1 just to see this movie. I also heard S2 is pretty irrelevant and disappointing. Is this true?

S2 is only disappointing if you like certain characters from S1.

If you are a correct individual and like GAF's waifu Akane then you'll love S2!
S2 is only disappointing if you like certain characters from S1.

If you are a correct individual and like GAF's waifu Akane then you'll love S2!

I've only watched 6 episodes of S1 but from that I would say my favourite characters were Kogami, Akane and the old guy.


What a discussion I sparked, makes me feel powerful.
"Why people subject themselves to trash instead watching blahblablah"
Mushishi is really really good but don't hate on other people's anime interests.
Don't get why people like to be anime elitists, some people just like watching shows that are dumb fun.
Shit, I loved Ping-Pong, and I loved Kill la Kill. You can like different types of anime, there's no need to shit on other people's taste in things.

You misunderstood me. I didn't mean to hate on anyone's taste. I just got the feeling many anigaffers watch shows they know are, or are considered to be, trashy/mediocre. It's mostly the mainstream and modern infamous stuff too, like SAO and AZ. That makes me assume some people here know little about and/or have little interest in older or more obscure titles, which would be a shame.

If one wishes to be a passive and indiscriminate consumer of media, that is of course their perogative. And most everyone likes to engage in mindless fun now and then. But that doesn't change the fact that there are standards of good and bad, standards by which you can judge works independent of individual taste. It's good to be able to recognize those and have some critical engagement with what you watch - in the end, as long as you don't go overboard, I think it leads to a richer viewing experience if you are able to determine why something does or doesn't work.
Standards are malleable precisely because they're connected to individual tastes. There's a difference between indiscriminately loving everything and enjoying things agreed to be "lowest common denominator dreck" while disliking more well-made stuff. Some aspects that may be considered negative by the wider audience could be positive for the individual, and vice versa. Life's too short to put a ton of effort into understanding why you're supposedly "wrong" about your likes and dislikes.

Of course if you enjoy critically examining a work to the point of acknowledging all its flaws, then no one should be able to tell you that it's a waste of time. It's just when that view is pushed onto other people via spamming the same "this is why something is bad" gif over and over or vehemently arguing with fans of said work. People like what they like, which really shouldn't be a point of conflict when it comes to fiction IMO.

I think there are objective qualities to observe in any creative work. However the subjective appreciation of those qualities vary wildly, as they should. And some anime emphasize animation quality (Redline), others are more high-brow (Utena) and others rely more heavily on music and actor's performances (Giant Robo). Every work should be evaluated on its own merits instead of some generic "Animation, Music, Story, Characters" metric.

Can't we all just go back to calling each others anime shit and knowing we aren't completely serious?
I'm always completely serious when I call your favorite anime shit.

I loved Attack on Titan, so my taste is the shittiest of all except you're taste.

I'm not even looking forward to catching up with my backlog. *sigh*

If you're catching up on your backlog you're likely doing it wrong.


I understand hating miki because not everyone can liking someone with drive of success but fuck is wrong with Hibiki?
He tomboy and nature loving.. you hate green?

Hibiki somehow managed to have the single worst episode of the iM@S TV anime devoted to her, despite it featuring a HAMSTER PIMP-SLAP. I don't even know how that is possible!


Actually the hate is because she is selfish and horrible to others.

Also they retconned her short brown hair.
Like I said "drive of success"

You think Michael Jordan is friendly person?

Get real breh
Hibiki somehow managed to have the single worst episode of the iM@S TV anime devoted to her, despite it featuring a HAMSTER PIMP-SLAP. I don't even know how that is possible!
I likey that eps :(

How that episode worse than "fall off from stage" anyway.
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