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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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So with Ai Tenchi winding up I'm feeling I need to dig more into tenchi (I've mostly just seen Geminar (which I loved), GXP (which I was fine with overall), Tenchi in Love (which I bailed on partway thru)).

For someone who is pretty sensitive to old stuff ( I found even GXP old fashioned) what should I try/avoid.


It's one of the best shows to come along in years. Don't let people dissuade you when they whine about the rotoscoping either.

For me it was the tone/story more than the rotoscoping that turned me off. Though I do wonder why they didn't just put out the live action they filed as that.


Kid gets caught doing something indecent and is more or less blackmailed by another girl which starts a downward spiral in his life.

I picked up the manga just recently to see how it continues from the point the anime left off. The show is incredible and I think the visual style the anime uses is more effective than that used for the original. There's more than half the story to tell after the events of the anime, but I unfortunately doubt that there will ever be more of it. What is there, however, is brilliant.


For me it was the tone/story more than the rotoscoping that turned me off. Though I do wonder why they didn't just put out the live action they filed as that.

Both valid points as it is really dark and as for the second point? That leads to all sorts of questions. I'm wondering if the actors had different VAs and that mattered.
So with Ai Tenchi winding up I'm feeling I need to dig more into tenchi (I've mostly just seen Geminar (which I loved), GXP (which I was fine with overall), Tenchi in Love (which I bailed on partway thru)).

For someone who is pretty sensitive to old stuff ( I found even GXP old fashioned) what should I try/avoid.

Let's do the run down shall we:

OVA series 1 & 2 (A.K.A episodes 1-13): Pretty good
Universe: Great. This is the one Tenchi show you should definitely try.
Tenchi in Tokyo: Boring/Mediocre, I'd pass on this one
The movies: None of them are that great. It has it's moments but otherwise pass.
Pretty Sammy: A whole different can of worms compared to the rest of the franchise. I'd hold off on this until after you watch a bit of the franchise
OVA 3 (14-20): It sucks, don't watch it.


Both valid points as it is really dark and as for the second point? That leads to all sorts of questions. I'm wondering if the actors had different VAs and that mattered.

I do believe that the actors for the motion capture and the voice actors were different people. That said, the rotoscoping for me was part of the mood of the series. It lent everything an extra layer to the fucked up nature of the proceedings. Like, something otherworldly yet recognizable. It was disturbing, but given what the show is, it added to the series for me, rather than detracted from it.

It was actually kind of disappointing to finally get to the manga and see it has a rather orthodox style. Though maybe I shouldn't have been surprised since it's recognizable as the same style as Boku wa Mari no Naka, his ongoing series that I ran into first before the Aku no Hana anime had aired. (It's just as fucked up if not more. Author has some issues.)


I do believe that the actors for the motion capture and the voice actors were different people. That said, the rotoscoping for me was part of the mood of the series. It lent everything an extra layer to the fucked up nature of the proceedings. Like, something otherworldly yet recognizable. It was disturbing, but given what the show is, it added to the series for me, rather than detracted from it.

One thing that isn't brought up enough is how well body language is conveyed via the rotoscoping. That goes a long way in presenting the characters and their tribulations, I think.


Both valid points as it is really dark and as for the second point? That leads to all sorts of questions. I'm wondering if the actors had different VAs and that mattered.

Never thought of that. I figured the filmed actors were the people who voiced it.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero 12 END

So this show has finally reached its end. Before watching I figured that this could only end two ways; a bad ending where every or most of the cast dies, or a bittersweet ending where someone has to make a sacrifice to save the others. I was
partially correct on the second guess, in that Yuna pushes herself past her limits in order to destroy the Sun Vertex. Even after we learn that the rest of the cast has regained the use of all their missing functionality, I still expected the show to end with Yuna in a vegetative state, maybe ending the last scene with her twitching a finger or giving some kind of indication that she may be able to come back but they ended up curing her of her injuries as well.

I can't really say that I'm unhappy about this outcome. I understand that some people are taking the ending as kind of a stretch given how bleak the situation has looked leading up to this last episode. At the same time I don't think a show HAS to go with any particular ending based on some of the previous themes that were introduced. More that an ending is likely going to be focused around whatever theme the creators want to champion the most. In this case it feels like they wanted to push the willpower angle, how that can be a great catalyst for change, accomplishing goals and overcoming great adversity.

One particular thing to note is that the ending also seemed like it was setting up for another story in the same universe. Karin wonders about how their successors will do when she's talking to Fu on the hill. And the last scene in the episode is a background with something like "Yuki Yuna Chapter END" at the bottom, indicating that this is just one part of the story.

Those of you who enjoyed Yuki Yuna might want to check out Senki Zessho Symphogear. It's another Mahou Shoujo that I've mentioned before that combines some aspects of Macross, TTGL and Nanoha. Despite some quality issues (better in S2) it has plenty of hot blooded moments and overall is a pretty enjoyable ride. Hearing Madoka's voice actor in a hot blooded role also makes for a somewhat surreal experience.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Merry Christmas Zel

Rewatching From The New World with my little brother. I loved it the first time but I have a bigger appreciation of it now as I rewatch it, especially knowing stuff that happened later on.

Still love the info dump episode 4. But man what the fuck happened during episode 5? Did they outsource it elsewhere or something? Its absolutely horrendous lol


Rewatching From The New World with my little brother. I loved it the first time but I have a bigger appreciation of it now as I rewatch it, especially knowing stuff that happened later on.

Still love the info dump episode 4. But man what the fuck happened during episode 5? Did they outsource it elsewhere or something? Its absolutely horrendous lol

Directed by yamauchi of casshern sins fame. (.also did 10th episode)


Rewatching From The New World with my little brother. I loved it the first time but I have a bigger appreciation of it now as I rewatch it, especially knowing stuff that happened later on.

Still love the info dump episode 4. But man what the fuck happened during episode 5? Did they outsource it elsewhere or something? Its absolutely horrendous lol

Directed by yamauchi of casshern sins fame. (.also did 10th episode)

Yep. He has some specific visual preferences that can be jarring to those who don't know.
Parasyste - 12

Hmm I actually liked how this episode provided some justification for Kana's obsession with Shinichi, or pushed the idea further along. Due to her unique (? wonder if her skill will be mentioned again) sensing ability she's also feeling unnaturally strongly attracted to Shinichi and is 'legitimately obsessed' with him and simply doesn't care for anything else (incl. taking huge risks).

Now, even if justified her actions on their own are still undoubtedly awful and I vastly prefer moving your plot among not by this kind of stupidity but rather well thought out, more natural ways. It's not even because real people would be supposedly all smart, obviously not, it's just that it's not particularly interesting to see stuff happen because people fail stupidly and can feel like weaker writing. So I tend to prefer 'very stupid fuck-ups' situations to be written very well or not at all.

Still, Kana having an unhealthy but somewhat explained obsession with Shinichi shines this the last bunch of episodes in a better light to me. Now I just pray to god that they don't introduce further idiot-balling female characters...

Overall I quite liked the episode and wasn't actually expecting Kana to die because her ability and involvement this far seemed to imply to me that she'd continue to be of importance, but alas I was wrong. Shinichi taking out the parasite was effing great. Those are short, badass moments just the way I like it. It's just so neat seeing how well Shinichi disposes of a normal parasite when he appears to be in the right mindset.

Police getting more curious about his involvement is not only logical but will be interesting going forward.
Parasyte - 12

Yeah the moment he told her the truth I didn't expect her to live that long. I just didn't think it'd be this short lived. What was with that spore signal? I hope the source/story of her psychic 'power' doesn't go under the rug now.
I think it could've been interesting to see her later blackmail Shinichi away from Murano, and eventually Migi getting tired enough and deciding to make an end to her. Aswell as seeing how Shinichi maybe would've wagered the options and getting influenced more and more by Migi, and so doing it himself.
I wish they could've showed that questioning with the police, or atleast have something of it in the next episode. The ending with Shinichi just taking the hits and then ED soundtrack kicks in was powerful and well done.


Rewatching From The New World with my little brother. I loved it the first time but I have a bigger appreciation of it now as I rewatch it, especially knowing stuff that happened later on.

Still love the info dump episode 4. But man what the fuck happened during episode 5? Did they outsource it elsewhere or something? Its absolutely horrendous lol

Rewatching it really does allow you to catch things that hinted at how the story would go and what was going on. It is these kinds of shows that are really enjoyable to rewatch.
That episode in particular was pretty rough.
Im glad it was an anomaly. Also at one point a character was bouncing quite hilariously.


Is Attack on Titan 'completed'? Does it end in a cliffhanger? I know they announced a season 2 for 2016. I only watch stuff that is finished.


A lot is left unresolved even if the main plot threads of the tv show were concluded.
The manga is still ongoing without an end in sight, so it is nowhere near finished.
Thanks. Will pass then (for the mean time). A friend showed me episode 1 when it was fairly new and I found the setting to be beyond stupid, so no real urge to see it anyway. Wanted to see what all the fuzz was about tho. Anyway, I can wait and see if it becomes a milked cow or not (like Naruto and One Piece). Won't bother then anyway.
Rewatching it really does allow you to catch things that hinted at how the story would go and what was going on. It is these kinds of shows that are really enjoyable to rewatch.
That episode in particular was pretty rough.
Im glad it was an anomaly. Also at one point a character was bouncing quite hilariously.

Yeah absolutely. I probably wasnt paying attention in my first watch but
the monk's Death of Shame after wiping out all those Queerats was a massive foreshadowing for the reveal in the ending.
So many weird animation moments on that ep too. Like when
the rat ate the bomb egg thing, I didnt know if it blew up or not
. I heard the explosion but nothing happened animation wise. It was just so awkward and hilarious.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 12 END

I....I don't know what to say. Madoka Magica spoilers below, by the way.

I liked this show. A lot. It was hot blooded, it had action, magical girls being awesome, some REALLY strong emotional scenes too (seriously, those were really well done), etc. Like, I found it to be a good watch.

But while I'm all for happy endings, this happy ending feels really forced. I mean...they beat the boss...and suddenly everything's okay. They got enough data and had their status as heroes revoked. So now they don't have to worry about attacks anymore and every physical ability that they lost comes back.

Uhh....yeah okay. But what about the lost memories? Do they come back? Is Togo going to get her memories of herself as "Washi" back too?

Yeah, I'm not going to lie. This ending...isn't exactly well written. It really feels like a deus ex machina. Going back to Madoka, let me explain why its ending was brilliant.

In Madoka, there was compromise. The ending there wasn't entirely in the sad or happy zone. It was in the middle. Madoka sacrifices her existence to change the horrible fate of magical girls everywhere, in turn making her into the essence of "hope" itself, where every magical girl will one day be with her.

In here, it's entirely in the happy zone, and sadly, I think giving the way the final act of this show was written, it kinda felt unavoidable. I mean, it was established that they were immortal and doomed to fight until they became lifeless, immobile shells. It was also established that their world was a little circle surrounded by a wall where millions of titans Vertex were coming in, which caused them to fight endlessly. There was no time for someone to come up with a compromise, no way to make a wish or anything. So if they were going for a sad ending, it would be inconclusive, as nothing would have really changed at all. And if they were going for the happy ending, which they did, they'd have to have a few switches flipped to make everything all better after the final battle.

So despite how well I think the show handled itself up until this point, I think the writer kind of wrote himself into a corner here. That doesn't mean I now dislike the show! I just think the way the final act was structured is a pretty big flaw. Maybe if this show was double its length. Like, you could have the heroes of this arc fail and get the bad end, and then have a new generation of heroes find a way to fix the problem, thus earning everybody a happy end, maybe that could have been structured better.

But as the show is, it's kind of difficult for me to recommend this show to anyone now. I personally really liked it, but deus ex machina endings are kind of off-putting to many. But even so, there's much worse out there. All in all, Yuki Yuna is a Hero is pretty good. Show's ending could have been done a lot better, but the show was a fun ride for me nonetheless. Even if the show's happy ending was kind of forced, I'll accept it. The show hasn't been garbage all the way through for me to really hate it and call the entire show terrible because of its ending, anyway.

Well i understand your reasonning but you have to go all the way.
What happenned is that they beat the treat , and lost taisha guidance and the fairies.
It was a supposition that the fairy behavior was tied to the disabilities they got when they mankai , so it would make sense that if their link to the fairies is gone , they could RECOVER from their disabilities.( remember , after the big fight they just took their phones ) They most likely lost their immortality as a result of the fairy link being broken.

It's VERY VERY safe to assume that togo recovered her memories too , i mean even sodoko recovered ! ( Plus there is the Light novel epilogue that is between those 2 that indicate that they indeed recovered their lost memories ).
TRIVIA : Thing is : when togo fought the first time , they had the fairy system but they didn't know how to seal their ennemies ( that was discovered thanks to those battles ) Here the same thing happenned in the sense that thanks to the battle , something else will be used ( it's safe to assume by other potential heroes ).

About the ending: It's a good ending that the heroines deserved ... and there was a nice amount of WILLPOWER ..but we only got the girl side Point of view. You mention that there wasn't time for everyone to think of a solution and that's why there is no solution that solves the big problem. It's not like everything that happenned was for nothing ( on the contrary ) , it just wasn't a "world is saved" scenario.
As it stand at the end , the world is still under attack , the hero system is flawed but is changing ( for the better ? ) and the heroines are passing the torch to someone else.

I can't call that deus machina ending, everyone just forgot to consider that the taisha wasn't inherently evil and that freeing the girls could be possible under some circustances. Heck Who said that the disabilities were permanent ? All the mails they received told them that they could get better. It might have been a lie , but it wasn't something that wasn't said. The possibility was there.
So with Ai Tenchi winding up I'm feeling I need to dig more into tenchi (I've mostly just seen Geminar (which I loved), GXP (which I was fine with overall), Tenchi in Love (which I bailed on partway thru)).

For someone who is pretty sensitive to old stuff ( I found even GXP old fashioned) what should I try/avoid.

Let's do the run down shall we:

OVA series 1 & 2 (A.K.A episodes 1-13): Pretty good
Universe: Great. This is the one Tenchi show you should definitely try.
Tenchi in Tokyo: Boring/Mediocre, I'd pass on this one
The movies: None of them are that great. It has it's moments but otherwise pass.
Pretty Sammy: A whole different can of worms compared to the rest of the franchise. I'd hold off on this until after you watch a bit of the franchise
OVA 3 (14-20): It sucks, don't watch it.
^^ that's one point of view but since you didn't hate GXp ( witch was good on his own terms ) , you will :

OVA series 1 & 2 (A.K.A episodes 1-13): Pretty good
Universe: Good in some episodes , bad in others , Ok on average.
Tenchi in Tokyo: Boring/Mediocre
The movies: None of them are that great. It has it's moments but otherwise pass.
Pretty Sammy: Watch it , asap , as long as you understand that's it's a spin off that goes off tangeant but stay fun all the way.
OVA 3 (14-20): You will probably like it. ( i liked it ) <contain the missing info between Oavs 1,2, GXP & Geminar > enjoyable if you pay attention.
Sasami club : Don't watch this.
I was just recently re-directed to this thread so I figure I'll just make my presence official and drop off fifteen respective recommendations for those lurking:
I haven't been too involved with anime/manga fandom in nearly a decade so I'm currently in the process of amassing a large backlog of stuff that I need to revisit/watch. I'm always open to recommendations! I'd list of what I'm currently considering, but I'm faintly afraid the post will be too ginormous.
Thanks. Will pass then (for the mean time). A friend showed me episode 1 when it was fairly new and I found the setting to be beyond stupid, so no real urge to see it anyway. Wanted to see what all the fuzz was about tho. Anyway, I can wait and see if it becomes a milked cow or not (like Naruto and One Piece). Won't bother then anyway.

It's already been milked, it has a live action movie and 3 Movies that are the same thing as the TV version just with added extra scenes.

So yeah it's being milked to it's fullest glory.


I was just recently re-directed to this thread so I figure I'll just make my presence official and drop off fifteen respective recommendations for those lurking:
I haven't been too involved with anime/manga fandom in nearly a decade so I'm currently in the process of amassing a large backlog of stuff that I need to revisit/watch. I'm always open to recommendations! I'd list of what I'm currently considering, but I'm faintly afraid the post will be too ginormous.
You could always look at the AOTY threads we have. The last two years specifically have been pretty good:
AOTY 2012
AOTY 2013

Hey guys, is flowers of evil any good? What's it about?
It's incredibly good, if a bit divisive.


Santa Company

Short and sweet. Could have done without the part with
fighting the evil orbs of light with a lazer gun
but in the end it was really good. Can't wait for my Blu-ray/DVD set.

Also, Rie Kugimiya voicing a boy? Is that a crime against nature?
Nah. She did a great job. I didn't think her voice go deep enough.

Heh, the voice actress for Mint is the VA for Lala in To Love Ru.
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