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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug

hey is nintendo's e3 event going to be actual pro smash, or some stupid ass 1v1v1v1 with items?

I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be the former. They mentioned tapping high-level competitors for the invitational, so hopefully they'll stick with a traditional format and ruleset.


tagged by Blackace
Realistically, I don't think you should expect the Smash invitational to turn items off. They are promoting the game of course. It's not like it does much harm either, if anything the game is more fun! And it's not like they're demoing the online mode.

Damn, the weather is bodying NLBC. Only 11 players for AE '12
AE on life support confirmed!


FChamp vs Yipes (team Nemo) set analysis.

Set 1 : FChamp uses Magneto/Dormammu/Doom

The set went as expected based upon the match up on paper. Without a Beam to counter Bolts call, as FChamp was using Hidden Missiles, Yipes was free to rush Magneto down with his own Bolts. If Bolts made FChamp block then Yipes was in on that ass in less than a second making him block two overheads in a row. He also did a good job of evading the Missiles. When Dormammu comes in he is at a disadvantage and Yipes again rushed him down with impunity. All of the characters on Yipes team have good match ups against Dorm and Doom which means that when Magneto went down it was normally a win for Yipes. Of course despite the match up difference FChamp still played well enough with Dorm and rushed down when appropriate... in fact most of the time he was rushing down with Dorm. First set was pretty close... great movement and evasion all around from both players. Yipes could've won more games if he didn't run straight into normals or Magnetic Blasts so often as well as if he completed his combos more often. It was a constant battle of chasing each other trying to catch each others plink dash with throws or sliding to catch the back dashes... really impressive play.

One thing that FChamp was doing a lot was tiger knee EMD. This was to both punish the Bolts assist and shut down box dash j.H offense of Nova. This the type of anti Nemo strat he has been practicing for the MM so keep an eye out for it.

Set 2: FChamp uses Magneto/Doom/Phoenix

FChamp dominated this set. Even in the previous set it was pretty clear that Yipes while an excellent player wasn't too fine tuned with the team. When before the match up worked in his favor he could afford to drop combos, take some risks and lose some games to eventually win the set but here the match up was more even but it was a specialist versus someone who was more of a jack of all trades. FChamp wasn't afraid to burn meter to kill Nova as he knew that it was Nova who posed the biggest threat (along with Spencer due to the anti Phoenix tech). FChamp was also doing a good job of whiff punishing and then confirming with Magneto's cr.M at pretty far distances. The Plasma Beam gave FChamp the defensive and offensive tool to win the point war against Nova + Bolts with Magneto. Defensively he was able to call Plasma Beam on Nova's pressure and it would hit him resulting in a free combo for Magneto. With the Plasma Beam he was also able to do the full screen combo which was EMD, Plasma Beam into EMD which worked as a good punish against Bolts and Nova. FChamp got a lot of mileage out of this 1-2 combo. When Phoenix was in FChamp made sure that Spencer died and always X factored to kill him straight up even when it was just Phoenix with Doom at the back or Phoenix with 5 bars already... this was to avoid the anti Phoenix tech with Spencer.

I feel like Yipes did poorly in the first half of the set because he was getting used to playing against a Phoenix team and the Plasma Beam after playing against a Hidden Missiles team for almost 50 games. By the time he adjusted FChamp had a huge lead on him (like 24-15). I feel like if they played this match up again it would be closer even though 25-18 is still a solid showing.

Random thoughts from both sets:

*Yipes did a really good job of spacing Strange and playing defensively with Impact Palm. He got FChamp with that Impact Palm many times. He was also using a wide array of Strange's tools pretty well.

I am also 90% sure that Yipes is using a back plink dash plus Impact Palm option select. There were times where Yipes punished characters with Impact Palm just as they appeared behind him (like in a match against Phoenix where she teleported right into a reverse Impact Palm).

*Yipes wasn't going for the crumple stun on Hidden Missiles with Nova as much as Nemo was. This is probably not going to be much of a factor in the MM because FChamp will probably not use Missiles anyway.

*Yipes also did something interesting to get in with Nova which was Bolt call plus tiger knee Rocket Punch. If he did it right it was a free in and was a safer approach than the standard box j.H approach.

*Yipes has incorporated in many of Nemo's mix ups but none of his more recent ones. He's still playing catch up where as Nemo is still ahead with the team. I feel like FChamp will get hit by those mix ups that he hasn't experienced playing against Yipes' team Nemo.

Long preview of the MM between Nemo and FChamp coming soon. It will be the definitive pool of information if anyone is interested in side bets.

mr. puppy

dahbomb gonna read that in a bit, but wasn't it like early in the morning and they were drunk? not sure how much you can take away.


? Apologyman money matching Nemo as well?
Yes although it's not really a money match (more like an "exhibition").

I kinda like Apologyman too in the match up. Nemo's characters don't have good options against the unblockable set ups. Firebrand wins against Nova in the match up (can get in close and has higher priority normals at close range as well as being faster) and he can shutdown Bolts call with Fireballs. Yipes was struggling hard in the match up, worse than when he was facing FChamp. He pretty much said that there is no way he would play team Nemo against Apologyman if it was a real set.

how strong would you say yipes' command of nova/strange/spencer is compared to nemo's?
I feel like they are both strong with the team in different ways. They both have excellent movement and rushdown with the team but Yipes has better defense with the team but Nemo has the "day walker" factor. That means that he will always do something that is not recommended in a situation and because the other person doesn't expect it they will get hit by it. Nemo loves to go for raw reads where as Yipes plays it a bit safer. They both have excellent reactions although I feel Nemo slightly edges out Yipes in that regard.

Nemo's tech with team Nemo is more advance than Yipes and his execution is way more on point. Yipes dropped many matches with team Nemo because he dropped a combo with Strange leading to his death.. that is bound to happen less against Nemo.


apologyman should switch to 3D fighters and change his handle to apolygonman IMO

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